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Praise Broadcast Network playlist

Weet je niet welke liedjes er op de radio gespeeld werden? Gebruik onze service om het te vinden! Onze afspeellijst slaat een Praise Broadcast Network songlist op van de voorbije 7 dagen.

(nu in Arlington 08:21)
23:58 Andrew Peterson - Family Man
23:53 John Michael Talbot - Reading - I Am The Bread of Life
23:49 Bob Cull - I Belong To You
23:41 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Thank You
23:38 Kelly Willard - Tender Mercy
23:37 Cynthia Clawson - Doxology
23:34 2nd Chapter of Acts - Mansion Builders
23:29 Alleluia! Music - Your Steadfast Love
23:27 Cynthia Clawson - O Worship The King
23:08 Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
23:00 Bob Bennett - Praise Ye The Lord / Come And See
22:56 Bob Fitts - Lord I Will Bow To YOU
22:45 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
22:41 Cynthia Clawson - Blessed Assurance
22:36 Janny Grein - Forever
22:32 Alvin Slaughter - A Servant's Prayer
22:27 Paul Wilbur - Let The Weight of Your Glory
22:22 Julie Meyer - Let Your Oil Flow
22:19 Alvin Slaughter - I Need Thee Every Hour
22:15 Andrew Peterson - Family Man
22:13 Aimee Herd - Scripture - God's Love
22:06 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Thank You
21:59 Kevin Prosch - Taste And See
21:56 2nd Chapter of Acts - Mansion Builders
21:45 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
21:39 Marty Goetz - Lamb Of God
21:39 Aimee Herd - Scripture #2
21:20 Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
21:17 Wendy & Mary - I Am My Beloved's
21:12 All The Poor And Powerless - All Sons & Daughters - Copy
21:01 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
20:55 Lisa Bevill - Ride
20:52 Alvin Slaughter - A Servant's Prayer
20:47 Brenton Brown - Humble King
20:44 Glad - Easter Song
20:41 Alvin Slaughter - I Need Thee Every Hour
20:37 Janny Grein - Your Love Is Pure Love
20:34 Maranatha Singers - Hide Me In Your Holiness
20:29 Chris Tomlin - Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
20:22 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Thank You
20:17 Maranatha Singers - How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place
20:12 Michael W. Smith - Ancient words
20:01 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
19:58 John Michael Talbot - My Yoke Is Easy
19:55 Annie Herring - Interview And Testimony
19:36 Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
19:33 Kelly Willard - Shepard Song
19:30 Gloria Gaither - Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
19:25 Aimee Herd - Scripture #5
19:14 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
19:10 Brenton Brown - Humble King
19:05 Marty Goetz - Sanctuary
19:02 Songs of the Vineyard - Kindle My Heart
18:58 Janny Grein - Your Love Is Pure Love
18:54 Aimee Herd - Scripture - Psalm19
18:46 Vineyard - Satisfied
18:43 Michael Card - Only His Wounds
18:35 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Thank You
18:32 2nd Chapter of Acts - Prince Song
18:26 Jenn Johnson - A Little Longer
18:15 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
18:12 Margaret Becker, Maire Brennan, Joanne Hogg - O For A Closer Walk
18:05 Agnus Dei
17:46 Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
17:45 2023 - 01-09 Address & Phone Claudia Voice Only - Copy (3)
17:42 2nd Chapter of Acts - Heaven Came To Earth
17:32 WorshipMob - All Who Are Thirsty
17:27 Marty Goetz - Sanctuary
17:23 Aimee Herd - Scripture #5
17:19 Songs of the Vineyard - Redeemer
17:15 Chris Tomlin - Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
17:11 Aimee Herd - Scripture - Psalm19
17:03 Hosanna - My Help Comes From the Lord Mighty Is Our God Great and Mighty
16:59 Michael Card - My Shepherd
16:51 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Thank You
16:46 Julie Meyer - After The Rain
16:43 Maranatha - Sing Hallelujah
16:42 Aimee Herd - Scripture #1
16:31 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
16:28 Maranatha - You Are My Dwelling Place
16:24 Praise 2 Worship - All Who Are Thirsty
15:59 Lamb - Comfort Ye My People
15:49 WorshipMob - All Who Are Thirsty
15:43 Marty Goetz - Hebrew Chant
15:40 Songs of the Vineyard - Redeemer
15:36 Anadara - Still
15:25 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Streams - Wash Me - All
15:17 Hosanna - My Help Comes From the Lord Mighty Is Our God Great and Mighty
15:12 Andrew Peterson - Behold the Lamb of God
15:07 Julie Meyer - After The Rain
14:59 The Mission Extended
14:56 Andrew Peterson - Gather 'Round, Ye Children, Come
14:45 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
14:41 Psalms Alive - Psalm 121 - He Will Not Let Your Fall
14:31 Barber's Adagio For Strings - Barber's Adagio For Strings
14:12 Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
14:08 Faithful Heart - I Am the The Vine
14:04 Christ For The Nations - Be Thou My Passion
13:58 Marty Goetz - Hebrew Chant
13:54 Maranatha - Come Let Us Worship & Bow Down
13:49 Shawn McDonald - Beautiful
13:38 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Streams - Wash Me - All
13:34 Paul Clark - Make Me A Soldier Of Your Army
13:30 Andrew Peterson - Behold the Lamb of God
13:25 Julie Meyer - After The Rain
13:20 Steve Camp - Love That Will Not Let Me Go
13:15 Matt Redman - Blessed Be Your Name
13:13 John Michael Talbot - Lamb Of God
13:11 Bonnie Casey - Wait For Me Jesus
13:06 Laura Story - Blessings
12:55 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
12:50 Psalms Alive - Psalm 92 - It Is Good To Give Thanks To The Lord
12:46 Bob Cull - Oh, Messiah
12:27 Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
12:23 Keith Green - How Majestic is Thy Name
12:20 Bob Fitts - Highest Place
12:14 Marty Goetz - Hebrew Chant
12:13 Robin Mark - Come Heal This Land
12:08 Sara Groves - Breath Of Heaven
11:57 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Streams - Wash Me - All
11:45 Marty Goetz - To Be In Your Presence - Full
11:40 Julie Meyer - After The Rain
11:34 Aaron Keyes - In The Name Of God
11:32 John Michael Talbot - Lamb Of God
11:28 Janny Grein - By His Word
11:25 Fernando Ortega - Lord, I Want To Be Like Jesus
11:20 Jeremy Riddle - The Loft Sessions - Fall Afresh
11:17 Michael Card - On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand
11:05 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
11:02 Songs of the Vineyard - Psalm 121
10:59 Michael Card - All That Was Lost
10:40 Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
10:34 Marty Goetz - Hebrew Chant
10:31 Julie Meyer - In The Fountain
10:27 Aimee Herd - Scripture #4
10:24 Paul Clark - Abide
10:20 Julie Meyer - Pen Of A Writer
10:09 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Streams - Wash Me - All
10:06 John Michael Talbot - Holy Is His Name
10:02 Julie Meyer - Mercy Reaches Me (Spontaneous Song)
09:56 Aaron Keyes - In The Name Of God
09:50 Lenny LeBlanc - Nothing Compares With Your Love/Love That Never Ends
09:47 Michael Card - Praise to the Lord
09:44 Fernando Ortega - Lord, I Want To Be Like Jesus
09:39 John Michael Talbot - The Bread Of Life
09:35 Unknown - A Place at your Altar
09:24 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
09:20 Lenny LeBlanc - I Believe
09:18 2nd Chapter of Acts - Easter Song
08:59 Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
08:52 Robin Mark - All is Well
08:48 Aimee Herd - Scripture #4
08:44 Babbie Mason - God Has Another Plan
08:39 Cynthia Clawson - Blessed Assurance
08:28 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Streams - Wash Me - All
08:23 Kari Jobe - Beautiful
08:17 Aaron Keyes - In The Name Of God
08:07 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - The Longing - My Love - Jesus
08:03 Fernando Ortega - Lord, I Want To Be Like Jesus
07:59 Bill McCartney Reading - Fairest Lord Jesus
07:56 Aimee Herd - Scripture - Apostolic Prayer
07:53 Bill & Gloria Gaither - Let's Just Praise The Lord (Reprise)
07:42 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Ruah - Amore
07:36 Lenny LeBlanc - All For Love
07:17 Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
07:06 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Deep - Shine
07:03 Rita Springer - All My Days
06:58 Babbie Mason - God Has Another Plan
06:53 Lindell Cooley - All I Want
06:49 Alleluia! Music - Your Steadfast Love
06:43 Malle Babbe Womens Choir - New World Symphony - Largo
06:38 Michael Card - Meditation-Baptism
06:33 Kari Jobe - Beautiful
06:26 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Waiting - Delight
06:23 Fernando Ortega - Lord, I Want To Be Like Jesus
06:20 Benny Hester - Christ the Solid Rock
06:20 Claudia Rutherford - To You I Lift Up My Eyes 6%
06:15 Psalms Alive - Psalm 126 - Selah / Those Who Sow In Tears
06:12 Bob Bennett - My Redeemer Lives
06:08 Andrew Peterson - Holy is the Lord
06:05 Bill & Gloria Gaither - Let's Just Praise The Lord (Reprise)
06:02 Bob Cull - Whisper In My Ear
05:53 Bob Bennett - Praise Ye The Lord / Garden Song
05:50 Maranatha Singers - Hide Me In Your Holiness
05:44 Julie Meyer - All For Love
05:25 Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
05:20 Faithful Heart - Forgive One Another
05:19 Aimee Herd - Scripture #3
05:14 Babbie Mason - God Has Another Plan
05:09 Kelly Willard, Rita Baloche - Praise Him
05:05 Rita Springer - All I Need
04:59 Malle Babbe Womens Choir - New World Symphony - Largo
04:56 Lawrence Olivier - Pslams 150 Inspiration C
04:52 Alleluia! Music - Why So Downcast
04:46 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Waiting - Delight
04:41 Paul Wilbur - Shalom Jerusalem, No Intro
04:41 Claudia Rutherford - To You I Lift Up My Eyes 6%
04:34 Bill & Gloria Gaither - Let's Just Praise The Lord (Initial)
04:32 Bonnie Casey - Alleluia
04:28 Andrew Peterson - Holy is the Lord
04:22 Paul Wilbur - For Your Name Is Holy
04:18 Songs of the Vineyard - Father I Want You To Hold Me
04:15 Janny Grein - I Always Will Love You
04:06 Bob Bennett - Praise Ye The Lord / Garden Song
04:01 Andrew Peterson - After the Last Tear Falls
03:57 Maranatha Singers - As The Mountains
03:39 Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
03:36 Gary McCartie - My Beloved Numbers 23
03:31 Babbie Mason - God Has Another Plan
03:24 Kari Jobe - Always Enough
03:18 Malle Babbe Womens Choir - New World Symphony - Largo
03:16 Alberto Rivera - Behold
03:10 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Waiting - Delight
03:04 Paul Wilbur - A Resting Place
02:57 Bill & Gloria Gaither - Let's Just Praise The Lord (Initial)
02:50 Brian Doerksen - Creation Calls
02:44 Paul Wilbur - For Your Name Is Holy
02:41 Bob Bennett - Come & See
02:37 John Michael Talbot - One Faith
02:35 Word of Promise Audio Bible
02:26 Bob Bennett - Praise Ye The Lord / Garden Song
02:20 David Ruis - I Will Go
02:16 Keith Green - Easter Song
02:12 Bob Bennett - The Garden Song
01:53 Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
01:49 Songs of the Vineyard - Family Song
01:46 Bob Cull - The Shelter Of Your Presence
01:39 Kari Jobe - Always Enough
01:32 Larnelle Harris - Were You There Medley
01:28 Julie Meyer - Dance Of The Bride
01:22 Alberto & Kimberly Rivera - Waiting - Delight
01:18 Nelons - Rest On Me
01:11 Brian Doerksen - Creation Calls
01:06 Julie Meyer - You Satisfy
01:01 Keith Green - Until That Final Day
00:57 Vince Gill, Ricky Skaggs, Patti Loveless - Go Rest High on That Mountain
00:53 John Michael Talbot - One Faith
00:49 Michael Card - Immanuel
00:43 Cynthia Clawson
00:42 Word of Promise Audio Bible
00:35 David Ruis - I Will Go
00:30 Michael Card - Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners
00:11 Dennis Jernigan - Daddy's Song
00:06 Songs of the Vineyard - Father Me
00:02 Michael Card - Softly and Tenderly

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