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Playlist RadioU - Fusion: Hip Hop

Quelle est la chanson qui vient de passer à la radio? Utilisez notre service pour la retrouver les titres. Notre playlist contient un calendrier d'éther RadioU - Fusion: Hip Hop dans les 7 derniers jours.

23:58 Free Daps - John Oliver
23:58 RadioU - Fusion
23:54 Canon - Grateful
23:51 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
23:51 RadioU - Fusion
23:49 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
23:45 Tony Tillman - Thankful
23:45 RadioU - Fusion
23:42 Miles Minnick - Squabble
23:39 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
23:39 RadioU - Fusion
23:35 Hulvey - All For You
23:34 GRAHAM - Back To You
23:33 RadioU - Fusion
23:31 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
23:28 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
23:28 RadioU - Fusion
23:24 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
23:21 Byron Juane - Proof
23:21 RadioU - Fusion
23:18 Caleb Gordon - War
23:14 Sho Baraka - Here
23:09 WHATUPRG - This Time Last Year
23:09 RadioU - Fusion
23:06 Torey D Shaun - Come Thru
23:03 Dee Black - I'm So Glad (Feat. GS)
23:03 RadioU - Fusion
23:01 Imperial - Know The Call
22:59 Zauntee - Wartime
22:59 RadioU - Fusion
22:55 B Cooper - What It Means
22:52 Anike - HAVE FUN
22:52 RadioU - Fusion
22:49 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
22:46 Eric Mason - Work It Out
22:46 RadioU - Fusion
22:43 DJ Standout - Your Love
22:40 The One Keon - The One Keon
22:40 RadioU - Fusion
22:36 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
22:33 Trip Lee - Standby
22:32 RadioU - Fusion
22:30 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
22:28 Steven Malcolm - Not To Us/Good Love
22:28 RadioU - Fusion
22:25 Sansone - Jump
22:23 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
22:23 RadioU - Fusion
22:19 Sivion - Blinders
22:17 Jay Manwell - Regrets
22:17 RadioU - Fusion
22:14 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
22:12 808 BEEZY - Claim It
22:12 RadioU - Fusion
22:08 Joshva - Dilemna
22:06 Sherrod White - Run It
22:05 RadioU - Fusion
22:04 GRAHAM - Back To You
22:00 Cash Hollistah - Jump
22:00 RadioU - Fusion
21:57 James Gardin - Trophies
21:54 Deraj - Bring It
21:54 RadioU - Fusion
21:51 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
21:48 Adrion Butler - On Time (Bryson Price Remix)
21:48 RadioU - Fusion
21:45 Die-Rek - Get Nervous
21:42 J Crum - No Way
21:42 RadioU - Fusion
21:38 Krum & Propaganda - Love Always (All Day)
21:34 Faith Child - CARDIO
21:34 RadioU - Fusion
21:31 Derek Minor - Fresh Prince
21:28 Lecrae - Still Here
21:28 RadioU - Fusion
21:24 Beacon Light - Haters
21:22 PEABOD - Ten Feet
21:22 RadioU - Fusion
21:19 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
21:16 808 BEEZY - He Never Left
21:16 RadioU - Fusion
21:13 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
21:09 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
21:09 RadioU - Fusion
21:07 Free Daps - John Oliver
21:03 Canon - Grateful
21:03 RadioU - Fusion
21:00 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
20:58 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
20:58 RadioU - Fusion
20:54 Tony Tillman - Thankful
20:51 Miles Minnick - Squabble
20:51 RadioU - Fusion
20:48 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
20:44 Hulvey - All For You
20:44 RadioU - Fusion
20:42 GRAHAM - Back To You
20:40 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
20:40 RadioU - Fusion
20:37 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
20:33 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
20:33 RadioU - Fusion
20:30 Byron Juane - Proof
20:27 Caleb Gordon - War
20:23 Sho Baraka - Here
20:20 RadioU - Fusion
20:18 WHATUPRG - This Time Last Year
20:15 Torey D Shaun - Come Thru
20:15 RadioU - Fusion
20:12 Dee Black - I'm So Glad (Feat. GS)
20:10 Imperial - Know The Call
20:10 RadioU - Fusion
20:08 Zauntee - Wartime
20:04 B Cooper - What It Means
20:04 RadioU - Fusion
20:01 Anike - HAVE FUN
19:58 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
19:58 RadioU - Fusion
19:54 Eric Mason - Work It Out
19:52 DJ Standout - Your Love
19:52 RadioU - Fusion
19:49 The One Keon - The One Keon
19:45 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
19:45 RadioU - Fusion
19:41 Trip Lee - Standby
19:39 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
19:39 RadioU - Fusion
19:37 Steven Malcolm - Not To Us/Good Love
19:34 Sansone - Jump
19:34 RadioU - Fusion
19:32 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
19:28 Sivion - Blinders
19:28 RadioU - Fusion
19:25 Jay Manwell - Regrets
19:23 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
19:23 RadioU - Fusion
19:21 808 BEEZY - Claim It
19:17 Joshva - Dilemna
19:17 RadioU - Fusion
19:14 Sherrod White - Run It
19:13 GRAHAM - Back To You
19:12 RadioU - Fusion
19:09 Cash Hollistah - Jump
19:06 James Gardin - Trophies
19:06 RadioU - Fusion
19:03 Deraj - Bring It
19:00 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
19:00 RadioU - Fusion
18:57 Adrion Butler - On Time (Bryson Price Remix)
18:54 Die-Rek - Get Nervous
18:54 RadioU - Fusion
18:51 J Crum - No Way
18:47 Krum & Propaganda - Love Always (All Day)
18:47 RadioU - Fusion
18:43 Faith Child - CARDIO
18:40 Derek Minor - Fresh Prince
18:40 RadioU - Fusion
18:37 Lecrae - Still Here
18:33 Beacon Light - Haters
18:33 RadioU - Fusion
18:31 PEABOD - Ten Feet
18:28 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
18:27 RadioU - Fusion
18:25 808 BEEZY - He Never Left
18:22 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
18:22 RadioU - Fusion
18:18 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
18:16 Free Daps - John Oliver
18:15 RadioU - Fusion
18:12 Canon - Grateful
18:09 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
18:09 RadioU - Fusion
18:07 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
18:03 Tony Tillman - Thankful
18:02 RadioU - Fusion
18:00 Miles Minnick - Squabble
17:57 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
17:57 RadioU - Fusion
17:53 Hulvey - All For You
17:51 GRAHAM - Back To You
17:51 RadioU - Fusion
17:49 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
17:46 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
17:46 RadioU - Fusion
17:42 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
17:39 Byron Juane - Proof
17:39 RadioU - Fusion
17:36 Caleb Gordon - War
17:32 Sho Baraka - Here
17:27 WHATUPRG - This Time Last Year
17:27 RadioU - Fusion
17:24 Torey D Shaun - Come Thru
17:21 Dee Black - I'm So Glad (Feat. GS)
17:21 RadioU - Fusion
17:19 Imperial - Know The Call
17:17 Zauntee - Wartime
17:16 RadioU - Fusion
17:13 B Cooper - What It Means
17:10 Anike - HAVE FUN
17:10 RadioU - Fusion
17:07 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
17:03 Eric Mason - Work It Out
17:03 RadioU - Fusion
17:01 DJ Standout - Your Love
16:58 The One Keon - The One Keon
16:58 RadioU - Fusion
16:54 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
16:50 Trip Lee - Standby
16:50 RadioU - Fusion
16:48 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
16:46 Steven Malcolm - Not To Us/Good Love
16:45 RadioU - Fusion
16:43 Sansone - Jump
16:40 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
16:40 RadioU - Fusion
16:37 Sivion - Blinders
16:34 Jay Manwell - Regrets
16:34 RadioU - Fusion
16:32 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
16:30 808 BEEZY - Claim It
16:30 RadioU - Fusion
16:26 Joshva - Dilemna
16:23 Sherrod White - Run It
16:23 RadioU - Fusion
16:21 GRAHAM - Back To You
16:18 Cash Hollistah - Jump
16:18 RadioU - Fusion
16:15 James Gardin - Trophies
16:12 Deraj - Bring It
16:12 RadioU - Fusion
16:09 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
16:06 Adrion Butler - On Time (Bryson Price Remix)
16:06 RadioU - Fusion
16:02 Die-Rek - Get Nervous
16:00 J Crum - No Way
16:00 RadioU - Fusion
15:56 Krum & Propaganda - Love Always (All Day)
15:52 Faith Child - CARDIO
15:52 RadioU - Fusion
15:49 Derek Minor - Fresh Prince
15:46 Lecrae - Still Here
15:46 RadioU - Fusion
15:42 Beacon Light - Haters
15:40 PEABOD - Ten Feet
15:40 RadioU - Fusion
15:36 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
15:34 808 BEEZY - He Never Left
15:34 RadioU - Fusion
15:31 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
15:27 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
15:27 RadioU - Fusion
15:24 Free Daps - John Oliver
15:21 Canon - Grateful
15:21 RadioU - Fusion
15:18 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
15:16 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
15:16 RadioU - Fusion
15:11 Tony Tillman - Thankful
15:09 Miles Minnick - Squabble
15:09 RadioU - Fusion
15:06 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
15:02 Hulvey - All For You
15:02 RadioU - Fusion
15:00 GRAHAM - Back To You
14:58 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
14:58 RadioU - Fusion
14:55 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
14:51 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
14:51 RadioU - Fusion
14:48 Byron Juane - Proof
14:45 Caleb Gordon - War
14:41 Sho Baraka - Here
14:38 RadioU - Fusion
14:36 WHATUPRG - This Time Last Year
14:33 Torey D Shaun - Come Thru
14:33 RadioU - Fusion
14:30 Dee Black - I'm So Glad (Feat. GS)
14:28 Imperial - Know The Call
14:28 RadioU - Fusion
14:26 Zauntee - Wartime
14:22 B Cooper - What It Means
14:22 RadioU - Fusion
14:19 Anike - HAVE FUN
14:16 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
14:16 RadioU - Fusion
14:12 Eric Mason - Work It Out
14:10 DJ Standout - Your Love
14:09 RadioU - Fusion
14:07 The One Keon - The One Keon
14:03 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
14:03 RadioU - Fusion
13:59 Trip Lee - Standby
13:57 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
13:57 RadioU - Fusion
13:55 Steven Malcolm - Not To Us/Good Love
13:52 Sansone - Jump
13:52 RadioU - Fusion
13:49 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
13:46 Sivion - Blinders
13:46 RadioU - Fusion
13:43 Jay Manwell - Regrets
13:41 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
13:41 RadioU - Fusion
13:39 808 BEEZY - Claim It
13:35 Joshva - Dilemna
13:35 RadioU - Fusion
13:32 Sherrod White - Run It
13:30 GRAHAM - Back To You
13:30 RadioU - Fusion
13:27 Cash Hollistah - Jump
13:24 James Gardin - Trophies
13:24 RadioU - Fusion
13:21 Deraj - Bring It
13:18 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
13:18 RadioU - Fusion
13:15 Adrion Butler - On Time (Bryson Price Remix)
13:12 Die-Rek - Get Nervous
13:11 RadioU - Fusion
13:09 J Crum - No Way
13:05 Krum & Propaganda - Love Always (All Day)
13:05 RadioU - Fusion
13:01 Faith Child - CARDIO
12:58 Derek Minor - Fresh Prince
12:58 RadioU - Fusion
12:55 Lecrae - Still Here
12:51 Beacon Light - Haters
12:51 RadioU - Fusion
12:49 PEABOD - Ten Feet
12:45 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
12:45 RadioU - Fusion
12:43 808 BEEZY - He Never Left
12:40 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
12:40 RadioU - Fusion
12:36 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
12:33 Free Daps - John Oliver
12:33 RadioU - Fusion
12:30 Canon - Grateful
12:27 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
12:27 RadioU - Fusion
12:25 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
12:20 Tony Tillman - Thankful
12:20 RadioU - Fusion
12:18 Miles Minnick - Squabble
12:15 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
12:15 RadioU - Fusion
12:11 Hulvey - All For You
12:09 GRAHAM - Back To You
12:09 RadioU - Fusion
12:07 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
12:04 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
12:04 RadioU - Fusion
12:00 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
11:57 Byron Juane - Proof
11:57 RadioU - Fusion
11:54 Caleb Gordon - War
11:50 Sho Baraka - Here
11:45 WHATUPRG - This Time Last Year
11:45 RadioU - Fusion
11:42 Torey D Shaun - Come Thru
11:39 Dee Black - I'm So Glad (Feat. GS)
11:39 RadioU - Fusion
11:37 Imperial - Know The Call
11:35 Zauntee - Wartime
11:35 RadioU - Fusion
11:31 B Cooper - What It Means
11:28 Anike - HAVE FUN
11:28 RadioU - Fusion
11:25 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
11:21 Eric Mason - Work It Out
11:21 RadioU - Fusion
11:19 DJ Standout - Your Love
11:16 The One Keon - The One Keon
11:16 RadioU - Fusion
11:12 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
11:08 Trip Lee - Standby
11:08 RadioU - Fusion
11:06 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
11:04 Steven Malcolm - Not To Us/Good Love
11:03 RadioU - Fusion
11:01 Sansone - Jump
10:58 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
10:58 RadioU - Fusion
10:55 Sivion - Blinders
10:52 Jay Manwell - Regrets
10:52 RadioU - Fusion
10:50 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
10:48 808 BEEZY - Claim It
10:48 RadioU - Fusion
10:44 Joshva - Dilemna
10:41 Sherrod White - Run It
10:41 RadioU - Fusion
10:39 GRAHAM - Back To You
10:36 Cash Hollistah - Jump
10:36 RadioU - Fusion
10:33 James Gardin - Trophies
10:30 Deraj - Bring It
10:30 RadioU - Fusion
10:27 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
10:24 Adrion Butler - On Time (Bryson Price Remix)
10:24 RadioU - Fusion
10:21 Die-Rek - Get Nervous
10:18 J Crum - No Way
10:18 RadioU - Fusion
10:14 Krum & Propaganda - Love Always (All Day)
10:10 Faith Child - CARDIO
10:10 RadioU - Fusion
10:07 Derek Minor - Fresh Prince
10:04 Lecrae - Still Here
10:04 RadioU - Fusion
10:00 Beacon Light - Haters
09:58 PEABOD - Ten Feet
09:58 RadioU - Fusion
09:54 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
09:52 808 BEEZY - He Never Left
09:52 RadioU - Fusion
09:49 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
09:45 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
09:45 RadioU - Fusion
09:43 Free Daps - John Oliver
09:39 Canon - Grateful
09:39 RadioU - Fusion
09:36 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
09:34 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
09:34 RadioU - Fusion
09:30 Tony Tillman - Thankful
09:27 Miles Minnick - Squabble
09:27 RadioU - Fusion
09:24 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
09:20 Hulvey - All For You
09:20 RadioU - Fusion
09:18 GRAHAM - Back To You
09:16 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
09:16 RadioU - Fusion
09:13 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
09:09 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
09:09 RadioU - Fusion
09:06 Byron Juane - Proof
09:03 Caleb Gordon - War
08:59 Sho Baraka - Here
08:56 RadioU - Fusion
08:54 WHATUPRG - This Time Last Year
08:51 Torey D Shaun - Come Thru
08:51 RadioU - Fusion
08:48 Dee Black - I'm So Glad (Feat. GS)
08:46 Imperial - Know The Call
08:46 RadioU - Fusion
08:44 Zauntee - Wartime
08:40 B Cooper - What It Means
08:40 RadioU - Fusion
08:37 Anike - HAVE FUN
08:34 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
08:34 RadioU - Fusion
08:30 Eric Mason - Work It Out
08:28 DJ Standout - Your Love
08:28 RadioU - Fusion
08:25 The One Keon - The One Keon
08:21 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
08:21 RadioU - Fusion
08:17 Trip Lee - Standby
08:15 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
08:15 RadioU - Fusion
08:13 Steven Malcolm - Not To Us/Good Love
08:10 Sansone - Jump
08:10 RadioU - Fusion
08:08 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
08:04 Sivion - Blinders
08:04 RadioU - Fusion
08:01 Jay Manwell - Regrets
07:59 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
07:59 RadioU - Fusion
07:57 808 BEEZY - Claim It
07:53 Joshva - Dilemna
07:53 RadioU - Fusion
07:50 Sherrod White - Run It
07:49 GRAHAM - Back To You
07:48 RadioU - Fusion
07:45 Cash Hollistah - Jump
07:42 James Gardin - Trophies
07:42 RadioU - Fusion
07:39 Deraj - Bring It
07:36 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
07:36 RadioU - Fusion
07:33 Adrion Butler - On Time (Bryson Price Remix)
07:30 Die-Rek - Get Nervous
07:30 RadioU - Fusion
07:27 J Crum - No Way
07:23 Krum & Propaganda - Love Always (All Day)
07:23 RadioU - Fusion
07:19 Faith Child - CARDIO
07:16 Derek Minor - Fresh Prince
07:16 RadioU - Fusion
07:13 Lecrae - Still Here
07:09 Beacon Light - Haters
07:09 RadioU - Fusion
07:07 PEABOD - Ten Feet
07:04 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
07:03 RadioU - Fusion
07:01 808 BEEZY - He Never Left
06:58 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
06:58 RadioU - Fusion
06:54 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
06:52 Free Daps - John Oliver
06:52 RadioU - Fusion
06:48 Canon - Grateful
06:45 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
06:45 RadioU - Fusion
06:43 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
06:39 Tony Tillman - Thankful
06:38 RadioU - Fusion
06:36 Miles Minnick - Squabble
06:33 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
06:33 RadioU - Fusion
06:29 Hulvey - All For You
06:27 GRAHAM - Back To You
06:27 RadioU - Fusion
06:25 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
06:22 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
06:22 RadioU - Fusion
06:18 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
06:15 Byron Juane - Proof
06:15 RadioU - Fusion
06:12 Caleb Gordon - War
06:08 Sho Baraka - Here
06:03 WHATUPRG - This Time Last Year
06:03 RadioU - Fusion
06:00 Torey D Shaun - Come Thru
05:57 Dee Black - I'm So Glad (Feat. GS)
05:57 RadioU - Fusion
05:55 Imperial - Know The Call
05:53 Zauntee - Wartime
05:53 RadioU - Fusion
05:49 B Cooper - What It Means
05:46 Anike - HAVE FUN
05:46 RadioU - Fusion
05:43 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
05:39 Eric Mason - Work It Out
05:39 RadioU - Fusion
05:37 DJ Standout - Your Love
05:34 The One Keon - The One Keon
05:34 RadioU - Fusion
05:30 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
05:26 Trip Lee - Standby
05:26 RadioU - Fusion
05:24 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
05:22 Steven Malcolm - Not To Us/Good Love
05:22 RadioU - Fusion
05:19 Sansone - Jump
05:17 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
05:16 RadioU - Fusion
05:13 Sivion - Blinders
05:10 Jay Manwell - Regrets
05:10 RadioU - Fusion
05:08 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
05:06 808 BEEZY - Claim It
05:06 RadioU - Fusion
05:02 Joshva - Dilemna
04:59 Sherrod White - Run It
04:59 RadioU - Fusion
04:57 GRAHAM - Back To You
04:54 Cash Hollistah - Jump
04:54 RadioU - Fusion
04:51 James Gardin - Trophies
04:48 Deraj - Bring It
04:48 RadioU - Fusion
04:45 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
04:42 Adrion Butler - On Time (Bryson Price Remix)
04:42 RadioU - Fusion
04:39 Die-Rek - Get Nervous
04:36 J Crum - No Way
04:36 RadioU - Fusion
04:32 Krum & Propaganda - Love Always (All Day)
04:28 Faith Child - CARDIO
04:28 RadioU - Fusion
04:25 Derek Minor - Fresh Prince
04:22 Lecrae - Still Here
04:22 RadioU - Fusion
04:18 Beacon Light - Haters
04:16 PEABOD - Ten Feet
04:16 RadioU - Fusion
04:12 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
04:10 808 BEEZY - He Never Left
04:10 RadioU - Fusion
04:07 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
04:03 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
04:03 RadioU - Fusion
04:01 Free Daps - John Oliver
03:57 Canon - Grateful
03:57 RadioU - Fusion
03:54 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
03:52 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
03:52 RadioU - Fusion
03:48 Tony Tillman - Thankful
03:45 Miles Minnick - Squabble
03:45 RadioU - Fusion
03:42 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
03:38 Hulvey - All For You
03:38 RadioU - Fusion
03:36 GRAHAM - Back To You
03:34 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
03:34 RadioU - Fusion
03:31 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
03:27 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
03:27 RadioU - Fusion
03:24 Byron Juane - Proof
03:21 Caleb Gordon - War
03:17 Sho Baraka - Here
03:14 RadioU - Fusion
03:12 WHATUPRG - This Time Last Year
03:09 Torey D Shaun - Come Thru
03:09 RadioU - Fusion
03:06 Dee Black - I'm So Glad (Feat. GS)
03:04 Imperial - Know The Call
03:04 RadioU - Fusion
03:02 Zauntee - Wartime
02:58 B Cooper - What It Means
02:58 RadioU - Fusion
02:55 Anike - HAVE FUN
02:52 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
02:52 RadioU - Fusion
02:48 Eric Mason - Work It Out
02:46 DJ Standout - Your Love
02:45 RadioU - Fusion
02:43 The One Keon - The One Keon
02:39 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
02:39 RadioU - Fusion
02:35 Trip Lee - Standby
02:33 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
02:33 RadioU - Fusion
02:31 Steven Malcolm - Not To Us/Good Love
02:28 Sansone - Jump
02:28 RadioU - Fusion
02:25 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
02:22 Sivion - Blinders
02:22 RadioU - Fusion
02:19 Jay Manwell - Regrets
02:17 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
02:17 RadioU - Fusion
02:15 808 BEEZY - Claim It
02:11 Joshva - Dilemna
02:11 RadioU - Fusion
02:08 Sherrod White - Run It
02:06 GRAHAM - Back To You
02:06 RadioU - Fusion
02:03 Cash Hollistah - Jump
02:00 James Gardin - Trophies
02:00 RadioU - Fusion
01:57 Deraj - Bring It
01:54 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
01:54 RadioU - Fusion
01:51 Adrion Butler - On Time (Bryson Price Remix)
01:48 Die-Rek - Get Nervous
01:47 RadioU - Fusion
01:45 J Crum - No Way
01:41 Krum & Propaganda - Love Always (All Day)
01:41 RadioU - Fusion
01:37 Faith Child - CARDIO
01:34 Derek Minor - Fresh Prince
01:34 RadioU - Fusion
01:31 Lecrae - Still Here
01:27 Beacon Light - Haters
01:27 RadioU - Fusion
01:25 PEABOD - Ten Feet
01:21 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
01:21 RadioU - Fusion
01:19 808 BEEZY - He Never Left
01:16 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
01:16 RadioU - Fusion
01:12 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
01:09 Free Daps - John Oliver
01:09 RadioU - Fusion
01:06 Canon - Grateful
01:03 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
01:03 RadioU - Fusion
01:01 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
00:56 Tony Tillman - Thankful
00:56 RadioU - Fusion
00:54 Miles Minnick - Squabble
00:51 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
00:51 RadioU - Fusion
00:47 Hulvey - All For You
00:45 GRAHAM - Back To You
00:45 RadioU - Fusion
00:43 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
00:40 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
00:40 RadioU - Fusion
00:36 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
00:33 Byron Juane - Proof
00:33 RadioU - Fusion
00:30 Caleb Gordon - War
00:26 Sho Baraka - Here
00:21 WHATUPRG - This Time Last Year
00:21 RadioU - Fusion
00:18 Torey D Shaun - Come Thru
00:15 Dee Black - I'm So Glad (Feat. GS)
00:15 RadioU - Fusion
00:13 Imperial - Know The Call
00:11 Zauntee - Wartime
00:11 RadioU - Fusion
00:07 B Cooper - What It Means
00:04 Anike - HAVE FUN
00:04 RadioU - Fusion
00:01 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless

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