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Daftar putar RadioU - Fusion: Hip Hop

Tidak mengetahui lagu apa yang telah sedang diputar di radio? Gunakan layanan kami untuk menemukan! Daftar putar kami menyimpan daftar musik RadioU - Fusion: Hip Hop selama 7 hari terakhir.

23:56 Free Daps - Wild Card
23:53 Steven Malcolm - Hot Boy
23:53 RadioU - Fusion
23:50 James Gardin - Trophies
23:47 Deraj - Bring It
23:47 RadioU - Fusion
23:43 Faith Child - CARDIO
23:40 Canon - Nino Brown
23:40 RadioU - Fusion
23:37 Lecrae - Still Here
23:35 Torey D Shaun - Oowee
23:35 RadioU - Fusion
23:33 PEABOD - Ten Feet
23:29 Hulvey - All For You
23:29 RadioU - Fusion
23:26 Beacon Light - O Lord
23:23 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
23:23 RadioU - Fusion
23:21 GRAHAM - Just For the Moment
23:18 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
23:18 RadioU - Fusion
23:15 Anike - Love For You
23:12 Aklesso WHATUPRG - Look
23:12 RadioU - Fusion
23:09 B Fade Miles Minnick - Kill It
23:05 Aaron Cole - YCHMB
23:05 RadioU - Fusion
23:01 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
22:58 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
22:58 RadioU - Fusion
22:56 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
22:53 Sansone - With Me Now
22:53 RadioU - Fusion
22:50 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
22:46 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
22:46 RadioU - Fusion
22:43 The One Keon - The One Keon
22:41 Bryson Price x Jacob Castro - Icon (channel only)
22:41 RadioU - Fusion
22:37 Trip Lee - Standby
22:35 Jon Keith - LOOK
22:35 RadioU - Fusion
22:31 LoveMeJames - Forgiveness
22:28 Tedashii - Respect My Team (Feat. Trip Lee & Lecrae)
22:28 RadioU - Fusion
22:23 Joshva - Dilemna
22:20 Tony Tillman - Sell Out
22:20 RadioU - Fusion
22:17 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
22:14 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
22:14 RadioU - Fusion
22:10 Kevmo - Star Killer Bass feat nobigdyl Ki Shon Furlow
22:07 Childlike CiCi - It s Time
22:07 RadioU - Fusion
22:04 J Vessel - My City
22:00 Mars ILL - When Win
22:00 RadioU - Fusion
21:56 Forrest Frank - DROP
21:53 J. Crum & Jarry Manna - Lost & Found
21:52 RadioU - Fusion
21:51 Zauntee - Wartime
21:45 Cephas - New Day
21:45 RadioU - Fusion
21:42 Jay Manwell - Regrets
21:39 Caleb Gordon - War
21:39 RadioU - Fusion
21:37 GRAHAM - Back To You
21:33 Krum - Blue Eyed Devil
21:33 RadioU - Fusion
21:31 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
21:28 Kevi - Real No Fake
21:28 RadioU - Fusion
21:26 808 BEEZY - Still Overcome
21:23 Sherrod White - Epic
21:23 RadioU - Fusion
21:21 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
21:17 Sivion - Blinders
21:17 RadioU - Fusion
21:14 Die-Rek - Unpredictable
21:12 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
21:12 RadioU - Fusion
21:10 808 BEEZY - Claim It
21:06 Derek Minor - You Know It
21:06 RadioU - Fusion
21:03 Shonlock - Gnarly
20:59 Free Daps - Wild Card
20:59 RadioU - Fusion
20:55 Steven Malcolm - Hot Boy
20:52 James Gardin - Trophies
20:52 RadioU - Fusion
20:50 Deraj - Bring It
20:46 Faith Child - CARDIO
20:46 RadioU - Fusion
20:43 Canon - Nino Brown
20:40 Lecrae - Still Here
20:40 RadioU - Fusion
20:37 Torey D Shaun - Oowee
20:35 PEABOD - Ten Feet
20:35 RadioU - Fusion
20:32 Hulvey - All For You
20:29 Beacon Light - O Lord
20:29 RadioU - Fusion
20:25 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
20:23 GRAHAM - Just For the Moment
20:23 RadioU - Fusion
20:20 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
20:17 Anike - Love For You
20:17 RadioU - Fusion
20:14 Aklesso WHATUPRG - Look
20:12 B Fade Miles Minnick - Kill It
20:12 RadioU - Fusion
20:08 Aaron Cole - YCHMB
20:04 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
20:04 RadioU - Fusion
20:01 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
19:58 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
19:58 RadioU - Fusion
19:55 Sansone - With Me Now
19:53 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
19:52 RadioU - Fusion
19:48 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
19:46 The One Keon - The One Keon
19:46 RadioU - Fusion
19:44 Bryson Price x Jacob Castro - Icon (channel only)
19:40 Trip Lee - Standby
19:40 RadioU - Fusion
19:37 Jon Keith - LOOK
19:34 LoveMeJames - Forgiveness
19:34 RadioU - Fusion
19:30 Tedashii - Respect My Team (Feat. Trip Lee & Lecrae)
19:26 Joshva - Dilemna
19:26 RadioU - Fusion
19:23 Tony Tillman - Sell Out
19:20 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
19:20 RadioU - Fusion
19:17 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
19:13 Kevmo - Star Killer Bass feat nobigdyl Ki Shon Furlow
19:12 RadioU - Fusion
19:10 Childlike CiCi - It s Time
19:06 J Vessel - My City
19:06 RadioU - Fusion
19:03 Mars ILL - When Win
18:59 Forrest Frank - DROP
18:59 RadioU - Fusion
18:55 J. Crum & Jarry Manna - Lost & Found
18:53 Zauntee - Wartime
18:53 RadioU - Fusion
18:48 Cephas - New Day
18:45 Jay Manwell - Regrets
18:45 RadioU - Fusion
18:42 Caleb Gordon - War
18:40 GRAHAM - Back To You
18:40 RadioU - Fusion
18:36 Krum - Blue Eyed Devil
18:34 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
18:34 RadioU - Fusion
18:31 Kevi - Real No Fake
18:29 808 BEEZY - Still Overcome
18:29 RadioU - Fusion
18:26 Sherrod White - Epic
18:23 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
18:23 RadioU - Fusion
18:20 Sivion - Blinders
18:17 Die-Rek - Unpredictable
18:17 RadioU - Fusion
18:14 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
18:12 808 BEEZY - Claim It
18:12 RadioU - Fusion
18:08 Derek Minor - You Know It
18:06 Shonlock - Gnarly
18:05 RadioU - Fusion
18:01 Free Daps - Wild Card
17:58 Steven Malcolm - Hot Boy
17:58 RadioU - Fusion
17:55 James Gardin - Trophies
17:52 Deraj - Bring It
17:52 RadioU - Fusion
17:49 Faith Child - CARDIO
17:45 Canon - Nino Brown
17:45 RadioU - Fusion
17:42 Lecrae - Still Here
17:40 Torey D Shaun - Oowee
17:40 RadioU - Fusion
17:38 PEABOD - Ten Feet
17:34 Hulvey - All For You
17:34 RadioU - Fusion
17:31 Beacon Light - O Lord
17:28 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
17:28 RadioU - Fusion
17:26 GRAHAM - Just For the Moment
17:23 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
17:23 RadioU - Fusion
17:20 Anike - Love For You
17:17 Aklesso WHATUPRG - Look
17:17 RadioU - Fusion
17:14 B Fade Miles Minnick - Kill It
17:10 Aaron Cole - YCHMB
17:10 RadioU - Fusion
17:06 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
17:04 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
17:03 RadioU - Fusion
17:01 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
16:58 Sansone - With Me Now
16:58 RadioU - Fusion
16:55 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
16:51 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
16:51 RadioU - Fusion
16:48 The One Keon - The One Keon
16:46 Bryson Price x Jacob Castro - Icon (channel only)
16:46 RadioU - Fusion
16:43 Trip Lee - Standby
16:40 Jon Keith - LOOK
16:40 RadioU - Fusion
16:37 LoveMeJames - Forgiveness
16:33 Tedashii - Respect My Team (Feat. Trip Lee & Lecrae)
16:33 RadioU - Fusion
16:28 Joshva - Dilemna
16:25 Tony Tillman - Sell Out
16:25 RadioU - Fusion
16:22 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
16:19 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
16:19 RadioU - Fusion
16:15 Kevmo - Star Killer Bass feat nobigdyl Ki Shon Furlow
16:13 Childlike CiCi - It s Time
16:12 RadioU - Fusion
16:09 J Vessel - My City
16:05 Mars ILL - When Win
16:05 RadioU - Fusion
16:01 Forrest Frank - DROP
15:58 J. Crum & Jarry Manna - Lost & Found
15:58 RadioU - Fusion
15:56 Zauntee - Wartime
15:50 Cephas - New Day
15:50 RadioU - Fusion
15:47 Jay Manwell - Regrets
15:45 Caleb Gordon - War
15:44 RadioU - Fusion
15:43 GRAHAM - Back To You
15:39 Krum - Blue Eyed Devil
15:38 RadioU - Fusion
15:36 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
15:33 Kevi - Real No Fake
15:33 RadioU - Fusion
15:31 808 BEEZY - Still Overcome
15:28 Sherrod White - Epic
15:28 RadioU - Fusion
15:26 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
15:22 Sivion - Blinders
15:22 RadioU - Fusion
15:19 Die-Rek - Unpredictable
15:17 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
15:17 RadioU - Fusion
15:15 808 BEEZY - Claim It
15:11 Derek Minor - You Know It
15:11 RadioU - Fusion
15:08 Shonlock - Gnarly
15:04 Free Daps - Wild Card
15:04 RadioU - Fusion
15:01 Steven Malcolm - Hot Boy
14:57 James Gardin - Trophies
14:57 RadioU - Fusion
14:55 Deraj - Bring It
14:51 Faith Child - CARDIO
14:51 RadioU - Fusion
14:48 Canon - Nino Brown
14:45 Lecrae - Still Here
14:45 RadioU - Fusion
14:42 Torey D Shaun - Oowee
14:40 PEABOD - Ten Feet
14:40 RadioU - Fusion
14:37 Hulvey - All For You
14:34 Beacon Light - O Lord
14:34 RadioU - Fusion
14:30 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
14:29 GRAHAM - Just For the Moment
14:28 RadioU - Fusion
14:25 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
14:23 Anike - Love For You
14:22 RadioU - Fusion
14:19 Aklesso WHATUPRG - Look
14:17 B Fade Miles Minnick - Kill It
14:17 RadioU - Fusion
14:13 Aaron Cole - YCHMB
14:09 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
14:09 RadioU - Fusion
14:06 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
14:03 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
14:03 RadioU - Fusion
14:00 Sansone - With Me Now
13:58 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
13:58 RadioU - Fusion
13:54 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
13:51 The One Keon - The One Keon
13:51 RadioU - Fusion
13:49 Bryson Price x Jacob Castro - Icon (channel only)
13:45 Trip Lee - Standby
13:45 RadioU - Fusion
13:42 Jon Keith - LOOK
13:39 LoveMeJames - Forgiveness
13:39 RadioU - Fusion
13:35 Tedashii - Respect My Team (Feat. Trip Lee & Lecrae)
13:31 Joshva - Dilemna
13:31 RadioU - Fusion
13:28 Tony Tillman - Sell Out
13:25 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
13:25 RadioU - Fusion
13:22 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
13:18 Kevmo - Star Killer Bass feat nobigdyl Ki Shon Furlow
13:18 RadioU - Fusion
13:15 Childlike CiCi - It s Time
13:11 J Vessel - My City
13:11 RadioU - Fusion
13:08 Mars ILL - When Win
13:04 Forrest Frank - DROP
13:04 RadioU - Fusion
13:00 J. Crum & Jarry Manna - Lost & Found
12:58 Zauntee - Wartime
12:58 RadioU - Fusion
12:53 Cephas - New Day
12:50 Jay Manwell - Regrets
12:50 RadioU - Fusion
12:47 Caleb Gordon - War
12:45 GRAHAM - Back To You
12:45 RadioU - Fusion
12:41 Krum - Blue Eyed Devil
12:39 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
12:39 RadioU - Fusion
12:36 Kevi - Real No Fake
12:34 808 BEEZY - Still Overcome
12:34 RadioU - Fusion
12:31 Sherrod White - Epic
12:28 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
12:28 RadioU - Fusion
12:25 Sivion - Blinders
12:22 Die-Rek - Unpredictable
12:22 RadioU - Fusion
12:20 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
12:17 808 BEEZY - Claim It
12:17 RadioU - Fusion
12:13 Derek Minor - You Know It
12:11 Shonlock - Gnarly
12:11 RadioU - Fusion
12:07 Free Daps - Wild Card
12:03 Steven Malcolm - Hot Boy
12:03 RadioU - Fusion
12:00 James Gardin - Trophies
11:57 Deraj - Bring It
11:57 RadioU - Fusion
11:54 Faith Child - CARDIO
11:50 Canon - Nino Brown
11:50 RadioU - Fusion
11:47 Lecrae - Still Here
11:45 Torey D Shaun - Oowee
11:45 RadioU - Fusion
11:43 PEABOD - Ten Feet
11:39 Hulvey - All For You
11:39 RadioU - Fusion
11:36 Beacon Light - O Lord
11:33 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
11:33 RadioU - Fusion
11:31 GRAHAM - Just For the Moment
11:28 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
11:28 RadioU - Fusion
11:25 Anike - Love For You
11:22 Aklesso WHATUPRG - Look
11:22 RadioU - Fusion
11:19 B Fade Miles Minnick - Kill It
11:15 Aaron Cole - YCHMB
11:15 RadioU - Fusion
11:11 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
11:09 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
11:09 RadioU - Fusion
11:06 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
11:03 Sansone - With Me Now
11:03 RadioU - Fusion
11:00 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
10:56 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
10:56 RadioU - Fusion
10:54 The One Keon - The One Keon
10:51 Bryson Price x Jacob Castro - Icon (channel only)
10:51 RadioU - Fusion
10:48 Trip Lee - Standby
10:45 Jon Keith - LOOK
10:45 RadioU - Fusion
10:42 LoveMeJames - Forgiveness
10:38 Tedashii - Respect My Team (Feat. Trip Lee & Lecrae)
10:38 RadioU - Fusion
10:34 Joshva - Dilemna
10:31 Tony Tillman - Sell Out
10:30 RadioU - Fusion
10:27 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
10:24 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
10:24 RadioU - Fusion
10:20 Kevmo - Star Killer Bass feat nobigdyl Ki Shon Furlow
10:18 Childlike CiCi - It s Time
10:18 RadioU - Fusion
10:14 J Vessel - My City
10:10 Mars ILL - When Win
10:10 RadioU - Fusion
10:06 Forrest Frank - DROP
10:03 J. Crum & Jarry Manna - Lost & Found
10:03 RadioU - Fusion
10:01 Zauntee - Wartime
09:55 Cephas - New Day
09:55 RadioU - Fusion
09:52 Jay Manwell - Regrets
09:50 Caleb Gordon - War
09:50 RadioU - Fusion
09:48 GRAHAM - Back To You
09:44 Krum - Blue Eyed Devil
09:44 RadioU - Fusion
09:42 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
09:38 Kevi - Real No Fake
09:38 RadioU - Fusion
09:36 808 BEEZY - Still Overcome
09:33 Sherrod White - Epic
09:33 RadioU - Fusion
09:31 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
09:28 Sivion - Blinders
09:27 RadioU - Fusion
09:24 Die-Rek - Unpredictable
09:22 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
09:22 RadioU - Fusion
09:20 808 BEEZY - Claim It
09:16 Derek Minor - You Know It
09:16 RadioU - Fusion
09:13 Shonlock - Gnarly
09:09 Free Daps - Wild Card
09:09 RadioU - Fusion
09:06 Steven Malcolm - Hot Boy
09:03 James Gardin - Trophies
09:02 RadioU - Fusion
09:00 Deraj - Bring It
08:56 Faith Child - CARDIO
08:56 RadioU - Fusion
08:53 Canon - Nino Brown
08:50 Lecrae - Still Here
08:50 RadioU - Fusion
08:48 Torey D Shaun - Oowee
08:45 PEABOD - Ten Feet
08:45 RadioU - Fusion
08:42 Hulvey - All For You
08:39 Beacon Light - O Lord
08:39 RadioU - Fusion
08:36 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
08:34 GRAHAM - Just For the Moment
08:34 RadioU - Fusion
08:30 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
08:28 Anike - Love For You
08:28 RadioU - Fusion
08:25 Aklesso WHATUPRG - Look
08:22 B Fade Miles Minnick - Kill It
08:22 RadioU - Fusion
08:18 Aaron Cole - YCHMB
08:14 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
08:14 RadioU - Fusion
08:11 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
08:08 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
08:08 RadioU - Fusion
08:06 Sansone - With Me Now
08:03 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
08:03 RadioU - Fusion
07:59 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
07:56 The One Keon - The One Keon
07:56 RadioU - Fusion
07:54 Bryson Price x Jacob Castro - Icon (channel only)
07:50 Trip Lee - Standby
07:50 RadioU - Fusion
07:48 Jon Keith - LOOK
07:44 LoveMeJames - Forgiveness
07:44 RadioU - Fusion
07:40 Tedashii - Respect My Team (Feat. Trip Lee & Lecrae)
07:36 Joshva - Dilemna
07:36 RadioU - Fusion
07:33 Tony Tillman - Sell Out
07:30 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
07:30 RadioU - Fusion
07:27 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
07:23 Kevmo - Star Killer Bass feat nobigdyl Ki Shon Furlow
07:23 RadioU - Fusion
07:20 Childlike CiCi - It s Time
07:17 J Vessel - My City
07:16 RadioU - Fusion
07:13 Mars ILL - When Win
07:09 Forrest Frank - DROP
07:09 RadioU - Fusion
07:05 J. Crum & Jarry Manna - Lost & Found
07:03 Zauntee - Wartime
07:03 RadioU - Fusion
06:58 Cephas - New Day
06:55 Jay Manwell - Regrets
06:55 RadioU - Fusion
06:52 Caleb Gordon - War
06:50 GRAHAM - Back To You
06:50 RadioU - Fusion
06:46 Krum - Blue Eyed Devil
06:44 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
06:44 RadioU - Fusion
06:41 Kevi - Real No Fake
06:39 808 BEEZY - Still Overcome
06:39 RadioU - Fusion
06:36 Sherrod White - Epic
06:33 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
06:33 RadioU - Fusion
06:30 Sivion - Blinders
06:27 Die-Rek - Unpredictable
06:27 RadioU - Fusion
06:25 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
06:22 808 BEEZY - Claim It
06:22 RadioU - Fusion
06:18 Derek Minor - You Know It
06:16 Shonlock - Gnarly
06:16 RadioU - Fusion
06:12 Free Daps - Wild Card
06:08 Steven Malcolm - Hot Boy
06:08 RadioU - Fusion
06:05 James Gardin - Trophies
06:02 Deraj - Bring It
06:02 RadioU - Fusion
05:59 Faith Child - CARDIO
05:56 Canon - Nino Brown
05:56 RadioU - Fusion
05:53 Lecrae - Still Here
05:50 Torey D Shaun - Oowee
05:50 RadioU - Fusion
05:48 PEABOD - Ten Feet
05:44 Hulvey - All For You
05:44 RadioU - Fusion
05:42 Beacon Light - O Lord
05:38 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
05:38 RadioU - Fusion
05:36 GRAHAM - Just For the Moment
05:33 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
05:33 RadioU - Fusion
05:30 Anike - Love For You
05:27 Aklesso WHATUPRG - Look
05:27 RadioU - Fusion
05:24 B Fade Miles Minnick - Kill It
05:21 Aaron Cole - YCHMB
05:20 RadioU - Fusion
05:17 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
05:14 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
05:14 RadioU - Fusion
05:11 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
05:08 Sansone - With Me Now
05:08 RadioU - Fusion
05:05 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
05:01 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
05:01 RadioU - Fusion
04:59 The One Keon - The One Keon
04:57 Bryson Price x Jacob Castro - Icon (channel only)
04:57 RadioU - Fusion
04:53 Trip Lee - Standby
04:50 Jon Keith - LOOK
04:50 RadioU - Fusion
04:47 LoveMeJames - Forgiveness
04:43 Tedashii - Respect My Team (Feat. Trip Lee & Lecrae)
04:43 RadioU - Fusion
04:39 Joshva - Dilemna
04:36 Tony Tillman - Sell Out
04:36 RadioU - Fusion
04:33 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
04:30 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
04:30 RadioU - Fusion
04:25 Kevmo - Star Killer Bass feat nobigdyl Ki Shon Furlow
04:23 Childlike CiCi - It s Time
04:23 RadioU - Fusion
04:19 J Vessel - My City
04:16 Mars ILL - When Win
04:16 RadioU - Fusion
04:12 Forrest Frank - DROP
04:08 J. Crum & Jarry Manna - Lost & Found
04:08 RadioU - Fusion
04:06 Zauntee - Wartime
04:01 Cephas - New Day
04:00 RadioU - Fusion
03:58 Jay Manwell - Regrets
03:55 Caleb Gordon - War
03:55 RadioU - Fusion
03:53 GRAHAM - Back To You
03:49 Krum - Blue Eyed Devil
03:49 RadioU - Fusion
03:47 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
03:44 Kevi - Real No Fake
03:44 RadioU - Fusion
03:42 808 BEEZY - Still Overcome
03:39 Sherrod White - Epic
03:38 RadioU - Fusion
03:36 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
03:33 Sivion - Blinders
03:33 RadioU - Fusion
03:30 Die-Rek - Unpredictable
03:27 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
03:27 RadioU - Fusion
03:25 808 BEEZY - Claim It
03:21 Derek Minor - You Know It
03:21 RadioU - Fusion
03:18 Shonlock - Gnarly
03:14 Free Daps - Wild Card
03:14 RadioU - Fusion
03:11 Steven Malcolm - Hot Boy
03:08 James Gardin - Trophies
03:08 RadioU - Fusion
03:05 Deraj - Bring It
03:02 Faith Child - CARDIO
03:02 RadioU - Fusion
01:58 Canon - Nino Brown
01:55 Lecrae - Still Here
01:55 RadioU - Fusion
01:53 Torey D Shaun - Oowee
01:51 PEABOD - Ten Feet
01:51 RadioU - Fusion
01:47 Hulvey - All For You
01:44 Beacon Light - O Lord
01:44 RadioU - Fusion
01:41 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
01:39 GRAHAM - Just For the Moment
01:39 RadioU - Fusion
01:36 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
01:33 Anike - Love For You
01:33 RadioU - Fusion
01:30 Aklesso WHATUPRG - Look
01:27 B Fade Miles Minnick - Kill It
01:27 RadioU - Fusion
01:23 Aaron Cole - YCHMB
01:19 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
01:19 RadioU - Fusion
01:17 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
01:14 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
01:14 RadioU - Fusion
01:11 Sansone - With Me Now
01:08 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
01:08 RadioU - Fusion
01:04 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
01:02 The One Keon - The One Keon
01:02 RadioU - Fusion
00:59 Bryson Price x Jacob Castro - Icon (channel only)
00:56 Trip Lee - Standby
00:56 RadioU - Fusion
00:53 Jon Keith - LOOK
00:50 LoveMeJames - Forgiveness
00:50 RadioU - Fusion
00:46 Tedashii - Respect My Team (Feat. Trip Lee & Lecrae)
00:42 Joshva - Dilemna
00:41 RadioU - Fusion
00:38 Tony Tillman - Sell Out
00:35 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
00:35 RadioU - Fusion
00:32 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
00:28 Kevmo - Star Killer Bass feat nobigdyl Ki Shon Furlow
00:28 RadioU - Fusion
00:26 Childlike CiCi - It s Time
00:22 J Vessel - My City
00:22 RadioU - Fusion
00:18 Mars ILL - When Win
00:14 Forrest Frank - DROP
00:14 RadioU - Fusion
00:11 J. Crum & Jarry Manna - Lost & Found
00:09 Zauntee - Wartime
00:09 RadioU - Fusion
00:03 Cephas - New Day
00:01 Jay Manwell - Regrets
00:00 RadioU - Fusion

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