23:57 |
Vince Gill, Ricky Skaggs, Patti Loveless - Go Rest High on That Mountain
23:53 |
John Michael Talbot - One Faith
23:49 |
Michael Card - Immanuel
23:43 |
Cynthia Clawson
23:42 |
Word of Promise Audio Bible
23:35 |
David Ruis - I Will Go
23:30 |
Michael Card - Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners
23:11 |
Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
23:06 |
Songs of the Vineyard - Father Me
23:02 |
Michael Card - Softly and Tenderly
22:59 |
Aimee Herd - Scripture - Psalm 84
22:51 |
Kari Jobe - Always Enough
22:44 |
Julie Meyer - You Will Be Free
22:38 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Waiting - Delight
22:31 |
David Ruis - I Will Go
22:26 |
Julie Meyer - You Satisfy
22:21 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Your Heart
22:17 |
Keith Green - Pledge My Head To Heaven
22:14 |
Bonnie Casey & Take Three - 2 Corinthians 4
22:11 |
Cynthia Clawson - Angel Band
22:07 |
John Michael Talbot - One Faith
22:04 |
2nd Chapter of Acts - Prince Song
22:00 |
Keith Green - Trials Turned to Gold
21:59 |
Word of Promise Audio Bible
21:54 |
Acapella - Joy of My Desire & More Precious Than Silver (medley)
21:43 |
Alberto Rivera - Playing With Angels
21:38 |
Maranatha - Open Our Eyes
21:35 |
Acapella - Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
21:16 |
Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
21:14 |
Maranatha - Behold Bless Ye The Lord
21:11 |
Aimee Herd - Scripture - Psalm 84
21:08 |
Vineyard - You Are My Father
21:02 |
Brian Doerksen - Come, Now Is The Time To Worship
20:56 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Waiting - Delight
20:51 |
Don Francisco - He's Alive
20:46 |
Marty Goetz - Risen Again
20:40 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Your Heart
20:35 |
Paul Wilbur - A Resting Place
20:33 |
Cynthia Clawson - Angel Band
20:29 |
Alison Krauss - A Living Prayer
20:25 |
John Michael Talbot - One Faith
20:21 |
Keith Green - Trials Turned to Gold
20:14 |
Robin Mark - All is Well
20:02 |
Alberto Rivera - Playing With Angels
19:57 |
Terry Clark - Let's Worship
19:55 |
Debby Kerner - Behold I Stand ATThe Door and Knock
19:36 |
Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
19:33 |
Karla Worley - Be Still My Soul
19:29 |
Bill Gaither Trio - A Reading - Travels
19:21 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - The Journey - Resting Place
19:17 |
Vineyard - You Are My Father
19:12 |
Aaron Keyes - Blessing and Honor
19:07 |
Don Francisco - He's Alive
19:04 |
Glad - Easter Song
18:59 |
Bob Cull - Faithful One
18:54 |
Paul Wilbur - A Resting Place
18:47 |
Craig Smith - Sculptor Of My Heart
18:43 |
Bob Fitts - Lord I Will Bow To YOU
18:39 |
John Michael Talbot - One Faith
18:34 |
Songs of the Vineyard - Oh Lord, Have Mercy On Me
18:30 |
Bob Cull - I Belong To You
18:18 |
Alberto Rivera - Playing With Angels
18:17 |
Jason Upton - Poverty
18:16 |
Cynthia Clawson - Doxology
18:12 |
John Williams - Theme From Schindler's List
17:53 |
Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
17:50 |
Cynthia Clawson - O Worship The King
17:45 |
Songs of the Vineyard - Psalm 63
17:37 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - The Journey - Resting Place
17:32 |
Janny Grein - Forever
17:27 |
Don Francisco - He's Alive
17:23 |
Jeanne Rogers - Newness Of Life
17:19 |
Julie Meyer - Let Your Oil Flow
17:14 |
Maranatha - Praise The Name Of Jesus Praises
17:10 |
Andrew Peterson - Behold the Lamb of God
17:04 |
Paul Wilbur - A Resting Place
17:00 |
John Michael Talbot - One Faith
16:59 |
Fernando Ortega - Open My Lips
16:55 |
2nd Chapter of Acts - Mansion Builders
16:44 |
Alberto Rivera - Playing With Angels
16:39 |
Marty Goetz - Sanctuary
16:37 |
Aimee Herd - Scripture - God's Love
16:34 |
Michael Card - How Firm a Foundation
16:29 |
Craig Smith - Father Me
16:24 |
All The Poor And Powerless - All Sons & Daughters - Copy
16:21 |
John Michael Talbot - May I Never Boast
16:17 |
John Williams - Theme From Schindler's List
16:17 |
Aimee Herd - Scripture #2
16:10 |
Brian Doerksen - Creation Calls
16:05 |
Acapella - I Worship You, Almighty God / There Is None Like You
16:02 |
Alvin Slaughter - A Servant's Prayer
15:57 |
Songs of the Vineyard - Psalm 63
15:52 |
Hosanna! Music - All His Benefits
15:49 |
Alvin Slaughter - I Need Thee Every Hour
15:44 |
Don Francisco - He's Alive
15:41 |
Songs of the Vineyard - Devoted To You
15:37 |
Chris Tomlin - Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
15:32 |
Maranatha - Praise The Name Of Jesus Praises
15:27 |
Mark Condon - Worship The King
15:23 |
Michael W. Smith - Ancient words
15:18 |
John Michael Talbot - One Faith
15:08 |
Brenton Brown - Humble King
14:57 |
Alberto Rivera - Playing With Angels
14:56 |
2023 - 01-09 Mandy Contact Us - Copy (2) - Copy
14:53 |
Michael Card - How Firm a Foundation
14:46 |
Grace Singers - Some Trust In Chariots
14:43 |
John Michael Talbot - May I Never Boast
14:39 |
Cynthia Clawson - Blessed Assurance
14:34 |
Kathryn Scott - What A Child Is Meant To Be
14:27 |
Brian Doerksen - Creation Calls
14:23 |
Janny Grein - Your Love Is Pure Love
14:18 |
Songs of the Vineyard - Psalm 63
14:14 |
Keith Green - I Can't Wait To Get To Heaven
14:11 |
Michael Card - Only His Wounds
14:06 |
Don Francisco - He's Alive
14:03 |
Maranatha Singers - Draw Me Into Your Presence
14:00 |
2nd Chapter of Acts - Heaven Came To Earth
13:54 |
Songs of the Vineyard - By Your Side
13:50 |
Maranatha - Praise The Name Of Jesus Praises
13:44 |
Jenn Johnson - A Little Longer
13:40 |
Heritage Singers - I Know He Loves Me
13:36 |
John Michael Talbot - One Faith
13:29 |
Agnus Dei
13:17 |
Alberto Rivera - Playing With Angels
13:13 |
Keith Green - Trials Turned to Gold
13:09 |
Aimee Herd - Scripture #5
13:03 |
Grace Singers - Some Trust In Chariots
13:00 |
Michael Card - Why
12:56 |
Aimee Herd - Scripture - Psalm19
12:55 |
Word of Promise Audio Bible
12:50 |
Kathryn Scott - What A Child Is Meant To Be
12:45 |
Praise 2 Worship - All Who Are Thirsty
12:44 |
Paul Johnson Singers - Water To Wine
12:39 |
Songs of the Vineyard - Psalm 63
12:35 |
Anadara - Still
12:32 |
Debby Boone - The Lord Is So Good
12:27 |
Don Francisco - He's Alive
12:22 |
Andrew Peterson - Behold the Lamb of God
12:17 |
Aimee Herd - Scripture - Voiceover 1
12:11 |
Songs of the Vineyard - By Your Side
12:07 |
Andrew Peterson - Gather 'Round, Ye Children, Come
12:05 |
Cynthia Clawson - I Love You Lord
12:02 |
Marty Goetz - The Lord Is So Good
11:58 |
Christ For The Nations - Be Thou My Passion
11:55 |
Heritage Singers - I Know He Loves Me
11:49 |
Bill & Gloria Gaither - There's Something About That Name
11:44 |
Matt Redman - Blessed Be Your Name
11:32 |
Alberto Rivera - Playing With Angels
11:26 |
Grace Singers - Some Trust In Chariots
11:16 |
Jason Upton - Glory Come Down
11:14 |
Word of Promise Audio Bible
11:07 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Thank You
10:59 |
Kari Jobe - Always Enough
10:57 |
Paul Johnson Singers - Water To Wine
10:53 |
Bob Cull - Oh, Messiah
10:50 |
Debby Boone - The Lord Is So Good
10:44 |
Charlie Hall - Prepare the Way
10:42 |
Bob Fitts - Highest Place
10:36 |
Aimee Herd - Scripture - Voiceover 1
10:30 |
Vineyard - Father, I Want You To Hold Me
10:25 |
Sara Groves - Breath Of Heaven
10:23 |
Cynthia Clawson - I Love You Lord
10:19 |
Songs of the Vineyard - Go On Loving You
10:16 |
Janny Grein - By His Word
10:12 |
Heritage Singers - I Know He Loves Me
10:06 |
I Could Have Done More - Schi
10:03 |
Michael Card - On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand
09:58 |
Alleluia! Music - No Condemnation
09:55 |
Alison Krauss - In the Palm of Your Hand
09:52 |
Michael Card - All That Was Lost
09:40 |
Alberto Rivera - Playing With Angels
09:35 |
Jason Upton - Glory Come Down
09:30 |
Julie Meyer - In The Fountain
09:23 |
Kari Jobe - Always Enough
09:19 |
Love Song - Two Hands
09:16 |
Michael Card - Praise to the Lord
09:13 |
Matthew Ward - Bring Me To The Cross
09:10 |
Debby Boone - The Lord Is So Good
09:06 |
Unknown - A Place at your Altar
09:03 |
Bonnie Casey & Take Three - Today Is Another Day
08:59 |
Marty Goetz - More Than The Watchman
08:54 |
Aimee Herd - Scripture - Voiceover 1
08:50 |
Harlan Rogers & Smitty Price - Holy Holy Holy
08:49 |
Word of Promise Audio Bible
08:46 |
Rita Springer - All My Days
08:44 |
Cynthia Clawson - I Love You Lord
08:41 |
Marty Goetz - Ana Adonai
08:34 |
Lenny LeBlanc - All For Love
08:30 |
Heritage Singers - I Know He Loves Me
08:26 |
Jenn & Brian Johnson - I will bless Your name
08:21 |
Alleluia! Music - No Condemnation
08:18 |
Michael Card - O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
08:12 |
Maranatha - Isn't He
08:07 |
Alleluia! Music - Your Steadfast Love
07:55 |
Alberto Rivera - Playing With Angels
07:49 |
Songs of the Langley Vineyard - Song For The Bride
07:41 |
Kari Jobe - Always Enough
07:36 |
Bob Bennett - Praise Ye The Lord
07:33 |
Matthew Ward - Bring Me To The Cross
07:30 |
Benny Hester - Christ the Solid Rock
07:24 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Song For Emily
07:21 |
Bonnie Casey & Take Three - Today Is Another Day
07:17 |
Bob Bennett - My Redeemer Lives
07:12 |
Andrew Peterson - After the Last Tear Falls
07:09 |
Harlan Rogers & Smitty Price - Holy Holy Holy
07:05 |
Bob Cull - Whisper In My Ear
07:03 |
Cynthia Clawson - I Love You Lord
07:00 |
Laury Boone Browning - Mother's Prayer
06:54 |
Julie Meyer - All For Love
06:50 |
Andrew Peterson - Labor of Love
06:46 |
Heritage Singers - I Know He Loves Me
06:45 |
Aimee Herd - Scripture #3
06:42 |
Alison Krause - Down To The River To Pray
06:38 |
Maranatha Singers - Come As You Are
06:35 |
Michael Card - O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
06:26 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - The Journey - Resting Place
06:21 |
Don Francisco - He's Alive
06:21 |
Claudia Rutherford - To You I Lift Up My Eyes 6%
06:09 |
Alberto Rivera - Playing With Angels
06:04 |
Songs of the Vineyard - Alleluia, He Is Coming
06:00 |
Janny Grein - I Always Will Love You
05:56 |
Bob Bennett - Praise Ye The Lord
05:52 |
Christy Nockels - My Heart Your Home
05:46 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Song For Emily
05:41 |
Alleluia! Music - No Condemnation
05:38 |
Maranatha Singers - No Other Love
05:33 |
Andrew Peterson - After the Last Tear Falls
05:28 |
Harvest - Jehovah Is Our Deliverer
05:27 |
Aimee Herd - Scripture #1
05:24 |
Andrew Peterson - Holy is the Lord
05:22 |
Cynthia Clawson - I Love You Lord
05:19 |
Honeytree - I See The Lord
05:14 |
Andrew Peterson - Labor of Love
05:11 |
Nancy Honeytree - His Majesty Reigns
05:06 |
Dennis Jernigan - If I Could Just Sit With You Awhile
05:03 |
Alison Krause - Down To The River To Pray
05:00 |
Maranatha Strings - Commune With Me
04:55 |
Sara Groves - What Do I Know
04:52 |
Alberto Rivera - Behold
04:44 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - The Journey - Resting Place
04:40 |
Steven Curtis Chapman - Do They Know
04:36 |
Maranatha Singers - As The Mountains
04:24 |
Alberto Rivera - Playing With Angels
04:20 |
Songs of the Vineyard - Speak Now Jesus
04:15 |
Bob Bennett - Praise Ye The Lord
04:11 |
Janny Grein - Until You Come Again For Me
04:09 |
Vineyard Singers - All I Need Reprise
04:02 |
Brian Doerksen - Creation Calls
03:58 |
Alleluia! Music - No Condemnation
03:54 |
Harvest - Jehovah Is Our Deliverer
03:51 |
Bob Cull - The Shelter Of Your Presence
03:47 |
Benny Hester - Whoever Touches You
03:40 |
Robin Mark - All is Well
03:38 |
Cynthia Clawson - I Love You Lord
03:33 |
Love Song - Welcome Back
03:30 |
Nancy Honeytree - His Majesty Reigns
03:25 |
Vince Gill, Ricky Skaggs, Patti Loveless - Go Rest High on That Mountain
03:17 |
Hillsong - Chuck Girard - Isaiah 43
03:14 |
Maranatha Strings - Commune With Me
03:11 |
Cynthia Clawson - Angel Band
03:03 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - The Journey - Resting Place
02:57 |
I Could Have Done More - Schi
02:53 |
Michael Card - Softly and Tenderly
02:41 |
Alberto Rivera - Playing With Angels
02:36 |
Julie Meyer - After The Rain
02:32 |
Janny Grein - Until You Come Again For Me
02:21 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
02:16 |
Alleluia! Music - No Condemnation
02:12 |
Julie Meyer - You Satisfy
02:05 |
Robin Mark - All is Well
02:01 |
Benny Hester - Whoever Touches You
01:58 |
Bonnie Casey & Take Three - 2 Corinthians 4
01:53 |
Love Song - Welcome Back
01:49 |
Margaret Becker, Maire Brennan, Joanne Hogg - Like The Starlight
01:46 |
2nd Chapter of Acts - Prince Song
01:38 |
Hillsong - Chuck Girard - Isaiah 43
01:33 |
Twila Paris - Visitor From Heaven
01:28 |
Acapella - Joy of My Desire & More Precious Than Silver (medley)
01:20 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - The Journey - Resting Place
01:17 |
Michael Card - Praise to the Lord
01:12 |
Acapella - I Worship You, Almighty God / There Is None Like You
01:08 |
Audience of One - Ain't No Grave Gonna Hold My Body Down
01:07 |
Word of Promise Audio Bible - Micah 04 6-8
01:04 |
Acapella - Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
00:53 |
Alberto Rivera - Playing With Angels
00:48 |
Praise Band 9 - Faithful & True
00:37 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
00:31 |
Integrity - Yahweh Is Holy
00:24 |
Robin Mark - All is Well
00:18 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Waiting - Delight
00:13 |
Love Song - Welcome Back
00:09 |
Maranatha Singers - The Simplest Thought
00:03 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Your Heart