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Radio Joy playlista

Nie wiesz co było grane w radiu? Skorzystaj z naszego serwisu żeby znaleźć nazwę. Nasza playlista zawiera harmonogram eteru Radio Joy w ciągu ostatnich 7 dni.

(obecnie w Morton Grove 01:33)
23:57 Gabriel Buzguta - As Vrea
23:53 Maranata - Voia Ta
23:49 SIMONA...Daca azi esti trist
23:45 The Martins - Fairest Lord Jesus
23:41 The Cathedrals - Ride That Glory Train
23:36 Bill & Gloria Gaithe
23:34 Grup Rom - Track 07
23:27 Doru Satmarean - Liberi si in libertate
23:24 Ricky Van Shelton - Holy (I Bowed on My Knees and Cried Holy)
23:22 Bill & Gloria Gaither - Come on Children, Let's Sing
23:17 Messis - Inconjurat de slava
23:09 Izvorul Vietii - Cantarea mea
23:06 Penty Grup - 2 Te doresc doar pe tine Isuse
23:02 Marius Vilan - Dincolo de noapte
22:58 The Merediths - it was for me
22:56 American Choir - Track 11
22:54 Then Sings My Soul(How great thou art) | Jehovah Shalom Acapella | Stuart K.Hine
22:49 Lidia Cîrlan ?i Puiu Chibici - 08 Zdrobit si parasit de oameni
22:44 Stefan Ciobanu Band - Tu cel mai mare
22:40 Booth Brothers - Don't Let Me Lose Sight
22:36 Gaither Vocal Band - God Leads Us Along
22:33 Cand vezi c-am terminat - Aura Hirit
22:30 051023Mama - Psalmul
22:24 Izvorul Vietii - Iubirea Lui
22:20 Suflarea Ta (Acoustic Session) | 477
22:17 Ierihon - Isus iubirea
22:14 Triumphant Quartet - God Works All Things for Good
22:10 The Oak Ridge Boys - I Love To Tell The Story
22:07 Speers - It's Amazing What He Saw in Me
22:03 MARIUS LIVANU - Un nume asa frumos
21:58 Echohill - Doamne astazi vin
21:54 Heritage Singers Quarter - I Shall Wear a Crown
21:49 Greater Vision - Daystar (Shine Down on Me)
21:46 Amalia Preda - O, Doamne, a?terne slava Ta
21:39 Mihaela Rusu - Romani 8:28...de Doru Satmarean
21:35 Gabriel Buzguta - Doamne Tu Ma Stii
21:31 Alin Timofte - Il vad pe El
21:27 CE ESTI TU LACRIMA DE LUCICA BOLTASU voce ady moldovan
21:23 Kingdom Heirs - Mercy's Hearing
21:20 Bill & Gloria Gaithe
21:18 The Hoppers - The Smoke Of The Battle
21:13 Gospel Singers - Eu vreau sa merg
21:07 Bill & Gloria Gaithe
21:02 Jimmy Swaggart - Pass Me Not
20:58 KL - Tot ce îti ofer
20:56 Track 13
20:53 Renae Hudson - Your Spirit Lives In Me
20:50 Ioan Scheau - Lucrarea celor nebagati in seama
20:47 The Messengers - Pe Isus l-asteptam
20:43 Jimmy Saaggart - The Uncloudy Day
20:41 George Younce - When the Roll Is Called up Yonder
20:37 Bill & Gloria Gaithe
20:34 Pur si Simplu! - Mintuirea e a Domnului.
20:31 Sunset Quartet - RATACIT ÎN NOAPTE
20:26 The Days - Daddy's Song
20:24 Rush Hampton - I Will Be in Heaven
20:20 Andreea & Andrei - Vino azi
20:18 Petru Dugulescu - Iubirea ii ce poti sa dai
20:16 Stroia David - 1. Cu Isus calatoresc.wav
20:12 Elim Harmony Band - Domn Atotputernic
20:11 alex alexandru - My Song
20:08 Feasting at The Table Of The King
20:05 The Spencers - Hallelujah Morning
19:56 Hristic - Domn al Domnilor
19:51 Serban Mariana - Aleluia Iti Voi Canta
19:47 Russ Taff - At the Altar
19:44 J. B. Coats - Where Good I Go
19:40 Ekklesia - Toata închinarea
19:31 The Agee Family - It's About The Cross
19:28 SIMONA - Ne am strans astazi cu Isus
19:25 Omega - 2 E bucurie in Cristos
19:22 The Stevens Family - Heaven On Earth
19:19 Bill Gaither - Some Things I Must Tell the Children
19:17 The Bishops - Oh God, I Love You
19:14 Agape - In Fata Tronului
19:11 Levi, Sara ?i Darius Turcin - Zori zilei
19:08 Bill Traylor - Step Into The Water
19:04 The Perrys - I'd Do It All Over Again
19:01 Boanerghes - Nu te voi parasi
19:00 Marius Alexandru - Acelasi vechi dor
18:54 Gabriel Buzguta - In Bratul Tau
18:46 Ami Cristea & Adi Kovaci | Doamne vin acum
18:43 Jaff Bands - 11 Across the Miles
18:40 Joey Rory - Take My Hand, Precious Lord
18:36 The Crabb Family - I Go To The Rock
18:33 Impact - Eu sunt un om
18:29 Alin Timofte Band-Glorie
18:26 Sincere - The Holy Hills Of Heaven Call Me
18:21 Bill Gaithe
18:16 Coca Saroni - Omule Nu Intamplarea
17:59 Stroia David - 4. M-am departat de Dumnezeu.wav
17:56 Georgeta Bucur - Domnul meu stapan peste tot
17:51 Be t a n i a - Invata-ma s'ascult
17:48 Bill and Gloria Gaither and Homecoming Friends - What a Difference You've Made in My LIfe
17:42 Sandi Patty - The Stage Is Bare/I Need Thee Every Hour
17:39 the primitive quartet - 16 Jesus Leads Me Home
17:35 Larisa Pantea & Adi Kovaci | Tu E?ti Domnul meu (Cover)
17:33 SILO Quartet - Nu e mult si vine dimineata
17:30 The Cathedrals - Movin' up to Gloryland
17:27 Kevin Williams - My Savior's Love
17:21 Mesaj Grup - Toate sunt in mana Ta
17:20 Mi - e dor fara fond muzical
17:14 Izvorul Vietii - Nu stiam
17:10 Emaus - Singur pe drum
17:06 Adi Kovaci - La Tine Vin
17:05 Josh Turner - Doxology
17:03 Reggie & Ladye Love Smith - 6 Everything You Are
17:00 Gold City - His Name Is Wonderful
16:57 Langa Tine Tania & Ema - \2.Ma inchin
16:53 Agapao - La Tine Doamne
16:51 Bill & Gloria Gaither - How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
16:45 Emmy Lou Harris - Till I Gain Control Again
16:43 Dominus- Tu esti adevarul
16:40 Estera Colessine - Track 10
16:35 Elim Harmony - Puternicul
16:30 Ovidiu Mirofan - Nici un pas fara Tine
16:27 The singing Thomas Family - Don't point a finger
16:22 The Cathedral Quartet - The Streets of Gold
16:17 Simona Ardelean - Cand esti trist
16:10 Ahava - Pe Isus daca-L crezi
16:07 Just Over Yonder 2006 - 15 Only Thing That Matters
16:03 The Greenes - My Redeemer
15:59 Apel Trio - 4.Noi suntem rascumparati
15:57 GANDURI DE RODICA DINU voce ady moldovan
15:53 Daniel Iuga - Pentru noi e taina mare
15:47 Amalia Preda - Lipeste-mi, Doamne, sufletul de Tine
15:44 Luminita Ciuciuias - Chiar daca norii grei se-aduna
15:41 A Cappella Choir - Blessed Assurance
15:38 Perfect Heart - Oh My Lord What A Time
15:35 Dallas Holme - Heart of Mine
15:31 Emanuel - Jos la picioarele-Ti
15:26 07 Ma iubesti tu Petre - (www.resursecrestine.ro)
15:23 Gene McDonald - Hallelujah For The Cross
15:19 Legacy Five - Heroes of the Faith
15:15 Mihaela Rusu - Ingenunchiat
15:13 Vreti voi parinti - Ella Costa (www.studiojoy.org)
15:08 Gabriel Buzguta - Maretul Har
15:04 Dominus - Raspunsul
15:00 Shalom - Pentru noi
14:57 Barbara Mandrell - I Need Thee Every Hour
14:54 Greater Vision - Always Enough
14:50 Gaither Vocal Band - Praises
14:46 Ionut Craciun - Ce sunt eu
14:42 Traian Suciu - Cind pleci la drum
14:40 Florida Boys - Built on Amazing Grace
14:36 The Speers - I Just Feel Like Something Goo
14:33 Adonia - Adonia - Dragoste de sus
14:31 Omule sa nu te - ncrezi
14:27 The Agee Family - I've Come Too Far
14:27 Radio Joy - ID Statie
14:23 Grup IERUSALIM - Iubesc pe Domnul
14:16 The Messengers - Te voi urma
14:12 The Spencers - It'll Be Worth It After All
14:12 Bill Gaither - Homecoming - All Night, All Day
14:08 David Patillo - Jesus Never Said No
14:04 Ioan Timofte - Piatra de hotar
14:01 Ioan Scheau - Mijlocirea pentru altii
13:58 Wes Hampton - 07 IN THE GARDEN
13:51 Maranata - Splendori divine
13:49 My Jesus, I Love Thee
13:47 Renae Hudson - Jesus With Skin
13:46 ID Statie Radio Joy
13:42 Grup Be Clean - O, ce har
13:39 Alex si Daria - Vreau sa te fac pescar
13:36 Casting Crowns - When We All Get to Heaven
13:32 Squire Parsons - I'm Not Giving Up
13:29 Chuck Wagon Gang - He Will Set Your Fields on Fire
13:25 Andreea si Andrei Mois - Iti multumesc
13:21 Evanghelic - Taria mea
13:16 The Singing Contractors - Because He Lives
13:12 Bill Traylor - He Lives
13:06 BSO - Glorie Mielului
13:06 Fatarnicul de Llucica boltasu voce ady moldovan
13:02 Gabriel Buzguta - A Fost O Noapte, a Fost O Zi
13:01 asculti radio Joy Mirela
12:59 Mihaela Rusu - In Tine Isuse Scump
12:55 Various - Dana & Crina - Am pus un strajer
12:52 James Easte
12:47 Jimmy Swaggart - I'll fly away
12:46 Jaff Bands Add - 7
12:43 Ioan Scheau - Calea spre cunoastere
12:40 Alin Timofte - Iti dau inima mea
12:35 The Daybrake Quartet - There's An Angel
12:31 Del Way - Built for Me
12:27 Art Quartet - Eram jos in pacat (4k)
12:25 Estera Colessine - Track 2
12:21 The Agee Family - Never No Never
12:21 Radio Joy
12:15 Adoramus - Drum de lumina (Cata iubire)
12:12 The Messengers - Mai mult ca orice
12:10 The Cathedrals - Raise the Roof
12:06 Squire Parsons - Bring Back the Cross
11:58 Dia Morar - Dia Morar-La Capat de Vremi
11:53 lacramioara,grup EL betel - Dor de paradis
11:50 Voices Of Lee - Feel It
11:46 Casting Crowns - 'Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus
11:42 CrisSem - Numele Tau
11:40 CORNEL Emanuel Hardalau - poezia Isus ducandu-si crucea
11:36 Adi Hentea - Es?ti minunat Isuse
11:33 Ligia Marin - Track 6
11:28 Mare e?ti Tu - HYChoir
11:25 Florida Boys - I Saw a Man
11:22 The Nelons - Oh For A Thousand Tongues
11:17 American Choir - Track 7
11:13 O cat ma simt de fericit VOL 2 Iulian Avasiloaie - O cat ma simt de fericit VOL 2 Iulian Avasiloaie
11:10 Sunset Quartet - CÂNTAREA CELUI SALVAT
11:05 Lynda Randle - My Lord and I
11:01 The Singing Contractors - Wine Into Water
10:55 Andrada Dupu - Prietenul meu
10:46 Mihaela Rusu - Nevoia de calauzire
10:42 Gabriel Buzguta - Mana Ta
10:40 Cea Mai Mare Iubire - (www.resursecrestine.ro)
10:38 Stefan Rusulschi - De vei veni..
10:34 Bill and Gloria Gaither and the Homecoming Friends - Let's Make a Memory
10:32 Perfect Heart - The Pleasure Is Mine
10:28 Kevin Williams - Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
10:23 Amalia Preda - As vrea sa fiu ce azi n-am fost
10:19 Omega - Raul vietii
10:14 Booth Brothers - Father
10:11 Gaither - The King is coming
10:07 Beniamin Pop - 07.Ma credeam pierdut
10:06 Marius Alexandru - De ai
10:01 Izvorul Vietii - In Fiecare Seara
09:57 Ovidiu Niculas - Ps:8
09:53 Ekklesia - Fii binecuvântat
09:49 Bill Gaither - Tho' Autumn's Coming On
09:46 Ron Edwards - Carpenter Tools
09:43 Ernie Hasse & Signature Sound - Wonderful Grace Of Jesus
09:39 Viorela Cioban - Timpul
09:34 Grup IERUSALIM - Cand ma aflu-n prezenta TA
09:32 The Days - You Never Let Me Down
09:29 The Daybrake Quartet - Not Even A Stone
09:25 Evanghelic - Eu Te laud Doamne
09:25 Andreea Bolos - Nu pot sa-l uit pe Dumnezeu
09:20 Cosmin Caprariu - 06 Isus muri
09:15 si daca timpul s- ar sfarsi de LUCICA BOLTASU voce ady moldovan
09:11 Adi Kovaci | A? vrea Isuse scump sa fiu ca Tine
09:09 Just as I Am
09:06 Gaither Vocal Band - Moses Smote The Water
09:00 The Kingsmen - Moses
08:52 Alisa & Carmina Pantea | Este Cineva
08:49 Karen Peck & New River - God's Got a Blessing
08:44 The Happy Goodman Family - The Greatest Love Story
08:41 Gacia Liviu - Nu sta nepasator
08:38 P04 - Unde este Dumnezeu
08:34 Gabriel Buzguta - Daca-Ntr-O Tainica Vreme
08:30 Serban Mariana - La Isus E Pace Dulce
08:26 Slava e a Domnului - Acustic |
08:24 Bill Traylor - Goodbye, World, Goodbye
08:21 The Statler Brothers - I Believe I'll Live for Him
08:18 Feasting at The Table Of The King
08:18 Vida - 11 Quieto Estad
08:10 N'Harmony - There's Peace In Knowing
08:07 Reggie & Ladye Love Smith - The Solid Rock
08:02 Impact Quartet - Iubeste-l
07:59 Enrique Chia - Beyond the sunset
07:57 The Agee Family - Praying Man
07:54 Simplu Quartet - Vin la Isus
07:49 Sfant e Dumnezeu - Otto Pascal
07:46 The Oak Ridge Boys - Hold To God's Unchanging Hand
07:43 The Spencers - God Has a Place
07:39 Barbara Cox - On My Knees I Said I Do
07:34 Ionut Craciun - Unde-S Crestinii
07:33 My Jesus, I Love Thee
07:31 Bill & Gloria Gaither - How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
07:28 Greater Vision - It's Just Like Heaven
07:24 Gabi Ilut - Om binecuvantat
07:22 Petru Dugulescu - Iubirea ii ce poti sa dai
07:19 Daniel Iuga - Mana mea ti-o dau
07:19 Radio Joy - ID Statie
07:15 Brup Be Clean - Grup Be Clean - Fii curat
07:07 The Martins - Mercy Come In
07:04 Josh Turner - Me And God
07:00 The Hoppers - I'm Gonna Move
06:57 Maranata - Nimeni ca Tine
06:48 Penty Grup pe drumul vietii - 08 - Track
06:45 The Cathedral Quartet - He Loves Me
06:40 Bill Gaithe
06:39 alex alexandru - My Song
06:34 Arunca masca jos (poezie)
06:29 Izvorul Vietii - Suntem Dusi Si Clatinati
06:29 ID Statie Radio Joy
06:26 Ioan Scheau - In valea umilintei
06:22 Frange - ma, o, Doamne
06:19 Gold City - Going, Going, Gone
06:14 You're Lord
06:05 Amalia Preda - Nu pleca
06:01 Andreea Mois - Cant pentru Tine
05:57 The Crabb Family - Please Come Down To Me
05:53 the Rambos - Behold The Lamb
05:52 Track 13
05:40 Dem Samuel - Strigatul la miezul noptii
05:37 Caprariu - Cum sa nu cant despre Isus
05:37 asculti radio Joy Mirela
05:32 Alin Timofte - In bratul Tau
05:29 Simona Ardelean - Rugaciune
05:26 HAVE A LITTLE TALK WITH JESUS(African Edition) | Jehovah Shalom Acapella
05:21 Bill Gaither - Homecoming - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
05:19 Rich Stevens - Abide With Me - Under His Wings
05:13 Agape - Tu-mi Esti Refugiul
05:10 HRISTIC - 10 Bun e Domnul
05:08 Gospel Express - Little Is Much When God Is In It
04:58 Undeva intr - un catun
04:56 Daniela Postolache - Carul cel nou a lui David
04:52 Daniel Iuga - Cand m-a atins El
04:49 Angeli - Toleranta
04:43 Amalia Preda - Lipeste-mi, Doamne, sufletul de Tine
04:40 Del Way - You'll Never Be the Same
04:36 The Bishops - Whosoever Will
04:36 Perfect Hear - 6 Glory waves
04:31 BBSO - Doar in Cristos
04:27 Andreea si Andrei Mois - Calea vietii
04:23 Jessy Dixon - I Go to the Rock
04:20 Kevin Spencer - Fallen Leaves
04:15 Mihaela Oancea & Marcel Iures - Isuse vesnic calator
04:12 INTOARCE-TE. versuri LUCICA BOLTASU voce Ady Moldovan
04:07 Gabriel Buzguta - Sa Nu Te Temi
04:06 Marius Alexandru - In genunchi la cruce
04:01 Speranta - Cine Este Vrednic
03:59 Jaff Bands - 13
03:56 Heritage Singers Quarter - God is So Wonderful
03:52 Squire Parsons - Hello Mama
03:48 Continental - Comoara mea
03:46 Grup Otinel - Lauda tie
03:43 Ivan Parker - God Bless the USA
03:39 Ernie Hasse & Signature Sound - Mexico
03:36 Dominus - Despre inima mea
03:35 Traian Dorz - Am fost un ceas pe munte (P)
03:31 Cosmin Caprariu - 04 Am vrut sa-ti multumesc
03:28 Alex si Daria - Am dat oare ce am mai bun
03:25 Teofil Catana - Numele Domnului sa fie laudat
03:19 Chuck Wagon Gang - Waiting for the Call
03:15 Ghighi N. Iovin - Are You Washed in the Blood
03:13 Ierihon - O ce zi
03:09 The Messengers - Povara zilei
03:07 The Daybrake Quartet - Glad Day
03:05 The Cathedrals - The Light of Love
03:00 P23 - Noi sintem Romani
02:58 Renae Hudson - I'm On A Journey
02:54 Mesaj Grup Vladimirescu - Corabia vietii
02:50 Luminita Ciuciuias - In Tine am gasit chemarea
02:48 unknown - put your feet under God's table
02:45 Anthony Burger - Going Home
02:41 Karen Peck Gooch - It Is Well
02:37 Otto Pascal - Golgota
02:28 Jimmy Swaggart - Look For Me
02:24 Bill Gaither - Something to Say
02:20 Sunset Quartet & Romanian Gospel Homecoming - Este Doar Un Singur Nume
02:13 Mihaela Rusu - Nadajduiri...de Doru Satmarean
02:09 Izvorul Vietii - D-Nul Sta Tot Asteptand
02:05 Emaus - Cauta-ma
02:02 Grupul Sion - Track 05
01:58 Reggie & Ladye Love Smith - 10 THE SOLID ROCK
01:55 Bill Traylo
01:52 The Nelons - You Needed Me
01:47 Omega - El e fintina
01:43 Beni Popovici & Adi Kovaci | Un Templu Sfânt
01:41 Hymns Mashup(pt1) | JEHOVAH SHALOM ACAPELLA | Sweetest Country-Gospel Medley
01:39 Speers - Look What the Lord Has Done
01:35 Fii A Mea Lumina - Ovidiu Niculas - Stand in adorare
01:33 Estera Colessine - Track 8
01:29 Renae Hudson - If You Wanna Walk On The Water
01:26 Alin si Florina Jivan - Doar langa Tine- 2014
01:22 Lacrimi de har - Acustic |
01:17 Bill & Gloria Gaither - Looking for a City
01:15 Gordon Mote - Power In The Blood
01:13 Bill Traylor - Cross Your Heart
01:08 Adi Kovaci | De nu ne-ar iubi
01:05 Eliza Pantea si Beni Popovici - Decorul
01:01 The Speers - Walking This Lonesome Valley (with a Friend)
00:57 Josh Turner - I Serve A Savior
00:51 Grupul Acustic - Când tata se roaga
00:45 P - Stergarul
00:43 Stroia David - 1. Cu Isus calatoresc.wav
00:40 Ioan Scheau - Rugaciunea de mijlocire
00:37 Maranata - IMI RIDIC PRIVIREA
00:34 Goodmans Family - Track 16
00:30 The McKameys - God On The Mountain
00:26 The Oak Ridge Boys - Peace Within
00:25 De - atitia ani sta Domnul tau
00:21 Elim Harmony - El a-nviat
00:16 Kevin Williams - Farther Along
00:09 The Author - Binecuvantat e-acest popas - Brothers Quartet
00:02 Doru Satmarean - Liberi si in libertate

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