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Don’t know what song’s been playing on the radio? Use our service to find it! Our playlist stores a Nachum Segal Network track list for the past 7 days.
23:56 | Kinderlach - Avichem Shabashamayim |
23:52 | Shlomo Katz - Hareni (03) |
23:52 | Mark Zomick - App Promo 2016 |
23:47 | Hashlosharim - Mi Mefahed Migveret Levin |
23:43 | Yerachmiel Begun & The Miami Boys Choir - Esmach |
23:36 | Journeys - Mama Rochel |
23:28 | Benny Bransdorfer - Shabbos Dance w Gershi Uri |
23:23 | Udi Davidi - Me'ever Lazman |
23:23 | Promo - Nachum Segal JM in the AM |
23:18 | Abie Rotenberg - Hiney Lo Yonum |
23:15 | Israeli Performers - Kshe Eheye Zaken |
23:11 | Micha Gamerman - Ze Hamakom Shelanu |
23:11 | Promo - Allison Josephs - Jew in the City Speaks |
23:04 | MBD - Mama Rochel |
22:58 | Schwebel, Scharf & Levine - The Pintele Yid |
22:54 | Ari Goldwag - Live in The Sky |
22:53 | Promo - Rothenberg Safety Tips |
22:50 | Chaim Yisrael - Melech Ozer (Single) |
22:43 | Yacov Young - Shir Hamalos |
22:40 | Mordechai Shapiro - Chizku |
22:35 | 8th Day - Krenitz (Babenyu) |
22:28 | Yisroel Amar - Ten Beracha |
22:24 | Pumpidisa - Ein Od Milvado w- Beri Weber |
22:20 | Yaakov Shwekey With Shai Abramson - Lo Tedah |
22:15 | Dovid Gabay - Mi Sheberach |
22:12 | Shuki Salomon & Avi Man - Shir Harachamim |
22:06 | Efraim Mendelson - Keitzad |
22:02 | The Alumni - Bau |
21:57 | Shai Zolty - hodieni |
21:54 | Lipa Schmeltzer - Ki Hirbeisu |
21:43 | Baruch Levine & Friends - 4 - Torah Medley (Feat. Rivie Schwebel) |
21:33 | Soul Farm - The Ride |
21:28 | Yisroel Juskowitz - Sim Shalom |
21:27 | Promo - Rothenberg Safety Tips |
21:24 | C Lanzbom - Chazak Amen: We Stand As One |
21:21 | DOV - Havdalah |
21:20 | Promo - Miriam L. Wallach NSN |
21:17 | Shivat Zion - Mi Shoseh Shalom |
21:13 | Gershon Veroba - Fight In The Man |
21:10 | Uri Davidi - Halelu |
21:09 | table 4 two gen. promo |
21:05 | Zeh Shir - Hamachadash |
21:01 | Shlock Rock - Kotel In The Night |
20:59 | Yehoram Gaon - Od Lo Ahavti Dai |
20:54 | Journeys - The Athiest Convention |
20:48 | Dedi - Ki Va Moed |
20:47 | Promo - Tuscanini Olive Pouches |
20:44 | Reuven Garber - Veshinantam |
20:40 | Mordechai Shapiro - Barcheinu |
20:37 | Shimmy Lipshitz & Motty Vizel - Keshoshana |
20:37 | JM in the AM - New Music Alert |
20:32 | Shloime Gertner - Nisim |
20:29 | Kesher - Hit Me with Your Best Pshat |
20:20 | Eitan Katz - Lemaancha |
20:16 | Abie Rotenberg & Shlomo Simcha - Bayom Hahu |
20:16 | Mark Zomick - ESS Promo |
20:12 | Yonatan Shainfeld - Avakesh Panecha |
20:07 | Simcha Leiner - Change The World |
20:04 | Sheya Mendlowitz - Boruch Haboh - Mi Adir |
20:00 | Acheinu - Ki Shemesh |
19:56 | Micha Gamerman - Rak Simcha |
19:51 | Michoel Pruzansky - Aleinu |
19:51 | Promo - Nachum Segal NSN |
19:47 | Chaim Dovid Berson - Neranena |
19:43 | Shalsheles Junior - Chai |
19:38 | Shlock Rock - Supplying Charity |
19:37 | Promo - Yoni Pollak Stream |
19:34 | The Idan Raichel Project - Achshav Karov (Closer Now) |
19:29 | Shlomo Carlebach - Gevalt (Wake Up) |
19:20 | Kol Achai - Dveykus Medley |
19:09 | HASC - English Medley |
19:09 | Promo - Nachum Segal JM in the AM |
19:04 | Diaspora Yeshiva Band - Lo Es Avoyseinu |
19:02 | Avraham Rosenblum - Ki Lo Yitosh |
18:59 | Nissim Black & Gad Elbaz - Hu Hamelech |
18:55 | MBD - Torah |
18:51 | Simcha Leiner - Shema Yisroel |
18:47 | Voices For Israel - Chazak Amenu: We Stand As One |
18:43 | Yerachmiel Begun & The Miami Boys Choir - Dor L'dor |
18:43 | Mark Zomick - ESS Promo |
18:39 | 10 Hold On |
18:35 | Tzvi Silberstein - Ani Hashem |
18:35 | Promo - Miriam L. Wallach Stream |
18:33 | Abish Amitzur - Harcoves |
18:27 | Efraim Mendelson - Vsein Chelkeinu Besorosecho |
18:24 | Lev Tahor - Atah Echod |
18:23 | JM in the AM - NSN ID FBook |
18:20 | New York Boys Choir - 04 Bring It On |
18:17 | Gershon Veroba - Fight In The Man |
18:13 | Promo - Tuscanini Juice |
18:09 | Yishai Lapidot - Lo naflati |
18:05 | Avraham Fried - Lebinyomin |
17:57 | Yaakov Shwekey - English Medley |
17:56 | Yossi Green - Tzeischem Lesholoim |
17:52 | Shlock Rock - Jewish Talk |
17:51 | Promo - Miriam L. Wallach NSN |
17:48 | Yehuda Glantz - Nafshi |
17:43 | Dudu Fisher - Jerusalem |
17:39 | Efraim Hachazan ft. Yedidim Choir - Vezocher |
17:33 | Menachem Philip - Shir LaMa'alot |
17:29 | Migdal Ohr Kol Yaakov Boys Choir - Mix |
17:22 | Ira Heller - Ana Hakel |
17:19 | Yehuda! - Rak Likayeim Mitzvos |
17:14 | Yonatan Razel - Kotointi |
17:10 | Benny Friedman - Sholom Aleichem |
17:05 | Sakrfys - Hole In The Ground |
16:59 | MBD - Shema B'Nee |
16:59 | Promo - Rothenberg Safety Tips |
16:55 | Ruach - Shooby |
16:50 | Dov Levine - Harachaman\Dov Levine |
16:46 | London School of Jeiwsh Song - De Zaides |
16:43 | London School Of Jewish Song - Nichsafa |
16:39 | Dan Nichols and Eighteen - Adon Olam |
16:33 | The Yeshiva Boys Choir - Malochim |
16:29 | Yaakov Shwekey - B'derech Hamelech |
16:25 | YBC - Ki Bochar |
16:23 | Megama Duo - Learnin' from the Torah |
16:19 | Nachas - Ah Simcha |
16:19 | Promo - Nachum Segal NSN |
16:16 | Shlock Rock - Bag of Wolfsen's Bagels |
16:13 | Abie Rotenberg & Shlomo Simcha - Vshumru |
16:07 | Ari Goldwag - BiYerushalayim |
16:04 | Diaspora Yeshiva Band - Ain Anachnu Maspikim |
16:01 | Shlomo Carlebach - Sh'Beshiflenu ( If I Fall) |
15:58 | Chanoch Ben Moshe - Lisloach Ve'limchol |
15:54 | Safam - Ma Navu |
15:53 | table 4 two gen. promo |
15:50 | Moshe Tischler - Your Greatest Win |
15:46 | JEP - Ani Ma'amin |
15:46 | JM in the AM - NSN ID FBook 2 |
15:44 | 8th Day - Manhattan |
15:38 | Yaakov Eliezer Grad - P'nei L'elbon |
15:37 | Promo - Rothenberg Protective Gear |
15:28 | Lipa Schmeltzer - Non Stop Rock |
15:25 | Dudu Fisher - Laner Velashalem |
15:21 | Yehuda Green - Mashiach |
15:20 | table 4 two gen. promo |
15:17 | Meydad Tasa - Kol Ma Sehani |
15:13 | MBD - Im Ein Ani Li |
15:05 | Miami Boys Choir - V'seioreiv |
14:52 | Yaakov Shwekey - Carlebach Medley |
14:52 | Mark Zomick - Stream Promo 2016 |
14:47 | Ari Goldwag - Ki Ailecha |
14:42 | Uri Davidi - Muchanim |
14:39 | Yoni Z - Avinu Chai |
14:36 | Shtar - Shir Hamaalos |
14:33 | Simcha Leiner - Rise Up |
14:29 | Yonatan Razel - Hagagua |
14:24 | Levy Falkowitz - Yemale Pi |
14:24 | Promo - Tuscanini Tuna |
14:20 | Dovid Pearlman - Afraid of Flying |
14:16 | Nachas - Dance Floor |
14:11 | Moishe Mendlowitz - Akavyah |
14:05 | Yoiely Falkowitz, Chaim Blumenfeld and Sruli Green - Ana Avda |
14:04 | Promo - Tuscanini Biscotti |
14:00 | Mordechai Shapiro - 07 Smile |
13:57 | Mendy Jerufi - Yesh Tikva |
13:56 | Promo - Allison Josephs - Jew in the City Speaks |
13:53 | Sandy Shmueli - Manginat Chayai |
13:49 | Yehuda Glantz - Im Ata Maamin |
13:45 | Gershon Veroba - Al Tirah |
13:45 | Promo - Rothenberg Law Firm PSA for NSN 2 |
13:41 | Dudu Fisher - Ki Lekach Tov-Memories |
13:38 | Moshe Tischler - Mazel |
13:27 | Eli Gerstner - Freilach Medley |
13:27 | Promo - Rothenberg Law Firm PSA for NSN 3 |
13:23 | Matisyahu - One Day |
13:20 | C Lanzbom - Chazak Amen: We Stand As One |
13:15 | Gershy Uri - 08 Riboin |
13:09 | Shloime Cohen - Atoh echod |
13:05 | YBC - V'ohavta Re-mix |
13:01 | Shim Craimer - Eishes Chayil (feat. Eli Craimer) |
12:57 | Dovid Gabay - Berum Olam |
12:57 | Promo - Rothenberg Safety Tips |
12:50 | Yedidim Choir - Koach |
12:46 | New York Boys Choir - Gan Eden |
12:46 | JM in the AM - NSN ID FBook 2 |
12:43 | Shlomo Carlebach - Mihaira |
12:38 | Avraham Fried - Yosis Olayich |
12:38 | Promo - Yoni Pollak Stream |
12:32 | Shlomo Katz - Ana Avda |
12:30 | L'chaim Choir - Ma Tishtoichachi |
12:30 | Promo - Miriam L. Wallach pre-Thursday |
12:25 | Yehuda Glantz - Gotta Dance |
12:22 | Meydad Tasa - Ma Shehaya |
12:16 | Shloime Dachs - Ki Hashem |
12:16 | Promo - Allison Josephs - Jew in the City Speaks |
12:10 | Eitan Katz - Lcha Ezbach |
12:06 | Beri Weber - Yachad |
12:01 | Meiliech Kohn - VeUhavtu |
11:55 | Abd - B'shem Hashem |
11:49 | Schwebel, Scharf & Levine - The Pintele Yid |
11:48 | Mark Zomick - Monday Music Marathon Promo 2016 |
11:44 | The Maccabeats - One Day (Reprise) |
11:40 | London School of Jeiwsh Song - De Zaides |
11:36 | Shua Rose - Shabbos |
11:35 | JM in the AM - New Music Alert |
11:29 | Avi Fishoff - Track 05 |
11:25 | 8th Day - Stronger Closer |
11:23 | The Portnoy Brothers - Keshoshana |
11:19 | Yisroel Amar - Gam Zu |
11:19 | Promo - Rothenberg Safety Tips |
11:12 | Yaakov Shwekey - Mama Rochel |
11:09 | Moshe Tischler - Abba Gadol |
11:03 | Michoel Schnitzler - Der Mentch Tracht Un Gud Lacht |
11:01 | MBD - Hine Ma Tov |
11:00 | Promo - Yoni Pollak Stream |
10:57 | Yehuda! - Rak Likayeim Mitzvos |
10:52 | The Niggun Project - Naar |
10:49 | 07 Yogati |
10:45 | Eitan Freilich - 2. Boi Kala |
10:43 | Tzlil V'zemer Boys Choir - Al Chamotayich |
10:39 | Moshav - 7. Ahavat Olam |
10:29 | Yossi Green - Hiskabtzi |
10:26 | Yonatan Shainfeld - Al Kapav |
10:26 | Promo - Tuscanini Wine Vinegar |
10:21 | David Ross - Power To Be (Hakoach Lihyot) |
10:18 | Ohad Moskowitz - Stop! |
10:14 | Miami Boys Choir - 01 El Hashem |
10:11 | Shlomo Carlebach - The Holy Beggar - A Story |
10:05 | Lipa Schmeltzer - Gelt |
10:00 | Dovid Lowy - Hashiveinu |
10:00 | Promo - Tuscanini Tuna |
09:54 | Abie Rotenberg & Shlomo Simcha - Mosai (Feat. Tzvi Silberstein) |
09:51 | Thank You Hashem & - Hashem Is One |
09:48 | Rabbi Baruch Chait - Al Chomasayich |
09:45 | Shimon Bar Yohay - Ani Itcha |
09:44 | Mark Zomick - ESS Promo |
09:40 | Shelly Lang - Adon Olam |
09:36 | 8th Day - Penny |
09:32 | Shloime Gertner - Hands In The Air |
09:28 | Ben Tzion - Am Echad |
09:28 | Promo - Rothenberg Protective Gear |
09:25 | Meydad Tasa - Ohr Gadol |
09:20 | Simcha Leiner - V'al Hakol |
09:16 | Avraham Fried - Bentsh! Bentsh! |
08:59 | Rabbi Benjy Kramer - Encore Meir Milim 01 09 2023 - Eved |
08:59 | Bumper - JM in the AM to MM with Benjy Kramer |
05:57 | Nachum Segal - JM in the AM LIVE! |
05:55 | Yaakov Shwekey - Dance My Fears Away |
05:46 | Shlomo Katz - Niggun Neshama |
05:42 | Shlock Rock - All Night Long |
05:35 | Benny Friedman - Batuach Ani |
05:35 | Mark Zomick - App Promo 2016 |
05:32 | Ha'Duda'im - Erev Shel Shoshanim - Haduda'im |
05:28 | Shloime Gertner - Vehiskin |
05:14 | Neginah Orchestra - D'veykus Medley |
05:10 | Michoel Schnitzler - Panim Chadashus |
05:10 | Promo - Tuscanini Juice |
05:06 | Lenny Solomon - B'itah Achishenah |
05:01 | Eyal Golan - K'sheat Ito |
05:01 | Promo - Miriam L. Wallach Stream |
04:56 | Gershon Veroba - Turn It Around |
04:52 | Yeedle - Melayim Ziv |
04:48 | Sandy Shmueli - Echad |
04:42 | Dedi - Baruch Hagever Medley |
04:38 | Tzvi Silberstein - Ani Hashem |
04:33 | Mordechai Shapiro - 09 Nigun simcha |
04:27 | Neshoma Orchestra - Yerushalmi |
04:24 | Yoely Falkowitz - Tefilin |
04:20 | Dovid Stein - Muvtach |
04:16 | Joey Newcomb - (10) Thank You Hashem (Feat. Moshe Storch) |
04:12 | Miami Boys Choir - 08 We Stand With Israel |
04:09 | Country Yossi & the Shteeble Hoppers - Tick Tock |
04:02 | Yochi Briskman - Medley 5 |
03:58 | Chaim Ghoori - Mamleches Kohanim |
03:54 | Shelly Lang - Kinor David |
03:54 | Promo - Nachum Segal JM in the AM |
03:49 | PHP - Yedid Nefesh |
03:46 | Shlock Rock - Fast Days Of The Year |
03:45 | Promo - Nachum Segal NSN |
03:41 | The NYC Boys Choir - Zamru |
03:36 | Yossi & Yerachmiel - Yehi Ratzon |
03:36 | Promo - Tuscanini Biscotti |
03:31 | MBC - Revach |
03:28 | Yosef M. Khana - Ritzei hashem |
03:23 | Yedidim Choir - Yesh Tikvah Yiddish |
03:17 | Rivie Schwebel - Daay |
03:11 | Netanel Hirshtik - Sameach |
03:11 | Promo - Nachum Segal NSN |
03:07 | Moshe Goldman - Gomel |
03:03 | Dedi - Hashlech |
02:58 | Safam - Eliyahu |
02:56 | HaAchim Shalem - Michal Shely Michal |
02:52 | 8th Day - 10. Tracht Gut Remix |
02:52 | Promo - Rothenberg Law Firm PSA for NSN 3 |
02:48 | Eli Schwebel - Shtai Auf! |
02:45 | Nachas - Lehodos |
02:42 | Itzik Weingarten - Yesh Elokim |
02:38 | MBD - Track 03 |
02:34 | Yaakov Shwekey - Rau Banim |
02:29 | Mordechai Shapiro - Byachad |
02:26 | Yehuda! - Hu Yiftach |
02:26 | Promo - Rothenberg Protective Gear |
02:21 | Avraham Willig - Hashem Sfasai |
02:18 | Shlock Rock - Choni Ham'agel |
02:18 | Promo - Yoni Pollak Stream |
02:14 | Ruach - Lev Tahor |
02:08 | Yoni Stern - Ashira Lashem |
02:03 | Isaac Bitton - Holy Man |
02:00 | Hello Sid - Shiru L'hashem |
02:00 | Bumper - JM Sunday Encore to Sunday Music Mix |
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