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Плейлист Old Fashioned Christian Music Radio

Не знаєте, яка пісня грала на радіо? Скористайтеся нашим сервісом, щоб знайти її! Наш плейлист містить розклад ефіру Old Fashioned Christian Music Radio за останні 7 днів.

(зараз в Гранд-Прері 11:39)
23:59 SMS Orchestra - Holy, Holy, Holy
23:56 Ron Hamilton - Better Be Ready %
23:54 SMS Men's Chorus - Lift High The Cross
23:52 Sam Slobodian - Jesus Is Coming Again
23:49 Melinda K. Wickam - Praise Him, Praise Him!
23:45 The Masters Chorale - Let Praises Fill the Sky %
23:43 Ed Russ And The Old-Fashioned Quartet - Jesus Is Coming Soon %
23:40 SMS Men's Quartet - Keep Your Heart %
23:37 Frank Boggs - In the Sweet By And By
23:35 Simply Soundforth - This Is The Day
23:33 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Shout To The Lord With A Song Of Praise
23:30 Herbster Evangelistic Team - On Christ I Stand %
23:26 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Draw Me Nearer
23:23 George Beverly Shea - Abide With Me %
23:19 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 63 (St. Columba)
23:15 Florence Fong - And Can It Be?
23:11 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
23:07 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Peace, Be Still %
23:04 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - Our Great Savior (Men's Chorus)
23:01 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Hallelujah! We Shall Rise
22:57 The Neely Team - I Am the Lord
22:53 John Marshall Family - To The Highest Place
22:47 The London Philharmonic Choir - What Wondrous Love Is This
22:43 Mac Lynch - Alleluia to the Lord
22:38 Mac And Beth Lynch - Be An Example
22:35 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Softly And Tenderly
22:32 Nancy And Melody Lundmark - Just A Closer Walk With Thee
22:28 The Wilds Men's Quartet - Of You, O Spotless Lamb Of God
22:24 Shannon Knox - Does Jesus Care?
22:22 Herbster Trio - I Will Praise Him
22:20 Ed Russ - The Prodigal Son %
22:16 Gregg Nash - It's Not In Vain
22:13 Tracey Ann Collins - Count Your Blessings
22:07 Dr Al Smith - One Day
22:04 SoundForth Singers and Orchestra - Fear Not, I Am with You %
22:01 Principle Music - Oh, How I Love Jesus
21:59 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Great Is His Goodness %
21:55 Linda McKechnie - O Love That Will Not Let Me Go %
21:51 Wilds Men's Ensembles - In All Things God Works For Our Good
21:45 Amanda LeBail - How Great Thou Art
21:42 Melinda K Wickam - O Worship the King
21:39 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - God Leads Us Along
21:35 Majesty Ladies - Not My Will %
21:30 Sacred Music Services - Meditations on Heaven
21:26 Amanda Le Bail - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
21:22 Hamilton Family - How Can I Fear %
21:18 Erin Cross - Before The Throne Of God Above
21:16 SMS Men's Chorus - O Worship The King
21:13 Ron Hamilton - Those Good Ol' Hymns (Featuring Marty Nelson) %
21:07 The Wilds - It Was For Me %
21:05 North Valley Baptist Church - At The Name Of Jesus
21:02 Pillsbury Baptist Bible College Owatonna, MN - I Sing The Mighty Power Of God
20:59 SMS Men's Quartet - A Child of the King
20:57 Patch The Pirate - Commit Thy Works (Proverbs 16:3) %
20:55 The Hamilton Family - I Am Weak, but You Are Strong %
20:52 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Coming Home
20:48 Anna Rossi - Jesus Is All Medley
20:46 Larry Mayfield - Blessed Assurance %
20:44 Majesty Music - Jesus Loves Me %
20:38 Anna Mieczkowski - Jesus, I Am Resting
20:35 Sam Slobodian - Stand Up For Jesus
20:32 Herbster Evangelistic Team - I Love You, Lord
20:29 Florence Fong - The Love Of God
20:27 Simply Soundforth - A Shelter In The Time Of Storm
20:23 Matt & Christy Taylor - No Other Name %
20:21 Back To The Bible Quartet - Holy God, We Praise Thy Name %
20:17 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Perfect Peace %
20:15 John Marshall Family - I Know It Was God %
20:11 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 72 Puer Nobis
20:08 Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - The Majesty and Glory of Your Name %
20:06 The Mens Ensemble of Hope Baptist Church, Toledo, OH - Worthy
20:02 Frank Boggs - Face To Face
20:00 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - The Sands Of Time %
19:56 Nancy And Melody Lundmark - In The Garden
19:53 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - Safe In The Arms Of Jesus (Women's Chorus)
19:49 Herbster Trio - Never Ending Song of Praise
19:45 Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - Solid Rock Medley %
19:41 Mac And Beth Lynch - I Could Not Do Without Thee
19:40 Masters Chorale, Fettke, cond. - Rise Up, O Church Of God %
19:36 SMS Men's Choir - Here Is Love
19:33 Ed Russ - Neither Do I Condemn Thee %
19:30 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - God So Loved the World
19:27 Tracey Ann Collins - Our Savior's Love (Medley)
19:23 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - I Run to Christ %
19:21 Dr Al Smith - Once For All
19:17 SMS Choir And Orchestra - Onward, Christian Soldiers
19:14 Gregg Nash - Welcome To Heaven My child
19:10 The Neely Team - Day By Day
19:06 Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - He Leadeth Me
19:04 Linda McKechnie - King of Kings %
19:01 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Shady Grove, FL - We'll Work 'Till Jesus Comes
18:58 Melinda K Wickam - How Great Our Lord
18:55 Sacred Music Services - Revive Us Again
18:53 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Give Glory %
18:50 The Gordon Sears Family - Fairest Lord Jesus
18:46 Principle Music - Since Jesus Came Into My Heart
18:43 Erin Cross - Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow #
18:40 Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - He Leadeth Me
18:38 Majesty Ladies - The Lord Is My Light %
18:34 Ron Hamilton - We'll Understand It Better By And By %
18:32 SMS Men's Chorus - They Got Eyes
18:30 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - He The Pearly Gates Will Open
18:27 Shannon Knox - A Child Of The King
18:23 Back To The Bible Male Chorus - Near To Heart Of God %
18:19 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - God of Heaven
18:16 SMS Men's Quartet - Blessed Assurance
18:12 The Wilds - The Word of God %
18:09 The Masters Chorale - Jesus, What a Wonder You Are With Simple Worship %
18:06 Hamilton Family - Hallelujah! What a Savior %
18:03 North Valley Baptist Church - Like A River Glorious
18:01 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Count It Joy
17:58 Herbster Evangelistic Team - My Savior's Love
17:53 Simply Soundforth - Look To The Lamb Of God
17:48 Mac Lynch - Everlasting Love
17:46 The London Philharmonic Choir - Eternal Father, Strong To Save
17:42 ALERT Chorale - Deep River
17:39 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Come Thou Fount
17:35 Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - Holy Nation, All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name %
17:32 Sound Foundation Choir And Orchestra - Lift Up Your Heads
17:26 Carol And Sharon Myers - Make A Joyful Noise Unto The Lord (Medley)
17:24 Frank Boggs - How Sweet The Name
17:22 Larry Mayfield - Search Me O God %
17:20 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Open My Eyes. That I May See
17:17 Majesty Music - Immortal, Invisible God Only Wise %
17:13 SMS Orchestra - Meditations on God's Holiness
17:10 First Bible Baptist Church Men's Quartet (Rochester, NY) - My Faith Has Found A Resting Place
17:07 Melinda K. Wickam - I Want a Principle Within
17:05 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 147 Lancashire
17:01 Herbster Trio - For The Beauty Of The Earth
16:57 The Wilds Men's Quartet - In Thy Vineyard
16:55 Mac And Beth Lynch - The Lord Is My Light %
16:52 Ed Russ - In the Heart Of God %
16:48 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Lord of All %
16:45 Dr Al Smith - Must I Go And Empty Handed?
16:42 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - Sing To The Lord! Alleluia!
16:40 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Steal Away
16:37 John Marshall Family - Lord, Send a Revival %
16:33 Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - Broken And Spilled Out %
16:29 Claire Ryan - Moment By Moment
16:26 Florence Fong - The Way Of The Cross Leads Home
16:25 Melinda K Wickam - For The Beauty Of The Earth
16:22 Sacred Music Services - Trust And Obey
16:19 Gregg Nash - Oh What A Moment
16:15 Linda McKechnie - O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus %
16:12 Back To The Bible Quartet - Peace Like A River %
16:07 Erin Cross - Jesus Lover Of My Soul
16:04 Majesty Ladies - A Heart Like Thine %
16:00 Ron Hamilton - The Last Mile Of The Way %
15:56 iloilo Baptist Church Choir And Orchestra (Philippines) - Shine On Us (Vocal)
15:53 SMS Men's Chorus - Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
15:48 Principle Music - O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
15:45 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - How Beautiful Your Songs of Praise
15:43 Anna Mieczkowski - Near The Cross
15:38 Tracey Ann Collins - Tidings Of Great Joy (Medley)
15:34 ALERT Men's Chorus - The Lord's Prayer (Malotte)
15:31 Hamilton Family - Stay the Course %
15:28 SMS Men's Quartet - My Praise
15:24 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Welcome Home, Children %
15:22 Sam Slobodian - All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name
15:19 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - Jesus Is Coming Again
15:16 Herbster Evangelistic Team - Jesus, Savior, Blessed Friend
15:14 Calvary Quartet - Revive Us Again
15:11 George Beverly Shea - God Leads His Dear Children Along %
15:09 Shannon Knox - Let's Talk About Jesus-I WIll Sing Of The Mercies Of The Lord
15:06 The Mens Ensemble of Hope Baptist Church, Toledo, OH - What Wondrous Love
15:03 The Hamilton Family - Beautiful Hands %
15:00 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Sing Praise To God %
14:58 Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - Near to the Heart of God %
14:53 The Wilds - May The Lord Find Us Faithful
14:51 Simply Soundforth - Give Me A Heart
14:48 Frank Boggs - Amazing Grace
14:45 Sound Foundation Choir And Orchestra - Eternal Life
14:40 The London Philharmonic Choir - All Hail THe Power Of Jesus' Name
14:37 Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - Come, Ye Sinners, Poor And Needy
14:35 North Valley Baptist Church - All Hail The Power
14:32 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Shady Grove, FL - Brethren We Have Met To Worship
14:29 Principle Chorus - When He Shall Come %
14:26 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - One With Christ %
14:22 Herbster Trio - Lord, Send the Laborers
14:20 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 138 Hursely
14:17 Ed Russ - Living By Faith %
14:14 Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
14:12 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Moment of Time %
14:08 SoundForth Singers And Orchestra - In My Weakness
14:03 SMS Orchestra - Meditations on God's Grace
14:01 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Wonderful Peace
13:57 Dr Al Smith - The Mercies Of God
13:53 Florence Fong - He's An Unchanging Savior
13:50 The Neely Team - In Time of Trial
13:48 Sacred Music Services - I Sing The Mighty Power Of God
13:45 Patch The Pirate - These Six Things (Proverbs -19) %
13:41 Linda McKechnie - Seek Ye First (with "Canon in D" by Pachelbel) %
13:38 Gregg Nash - All Your Anxiety
13:34 Melinda K Wickam - More About Jesus
13:28 Mac And Beth Lynch - I Give My All
13:24 Ron Hamilton - Home at Last %
13:21 Back To The Bible Quartet - God Is So Wonderful %
13:18 Erin Cross - Hallelujah, What A Savior
13:14 Principle Music - Our Great Saviour
13:11 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - How Firm A Foundation (Men's Chorus)
13:08 SMS Men's Chorus - How Can It Be
13:05 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Mighty God, Holy God
13:03 John Marshall Family - Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
12:58 Wilds Men's Ensembles - He's An Unchanging Savior
12:53 Amanda Le Bail - He Leadeth Me
12:52 SMS Men's Quartet - Pentacostal Power
12:49 Falls Baptist Church Children's Choir, Menomonee Falls, WI - All Your Anxiety
12:44 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Above All Else %
12:40 Herbster Evangelistic Team - No Other Name %
12:38 Melinda K. Wickam - Crown Him Medley
12:35 Carol And Sharon Myers - Onward Christian Soldiers
12:32 SMS Men's Choir - How Can It Be
12:30 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - Sunrise Tomorrow
12:28 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Wait On The Lord %
12:24 The Hamilton Family - The Father Looks on Me %
12:20 Anna Rossi - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
12:17 Tracey Ann Collins - Banner of the Cross
12:14 Majesty Ladies - He Knoweth The Way %
12:11 The Wilds - Holy Bible, Book Divine
12:08 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - I'll Be There
12:05 Sam Slobodian - In The Image Of God
12:01 Pillsbury Baptist Bible College Owatonna, MN - I Will Never Leave You %
11:58 Back To The Bible Male Chorus - The Longer I Serve Him %
11:56 North Valley Baptist Church - Blessed Assurance
11:53 Frank Boggs - Balm In Gilead
11:50 Herbster Trio - O Jesus, I Have Promised %
11:46 iloilo Baptist Church Choir And Orchestra (Philippines) - Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing (Vocal)
11:43 The Crown College - We Shall See Jesus %
11:40 Nancy And Melody Lundmark - I Know Whom I Have Believed
11:37 Shannon Knox - He Is So Precious to Me
11:34 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 103 Beecher
11:31 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - Go In My Father's Name
11:29 The Gordon Sears Family - Jesus Paid It All
11:26 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - A Soldier %
11:23 Dr Al Smith - To The Work!
11:18 Florence Fong - I Love You, Lord With More Precious Than Gold
11:12 Sacred Music Services - Meditations on Salvation
11:09 Simply Soundforth - Step By Step
11:07 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Come, Ye Disconsolate
11:04 Claire Ryan - I Must Tell Jesus
10:59 Linda McKechnie - Majesty (with "Concerto in A Minor" by Grieg) %
10:55 Anna Mieczkowski - My Jesus, I Love Thee
10:52 SMS Choir And Orchestra - Thee Will I Love %
10:49 Ron Hamilton - I Believe My Father %
10:46 Melinda K Wickam - Still, Still, Still
10:44 Ed Russ - The Preacher And The Bear
10:41 The Masters Chorale - It's About Time %
10:38 Mac And Beth Lynch - Thanks Be To God %
10:35 Hamilton Family - Fear Not, I Am with You %
10:33 Gregg Nash - When I Began To Live For Jesus
10:30 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Fairest Lord Jesus
10:25 The London Philharmonic Choir - I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord
10:20 Erin Cross - Lamb Of God
10:17 John Marshall Family - The Bible Bookstore
10:15 SMS Men's Quartet - Be Thou Exalted
10:13 SMS Men's Chorus - That Day At Calvary %
10:09 Calvary Quartet - Victory In Jesus
10:06 Patch The Pirate - Commit Thy Works (Proverbs 16:3) %
10:02 Herbster Evangelistic Team - Send Forth Thy Power
10:00 Majesty Music - Treasured (Child's Hymn) %
09:56 Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - I've Found a Friend
09:53 Back To The Bible Quartet - Praise The Lord, The Almighty %
09:48 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Everlasting Life
09:44 The Wilds Men's Quartet - O Be Glad %
09:42 Anna Rossi - Washed In the Blood
09:39 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - Is It The Crowning Day?
09:36 The Wilds - His Wondrous Love %
09:33 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Looking Unto Jesus %
09:28 Amanda Le Bail - Amazing Grace
09:24 ALERT Men's Chorus - And Can It Be?
09:21 Tracey Ann Collins - Like a River Glorious
09:18 Frank Boggs - The Ninety And Nine
09:14 Herbster Trio - Above All Else %
09:11 Principle Music - Jesus Loves Even Me
09:09 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Wonderful Grace Of Jesus
09:04 Wilds Men's Ensembles - Almighty Unchangeable God
09:01 Mac Lynch - God's Word Shall Stand Forever
08:59 Larry Mayfield - Come, Thou Fount %
08:55 Falls Baptist Church Children's Choir, Menomonee Falls, WI - Jesus Loves Me
08:51 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - The Fountain %
08:47 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 24 (Greyfriars)
08:43 Sam Slobodian - May Jesus Christ Be Praised (Medley)
08:42 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - Singing I Go %
08:38 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind (Men's Chorus)
08:35 Matt & Christy Taylor - He Loved Them to the End %
08:33 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Our Great Savior
08:31 Dr Al Smith - Jesus Loves Me
08:27 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Shady Grove, FL - The Old Rugged Cross
08:24 Sacred Music Services - Our Great Savior
08:22 Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - Gone %
08:18 Linda McKechnie - Fairest Lord Jesus %
08:14 Anna Mieczkowski - The Solid Rock
08:11 Ed Russ And The Old-Fashioned Quartet - How About Your Heart? %
08:07 Melinda K Wickam - Love Lifted Me
08:04 Ron Hamilton - Abba, Father %
08:00 Majesty Ladies - Worthy Of Praise %
07:57 The Mens Ensemble of Hope Baptist Church, Toledo, OH - Christ To Be Praised
07:53 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Poor Wayfaring Stranger
07:49 SMS Choir And Orchestra - O Teach Me What It Meaneth
07:46 Simply Soundforth - Will There Be Any Stars? %
07:44 Erin Cross - Jesus Loves Me
07:40 Ed Russ - The Old Account (Graham-Gayle Russ-Ed Russ)
07:37 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Blessed Be The Lord %
07:33 SMS Men's Quartet - Sing! Medley
07:29 The Neely Team - Be Still My Soul %
07:27 Masters Chorale, Fettke, cond. - All That I Need %
07:25 SMS Men's Chorus - When We All Get To Heaven
07:21 The Hamilton Family - Bow the Knee %
07:19 Shannon Knox - The Love of God
07:16 Herbster Evangelistic Team - How Marvelous Are The Works Of The Lord
07:13 The London Philharmonic Choir - Christ The Lord Is Risen Today #
07:10 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Maginify Your Name
07:05 Carol And Sharon Myers - I Will Sing The Mercies Of The Lord Forever (Medley)
07:02 Gregg Nash - It Is Well With My Soul
06:58 The Gordon Sears Family - Grace Of God Medley
06:54 Falls Baptist College Of Ministry Concert Chorale And Orchestra - Satisfied
06:52 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - I'm A Soldier %
06:47 SMS Men's Choir - We Are Called %
06:44 ALERT Men's Chorus - If My People %
06:42 The Masters Chorale - Victory Chant %
06:39 The Wilds - The Bible Stands
06:35 Herbster Trio - Be Still, My Soul %
06:33 Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - I Will Praise Him
06:30 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - O That Will be Glory For Me
06:28 Mac And Beth Lynch - All Creatures Of Our God And King
06:24 Nancy And Melody Lundmark - What A Day That Will Be
06:22 Tracey Ann Collins - Lead Me to the Cross
06:18 Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - I Know Whom I Have Believed %
06:13 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Dare to Stand %
06:10 Hamilton Family - Can It Be %
06:06 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - Lord, How I Love Thy Law
06:03 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 19 (Columbia)
06:01 Patch The Pirate - Wisdom %
05:59 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - I've Found A Friend
05:56 Frank Boggs - My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me
05:53 The Crown College - Beautiful Savior %
05:49 Dr Al Smith - God Leads Us Along
05:43 Sacred Music Services - Separating from the World
05:38 Linda McKechnie - Jesus Paid It All %
05:36 Wilds Men's Ensembles - My Father Planned It All %
05:33 Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - Fairest Lord Jesus
05:31 Melinda K Wickam - Take My Life And Let It Be
05:27 Back To The Bible Quartet - I Was On His Mind %
05:24 Ron Hamilton - Longing For Home %
05:22 Larry Mayfield - There Is A Fountain %
05:19 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Search Me O God
05:16 Florence Fong - Softly Tenderly
05:13 Amanda Le Bail - My Faith Has Found A Resting Place
05:10 North Valley Baptist Church - How Great Thou Art
05:03 Erin Cross - Worthy Is The Lamb
05:00 John Marshall Family - He Lives On High
04:58 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Shady Grove, FL - Tell Me The Story Of Jesus
04:55 Simply Soundforth - Hallelujah For The Cross!
04:52 SMS Men's Quartet - The Haven of Rest
04:48 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - All the Way My Savior Leads Me (Women's Chorus)
04:45 George Beverly Shea - O Love ... Let Me Go %
04:43 SMS Men's Chorus - Face To Face
04:39 Majesty Ladies - Trust His Word %
04:36 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Come, Look Upon the Savior
04:34 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Sacrifice Of Praise
04:30 Herbster Evangelistic Team - Heavenly Home
04:27 SMS Choir And Orchestra - Near to the Heart of God
04:23 Principle Chorus - For All the Saints
04:21 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
04:17 Ed Russ - It Is Well With My Soul
04:15 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Is It Nothing To You? %
04:11 Gregg Nash - The Old Rugged Cross
04:06 Majesty Music - Great Is Thy Faithfulness %
04:03 The Wilds - Only Trust Him %
03:57 Mac Lynch - Healer of My Heart
03:55 Shannon Knox - Brethren We Have Met To Worship
03:52 The London Philharmonic Choir - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
03:49 Sam Slobodian - For All My Sin
03:46 Herbster Trio - Always Giving Glory
03:43 Tracey Ann Collins - Near to the Heart
03:39 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Only By His Grace %
03:35 Mac And Beth Lynch - They That Seek The Lord
03:31 Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - There Is Grace %
03:29 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - Jesus, Master
03:25 Pillsbury Baptist Bible College Owatonna, MN - Timeless Love %
03:23 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 8 Amsterdam
03:21 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Sun Of My Soul
03:19 Principle Music - O Say But I'm Glad
03:16 Frank Boggs - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
03:13 The Wilds Men's Quartet - Holding Forth The Word Of Life %
03:10 Dr Al Smith - My Redeemer
03:04 iloilo Baptist Church Choir And Orchestra (Philippines) - The Love Of Jesus (Vocal)
03:01 Carol And Sharon Myers - The Eastern Gate
02:58 Sacred Music Services - A Mighty Fortress
02:55 Melinda K. Wickam - Fairest Lord Jesus
02:52 Melinda K Wickam - Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken
02:49 Ron Hamilton - Born To Die %
02:46 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Power In The Blood
02:42 The Mens Ensemble of Hope Baptist Church, Toledo, OH - Almighty, Unchangeable God
02:37 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - I Will Pilot Thee
02:33 Linda McKechnie - Glorify Thy Name (with "Etude" by Chopin) %
02:29 Erin Cross - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
02:27 Masters Chorale, Fettke, cond. - Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow %
02:24 Anna Rossi - And Can It Be?
02:21 Sound Foundation Choir And Orchestra - The Lord's Prayer
02:19 Larry Mayfield - To God Be The Glory %
02:17 SMS Men's Quartet - Men of God, Arise
02:13 First Bible Baptist Church Men's Quartet (Rochester, NY) - Wonderful Grace Of Jesus
02:09 Majesty Ladies % - Alleluia %
02:07 Back To The Bible Male Chorus - Higher Hands %
02:03 SMS Men's Chorus - Faith OF Our Fathers
02:00 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Perfect Peace %
01:56 Matt & Christy Taylor - Be Still, My Soul
01:53 The Crown College - He Loved Me
01:48 Principle Chorus - All Creatures of Our God and King
01:45 Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken
01:42 John Marshall Family - The Old Account Settled
01:37 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Praise Him Again %
01:33 Gregg Nash - I'll See You Again %
01:31 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Finally Home
01:27 Florence Fong - He Leadeth Me
01:23 Herbster Evangelistic Team - Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross
01:18 Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - Take My Life and Let It Be %
01:16 The London Philharmonic Choir - Just As I Am
01:15 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Joshua Fit d' Battle
01:12 Herbster Trio - Marching To Zion
01:08 Ed Russ - Grace Greater than All Our Sins
01:03 Ron and Shelly Hamilton - My Faith Has Found %
01:00 Tracey Ann Collins - At Calvary
00:55 Mac And Beth Lynch - He Lifted Me
00:52 SoundForth Singers and Orchestra - My Shepherd Knows %
00:50 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 22 (Horsley)
00:46 Simply Soundforth - Our Great Savior
00:42 SMS Men's Choir - I Stand Redeemed %
00:36 Hamilton Family - Tho' It's Midnight %
00:33 Frank Boggs - How Great Thou Art
00:30 Dr Al Smith - How Firm A Foundation
00:28 Majesty Music - Marvelous Grace %
00:25 The Masters Chorale - The Master Has Come %
00:23 Sacred Music Services - Come Thou Fount
00:21 Shannon Knox - Brighten The Corner
00:17 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - Near The Cross (Women's Chorus)
00:16 Melinda K Wickam - Look And Live
00:12 Principle Music - Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
00:09 Ron Hamilton - Listen for the Trumpet %
00:05 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - It Is Not Death To Die%
00:00 Carol And Sharon Myers - Singing And Making Melody In Your Heart (Medley) #

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