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Don’t know what song’s been playing on the radio? Use our service to find it! Our playlist stores a Nachum Segal Network track list for the past 7 days.
23:58 | Sonny Productions - Heilliger Shabbos |
23:53 | Camp Shalva - Rom Venisu |
23:52 | Promo - Tuscanini Tuna |
23:50 | The Niggun Project - Shabbos Koidesh |
23:47 | Shlomo Carlebach - Mizmor Shir |
23:46 | Promo - Tuscanini Juice |
23:46 | Promo - Rothenberg Safety Tips |
23:42 | Schwebel, Scharf & Levine - Heiliger Shabbos |
23:40 | Beri Weber - Toiv L'hoidois 2 |
23:37 | Izzy D Jay - Meayin Yavo |
23:33 | Sandy Shmuely - Chazak |
23:28 | Regesh - Yedid Nefesh |
23:22 | Simcha Leiner - Eishes Chayil |
23:22 | Promo - Rothenberg Law Firm PSA for NSN 4 |
23:18 | Kol Salonika - Mizmor |
23:17 | Promo - Greysac |
23:11 | Netanel Hirshtik - Bo'ee Veshalom |
23:06 | Shira Chadasha Boys Choir - Hamalach |
23:06 | Promo - Greysac |
23:03 | Werdygers - Keil Adon 3 |
22:59 | Naftali Kempeh - 03 Anim Zmirot |
22:55 | 02 Elokai (feat. Ezzi) |
22:50 | Mona Rosenblum - L'hisaneig-S.Cohen |
22:47 | Nati Levin - Lashir Rak Lecha |
22:42 | Lev Tahor - Yedid Nefesh |
22:42 | Promo - Rothenberg Law Firm PSA for NSN 4 |
22:38 | Six13 - Eishet Chayil |
22:34 | Shlomo Carlebach - L'cha Dodi |
22:29 | Freilach Band - Shevet Achim V'Achayot w Dadya, Unger, Leiner, Lemmer |
22:26 | Ari Boiangiu - K'sheim |
22:25 | Mark Zomick - App Promo 2016 |
22:16 | Tani Guterman - Tani Talks Parsha 01 09 2025 |
21:52 | ESS Shmos 85 06 Close |
21:52 | Promo - Chateau Dauzac |
21:23 | ESS Shmos 85 05 FH |
21:22 | Promo - Feldstein Daboukie |
20:49 | ESS Shmos 85 04 Amudei |
20:49 | Promo - Sforno Malbec |
19:55 | ESS Shmos 85 03 OTR - Borchi Nafshi |
19:54 | Promo - Kamisa Eta |
19:34 | ESS Shmos 85 02 Refuah |
19:33 | Promo - Generation 5 Wines |
19:04 | ESS Shmos 85 01 Open |
18:58 | Kuppy Elbogen - Hashem Sefosi Tiftach |
18:29 | Solomon Simon Jacob - The Kosher Terroir 01 16 2025 |
18:28 | Bumper - Music Mix to The Kosher Terroir |
18:25 | Eitan Freilich - 5. Im Eshkachech |
18:22 | C Lanzbom - Midnight Rain |
18:18 | 06 Veharikoisi |
18:13 | Yoeli Falkowitz - Chazak |
18:10 | Heshy Goldstein - Hinei Kel |
18:06 | Ohad Moskowitz - Min'i Kolech |
18:00 | Regesh - Esah Einai |
18:00 | JM in the AM - Mattes Promo Please join me |
17:56 | Abd - Im Ein |
17:50 | Gershon Veroba - Man to Man |
17:49 | Promo - Nachum Segal JM in the AM |
17:45 | Sandy Shmueli - Ivdu |
17:41 | Yossi Rose - Nashir B'Yachad |
17:38 | Shlomo Katz - A Fire Burns in Breslov |
17:38 | Promo - Tuscanini Biscotti |
17:33 | Aspaklaria - Kidush Levana |
17:30 | Shlock Rock - Rav Yehudah Hanasi |
17:26 | Nachas - Melech |
17:23 | Harel Tal - Tezakenu Lihyot Be'simha |
17:17 | MBD - Kol Haneshama |
16:02 | Nachum Segal - Encore JM Rewind 01 15 2025 |
13:02 | JM in the AM from 01 15 2015 - Throwback Thursday 01 16 2025 |
13:01 | Bumper - Live Lunch to Throwback Thursday |
11:02 | Yossi Zweig - Thursday Live Lunch |
10:29 | Miriam L. Wallach - That's Life 01 16 2025 |
10:29 | Bumper - Jew in the City Speaks to That's Life |
10:00 | Allison Josephs - Jew in the City Speaks 01 11 2018 |
10:00 | Promo - Allison Josephs - Jew in the City Speaks |
09:57 | Dovid Gabay - Birchos Avicha |
09:53 | Safam - Brother On Brother |
09:53 | JM in the AM - Mattes Promo Please join me |
09:48 | Shlomo Carlebach - Essa Einai |
09:44 | Dedi - Chevron |
09:41 | Mordechai Shapiro - Zeh Tov |
09:40 | Promo - Rothenberg Safety Tips |
09:38 | Elly Zomick - Tzur |
09:34 | Shloime Dachs - Keli |
09:30 | Benny Friedman - Toda |
09:25 | Pardes - Adon Olam |
09:22 | Aaron Razel - Hasneh Bo'er |
09:00 | Charlie Harary - Unlocking Greatness 01 16 2025 |
09:00 | Bumper - JM in the AM to Unlocking Greatness |
05:58 | Nachum Segal - JM in the AM LIVE! |
05:57 | Miami Boys Choir - Me'im Hashem |
05:56 | Mark Zomick - ESS Promo |
05:45 | Avraham Fried - Sukkaleh, Rachamim, Oidcho, Odeh, Libi |
05:41 | Mendy Werzberger - Vaani S'filosi |
05:36 | OHEL - Finale (Cast) |
05:33 | Udi Ullman - Ez Haim |
05:29 | The Maccabeats - We're Still Here (Am Yisrael Chai) |
05:25 | Mendy Wald - Im Lomad'ta |
05:24 | Promo - Tuscanini Juice |
05:19 | Yumy Lowy, Shmil Ber Weber, Menachem Moskowitz - Acheini |
05:13 | Yisroel Amar - Toda |
05:09 | Yehuda! - Shir Lismoach (Malki's Song) |
05:09 | Promo - Rothenberg Safety Tips |
05:04 | Yisroel Williger - Y'hi Ratzon |
05:00 | Shlock Rock - E-Date - Techina On Challa Song |
04:55 | Zeh Shir - Chazak |
04:51 | MBC - L'moronon V'rabonon |
04:51 | Promo - Tuscanini Tuna |
04:45 | MBD - Ono Melech |
04:41 | Safam - Nachamu Ami |
04:38 | Dovdi Negin - The Wagoneer |
04:31 | YBC - Mi Adir |
04:28 | Doron Barda - Barcheni |
04:24 | Journeys - The Ninth Man |
04:20 | Adi Ran - Milei D'Shtuta |
04:14 | 07 Vurka |
04:09 | Avraham Fried - Chazak |
04:05 | Kenny Karen - Zei Gezunt |
04:01 | Shimon Craimer - For Ever More |
03:57 | Chaim Israel - Yesh |
03:57 | Promo - Rothenberg Safety Tips |
03:54 | Elly Zomick - Ashreinu |
03:50 | DJ Raidz - Mi Adir |
03:49 | Promo - Yoni Pollak Stream |
03:45 | Moshe Tischler - Reframe It |
03:41 | Eyal Golan - Ahuva Sheli |
03:38 | Benny Friedman - No |
03:28 | Soul Farm - Ain't We All |
03:23 | MBD - Al Tisyaeish |
03:20 | Shlock Rock - Succot Nights |
03:17 | Thank You Hashem & - Et Panecha |
03:17 | Mark Zomick - Stream Promo 2016 |
03:13 | Eitan Freilich - Ko Amar |
03:07 | Mona Rosenblum - Ritzoncha Shetakir |
03:01 | Sruli Ginsberg - Hamalach |
03:01 | Bumper - JM Encore to Music Mix |
00:00 | Nachum Segal - Encore JM in the AM 01 15 2025 |
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