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Radio America - WACA

Wheaton, 900 kHz AM
Рэйтынг: 3.8 Ацэнак: 9
Radio America - WACA is a broadcast radio station from Wheaton, MD, United States, providing Community News, Information and Contemporary music.
42 13

Водгукі аб Radio America - WACA

  • 1
    This morning reporter Wilson and his comments about Peru not being able to beat the substitutes from the Argentinean national team; who does he think he is and to make comments about a national team that is trying to do the best that they can; I can understand that he is not very happy with some countries and their national teams, but as a reporter (which I think he is) comments like that are not needed. We Peruvians take it very personal when someone makes funny comments about our national team, even though I don't think it was a funny comment. Sincerely and very respectfully, Juan Leo
  • 3
    Very good programing for the community.pero tambien tienen un par the haters seva perdiendo la empatía.
  • 1
    No free connection
  • 4
    La radio del Pueblo con Carrasco su director/Propietario El es dominicano muy Buena radio estacoon por muchos años la vengo escuchandola. Saludos El Chef Eloy E Carrera Bowen
  • 5
    Saludos amigos desde Argentina. Me encanta la programación. Añoro volver. Hace 20 años estuve allí en silver spring cuál es su WhatsApp???
  • 5
    Muy buen programa calentando lá mañana,saludes a todo el equipo
  • 5
    Buenísima programación, en este momento escuchando el programa con la animación de Gabriela La Madrid, saludos desde Guatemala .
  • 5
    Saludos desde Chile!! ♥
  • 5
    Excelente música , saludos de Ambato, Ecuador. BENDICIONES

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: 2730 University Blvd W #200, Silver Spring, MD 20902, USA
Тэлефон: +301-962-0900
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @America900am
Twitter: @AMERICA900am
Instagram: @radioamerica900am
Youtube: @featured

Fax: 301-942-7798
Recepción: 301-942-3500

Час у горадзе Wheaton: 17:12, 03.26.2025

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