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Senarai main Nachum Segal Network

Tidak tahu lagu apa yang sedang berkumandang di radio? Gunakan perkhidmatan kami untuk mengetahuinya! Senarai main kami menyimpan senarai runut Nachum Segal Network sepanjang 7 hari lepas.

23:55 Sam Glaser - Lo Lanu
23:52 Beri Weber - Kabolas Panim
23:48 Yerachmiel & Aaron Razel - Mizmor
23:48 Promo - Glicks Snacks
23:44 Avraham Fried - Bring The House Down
23:37 Yaakov Shwekey - Boee
23:31 Yosef Chaim Bloch - Shabbos Part I
23:31 Promo - Feldstein Daboukie
23:28 Akiva Tolchin - Ana Hashem
23:23 Isaac Honig - Ubidvar
23:19 Gershon Veroba - Mimkomchah
23:15 The NYC Boys Choir - Hu Elohkeynu
23:11 Joey Newcomb - (3) Ki Le'olam Chasdo
23:10 Promo - Kamisa Eta
23:07 Simche Leiner - Lo Omus
23:02 Itzik Eishel - Lecha Dodi
22:58 Ben Zion Shenker - Ashreinu
22:54 Safam - Halleluyah
22:50 Ruach - Barchi Nafshi
22:50 Promo - Chateau Dauzac
22:50 Promo - Rothenberg Law Firm PSA for NSN 4
22:45 Shlomo Carlebach - Tov L'Hodos
22:41 Yaniv Madar - Chodesh Tov
22:37 Itzy Weinberger - Meiayn Olam HaBo
22:33 Eli Skaist Feat. Ari Dobkin - Shalom Rav
22:28 Eitan Katz - Terumah
22:24 Shlomo & Eitan Katz - Yiboneh
22:19 Yoni Stern - Ashira Lashem
22:15 Yitzhak Meir & Friends - Ribon Kol Ha'olamim - Rupshitz
22:14 Promo - Rothenberg Safety Tips
22:08 Mozdhitz rebbeim - Lecha Dodi
22:08 Promo - Philipe Hardi
22:02 Shlomo Carlebach - Tov L'hodot
21:59 Micha Gamerman - Morabu
21:54 MBC - Yichadishahu
21:53 Promo - Gefen Almond Milk and Oat Milk
21:51 Lipa Schmeltzer - Keil Elyoin
21:48 Ishay Ribo - Tehilatecha Ba'rabim
21:44 Shema Kolenu - V'Hu Kechasan
21:40 Tzvi Silberstein - Yaaleh
21:37 Sagiv Cohen - Halelu
21:30 Ahrele Samet - Tithuri
21:27 Shlock Rock - Kvodo
21:27 Promo - Rothenberg Law Firm PSA for NSN 4
21:24 Yishai Lapidot, Avremi Roth & Itzik Orlev - Veshochanti
21:19 Zeh Shir - Shalom Aleichem
21:12 Abish Brodt - Mimkomcha
21:11 Promo - 1848 Cabernet
21:07 Yehuda! - Ki Licha
21:02 Isaac Honig - Ubidvar
20:57 Ari Boiangiu - Baruch Kel Elyon
20:53 Shlomo Katz - Az Yeranenu
20:50 Simply Tsfat - Yechadashehu
20:49 Promo - Adasa Rose
20:45 Ruach - Barchi Nafshi
20:42 MBD - Bo'ee Kallah
20:35 Chaim Shaye Weil - Hallel Medley w Negina Choir, Benny Brandsdorfer
20:29 Yehuda! - Yechadsheihu
20:28 Promo - Glicks Snacks
20:24 Shimon Craimer - Tzur Mishelo
20:19 Michoel Streicher - 08 - Ubidavar Yeshuoh
20:16 Kol Achai - Tov Lehodot
20:12 Mordechai Shapiro & Shmuel - Yesh Bi Emunah
20:09 Yoni Alayev - Veshochanti - Shwekey
20:05 Eli Teitelbaum - Eyshet Chayil 2
19:56 Yisroel Williger - Birchat Hachodesh
19:50 Boee Kallah
19:50 Promo - Rothenberg School Safety 2024
19:45 The Solomon Brothers - Lecha Dodi
19:45 Promo - Greysac
19:40 Yonatan Shainfeld - Perok Yas Onoch
19:34 The Yeshiva Boys Choir - Chaim
19:30 Schwebel, Scharf & Levine - Yichadshahu
19:29 Promo - Feldstein Daboukie
19:25 Shlomo Carlebach - L'cha dodee
19:20 Yakir Vana - Aishes Chayil
19:15 Ahrele Samet - Al Har
19:11 Zeh Shir - Gut Shabbos
19:08 Shalsheles Junior - Zeh Hayom
19:03 Eli Beer - Ki Lecha
19:00 Yaakov Shwekey - Ten Li Koach
18:57 Ben Zion Shenker - Dror Yikra
18:52 Eitan Katz - Terumah
18:50 Werdygers - Me'nucho Ve'simcho
18:46 Lenny Solomon - Boee B'shalom
18:46 Promo - Tuscanini Focaccia
18:43 Avraham Fried - Kol Reina
18:37 Yehuda! - Yechadsheihu
18:32 Dedi - Hu Elokainu
18:28 Ora Ve Simcha - Bo-Ee V-Sholom (Lecha Dodi)
18:23 Shalsheles - Yaaleh
18:23 Promo - 1848 Cabernet
18:19 Ira Heller - Borchi Nafshi
18:15 Pardes - Boei Kalah
18:08 GE Studios - Ma Yididus
18:04 Shim Craimer - Hodu
18:00 Ruach - Barchi Nafshi
18:00 Promo - Dignitary Wines
17:59 Promo - Rothenberg School Safety 2024
17:56 Camp Sdei Chemed - Baruch Kel Elyon III
17:52 Amit Listvand - Sisu
17:48 Kol Salonika - Ana Avda
17:45 David Ben Arza - Nechama K'Zu
17:41 Yaakov Shwekey - Veshochanti
17:35 Shlomo Simcha - Shacharis I
17:33 Shlomo Carlebach - Borchi Nafshi
17:27 Michoel Streicher - 02 - Ein Aroch
17:27 Promo - Tuscanini Focaccia
17:23 Sam Glaser - Mikolot
17:23 Promo - Adasa Rose
17:18 Schwebel, Scharf & Levine - Tzur
17:14 Shloime Dachs - Yehi Hachodesh
17:10 Lenny Solomon - Yechadshehu
17:10 Promo - Feldstein Daboukie
17:04 New York Boys Choir - 10 V'zakeini
16:59 MBD - Ma Ashiv
16:57 Pirchei - Pischu Li
16:56 Ohad Moskowitz - Odecha
16:12 ESS Trumah 85 04 FH
16:09 Rabbi Benzion Twerski - Menucha v'simcha
16:05 Tony Newmark x Gelf - Search For A Meaning
16:01 Zeh Shir - Gut Shabbos
15:57 Yaniv Madar - Chodesh Tov
15:54 Sheya Mendlowitz - Anoh
15:51 @MusicOnTime Duvid Berger - Gaguim
15:42 Yaakov Ungar - Kol Mekadesh
15:41 Promo - Glicks Snacks
15:38 Yoni Alayev - Veshochanti - Shwekey
15:36 Yossi Green - Mayain Oilom Habo
15:28 Yitzchok Rosenthal - Magen Avos
15:28 Promo - Sforno Malbec
15:24 Suki & Ding - Sapru w- Dov Levine
15:20 Moshe Tischler - Ki L'olam
15:15 Yoni Genut - Boee B'shalom
15:13 Dudu Fisher - Erev Shabbat
15:10 Micha Gamerman - Morabu
15:09 Promo - Dignitary Wines
15:05 Ira Heller - Borchi Nafshi
15:00 Yaakov Chesed - Eshes Chayil
14:56 JEP - Tzur
14:53 Uri Davidi - Halelu
14:49 Joey Newcomb - (3) Ki Le'olam Chasdo
14:48 Promo - Kamisa Eta
14:48 Promo - Rothenberg Law Firm PSA for NSN 4
14:44 Litwin brothers - Bo'ee Chala
14:41 Dedi - Yehi
14:37 Benzion Twerski - Menucha V'simcha
14:33 Menachem Kobi - Shiru Lo
14:29 Eitan Katz - Terumah
14:24 Eliezer Auerbach - Boi Besholom
14:21 Shlomo Carlebach - Borchi Nafshi
14:14 Yisroel Werdyger - Meshoich
14:13 Promo - Rothenberg Fire Safety
14:09 Moshe Shur & Sons - Boee
14:09 Promo - Sforno Malbec
14:02 Yonason Schwartz - Tomechai Shabbos
13:57 Yakov Zimgboim - Yehi Hachodesh
13:53 Yaakov Shwekey - Veshochanti
13:50 Yaniv Madar - Chodesh Tov
13:50 Promo - Psagot Edom
13:46 Camp Sdei Chemed - Yom Zeh Mechubad I
13:42 Jo Amar - Yismach Moshe
13:39 8th Day - Invisible Diamonds
13:37 Kol Salonika - Yom Zeh
13:33 Yehuda Issler - Borchi Nafshi
13:25 Yehuda Glantz - Hodu Lashem
13:19 Ovadia Hamama - Lehishaer Beyachad
13:17 Harry Rothenberg - Parshat Terumah 5785
13:10 Sam Glaser - Bo'i V'shalom / Im Eshkacheych
13:09 Promo - Rothenberg Fire Safety
13:06 Yoni Alayev - Veshochanti - Shwekey
13:00 05 Shabbos Medley (Live Session)
12:56 Moshav - 1. Yedid Nefesh
12:56 Promo - Generation 5 Wines
12:52 Boruch Sholom Blesofsky - A Gutta Voch
12:47 Yisroel Werdyger - Nishmas
12:44 Daniel Ahaviel - Moshe Emes (Shabbes Kodesh)
12:40 Ira Heller - Borchi Nafshi
12:39 Promo - Adasa Rose
12:37 Simche Leiner - Lo Omus
12:33 Eli Chait - Yismechu
12:31 JEP - Jubilation
12:27 Sagiv Cohen - Halelu
12:23 Yerachmiel Begun & The Miami Boys Choir - Esmach
12:23 Promo - 1848 Cabernet
12:23 Promo - Glicks Snacks
12:18 Regesh - Shalom Aleichem
11:45 ESS Trumah 85 05 Close
11:45 Promo - Feldstein Daboukie
11:02 ESS Trumah 85 04 FH
11:01 Promo - Sforno Malbec
10:05 ESS Trumah 85 03 Vinyl BS - D
10:04 Promo - 1848 Cabernet
09:30 ESS Trumah 85 02 KI Lecha
09:30 Promo - Tuscanini Focaccia
09:00 ESS Trumah 85 01 Open
05:50 Mayer Fertig - JM in the AM Live
05:48 ESS Trumah 85 05 Close
05:48 Promo - Feldstein Daboukie
05:05 ESS Trumah 85 04 FH
05:04 Promo - Sforno Malbec
04:08 ESS Trumah 85 03 Vinyl BS - D
04:07 Promo - 1848 Cabernet
03:33 ESS Trumah 85 02 KI Lecha
03:33 Promo - Tuscanini Focaccia
03:03 ESS Trumah 85 01 Open
00:04 Nachum Segal - Encore JM in the AM 02 27 2025

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