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Radio Joy playlist

¿No sabe qué canción se jugó en la radio? Utilice nuestro servicio, para encontrarla. Nuestra lista de reproducción contiene la planificación de difusión Radio Joy en los últimos 7 días.

(hora actual en Morton Grove 01:24)
23:57 Gabriel Buzguta - As Vrea
23:53 Maranata - Voia Ta
23:49 SIMONA...Daca azi esti trist
23:45 The Martins - Fairest Lord Jesus
23:41 The Cathedrals - Ride That Glory Train
23:36 Bill & Gloria Gaithe
23:34 Grup Rom - Track 07
23:27 Doru Satmarean - Liberi si in libertate
23:24 Ricky Van Shelton - Holy (I Bowed on My Knees and Cried Holy)
23:22 Bill & Gloria Gaither - Come on Children, Let's Sing
23:17 Messis - Inconjurat de slava
23:09 Izvorul Vietii - Cantarea mea
23:06 Penty Grup - 2 Te doresc doar pe tine Isuse
23:02 Marius Vilan - Dincolo de noapte
22:58 The Merediths - it was for me
22:56 American Choir - Track 11
22:54 Then Sings My Soul(How great thou art) | Jehovah Shalom Acapella | Stuart K.Hine
22:49 Lidia Cîrlan ?i Puiu Chibici - 08 Zdrobit si parasit de oameni
22:44 Stefan Ciobanu Band - Tu cel mai mare
22:40 Booth Brothers - Don't Let Me Lose Sight
22:36 Gaither Vocal Band - God Leads Us Along
22:33 Cand vezi c-am terminat - Aura Hirit
22:30 051023Mama - Psalmul
22:24 Izvorul Vietii - Iubirea Lui
22:20 Suflarea Ta (Acoustic Session) | 477
22:17 Ierihon - Isus iubirea
22:14 Triumphant Quartet - God Works All Things for Good
22:10 The Oak Ridge Boys - I Love To Tell The Story
22:07 Speers - It's Amazing What He Saw in Me
22:03 MARIUS LIVANU - Un nume asa frumos
21:58 Echohill - Doamne astazi vin
21:54 Heritage Singers Quarter - I Shall Wear a Crown
21:49 Greater Vision - Daystar (Shine Down on Me)
21:46 Amalia Preda - O, Doamne, a?terne slava Ta
21:39 Mihaela Rusu - Romani Doru Satmarean
21:35 Gabriel Buzguta - Doamne Tu Ma Stii
21:31 Alin Timofte - Il vad pe El
21:27 CE ESTI TU LACRIMA DE LUCICA BOLTASU voce ady moldovan
21:23 Kingdom Heirs - Mercy's Hearing
21:20 Bill & Gloria Gaithe
21:18 The Hoppers - The Smoke Of The Battle
21:13 Gospel Singers - Eu vreau sa merg
21:07 Bill & Gloria Gaithe
21:02 Jimmy Swaggart - Pass Me Not
20:58 KL - Tot ce îti ofer
20:56 Track 13
20:53 Renae Hudson - Your Spirit Lives In Me
20:50 Ioan Scheau - Lucrarea celor nebagati in seama
20:47 The Messengers - Pe Isus l-asteptam
20:43 Jimmy Saaggart - The Uncloudy Day
20:41 George Younce - When the Roll Is Called up Yonder
20:37 Bill & Gloria Gaithe
20:34 Pur si Simplu! - Mintuirea e a Domnului.
20:31 Sunset Quartet - RATACIT ÎN NOAPTE
20:26 The Days - Daddy's Song
20:24 Rush Hampton - I Will Be in Heaven
20:20 Andreea & Andrei - Vino azi
20:18 Petru Dugulescu - Iubirea ii ce poti sa dai
20:16 Stroia David - 1. Cu Isus calatoresc.wav
20:12 Elim Harmony Band - Domn Atotputernic
20:11 alex alexandru - My Song
20:08 Feasting at The Table Of The King
20:05 The Spencers - Hallelujah Morning
19:56 Hristic - Domn al Domnilor
19:51 Serban Mariana - Aleluia Iti Voi Canta
19:47 Russ Taff - At the Altar
19:44 J. B. Coats - Where Good I Go
19:40 Ekklesia - Toata închinarea
19:31 The Agee Family - It's About The Cross
19:28 SIMONA - Ne am strans astazi cu Isus
19:25 Omega - 2 E bucurie in Cristos
19:22 The Stevens Family - Heaven On Earth
19:19 Bill Gaither - Some Things I Must Tell the Children
19:17 The Bishops - Oh God, I Love You
19:14 Agape - In Fata Tronului
19:11 Levi, Sara ?i Darius Turcin - Zori zilei
19:08 Bill Traylor - Step Into The Water
19:04 The Perrys - I'd Do It All Over Again
19:01 Boanerghes - Nu te voi parasi
19:00 Marius Alexandru - Acelasi vechi dor
18:54 Gabriel Buzguta - In Bratul Tau
18:46 Ami Cristea & Adi Kovaci | Doamne vin acum
18:43 Jaff Bands - 11 Across the Miles
18:40 Joey Rory - Take My Hand, Precious Lord
18:36 The Crabb Family - I Go To The Rock
18:33 Impact - Eu sunt un om
18:29 Alin Timofte Band-Glorie
18:26 Sincere - The Holy Hills Of Heaven Call Me
18:21 Bill Gaithe
18:16 Coca Saroni - Omule Nu Intamplarea
17:59 Stroia David - 4. M-am departat de Dumnezeu.wav
17:56 Georgeta Bucur - Domnul meu stapan peste tot
17:51 Be t a n i a - Invata-ma s'ascult
17:48 Bill and Gloria Gaither and Homecoming Friends - What a Difference You've Made in My LIfe
17:42 Sandi Patty - The Stage Is Bare/I Need Thee Every Hour
17:39 the primitive quartet - 16 Jesus Leads Me Home
17:35 Larisa Pantea & Adi Kovaci | Tu E?ti Domnul meu (Cover)
17:33 SILO Quartet - Nu e mult si vine dimineata
17:30 The Cathedrals - Movin' up to Gloryland
17:27 Kevin Williams - My Savior's Love
17:21 Mesaj Grup - Toate sunt in mana Ta
17:20 Mi - e dor fara fond muzical
17:14 Izvorul Vietii - Nu stiam
17:10 Emaus - Singur pe drum
17:06 Adi Kovaci - La Tine Vin
17:05 Josh Turner - Doxology
17:03 Reggie & Ladye Love Smith - 6 Everything You Are
17:00 Gold City - His Name Is Wonderful
16:57 Langa Tine Tania & Ema - \2.Ma inchin
16:53 Agapao - La Tine Doamne
16:51 Bill & Gloria Gaither - How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
16:45 Emmy Lou Harris - Till I Gain Control Again
16:43 Dominus- Tu esti adevarul
16:40 Estera Colessine - Track 10
16:35 Elim Harmony - Puternicul
16:30 Ovidiu Mirofan - Nici un pas fara Tine
16:27 The singing Thomas Family - Don't point a finger
16:22 The Cathedral Quartet - The Streets of Gold
16:17 Simona Ardelean - Cand esti trist
16:10 Ahava - Pe Isus daca-L crezi
16:07 Just Over Yonder 2006 - 15 Only Thing That Matters
16:03 The Greenes - My Redeemer
15:59 Apel Trio - 4.Noi suntem rascumparati
15:57 GANDURI DE RODICA DINU voce ady moldovan
15:53 Daniel Iuga - Pentru noi e taina mare
15:47 Amalia Preda - Lipeste-mi, Doamne, sufletul de Tine
15:44 Luminita Ciuciuias - Chiar daca norii grei se-aduna
15:41 A Cappella Choir - Blessed Assurance
15:38 Perfect Heart - Oh My Lord What A Time
15:35 Dallas Holme - Heart of Mine
15:31 Emanuel - Jos la picioarele-Ti
15:26 07 Ma iubesti tu Petre - (
15:23 Gene McDonald - Hallelujah For The Cross
15:19 Legacy Five - Heroes of the Faith
15:15 Mihaela Rusu - Ingenunchiat
15:13 Vreti voi parinti - Ella Costa (
15:08 Gabriel Buzguta - Maretul Har
15:04 Dominus - Raspunsul
15:00 Shalom - Pentru noi
14:57 Barbara Mandrell - I Need Thee Every Hour
14:54 Greater Vision - Always Enough
14:50 Gaither Vocal Band - Praises
14:46 Ionut Craciun - Ce sunt eu
14:42 Traian Suciu - Cind pleci la drum
14:40 Florida Boys - Built on Amazing Grace
14:36 The Speers - I Just Feel Like Something Goo
14:33 Adonia - Adonia - Dragoste de sus
14:31 Omule sa nu te - ncrezi
14:27 The Agee Family - I've Come Too Far
14:27 Radio Joy - ID Statie
14:23 Grup IERUSALIM - Iubesc pe Domnul
14:16 The Messengers - Te voi urma
14:12 The Spencers - It'll Be Worth It After All
14:12 Bill Gaither - Homecoming - All Night, All Day
14:08 David Patillo - Jesus Never Said No
14:04 Ioan Timofte - Piatra de hotar
14:01 Ioan Scheau - Mijlocirea pentru altii
13:58 Wes Hampton - 07 IN THE GARDEN
13:51 Maranata - Splendori divine
13:49 My Jesus, I Love Thee
13:47 Renae Hudson - Jesus With Skin
13:46 ID Statie Radio Joy
13:42 Grup Be Clean - O, ce har
13:39 Alex si Daria - Vreau sa te fac pescar
13:36 Casting Crowns - When We All Get to Heaven
13:32 Squire Parsons - I'm Not Giving Up
13:29 Chuck Wagon Gang - He Will Set Your Fields on Fire
13:25 Andreea si Andrei Mois - Iti multumesc
13:21 Evanghelic - Taria mea
13:16 The Singing Contractors - Because He Lives
13:12 Bill Traylor - He Lives
13:06 BSO - Glorie Mielului
13:06 Fatarnicul de Llucica boltasu voce ady moldovan
13:02 Gabriel Buzguta - A Fost O Noapte, a Fost O Zi
13:01 asculti radio Joy Mirela
12:59 Mihaela Rusu - In Tine Isuse Scump
12:55 Various - Dana & Crina - Am pus un strajer
12:52 James Easte
12:47 Jimmy Swaggart - I'll fly away
12:46 Jaff Bands Add - 7
12:43 Ioan Scheau - Calea spre cunoastere
12:40 Alin Timofte - Iti dau inima mea
12:35 The Daybrake Quartet - There's An Angel
12:31 Del Way - Built for Me
12:27 Art Quartet - Eram jos in pacat (4k)
12:25 Estera Colessine - Track 2
12:21 The Agee Family - Never No Never
12:21 Radio Joy
12:15 Adoramus - Drum de lumina (Cata iubire)
12:12 The Messengers - Mai mult ca orice
12:10 The Cathedrals - Raise the Roof
12:06 Squire Parsons - Bring Back the Cross
11:58 Dia Morar - Dia Morar-La Capat de Vremi
11:53 lacramioara,grup EL betel - Dor de paradis
11:50 Voices Of Lee - Feel It
11:46 Casting Crowns - 'Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus
11:42 CrisSem - Numele Tau
11:40 CORNEL Emanuel Hardalau - poezia Isus ducandu-si crucea
11:36 Adi Hentea - Es?ti minunat Isuse
11:33 Ligia Marin - Track 6
11:28 Mare e?ti Tu - HYChoir
11:25 Florida Boys - I Saw a Man
11:22 The Nelons - Oh For A Thousand Tongues
11:17 American Choir - Track 7
11:13 O cat ma simt de fericit VOL 2 Iulian Avasiloaie - O cat ma simt de fericit VOL 2 Iulian Avasiloaie
11:10 Sunset Quartet - CÂNTAREA CELUI SALVAT
11:05 Lynda Randle - My Lord and I
11:01 The Singing Contractors - Wine Into Water
10:55 Andrada Dupu - Prietenul meu
10:46 Mihaela Rusu - Nevoia de calauzire
10:42 Gabriel Buzguta - Mana Ta
10:40 Cea Mai Mare Iubire - (
10:38 Stefan Rusulschi - De vei veni..
10:34 Bill and Gloria Gaither and the Homecoming Friends - Let's Make a Memory
10:32 Perfect Heart - The Pleasure Is Mine
10:28 Kevin Williams - Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
10:23 Amalia Preda - As vrea sa fiu ce azi n-am fost
10:19 Omega - Raul vietii
10:14 Booth Brothers - Father
10:11 Gaither - The King is coming
10:07 Beniamin Pop - 07.Ma credeam pierdut
10:06 Marius Alexandru - De ai
10:01 Izvorul Vietii - In Fiecare Seara
09:57 Ovidiu Niculas - Ps:8
09:53 Ekklesia - Fii binecuvântat
09:49 Bill Gaither - Tho' Autumn's Coming On
09:46 Ron Edwards - Carpenter Tools
09:43 Ernie Hasse & Signature Sound - Wonderful Grace Of Jesus
09:39 Viorela Cioban - Timpul
09:34 Grup IERUSALIM - Cand ma aflu-n prezenta TA
09:32 The Days - You Never Let Me Down
09:29 The Daybrake Quartet - Not Even A Stone
09:25 Evanghelic - Eu Te laud Doamne
09:25 Andreea Bolos - Nu pot sa-l uit pe Dumnezeu
09:20 Cosmin Caprariu - 06 Isus muri
09:15 si daca timpul s- ar sfarsi de LUCICA BOLTASU voce ady moldovan
09:11 Adi Kovaci | A? vrea Isuse scump sa fiu ca Tine
09:09 Just as I Am
09:06 Gaither Vocal Band - Moses Smote The Water
09:00 The Kingsmen - Moses
08:52 Alisa & Carmina Pantea | Este Cineva
08:49 Karen Peck & New River - God's Got a Blessing
08:44 The Happy Goodman Family - The Greatest Love Story
08:41 Gacia Liviu - Nu sta nepasator
08:38 P04 - Unde este Dumnezeu
08:34 Gabriel Buzguta - Daca-Ntr-O Tainica Vreme
08:30 Serban Mariana - La Isus E Pace Dulce
08:26 Slava e a Domnului - Acustic |
08:24 Bill Traylor - Goodbye, World, Goodbye
08:21 The Statler Brothers - I Believe I'll Live for Him
08:18 Feasting at The Table Of The King
08:18 Vida - 11 Quieto Estad
08:10 N'Harmony - There's Peace In Knowing
08:07 Reggie & Ladye Love Smith - The Solid Rock
08:02 Impact Quartet - Iubeste-l
07:59 Enrique Chia - Beyond the sunset
07:57 The Agee Family - Praying Man
07:54 Simplu Quartet - Vin la Isus
07:49 Sfant e Dumnezeu - Otto Pascal
07:46 The Oak Ridge Boys - Hold To God's Unchanging Hand
07:43 The Spencers - God Has a Place
07:39 Barbara Cox - On My Knees I Said I Do
07:34 Ionut Craciun - Unde-S Crestinii
07:33 My Jesus, I Love Thee
07:31 Bill & Gloria Gaither - How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
07:28 Greater Vision - It's Just Like Heaven
07:24 Gabi Ilut - Om binecuvantat
07:22 Petru Dugulescu - Iubirea ii ce poti sa dai
07:19 Daniel Iuga - Mana mea ti-o dau
07:19 Radio Joy - ID Statie
07:15 Brup Be Clean - Grup Be Clean - Fii curat
07:07 The Martins - Mercy Come In
07:04 Josh Turner - Me And God
07:00 The Hoppers - I'm Gonna Move
06:57 Maranata - Nimeni ca Tine
06:48 Penty Grup pe drumul vietii - 08 - Track
06:45 The Cathedral Quartet - He Loves Me
06:40 Bill Gaithe
06:39 alex alexandru - My Song
06:34 Arunca masca jos (poezie)
06:29 Izvorul Vietii - Suntem Dusi Si Clatinati
06:29 ID Statie Radio Joy
06:26 Ioan Scheau - In valea umilintei
06:22 Frange - ma, o, Doamne
06:19 Gold City - Going, Going, Gone
06:14 You're Lord
06:05 Amalia Preda - Nu pleca
06:01 Andreea Mois - Cant pentru Tine
05:57 The Crabb Family - Please Come Down To Me
05:53 the Rambos - Behold The Lamb
05:52 Track 13
05:40 Dem Samuel - Strigatul la miezul noptii
05:37 Caprariu - Cum sa nu cant despre Isus
05:37 asculti radio Joy Mirela
05:32 Alin Timofte - In bratul Tau
05:29 Simona Ardelean - Rugaciune
05:26 HAVE A LITTLE TALK WITH JESUS(African Edition) | Jehovah Shalom Acapella
05:21 Bill Gaither - Homecoming - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
05:19 Rich Stevens - Abide With Me - Under His Wings
05:13 Agape - Tu-mi Esti Refugiul
05:10 HRISTIC - 10 Bun e Domnul
05:08 Gospel Express - Little Is Much When God Is In It
04:58 Undeva intr - un catun
04:56 Daniela Postolache - Carul cel nou a lui David
04:52 Daniel Iuga - Cand m-a atins El
04:49 Angeli - Toleranta
04:43 Amalia Preda - Lipeste-mi, Doamne, sufletul de Tine
04:40 Del Way - You'll Never Be the Same
04:36 The Bishops - Whosoever Will
04:36 Perfect Hear - 6 Glory waves
04:31 BBSO - Doar in Cristos
04:27 Andreea si Andrei Mois - Calea vietii
04:23 Jessy Dixon - I Go to the Rock
04:20 Kevin Spencer - Fallen Leaves
04:15 Mihaela Oancea & Marcel Iures - Isuse vesnic calator
04:12 INTOARCE-TE. versuri LUCICA BOLTASU voce Ady Moldovan
04:07 Gabriel Buzguta - Sa Nu Te Temi
04:06 Marius Alexandru - In genunchi la cruce
04:01 Speranta - Cine Este Vrednic
03:59 Jaff Bands - 13
03:56 Heritage Singers Quarter - God is So Wonderful
03:52 Squire Parsons - Hello Mama
03:48 Continental - Comoara mea
03:46 Grup Otinel - Lauda tie
03:43 Ivan Parker - God Bless the USA
03:39 Ernie Hasse & Signature Sound - Mexico
03:36 Dominus - Despre inima mea
03:35 Traian Dorz - Am fost un ceas pe munte (P)
03:31 Cosmin Caprariu - 04 Am vrut sa-ti multumesc
03:28 Alex si Daria - Am dat oare ce am mai bun
03:25 Teofil Catana - Numele Domnului sa fie laudat
03:19 Chuck Wagon Gang - Waiting for the Call
03:15 Ghighi N. Iovin - Are You Washed in the Blood
03:13 Ierihon - O ce zi
03:09 The Messengers - Povara zilei
03:07 The Daybrake Quartet - Glad Day
03:05 The Cathedrals - The Light of Love
03:00 P23 - Noi sintem Romani
02:58 Renae Hudson - I'm On A Journey
02:54 Mesaj Grup Vladimirescu - Corabia vietii
02:50 Luminita Ciuciuias - In Tine am gasit chemarea
02:48 unknown - put your feet under God's table
02:45 Anthony Burger - Going Home
02:41 Karen Peck Gooch - It Is Well
02:37 Otto Pascal - Golgota
02:28 Jimmy Swaggart - Look For Me
02:24 Bill Gaither - Something to Say
02:20 Sunset Quartet & Romanian Gospel Homecoming - Este Doar Un Singur Nume
02:13 Mihaela Rusu - Doru Satmarean
02:09 Izvorul Vietii - D-Nul Sta Tot Asteptand
02:05 Emaus - Cauta-ma
02:02 Grupul Sion - Track 05
01:58 Reggie & Ladye Love Smith - 10 THE SOLID ROCK
01:55 Bill Traylo
01:52 The Nelons - You Needed Me
01:47 Omega - El e fintina
01:43 Beni Popovici & Adi Kovaci | Un Templu Sfânt
01:41 Hymns Mashup(pt1) | JEHOVAH SHALOM ACAPELLA | Sweetest Country-Gospel Medley
01:39 Speers - Look What the Lord Has Done
01:35 Fii A Mea Lumina - Ovidiu Niculas - Stand in adorare
01:33 Estera Colessine - Track 8
01:29 Renae Hudson - If You Wanna Walk On The Water
01:26 Alin si Florina Jivan - Doar langa Tine- 2014
01:22 Lacrimi de har - Acustic |
01:17 Bill & Gloria Gaither - Looking for a City
01:15 Gordon Mote - Power In The Blood
01:13 Bill Traylor - Cross Your Heart
01:08 Adi Kovaci | De nu ne-ar iubi
01:05 Eliza Pantea si Beni Popovici - Decorul
01:01 The Speers - Walking This Lonesome Valley (with a Friend)
00:57 Josh Turner - I Serve A Savior
00:51 Grupul Acustic - Când tata se roaga
00:45 P - Stergarul
00:43 Stroia David - 1. Cu Isus calatoresc.wav
00:40 Ioan Scheau - Rugaciunea de mijlocire
00:37 Maranata - IMI RIDIC PRIVIREA
00:34 Goodmans Family - Track 16
00:30 The McKameys - God On The Mountain
00:26 The Oak Ridge Boys - Peace Within
00:25 De - atitia ani sta Domnul tau
00:21 Elim Harmony - El a-nviat
00:16 Kevin Williams - Farther Along
00:09 The Author - Binecuvantat e-acest popas - Brothers Quartet
00:02 Doru Satmarean - Liberi si in libertate

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