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This morning reporter Wilson and his comments about Peru not being able to beat the substitutes from the Argentinean national team; who does he think he is and to make comments about a national team that is trying to do the best that they can; I can understand that he is not very happy with some countries and their national teams, but as a reporter (which I think he is) comments like that are not needed. We Peruvians take it very personal when someone makes funny comments about our national team, even though I don't think it was a funny comment. Sincerely and very respectfully, Juan Leo
jose caballero16.08.2023
Very good programing for the community.pero tambien tienen un par the haters seva perdiendo la empatía.
jose molina22.11.2022
No free connection
Eloy E Carrera16.10.2022
La radio del Pueblo con Carrasco su director/Propietario El es dominicano muy Buena radio estacoon por muchos años la vengo escuchandola. Saludos El Chef Eloy E Carrera Bowen
Manuel Abuzaid17.10.2021
Saludos amigos desde Argentina. Me encanta la programación. Añoro volver. Hace 20 años estuve allí en silver spring cuál es su WhatsApp???
Wilmer Nunez30.11.2019
Muy buen programa calentando lá mañana,saludes a todo el equipo
Carlos Diaz06.04.2019
Buenísima programación, en este momento escuchando el programa con la animación de Gabriela La Madrid, saludos desde Guatemala .
Leia Fabre07.12.2018
Saludos desde Chile!! ♥
Rosa Elena Meléndez Infante13.01.2018
Excelente música , saludos de Ambato, Ecuador. BENDICIONES
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2730 University Blvd W #200, Silver Spring, MD 20902, USA
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