23:56 |
Jenn Johnson - I love your presence
23:46 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Deep - Shine
23:36 |
Barber's Adagio For Strings - Barber's Adagio For Strings
23:32 |
Hosanna Singers - There Is None Like You
23:27 |
All The Poor And Powerless - All Sons & Daughters - Copy
23:22 |
Barry McGuire - Dolphins
23:18 |
Nelons - Rest On Me
23:14 |
Chris Tomlin - Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
23:10 |
Aimee Herd - Scripture - Psalm19
23:09 |
Karla Worley - The Light Of The World Is Jesus
23:04 |
Michael W. Smith - Ancient words
22:54 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - I Worship You - Your Faithfulness
22:51 |
Michael Card - The Nazarene
22:48 |
Annie Herring - Interview And Testimony
22:38 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Deep - Shine
22:34 |
Amy Grant - There Will Never Be Another
22:31 |
Gloria Gaither - Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
22:30 |
Aimee Herd - Scripture #1
22:26 |
John Fischer - Lord Of The Dance
22:22 |
Michael Card - How Firm a Foundation
22:04 |
Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
22:02 |
Ennio Morricone - Falls
21:58 |
Michael Card - Only His Wounds
21:48 |
Barber's Adagio For Strings - Barber's Adagio For Strings
21:43 |
Barry McGuire - Dolphins
21:41 |
2nd Chapter of Acts - Heaven Came To Earth
21:38 |
Janny Grein - I Always Will Love You
21:33 |
Aimee Herd - Scripture - Psalm19
21:28 |
Jenn Johnson - A Little Longer
21:17 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - I Worship You - Your Faithfulness
21:13 |
Michael Card - Meditation #2
21:06 |
Agnus Dei
20:56 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Deep - Shine
20:53 |
Michael Card - I Will Bring You Home
20:52 |
Aimee Herd - Scripture #1
20:47 |
Lisa Bevill - Ride
20:42 |
Debby Boone - I Am Stone
20:37 |
Praise 2 Worship - All Who Are Thirsty
20:22 |
Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
20:16 |
Marty Goetz - Hallelujah
20:12 |
Anadara - Still
20:02 |
Barber's Adagio For Strings - Barber's Adagio For Strings
19:58 |
Hosanna Singers - There Is None Like You
19:53 |
Andrew Peterson - Behold the Lamb of God
19:50 |
Janny Grein - I Always Will Love You
19:45 |
Keith Green - Oh Lord, You're Beautiful
19:42 |
Andrew Peterson - Gather 'Round, Ye Children, Come
19:32 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - I Worship You - Your Faithfulness
19:28 |
Craig Smith - Father Me
19:24 |
Christ For The Nations - Be Thou My Passion
19:13 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Deep - Shine
19:09 |
Marty Goetz - More Than The Watchman
19:04 |
Shawn McDonald - Beautiful
18:59 |
Lisa Bevill - Ride
18:54 |
Benny Hester - When God Ran
18:50 |
Andrew Peterson - Behold the Lamb of God
18:31 |
Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
18:30 |
Michael Card - Barocha
18:20 |
Barber's Adagio For Strings - Barber's Adagio For Strings
18:15 |
Sara Groves - Breath Of Heaven
18:11 |
Janny Grein - I Always Will Love You
18:07 |
Benny Hester - Whoever Touches You
18:00 |
Twila Paris - Throne Room Suite
17:56 |
Kelly Willard - Thy Throne Oh God
17:52 |
Matt Redman - Blessed Be Your Name
17:41 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - I Worship You - Your Faithfulness
17:38 |
Cynthia Clawson - If We Never Meet Again
17:33 |
Laura Story - Blessings
17:23 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Deep - Shine
17:18 |
Lisa Bevill - Ride
17:13 |
Bob Cull - Oh, Messiah
17:09 |
Michael Card - Where Cross the Crowded Ways
17:03 |
Steve Green - Only Jesus / Calvary's Love
17:00 |
Bob Fitts - Highest Place
16:41 |
Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
16:41 |
Claudia Rutherford - To You I Lift Up My Eyes 6%
16:36 |
Sara Groves - Breath Of Heaven
16:32 |
Julie Meyer - Pen Of A Writer
16:28 |
Hosanna! Music - Your Steadfast Love
16:24 |
Michael Card - The Silence of God
16:16 |
Twila Paris - Throne Room Suite
16:12 |
Maranatha - In His Time
16:08 |
Michael Card - On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand
15:58 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - I Worship You - Your Faithfulness
15:53 |
Kelly Willard, Rita Baloche - Praise Him
15:49 |
Michael Card - All That Was Lost
15:45 |
John & Anne Barbour - Here Is Love Divine
15:35 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Deep - Shine
15:31 |
Janny Grein - By His Word
15:27 |
Michael Card - Where Cross the Crowded Ways
15:25 |
Bonnie Casey & Take Three - Jesus The Spirit and Me
15:21 |
Julie Meyer - In The Fountain
15:02 |
Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
14:57 |
Maranatha - Praise The Lord
14:53 |
Julie Meyer - Pen Of A Writer
14:49 |
Terry Clark - Give Thanks
14:47 |
Don Moen - Have Your Way
14:41 |
Julie Meyer - Beyond Tomorrow
14:34 |
Twila Paris - Throne Room Suite
14:29 |
Jeff Morris - My Soul
14:25 |
Julie Meyer - Mercy Reaches Me (Spontaneous Song)
14:15 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - I Worship You - Your Faithfulness
14:10 |
Andrew Peterson - Behold the Lamb of God
14:07 |
Michael Card - Praise to the Lord
13:57 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - The Longing - My Love - Jesus
13:53 |
John & Anne Barbour - Here Is Love Divine
13:48 |
Michael Card - Where Cross the Crowded Ways
13:42 |
Lenny LeBlanc - All For Love
13:35 |
Morris Chapman - Abba Father
13:33 |
2nd Chapter of Acts - Easter Song
13:14 |
Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
13:10 |
Terry Clark - Give Thanks
13:07 |
Unknown - A Place at your Altar
13:03 |
Honeytree - As The Deer Thirsts
13:00 |
Kelly Willard - Cares Chorus
12:57 |
Aimee Herd - Scripture - Apostolic Prayer
12:49 |
Twila Paris - Throne Room Suite
12:47 |
Maranatha Singers - The Lord Bless Thee
12:37 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - I Worship You - Your Faithfulness
12:31 |
Wayne Watson - Friend of a Wounded Heart
12:27 |
On Earth As It Is In Heaven
12:17 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - The Longing - My Love - Jesus
12:13 |
David Meece - Brokenness
12:09 |
Integrity Hosanna - Fairest Lord Jesus
12:02 |
Lenny LeBlanc - All For Love
11:59 |
Songs of the Vineyard - Simply Said
11:53 |
First Call - O Sifuni Mungu (All Creatures Of Our God And King)
11:50 |
Rita Springer - All My Days
11:31 |
Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
11:27 |
Honeytree - As The Deer Thirsts
11:22 |
Alleluia! Music - No Condemnation
11:20 |
Paul Wilbur, Leader - Who Is Like Thee
11:13 |
Lenny LeBlanc - We All Bow Down
11:08 |
Alleluia! Music - Your Steadfast Love
11:00 |
Twila Paris - Throne Room Suite
10:53 |
Jason Upton - You're Not Alone
10:50 |
Benny Hester - Christ the Solid Rock
10:45 |
Wayne Watson - Friend of a Wounded Heart
10:42 |
Martin Smith - What A Friend I've Found
10:39 |
Bob Bennett - My Redeemer Lives
10:34 |
Brenton Brown - Humble King
10:30 |
David Meece - Brokenness
10:27 |
Bob Cull - Whisper In My Ear
10:20 |
Darlene Zschech - Shadow Of Your Wings
10:16 |
Songs of the Vineyard - Simply Said
10:10 |
Julie Meyer - All For Love
10:06 |
Harvest - I Am Your Father
09:59 |
John Michael Talbot - Prelude, We Shall Stand Forgiven
09:58 |
Aimee Herd - Scripture #3
09:39 |
Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
09:36 |
Paul Wilbur, Leader - Who Is Like Thee
09:32 |
Rita Springer - All I Need
09:21 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
09:14 |
Twila Paris - Throne Room Suite
09:09 |
Alleluia! Music - Why So Downcast
09:04 |
Wayne Watson - Friend of a Wounded Heart
09:02 |
Cynthia Clawson - I Love You Lord
08:58 |
Michael Card - Brethren, We Have Met to Worship
08:54 |
Brenton Brown - Humble King
08:49 |
Lamb - Baruch Ha Ba (Blessed Is He)
08:46 |
Michael Card - O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
08:41 |
Benny Hester - When God Ran
08:34 |
Darlene Zschech - Shadow Of Your Wings
08:30 |
Janny Grein - I Always Will Love You
08:26 |
Harvest - I Am Your Father
08:25 |
Max Lucado - For God So Loved The World
08:18 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Song For Emily
07:59 |
Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
07:56 |
Wayne Watson - Would I Know You Now
07:53 |
Alison Krause - Down To The River To Pray
07:49 |
Julie Meyer - Dance Of The Bride
07:44 |
Anne Barbour, Bill Batstone, John Barbour - The Lion And The Lamb
07:40 |
Andrew Peterson - Labor of Love
07:28 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
07:23 |
Wayne Watson - Friend of a Wounded Heart
07:20 |
Maranatha Singers - As The Mountains
07:15 |
Brenton Brown - Humble King
07:10 |
John Michael Talbot - Psalm 91
07:07 |
Alberto Rivera - Behold
07:05 |
Bill & Gloria Gaither and Frie - Jesus, Lord To Me
07:00 |
Babbie Mason - God Has Another Plan
06:55 |
Benny Hester - When God Ran
06:50 |
Paul Wilbur - Let The Weight of Your Glory
06:46 |
Harvest - I Am Your Father
06:44 |
Bob Bennett - Come & See
06:39 |
Praise 2 Worship - All Who Are Thirsty
06:36 |
Kelly Willard - I Love You Lord
06:33 |
Bob Cull - The Shelter Of Your Presence
06:14 |
Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
06:10 |
Bob Bennett - The Garden Song
06:06 |
Julie Meyer - Dance Of The Bride
06:01 |
Janny Grein - Until You Come Again For Me
05:57 |
Fernando Ortega - Night Of Your Return
05:53 |
Vince Gill, Ricky Skaggs, Patti Loveless - Go Rest High on That Mountain
05:41 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
05:37 |
Brenton Brown - Humble King
05:32 |
Cynthia Clawson
05:25 |
Songs of the Vineyard - Bring Your Kingdom
05:23 |
Bill & Gloria Gaither and Frie - Jesus, Lord To Me
05:18 |
Michael Card - Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners
05:13 |
Paul Wilbur - Let The Weight of Your Glory
05:09 |
Harvest - Because I Am
05:05 |
Michael Card - Softly and Tenderly
05:00 |
Praise 2 Worship - All Who Are Thirsty
04:56 |
Bill McCartney Reading - Fairest Lord Jesus
04:49 |
Julie Meyer - You Will Be Free
04:30 |
Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
04:25 |
Marty Goetz - He Who Trusts
04:21 |
Janny Grein - Until You Come Again For Me
04:16 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - I Worship You - More
04:12 |
Walt Mills - Jesus Saviour Pilot Me
04:09 |
Bonnie Casey & Take Three - 2 Corinthians 4
03:58 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
03:54 |
Alvin Slaughter - I Need Thee Every Hour
03:52 |
2nd Chapter of Acts - Prince Song
03:45 |
Songs of the Vineyard - Bring Your Kingdom
03:42 |
Terry Clark, Sherry Cory - You Are Here
03:37 |
Acapella - Joy of My Desire & More Precious Than Silver (medley)
03:32 |
Paul Wilbur - Let The Weight of Your Glory
03:28 |
Twila Paris - I Will Listen
03:24 |
Acapella - I Worship You, Almighty God / There Is None Like You
03:21 |
Alison Krauss - A Living Prayer
03:16 |
Praise 2 Worship - All Who Are Thirsty
03:13 |
Acapella - Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
03:08 |
Bob Cull - Oh, Messiah
03:05 |
Michael Card - Praise to the Lord
03:01 |
Audience of One - Ain't No Grave Gonna Hold My Body Down
02:42 |
Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
02:39 |
Karen Wheaton - Gentle Breeze
02:33 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - I Worship You - More
02:29 |
Aaron Keyes - Not Guilty Anymore
02:26 |
Maranatha - Sing Hallelujah
02:15 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
02:10 |
Cynthia Clawson - Blessed Assurance
02:04 |
Songs of the Vineyard - Bring Your Kingdom
01:55 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - The Journey - Resting Place
01:50 |
Paul Wilbur - Let The Weight of Your Glory
01:45 |
Marty Goetz - The Love Of God
01:42 |
Alison Krauss - A Living Prayer
01:34 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Thank You
01:30 |
Bob Cull - Oh, Messiah
01:23 |
Robin Mark - All is Well
01:19 |
Kelly Willard - Tender Mercy
01:15 |
John Michael Talbot - I Am The Bread Of Life
01:11 |
The Classic City Collective - At Your Feet
00:52 |
Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
00:49 |
Alvin Slaughter - A Servant's Prayer
00:47 |
Debby Kerner - Behold I Stand ATThe Door and Knock
00:36 |
Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
00:31 |
Aaron Keyes - Not Guilty Anymore
00:27 |
Bill Gaither Trio - A Reading - Travels
00:23 |
Cynthia Clawson - Blessed Assurance
00:19 |
Maranatha - The Lord Is My Light
00:14 |
Aaron Keyes - Blessing and Honor
00:09 |
Paul Wilbur - Let The Weight of Your Glory
00:07 |
Elijah List - The Tent Music #2
00:02 |
Bob Cull - Faithful One