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Playlist da Nachum Segal Network

Não sabe que música tem tocado no rádio? Utilize o nosso serviço para encontrá-la! Nossa playlist armazena uma lista de faixas da Nachum Segal Network dos últimos 7 dias.

23:56 Shlock Rock - Baruch Hagever
23:52 Baruch Naftel - Toras Emes
23:48 Shlomo Carlebach - Esso Einei
23:45 Sruli Broncher ft. Elazar - Nissim Veniflaot
23:42 Yoni Z - Chanukah Sameach (Single)
23:38 Eytan - The Truth (Duet with Gad Elbaz)
23:35 Dveykus - In Avinkele
23:34 Promo - Rothenberg Safety Tips
23:32 Sandy Shmueli - Tov Lihiyot Sameach
23:29 Rabbi's Sons - Halelu
23:25 The LeeVees - Jewish Girls (At The Matzoh Ball)
23:25 Promo - Tuscanini Wine Vinegar
23:15 Soul Farm - Shuvu Hashem/M'Hera
23:11 Chaim Yisrael - B'gan
23:06 MBD - Chasof
23:02 Eitan Katz - Yisborach Shimcha
22:59 Yerachmiel - Yivanim
22:56 Kid Zimra - Chanuka Edit
22:52 Shua Kessin - Shir Lama'alos
22:48 HASC - Yerushalayim Melody
22:43 YBC - Al Yisroel
22:40 8th Day - Miracle Of Light
22:36 Yisroel Baruchov - Yevonim
22:36 Promo - Rothenberg Law Firm PSA for NSN 2
22:32 Or Chodosh - Dovka Nafshi
22:28 The Klezmatics - Groovy's Freylekhs (Hanukkah)
22:25 Benny Friedman - Hashem Melech
22:24 Promo - Rothenberg Fire Safety
22:18 Lipa Schmeltzer - Meimka D 'Lipa
22:14 Mike Boxer - Pirkei Avot
22:08 Sheves Achim - Modim
22:04 Neginah Orchestra - V'Chol Hachaim
22:00 Ruach - Sim Shalom
21:57 Ari Fraser and Yossi Bayles - Aderabe
21:54 Avrumi Flam - Al HaNisim
21:51 Avraham Fried - Hashem's the World
21:51 Promo - Tuscanini Tuna
21:47 Sam Glaser - Hatikva
21:44 Shlock Rock - Hello Mohel, Hello Kvater
21:41 Dudi Kalish - Binyan Adei Ad
21:38 Reuven Garber - Odecha
21:35 Schwebel, Scharf & Levine - Nigun Yerushalayim
21:32 Moishe Oysher - Drei Dreidele
21:27 Psachya - Ani Ledodi
21:22 Soul Farm - Leela
21:18 Metalish - 03 Mimkomchah
21:12 HASC - Tain Shabbat
21:07 Moshe Benasher - Geula Medley
21:07 Promo - Tuscanini Biscotti
21:03 Eitan Freilich - 2. Boi Kala
20:59 Avrami Weinberg - Maoz Tzur
20:56 Yossi Green - Ki Lecho Toiv
20:50 MBD - Chasof
20:47 London School Of Jewish Song - Nichsafa
20:43 Shalsheles Junior - New Day
20:40 Avishai Eshel - Noten Li et HaKoach
20:39 JM in the AM - New Music Alert
20:33 Shauli - Lemachol Li
20:30 New York Boys Choir - 09 Pick Up The Phone
20:25 Pure Soul - Bemay Matisyahu
20:20 Yossi & Yerachmiel - Hallelu
20:17 09 KSLV
20:12 Avraham Fried with Symphony - Lo Avo
20:12 Promo - Rothenberg Law Firm PSA for NSN 2
20:08 Yishai Lapidot - A"Y nigunim
20:04 Beri Weber - Yachad
19:58 Abie Rotenberg & Shlomo Simcha - Piday
19:55 Moshe Skier Band - Sevivon
19:51 Schwebel, Scharf & Levine - Mi Ya'aleh
19:47 YBC - Chanukah Medley
19:43 Neginah Orchestra - Chai Hashem
19:38 Moshe Stern - Mizmor Shir Chanukas
19:35 Motti Fixler - Haneiros Hallalu
19:31 Toronto Pirchei Choir - Rabbi Akivah
19:31 Promo - Nachum Segal NSN
19:27 Sandy Shmueli - Ata Nasich
19:23 Avraham Fried - Yemin Hashem
19:19 Sam Glaser - Maoz Tzur
19:12 Aaron Teitlebaum - Shmueli Ungar & Yedidim Choir Reimagined
19:11 Promo - Rothenberg Law Firm PSA for NSN 3
19:07 HASC - Small Piece of Heaven
19:03 Tzvi Silberstein - Bench
18:58 MBD - Min Hameitzar
18:55 Yerachmiel - Yivanim
18:52 Neshoma Orchestra - Story Of Chanukah
18:47 Avraham Willig - Lcha Amar Libi
18:46 Promo - Rothenberg Safety Tips
18:42 Shlock Rock - We've Got A Strong Desire
18:39 Ruvi Banet - Nissim
18:36 Meir Sherman - Es Tzemach
18:32 Abie Rotenberg & Shlomo Simcha - Bayom Hahu
18:29 Lenny Solomon - La'asot
18:28 Promo - Tuscanini Juice
18:25 09 Tzvi Silberstein - Yonah Matza (feat. Lipa Schmeltzer)
18:21 Benny Friedman - Light One Candle
18:14 Ari Goldwag - Ana Hashem
18:10 Nachas - Lehodos
18:06 Dudu Fisher - Yerusholayim Shel Zahav
18:02 Yoni Stokar - 05 Mikdash Melech
17:59 Yoni Z - Chanukah Sameach (Single)
17:55 Micha Gamerman - Halaila
17:50 Yisroel Werdyger - Chasoif
17:45 Shlomo Simcha, Abie Rotenberg, & Shlomo Motzin - Odecha
17:42 Paul Zim - Al Hanissim
17:38 JEP - At The Foot Of The Kosel
17:35 Rabbis Sons - Kavei
17:32 Shloime Dachs - Yerav
17:27 Or Chodosh - Those Were the Days
17:24 Zusha - Chanukah is Here
17:21 Shlock Rock - Help Me Rambam
17:18 Neginah Orchestra - V'Yimaleh
17:11 Yosef Pruzansky - An Unsuccessful Search
17:08 Yoni Gershan - There's A Light
17:04 NYBC Chanukah Single - Spin That Dreidel
16:59 Yehuda Deutsch - The Van Ride
16:58 Promo - Rothenberg Safety Tips
16:54 Sandy Shmueli - V'at Alit Al Kulana
16:51 Yisroel Bitton - Eitz HaChayim
16:48 Ben Klein - MODIM
16:43 Abie Rotenberg - Lucky Fingers Max (Feat. Gershon Veroba)
16:42 Promo - Nachum Segal JM in the AM
16:38 Sherwood Goffin - Misratseh
16:35 Yehuda! - Hu Yiftach
16:30 Avraham Fried & Shira Choir - Mo Oshiv
16:26 The Klezmatics - Hanuka Bell (Hanukkah)
16:23 Shalsheles Junior - Al Hanisim
16:17 Safam - Only For The Children / Ariel's Song
16:17 Promo - Tuscanini Juice
16:12 Yedidim Choir - Yesh Tikvah Yiddish
16:08 Erran Baron Cohen - Spin It Up (featuring Jules Brookes)
16:04 Destiny - Tomorrow
15:59 Gershon Veroba - Accross the River
15:56 Mandy Patainkin - Belz
15:55 Promo - Miriam L. Wallach Stream 2
15:51 Amiran Dvir - Zeh Hazman
15:48 Elisha Freedman - Yevanim
15:45 Shlomo Carlebach - Mikimi
15:42 Pella Productions - 8Nights finalmixDec4 ALLMALE mstrd1
15:39 Shlock Rock - Come Round He's Makin' a Boat
15:34 Avraham Fried - Ki Hirbeiso
15:31 Chaim Ghoori - Oyros
15:24 Schwebel, Scharf & Levine - Maoz Tzur
15:21 Benny Friedman - Moshiach
15:17 Miami Boys Choir - This Chanukah 5782
15:14 Rabbi's Sons - Even Moasu
15:10 Shloime Taussig - Nissim Veniflois
15:06 Udi Davidi - Mimamakim
15:05 Promo - Tuscanini Tuna
15:02 Yisroel Werdyger - Odeh Lokeil
14:57 Piamenta - Torah
14:54 The Maccabeats - Al Hanisim
14:50 Mati Shriki - Tachat Shamayim
14:47 Tamar Kapsuto - Maoz Tzur
14:42 Sakrfys - Hole In The Ground
14:38 The Klezmatics - Hanuka's Flame (Hanukkah)
14:34 Sam Glaser - Macabee
14:29 8th day - By My Side
14:29 Promo - Nachum Segal JM in the AM
14:26 Israel's Greatest Songs in Celebration of its 50th anniversary - Haleluya
14:22 Country Yossi & the Shteeble Hoppers - Rabbi Black
14:18 New York Boys Choir - (13) Nes Gadol
14:14 Dovid Pearlman - Shira Shebalev
14:14 Promo - Nachum Segal NSN
14:10 Amiran Dvir - Tirkedu
14:05 Lipa Schmeltzer - Hora Yes....
14:00 Dudu Fisher - Ma Ashiv
13:56 Visions - Candlelight
13:53 The Avoda - Spread the Light
13:48 Oif Simches - Chiribim Chiribom
13:47 Ft. Mendy Worch - DREIDEL
13:44 Messengers - Heviani
13:39 Shlock Rock - Every Bite You Take
13:35 Blue Fringe - Ani Maamin
13:35 Promo - Tuscanini Biscotti
13:32 Benny Friedman - No Lyrics DJ Phresh Remix
13:26 Yosef Karduner - Shir Hamaalot L'dovid
13:17 Yaakov Ungar - Halel
13:12 Doniel Bronsteyn - Yevanim
13:08 HASC - Baruch Haba (Fried, Lipa)
13:04 MBD - K-Keli
13:01 Beri Weber - Kabolas Panim
11:01 Avrumi Finkelstein - Tuesday Live Lunch
10:56 Yosef Karduner - Maoz Tzur
10:56 Bumper - AOTW to Tuesday Live Lunch
10:51 The Yeshiva Boys Choir - Chanukah Medley
10:46 The Yeshiva Boys Choir - Yivonim Medley
10:46 Album of the Week ID
10:41 The Yeshiva Boys Choir - Haneiros
10:36 The Yeshiva Boys Choir - Maoz Tzur
10:32 The Yeshiva Boys Choir - Shehechiyanu
10:31 Promo - Weekly Update
10:27 The Yeshiva Boys Choir - Those Were The Nights
10:23 The Yeshiva Boys Choir - Al Hanisim
10:23 Promo - Rabbi Benjamin Yudin
10:16 The Yeshiva Boys Choir - Chasoif
10:12 The Yeshiva Boys Choir - Yivonim
10:07 The Yeshiva Boys Choir - Daddy Come Home
10:02 The Yeshiva Boys Choir - Mizmor Shir
10:01 Bumper - Music Mix to AOTW
09:58 Shlock Rock - Bring Back That Shabbos Feeling
09:49 Yitzchak Meir - Machzeret Chanukah
09:42 Lipa Schmeltzer - Ana Hashem
09:38 MBC - Music/Karoke: Al Hanisim
09:32 Yossi Green - Aderaba
09:32 Promo - Rothenberg Safety Tips
09:02 Rabbi Dr. David Hertzberg - Israel @ 76 12 31 2024
09:01 Bumper - JM in the AM to Israel @ 76
06:55 Avrumi Finkelstein - JM in the AM Live 12 31 2024
06:00 Avrumi Finkelstein - JM in the AM 12 31 2024
05:59 Yaakov Chesed - Cry Out
05:55 New York Boys Choir - (15) Light Up
05:53 Avraham Rosenblum - Takin' Care of Chanukah
05:49 Partish - Candyremix
05:49 Promo - Rothenberg Safety Tips
05:44 Abie Rotenberg - Lucky Fingers Max (Feat. Gershon Veroba)
05:39 Yitzchak Simcha - Sos Asis
05:35 Visions - Candlelight
05:30 Kol Achai - S'ei Saviv
05:29 Promo - Rothenberg Law Firm PSA for NSN 3
05:23 Dveykus - Yehi Shalom
05:19 Schwebel, Scharf & Levine - Mi Ya'aleh
05:14 Shalsheles - Yesimcha
05:12 Uncle Moishy - The Window
05:06 Yosef Karduner - Lamnatzeach Binginos
05:01 Shai Zolty - Hodieeini
04:58 Dudu Fisher - Adon Olam-NY NY
04:55 Sam Glaser - Eight Nights A Year
04:50 Kenny Karen - Pushcarts
04:46 Oif Simches - Dor Metzuyan
04:43 Yosef Moshe Kahana - Kad Yasvun
04:39 Benny Friedman - Moshiach
04:35 Yisroel Meth and Rafi Suss - Chanukah
04:32 Shlomo Carlebach - Moh Oshiv
04:26 Avi Wisnia - Maoz Tsur (MASTER 3)
04:17 Sameach Music - New Age
04:13 Yechiel Lazarus - Es Shem
04:09 Lev Tahor - Modim
04:05 Dovid Gabay - Oizer
03:58 MBC - Music/Karoke: Ya'aleh V'yovoh
03:54 Nafshenu - Min Hametzar
03:49 Shira Chadasha Boys Choir - Haneiros Halalu
03:43 Mordechai Shapiro - 03 Mi Adir
03:43 Promo - Nachum Segal NSN
03:38 Sam Glaser - Hashiveynu
03:34 Sherwood Goffin - Mitzvah Gedolah
03:30 Shlock Rock - Every Little Thing We Eat is Milchig
03:26 New York Boys Choir - 11 Spin That Dreidel
03:21 Dedi - Ateres
03:16 Tali Yess - Haneiros Hallalu
03:10 Moshe Goldman - Hashem Ori
03:06 YBC - Chanukah Medley
03:01 Six13 - Bohemian Chanukah
00:01 Mattes Weingast - Encore JM in the AM 12 30 2024
00:00 Bumper - Music Mix to JM in the AM

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