12:30 |
Principle Music - Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
12:26 |
Anna Mieczkowski - Nearer, My God To Thee
12:24 |
Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - I'm a Soldier of the Cross
12:21 |
SMS Men's Quartet - Isn't the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful
12:17 |
Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - Until Then
12:15 |
Simply Soundforth - Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
12:11 |
Ed Russ - Grace Greater than All Our Sins
12:07 |
Hamilton Family - Rejoice in the Lord %
12:03 |
The Wilds - Almighty, Unchangeable God
12:00 |
The Masters Chorale - I'm in His Care %
11:56 |
Tracey Ann Collins - O Worship the King
11:52 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit
11:51 |
Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 150 Creation
11:48 |
John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - Blessed Assurance (Women's Chorus)
11:45 |
John Marshall Family - Send the Light
11:41 |
Florence Fong - Help Me Win The Lost
11:39 |
Wilds A Cappella Chorale - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
11:37 |
Sam Slobodian - There Is Power In The Blood
11:35 |
Herbster Trio - Be Not Afraid %
11:32 |
SoundForth Singers And Orchestra - Sometime a Light Surprises
11:30 |
Larry Mayfield - I Will Sing Of My Redeemer %
11:25 |
Wilds Choir And Orchestra - You Alone are God %
11:22 |
Sacred Music Services - Beneath the Cross of Jesus
11:19 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Return To Me
11:15 |
Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - His Eye Is On The Sparrow
11:12 |
Gregg Nash - I Can Stand In His Presence
11:09 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - My Lord and Savior %
11:05 |
The Wilds Men's Quartet - Redeeming Grace %
11:00 |
Ron Hamilton - Goodnight %
10:56 |
the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - The Sacrifice %
10:53 |
Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Welcome Home %
10:51 |
Masters Chorale, Fettke, cond. - Take Time To Be Holy %
10:47 |
SMS Orchestra - Meditations on Our Risen Lord
10:44 |
Mac And Beth Lynch - Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken
10:41 |
Dr Al Smith - More About Jesus
10:36 |
Melinda K Wickam - And Can It Be?
10:34 |
Melinda K. Wickam - I Sing The Mighty Power of God
10:32 |
Carol And Sharon Myers - To God Be The Glory
10:27 |
Linda McKechnie - Open Our Eyes, Lord %
10:25 |
Nancy And Melody Lundmark - Jesus And Me
10:22 |
The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - All The Way My Savior Leads Me
10:19 |
Shannon Knox - Blessed Assurance
10:16 |
Frank Boggs - In the Sweet By And By
10:12 |
Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - I'd Rather Have Jesus
10:10 |
Erin Cross - Jesus Loves Me
10:07 |
Claire Ryan - Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord
10:04 |
Majesty Music - Marvelous Grace %
10:01 |
George Beverly Shea - Father's World %
09:58 |
Majesty Ladies - There Is A Balm %
09:55 |
Principle Music - Praise Him, Praise Him
09:52 |
Mac Lynch - God Who Made the World
09:49 |
The London Philharmonic Choir - For The Beauty Of The Earth
09:46 |
SMS Men's Quartet - My Jesus, I Love Thee
09:44 |
SMS Men's Choir - O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing
09:42 |
Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Be Not Afraid %
09:40 |
Patch The Pirate - He That Hath No Rule (Proverbs , ) %
09:37 |
Ed Russ - Nearer, Still Nearer/Near To The Heart Of God
09:33 |
Simply Soundforth - All Creatures, Come And Sing
09:28 |
The Wilds - It Was For Me %
09:24 |
Principle Chorus - There is a Balm in Gilead
09:21 |
Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - Great Is Thy Faithfulness %
09:18 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Holy, Holy, Holy
09:16 |
Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 86 (Llef)
09:13 |
John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - Redeemed (Women's Chorus)
09:10 |
The Masters Chorale - The Master Has Come %
09:05 |
Hamilton Family - Tho' It's Midnight %
09:03 |
Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder #
09:00 |
Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Are You Ready?
08:58 |
John Marshall Family - How Firm a Foundation
08:56 |
SoundForth Singers and Orchestra - To You Alone. %
08:53 |
Herbster Trio - In All Things God Works for Our Good
08:50 |
Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Be Merciful, O God, to Me
08:46 |
Florence Fong - Lord, I Need You %
08:43 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Mercy Awaits
08:39 |
Gregg Nash - His Blood Still Sets Men Free
08:37 |
Sam Slobodian - Sound The Battle Cry
08:33 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - God, My Father
08:30 |
Sacred Music Services - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
08:26 |
Anna Mieczkowski - Wayfaring Stranger
08:23 |
Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - My Saviors Love
08:18 |
Ron Hamilton - The Eastern Gate-Farther Along %
08:15 |
Ron And Shelly Hamilton - I'm Gonna Sing %
08:10 |
Mac And Beth Lynch - Be An Example
08:07 |
Tracey Ann Collins - On Jordan's Stormy Banks
08:05 |
Dr Al Smith - There's A Wideness In God's Mercy
08:02 |
Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - Walkin' Sinai
07:59 |
Melinda K Wickam - Beulah Land
07:54 |
The Wilds Men's Quartet - Press On
07:52 |
Larry Mayfield - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross %
07:49 |
The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - What If It Were Today?
07:45 |
Nancy And Melody Lundmark - It Is No Secret What God Can Do
07:40 |
Linda McKechnie - O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus %
07:36 |
Erin Cross - Saved By Grace
07:33 |
Frank Boggs - I'd Rather Have Jesus
07:27 |
Wilds Men's Ensembles - Some Trust In Chariots %
07:21 |
The Neely Team - In Quietness and Confidence
07:20 |
Carol And Sharon Myers - Ivory Palaces
07:15 |
The London Philharmonic Choir - To God Be The Glory
07:13 |
SMS Men's Quartet - Blessed Assurance
07:10 |
Majesty Ladies - Servant Medley %
07:06 |
the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Jesus, I Come
07:02 |
Falls Baptist College Of Ministry Concert Chorale And Orchestra - We Rest On Thee %
06:59 |
First Bible Baptist Church Men's Quartet (Rochester, NY) - My Jesus I Love Thee
06:56 |
SMS Men's Choir - I Stand Redeemed %
06:52 |
The Wilds - God's Sufficient Word
06:50 |
Patch The Pirate - The Fruit of the Righteous (Proverbs ) %
06:47 |
Ed Russ - No Other Name %
06:42 |
Principle Music - I Sing the Mighty Power of God
06:38 |
Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 91 (Hyfrydol)
06:35 |
Simply Soundforth - Fairest Lord Jesus
06:33 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Praise Ye The Triune God
06:29 |
Hamilton Family - Overwhelmed, Overshadowed, Overcome %
06:26 |
Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - Daybreak Medley
06:22 |
SoundForth Singers And Orchestra - We Will Walk in Peace
06:20 |
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Shady Grove, FL - In The Sweet By And By
06:17 |
Anna Rossi - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
06:14 |
Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - A Passion for Thee
06:12 |
The Masters Chorale - O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus %
06:09 |
Shannon Knox - Brahams Lullaby
06:06 |
Herbster Trio - Where Is a Gideon?
06:04 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - God Leads Us Along
06:01 |
Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Stand By Me
05:57 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - O to Be Like Thee %
05:54 |
Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Grace %
05:49 |
Sacred Music Services - Meditations on the Holy Ghost
05:44 |
John Marshall Family - Stand By God's Man
05:42 |
Ron Hamilton - My Mother's Gentle Love %
05:37 |
Ron and Shelly Hamilton - My Hope Is Still Alive %
05:33 |
Mac And Beth Lynch - May The Lord Find Us Faithful
05:31 |
Dr Al Smith - Blessed Assurance
05:26 |
Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - Take Time to Be Holy %
05:23 |
Melinda K Wickam - I Must Tell Jesus
05:20 |
Gregg Nash - Sweet Beulah Land
05:15 |
The Wilds Men's Quartet - Face The Cross
05:12 |
Florence Fong - For The Beauty Of The Earth
05:07 |
Anna Mieczkowski - Face To Face
05:04 |
Linda McKechnie - I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord %
05:02 |
Larry Mayfield - More Love To Thee %
04:58 |
Erin Cross - Now Thank We All Our God
04:54 |
Frank Boggs - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
04:51 |
John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - Near The Cross (Women's Chorus)
04:47 |
Wilds Men's Ensembles - Holy, Holy
04:44 |
SMS Choir And Orchestra - Soldiers of the Cross
04:40 |
Mac Lynch - For Such a Time as This %
04:36 |
SMS Men's Quartet - My Praise
04:32 |
The Neely Team - A World We Never Touch %
04:31 |
The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
04:27 |
Carol And Sharon Myers - Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus
04:24 |
Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - For The Beauty Of The Earth
04:21 |
the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - God Meant It For Good %
04:15 |
SMS Men's Choir - To God Be The Glory %
04:10 |
Majesty Music - My Jesus, Fair %
04:07 |
iloilo Baptist Church Choir And Orchestra (Philippines) - More Love To Thee (Vocal)
04:04 |
Patch The Pirate - A Good Name (Proverbs 22:1) %
04:02 |
Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 80 (Bryn Calfaria)
03:59 |
SMS Men's Chorus - I Know A Name (Medley)
03:55 |
The Wilds - Holy Place
03:53 |
Principle Music - All Hail the Power
03:50 |
Principle Chorus - Be Thou My Vision
03:47 |
SoundForth Singers and Orchestra - Jesus, Lover of My Soul
03:45 |
Masters Chorale, Fettke, cond. - Come Thou Fount %
03:42 |
George Beverly Shea - How Great Thou Art %
03:40 |
Simply Soundforth - I Am On the Battlefield
03:36 |
Anna Rossi - The Story Of Jesus Medley
03:33 |
Herbster Trio - I Will Never Leave You %
03:30 |
Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Shout To The Lord With A Song Of Praise
03:27 |
Wilds Choir And Orchestra - To Live or Die %
03:25 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Jesus Loves Me
03:22 |
The Masters Chorale - Rise! %
03:18 |
Sound Foundation Choir And Orchestra - Hallelujah Chorus
03:16 |
Shannon Knox - Come Thou Fount
03:13 |
Sacred Music Services - Just As I Am
03:09 |
Tracey Ann Collins - I will sing (Medley)
03:06 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - I Come to the Cross %
03:03 |
Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Glory %
03:00 |
Ron Hamilton - Trust in the Lord %
02:56 |
Dr Al Smith - My Anchor Holds
02:52 |
Ed Russ - I Bowed On My knees And Cried Holy
02:48 |
Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - God So Loved the World, And Can It Be %
02:46 |
Sam Slobodian - The Banner Of The Cross
02:42 |
Gregg Nash - Welcome To Heaven My child
02:38 |
John Marshall Family - Blood Bought My Freedom %
02:34 |
Majesty Ladies - Love Still Flows %
02:31 |
Mac And Beth Lynch - The Steps Of A Good Man %
02:28 |
Melinda K Wickam - Hallelujah! What A Savior!
02:26 |
Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - O That Will be Glory For Me
02:22 |
Erin Cross - Praise To The Lord
02:15 |
The London Philharmonic Choir - Lead On, O King Eternal
02:12 |
Frank Boggs - I Love To Tell The Story
02:08 |
Linda McKechnie - My Faith Looks Up to Thee %
02:05 |
John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - O Could I Speak (Men's Chorus)
02:03 |
Hamilton Family - To Everything There Is a Season %
02:01 |
SMS Men's Quartet - Keep On the Firing Line
01:58 |
Larry Mayfield - Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting %
01:55 |
Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - My Life Is Yours To Control %
01:53 |
Anna Mieczkowski - Blessed Assurance
01:51 |
The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - "Christ For The World" We Sing #
01:45 |
Nancy And Melody Lundmark - I Will Serve Thee Wth The Longer I Serve Him
01:39 |
Claire Ryan - God Leads Us Along
01:35 |
Wilds A Cappella Chorale - My Father Watches Over Me %
01:32 |
SMS Men's Choir - Keep the Race Before Us %
01:30 |
Carol And Sharon Myers - Master, The Tempest Is Raging
01:27 |
Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 124 Old 124th
01:25 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Mary, Don't You Weep
01:22 |
The Hamilton Family - You Are My Refuge %
01:20 |
The Wilds - Your Living Word
01:17 |
Calvary Quartet - Be Thou My Vision
01:14 |
Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - My Father's Love %
01:12 |
the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Wonderful Words Of Life %
01:10 |
Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness
01:06 |
First Bible Baptist Church Men's Quartet (Rochester, NY) - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
01:04 |
George Beverly Shea - Ninety And Nine %
01:00 |
Herbster Trio - Jesus Paid It All
00:57 |
ALERT Chorale - Shall We Gather at the River
00:54 |
Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Holding Forth The Word Of Life %
00:50 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Psalm 23
00:47 |
Simply Soundforth - Have You Any Room For Jesus
00:44 |
Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Keep Your Heart %
00:40 |
The Neely Team - I'll Be With You
00:37 |
Sacred Music Services - Softly and Tendrerly Jesus is Calling
00:35 |
Shannon Knox - Everybody Ought To Know
00:31 |
Principle Music - Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
00:26 |
Ron and Shelly Hamilton - My Faith Has Found %
00:23 |
Ron Hamilton - I Am Your Creation %
00:20 |
Mac Lynch - The Cross
00:18 |
Back To The Bible Male Chorus - O For A Thousand Tongues %
00:14 |
Ed Russ - God Leads Us Along
00:10 |
Dr Al Smith - When We See Christ
00:06 |
Falls Baptist College Of Ministry Concert Chorale And Orchestra - Jesus Exalted
00:03 |
Sam Slobodian - I Asked The Lord
00:01 |
The Masters Chorale - Come Just as You Are %