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Плейлист Old Fashioned Christian Music Radio

Не знаєте, яка пісня грала на радіо? Скористайтеся нашим сервісом, щоб знайти її! Наш плейлист містить розклад ефіру Old Fashioned Christian Music Radio за останні 7 днів.

(зараз в Гранд-Прері 07:55)
23:59 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Give Glory %
23:56 SMS Choir And Orchestra - Near to the Heart of God
23:53 Frank Boggs - Jesus Is All The World To Me
23:49 Majesty Ladies - Worthy Of Praise %
23:46 Linda McKechnie - How Great Thou Art %
23:43 Simply Soundforth - Step By Step
23:40 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Lord, I Need You %
23:38 Patch The Pirate - Commit Thy Works (Proverbs 16:3) %
23:34 Pillsbury Baptist Bible College Owatonna, MN - I Will Never Leave You %
23:32 The Masters Chorale - Victory Chant %
23:29 Matt & Christy Taylor - He Loved Them to the End %
23:26 Erin Cross - Marvelous Grace
23:24 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Like A River Glorious
23:21 The Wilds - The Bible Stands
23:18 Shannon Knox - Brighten The Corner
23:14 Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - Broken And Spilled Out %
23:11 SMS Men's Quartet - Lead Me to Calvary
23:08 George Beverly Shea - O Love ... Let Me Go %
23:04 Ed Russ - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
23:01 Back To The Bible Male Chorus - The Longer I Serve Him %
22:59 Tracey Ann Collins - Banner of the Cross
22:56 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - Sunrise Tomorrow
22:53 ALERT Men's Chorus - If My People %
22:51 Calvary Quartet - Revive Us Again
22:46 Mac And Beth Lynch - With A Voice Of Singing
22:44 Sam Slobodian - For All My Sin
22:41 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 34 Yorkshire
22:38 John Marshall Family - Wonderful Grace Of Jesus
22:34 Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - He Leadeth Me
22:32 Larry Mayfield - There Is A Fountain %
22:29 SMS Men's Chorus - Amazed
22:26 The Hamilton Family - Beautiful Hands %
22:22 Gregg Nash - So Little Time %
22:20 Sacred Music Services - Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
22:16 Herbster Trio - Who Is On the Lord's Side?
22:12 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Refuge
22:08 Carol And Sharon Myers - Singing And Making Melody In Your Heart (Medley) #
22:04 Herbster Evangelistic Team - Search Me, O God
22:02 The Mens Ensemble of Hope Baptist Church, Toledo, OH - What Wondrous Love
21:57 Anna Rossi - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
21:54 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - May The Mind Of Christ My Savior %
21:51 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - This Is My Word
21:48 Melinda K Wickam - Ring The Bells Of Heaven
21:44 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Everlasting God
21:42 Ron Hamilton - The Lord is My Light %
21:37 Dr Al Smith - Moment By Moment
21:33 Ron and Shelly Hamilton - In God We Trust %
21:30 Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - Fairest Lord Jesus
21:26 Florence Fong - Jesus Paid It All
21:23 iloilo Baptist Church Choir And Orchestra (Philippines) - Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing (Vocal)
21:19 Frank Boggs - No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus
21:16 SMS Choir And Orchestra - O Teach Me What It Meaneth
21:11 Linda McKechnie - Jesus Paid It All %
21:08 The London Philharmonic Choir - Praise To The Lord The Almighty
21:05 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Finally Home
21:01 SMS Orchestra - Meditations on God's Holiness
20:57 Simply Soundforth - Make Me A Blessing
20:55 Sound Foundation Choir And Orchestra - Eternal Life
20:53 Erin Cross - Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
20:50 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - I Gave My Life For Thee %
20:47 Majesty Ladies - He Knoweth The Way %
20:43 Hamilton Family - Fear Not, I Am with You %
20:41 The Masters Chorale - It's About Time %
20:38 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - Break Thou The Bread Of Life (Men's Chorus)
20:36 Wilds Men's Ensembles - My Father Planned It All %
20:34 Shannon Knox - Brethren We Have Met To Worship
20:30 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Shady Grove, FL - Brethren We Have Met To Worship
20:28 SMS Men's Quartet - Is It Nothing to You %
20:25 Matt & Christy Taylor - Be Still, My Soul
20:22 Ed Russ - Each Step I Take
20:17 Mac Lynch - Everlasting Love
20:14 First Bible Baptist Church Men's Quartet (Rochester, NY) - My Faith Has Found A Resting Place
20:11 Tracey Ann Collins - At Calvary
20:08 The Crown College - He Loved Me
20:04 Pillsbury Baptist Bible College Owatonna, MN - Timeless Love %
20:02 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 146 (Ripley)
19:59 Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
19:57 Mac And Beth Lynch - Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
19:54 John Marshall Family - Wounded For Me (Medley)
19:52 Larry Mayfield - To God Be The Glory %
19:49 SMS Men's Chorus - Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
19:46 Sacred Music Services - And Can It Be, That I Should Gain
19:42 Gregg Nash - Near The Cross
19:39 Melinda K. Wickam - Crown Him Medley
19:36 The Wilds - Holy Bible, Book Divine
19:34 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Give Unto The Lord %
19:31 Herbster Trio - Be Strong in the Lord %
19:28 Herbster Evangelistic Team - Empty Hands, Open Arms
19:25 Falls Baptist Church Children's Choir, Menomonee Falls, WI - All Your Anxiety
19:22 Anna Mieczkowski - Near The Cross
19:20 Principle Chorus - When He Shall Come %
19:17 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Creator Of It All
19:15 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - Bright Canaan
19:11 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - My God is Near %
19:06 Ron Hamilton - In The Garden %
19:03 Melinda K Wickam - Now Thank We All Our God
19:00 The Wilds Men's Quartet - Holding Forth The Word Of Life %
18:56 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Keep the Race Before Us %
18:53 Dr Al Smith - Take The World And Give Me Jesus
18:48 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - He Ransomed Me
18:45 Frank Boggs - The Old Rugged Cross
18:40 iloilo Baptist Church Choir And Orchestra (Philippines) - Shine On Us (Vocal)
18:36 Linda McKechnie - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross %
18:32 The London Philharmonic Choir - Amazing Grace
18:29 Principle Music - Marching to Zion
18:26 Back To The Bible Male Chorus - Higher Hands %
18:23 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Wonderful Grace Of Jesus
18:18 Erin Cross - Jesus Lover Of My Soul
18:16 Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - Near to the Heart of God %
18:12 Florence Fong - He Leadeth Me
18:11 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Amazing Grace
18:08 Masters Chorale, Fettke, cond. - Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow %
18:05 George Beverly Shea - God Leads His Dear Children Along %
18:01 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Fountain Of Mercy %
17:58 Majesty Music - Treasured (Child's Hymn) %
17:54 Simply Soundforth - I Need Thee Every Hour
17:52 SMS Men's Choir - How Can It Be
17:48 Shannon Knox - Whispering Hope
17:45 SMS Men's Quartet - Men of God, Arise
17:42 Ed Russ - It Is Well With My Soul
17:38 Amanda Le Bail - My Faith Has Found A Resting Place
17:35 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind (Men's Chorus)
17:33 ALERT Men's Chorus - The Lord's Prayer (Malotte)
17:30 North Valley Baptist Church - Blessed Assurance
17:27 Tracey Ann Collins - Near to the Heart
17:23 Hamilton Family - Can It Be %
17:20 John Marshall Family - I Could Not Do Without Thee
17:16 Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
17:12 SMS Men's Chorus - Safe In The Arms Of Jesus
17:10 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 129 Old 110th
17:07 Mac Lynch - God's Word Shall Stand Forever
17:02 Carol And Sharon Myers - I Will Sing The Mercies Of The Lord Forever (Medley)
16:59 Majesty Ladies - Trust His Word %
16:55 Mac And Beth Lynch - Broken Things
16:53 Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - I Will Praise Him
16:50 Herbster Trio - Born Again %
16:46 Sacred Music Services - He Lives
16:43 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Coming Home
16:40 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
16:37 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Sacrifice Of Praise
16:33 Herbster Evangelistic Team - You Are My Song %
16:31 The Gordon Sears Family - Jesus Paid It All
16:28 Melinda K Wickam - Immortal, Invisible
16:25 Ron Hamilton - Make a Joyful Noise %
16:22 Gregg Nash - Streams In The Desert
16:18 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Soldiers of the Cross
16:15 Dr Al Smith - I Don't have to Wait
16:12 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - I Saw The Lord %
16:08 The Mens Ensemble of Hope Baptist Church, Toledo, OH - Almighty, Unchangeable God
16:05 Nancy And Melody Lundmark - I Know Whom I Have Believed
16:01 Sam Slobodian - In The Image Of God
15:58 The Wilds - Jesus, Your Grace
15:53 Linda McKechnie - 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus %
15:50 Frank Boggs - O Master Let Me Walk With Thee #
15:47 Claire Ryan - I Must Tell Jesus
15:45 Principle Music - Rejoice, the Lord Is King!
15:41 Erin Cross - He Was Wounded
15:36 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Wonderful, Merciful Savior %
15:34 The London Philharmonic Choir - Now Thank We All Our God
15:31 Principle Chorus - For All the Saints
15:28 Back To The Bible Quartet - Praise The Lord, The Almighty %
15:26 Patch The Pirate - Wisdom %
15:22 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Shady Grove, FL - The Old Rugged Cross
15:18 The Wilds Men's Quartet - My Faith Still Clings
15:14 Wilds Men's Ensembles - Almighty Unchangeable God
15:09 Melinda K. Wickam - Rescue the Perishing
15:05 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - Til The Storm Passes By
15:03 Ed Russ - I Will Pilot Thee
14:58 The Neely Team - Be Still My Soul %
14:56 SMS Men's Quartet - Seeking for Me
14:53 Simply Soundforth - My Savior's Love
14:50 Tracey Ann Collins - Standing on the Promises
14:46 Calvary Quartet - Victory In Jesus
14:43 John Marshall Family - My old bible
14:40 Shannon Knox - Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know
14:37 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Blessed Be The Lord %
14:35 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
14:31 Falls Baptist Church Children's Choir, Menomonee Falls, WI - Jesus Loves Me
14:28 SMS Men's Chorus - I'll Praise the Lord
14:26 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 27 St John
14:24 Anna Rossi - Washed In the Blood
14:20 Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - Take My Life and Let It Be %
14:16 Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - There Is Grace %
14:13 Herbster Trio - Victory Through Grace %
14:10 The Crown College - Beautiful Savior %
14:06 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - O Sacred Head Now Wounded
14:04 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Before The Mighty Throne Of God
14:01 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - God's Refining Fire
13:59 Sacred Music Services - Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
13:55 North Valley Baptist Church - How Great Thou Art
13:52 SMS Choir And Orchestra - Thee Will I Love %
13:48 Herbster Evangelistic Team - Almighty, Unchangeable God
13:45 Gregg Nash - Victory Is Sweet %
13:42 Ron Hamilton - The Victor's Crown %
13:40 Carol And Sharon Myers - Who Is On The Lord's Side?
13:34 iloilo Baptist Church Choir And Orchestra (Philippines) - The Love Of Jesus (Vocal)
13:30 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Love Still Flows %
13:27 Mac And Beth Lynch - Thanks For The Victory
13:24 Nancy And Melody Lundmark - What A Day That Will Be
13:19 Dr Al Smith - Is Your All On The Altar?
13:14 Majesty Music - Great Is Thy Faithfulness %
13:11 Melinda K Wickam - Great is Thy Faithfulness
13:07 Linda McKechnie - Be Thou My Vision %
13:04 The Gordon Sears Family - Grace Of God Medley
13:02 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
12:58 Frank Boggs - The Ninety And Nine
12:55 Sound Foundation Choir And Orchestra - The Lord's Prayer
12:51 The Hamilton Family - Bow the Knee %
12:48 The Mens Ensemble of Hope Baptist Church, Toledo, OH - Christ To Be Praised
12:44 Erin Cross - The Love Of God
12:40 Back To The Bible Quartet - I Was On His Mind %
12:38 Majesty Ladies - Our Father %
12:35 George Beverly Shea - Early In The Morning %
12:33 The London Philharmonic Choir - Jesus, Lover Of My Soul
12:30 Principle Music - Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
12:26 Anna Mieczkowski - Nearer, My God To Thee
12:24 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - I'm a Soldier of the Cross
12:21 SMS Men's Quartet - Isn't the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful
12:17 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - Until Then
12:15 Simply Soundforth - Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
12:11 Ed Russ - Grace Greater than All Our Sins
12:07 Hamilton Family - Rejoice in the Lord %
12:03 The Wilds - Almighty, Unchangeable God
12:00 The Masters Chorale - I'm in His Care %
11:56 Tracey Ann Collins - O Worship the King
11:52 SMS Men's Chorus - Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit
11:51 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 150 Creation
11:48 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - Blessed Assurance (Women's Chorus)
11:45 John Marshall Family - Send the Light
11:41 Florence Fong - Help Me Win The Lost
11:39 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
11:37 Sam Slobodian - There Is Power In The Blood
11:35 Herbster Trio - Be Not Afraid %
11:32 SoundForth Singers And Orchestra - Sometime a Light Surprises
11:30 Larry Mayfield - I Will Sing Of My Redeemer %
11:25 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - You Alone are God %
11:22 Sacred Music Services - Beneath the Cross of Jesus
11:19 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Return To Me
11:15 Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - His Eye Is On The Sparrow
11:12 Gregg Nash - I Can Stand In His Presence
11:09 Herbster Evangelistic Team - My Lord and Savior %
11:05 The Wilds Men's Quartet - Redeeming Grace %
11:00 Ron Hamilton - Goodnight %
10:56 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - The Sacrifice %
10:53 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Welcome Home %
10:51 Masters Chorale, Fettke, cond. - Take Time To Be Holy %
10:47 SMS Orchestra - Meditations on Our Risen Lord
10:44 Mac And Beth Lynch - Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken
10:41 Dr Al Smith - More About Jesus
10:36 Melinda K Wickam - And Can It Be?
10:34 Melinda K. Wickam - I Sing The Mighty Power of God
10:32 Carol And Sharon Myers - To God Be The Glory
10:27 Linda McKechnie - Open Our Eyes, Lord %
10:25 Nancy And Melody Lundmark - Jesus And Me
10:22 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - All The Way My Savior Leads Me
10:19 Shannon Knox - Blessed Assurance
10:16 Frank Boggs - In the Sweet By And By
10:12 Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - I'd Rather Have Jesus
10:10 Erin Cross - Jesus Loves Me
10:07 Claire Ryan - Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord
10:04 Majesty Music - Marvelous Grace %
10:01 George Beverly Shea - Father's World %
09:58 Majesty Ladies - There Is A Balm %
09:55 Principle Music - Praise Him, Praise Him
09:52 Mac Lynch - God Who Made the World
09:49 The London Philharmonic Choir - For The Beauty Of The Earth
09:46 SMS Men's Quartet - My Jesus, I Love Thee
09:44 SMS Men's Choir - O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing
09:42 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Be Not Afraid %
09:40 Patch The Pirate - He That Hath No Rule (Proverbs , ) %
09:37 Ed Russ - Nearer, Still Nearer/Near To The Heart Of God
09:33 Simply Soundforth - All Creatures, Come And Sing
09:28 The Wilds - It Was For Me %
09:24 Principle Chorus - There is a Balm in Gilead
09:21 Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - Great Is Thy Faithfulness %
09:18 SMS Men's Chorus - Holy, Holy, Holy
09:16 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 86 (Llef)
09:13 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - Redeemed (Women's Chorus)
09:10 The Masters Chorale - The Master Has Come %
09:05 Hamilton Family - Tho' It's Midnight %
09:03 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder #
09:00 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Are You Ready?
08:58 John Marshall Family - How Firm a Foundation
08:56 SoundForth Singers and Orchestra - To You Alone. %
08:53 Herbster Trio - In All Things God Works for Our Good
08:50 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Be Merciful, O God, to Me
08:46 Florence Fong - Lord, I Need You %
08:43 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Mercy Awaits
08:39 Gregg Nash - His Blood Still Sets Men Free
08:37 Sam Slobodian - Sound The Battle Cry
08:33 Herbster Evangelistic Team - God, My Father
08:30 Sacred Music Services - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
08:26 Anna Mieczkowski - Wayfaring Stranger
08:23 Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - My Saviors Love
08:18 Ron Hamilton - The Eastern Gate-Farther Along %
08:15 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - I'm Gonna Sing %
08:10 Mac And Beth Lynch - Be An Example
08:07 Tracey Ann Collins - On Jordan's Stormy Banks
08:05 Dr Al Smith - There's A Wideness In God's Mercy
08:02 Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - Walkin' Sinai
07:59 Melinda K Wickam - Beulah Land
07:54 The Wilds Men's Quartet - Press On
07:52 Larry Mayfield - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross %
07:49 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - What If It Were Today?
07:45 Nancy And Melody Lundmark - It Is No Secret What God Can Do
07:40 Linda McKechnie - O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus %
07:36 Erin Cross - Saved By Grace
07:33 Frank Boggs - I'd Rather Have Jesus
07:27 Wilds Men's Ensembles - Some Trust In Chariots %
07:21 The Neely Team - In Quietness and Confidence
07:20 Carol And Sharon Myers - Ivory Palaces
07:15 The London Philharmonic Choir - To God Be The Glory
07:13 SMS Men's Quartet - Blessed Assurance
07:10 Majesty Ladies - Servant Medley %
07:06 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Jesus, I Come
07:02 Falls Baptist College Of Ministry Concert Chorale And Orchestra - We Rest On Thee %
06:59 First Bible Baptist Church Men's Quartet (Rochester, NY) - My Jesus I Love Thee
06:56 SMS Men's Choir - I Stand Redeemed %
06:52 The Wilds - God's Sufficient Word
06:50 Patch The Pirate - The Fruit of the Righteous (Proverbs ) %
06:47 Ed Russ - No Other Name %
06:42 Principle Music - I Sing the Mighty Power of God
06:38 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 91 (Hyfrydol)
06:35 Simply Soundforth - Fairest Lord Jesus
06:33 SMS Men's Chorus - Praise Ye The Triune God
06:29 Hamilton Family - Overwhelmed, Overshadowed, Overcome %
06:26 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - Daybreak Medley
06:22 SoundForth Singers And Orchestra - We Will Walk in Peace
06:20 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Shady Grove, FL - In The Sweet By And By
06:17 Anna Rossi - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
06:14 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - A Passion for Thee
06:12 The Masters Chorale - O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus %
06:09 Shannon Knox - Brahams Lullaby
06:06 Herbster Trio - Where Is a Gideon?
06:04 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - God Leads Us Along
06:01 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Stand By Me
05:57 Herbster Evangelistic Team - O to Be Like Thee %
05:54 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Grace %
05:49 Sacred Music Services - Meditations on the Holy Ghost
05:44 John Marshall Family - Stand By God's Man
05:42 Ron Hamilton - My Mother's Gentle Love %
05:37 Ron and Shelly Hamilton - My Hope Is Still Alive %
05:33 Mac And Beth Lynch - May The Lord Find Us Faithful
05:31 Dr Al Smith - Blessed Assurance
05:26 Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - Take Time to Be Holy %
05:23 Melinda K Wickam - I Must Tell Jesus
05:20 Gregg Nash - Sweet Beulah Land
05:15 The Wilds Men's Quartet - Face The Cross
05:12 Florence Fong - For The Beauty Of The Earth
05:07 Anna Mieczkowski - Face To Face
05:04 Linda McKechnie - I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord %
05:02 Larry Mayfield - More Love To Thee %
04:58 Erin Cross - Now Thank We All Our God
04:54 Frank Boggs - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
04:51 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - Near The Cross (Women's Chorus)
04:47 Wilds Men's Ensembles - Holy, Holy
04:44 SMS Choir And Orchestra - Soldiers of the Cross
04:40 Mac Lynch - For Such a Time as This %
04:36 SMS Men's Quartet - My Praise
04:32 The Neely Team - A World We Never Touch %
04:31 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
04:27 Carol And Sharon Myers - Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus
04:24 Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - For The Beauty Of The Earth
04:21 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - God Meant It For Good %
04:15 SMS Men's Choir - To God Be The Glory %
04:10 Majesty Music - My Jesus, Fair %
04:07 iloilo Baptist Church Choir And Orchestra (Philippines) - More Love To Thee (Vocal)
04:04 Patch The Pirate - A Good Name (Proverbs 22:1) %
04:02 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 80 (Bryn Calfaria)
03:59 SMS Men's Chorus - I Know A Name (Medley)
03:55 The Wilds - Holy Place
03:53 Principle Music - All Hail the Power
03:50 Principle Chorus - Be Thou My Vision
03:47 SoundForth Singers and Orchestra - Jesus, Lover of My Soul
03:45 Masters Chorale, Fettke, cond. - Come Thou Fount %
03:42 George Beverly Shea - How Great Thou Art %
03:40 Simply Soundforth - I Am On the Battlefield
03:36 Anna Rossi - The Story Of Jesus Medley
03:33 Herbster Trio - I Will Never Leave You %
03:30 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Shout To The Lord With A Song Of Praise
03:27 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - To Live or Die %
03:25 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Jesus Loves Me
03:22 The Masters Chorale - Rise! %
03:18 Sound Foundation Choir And Orchestra - Hallelujah Chorus
03:16 Shannon Knox - Come Thou Fount
03:13 Sacred Music Services - Just As I Am
03:09 Tracey Ann Collins - I will sing (Medley)
03:06 Herbster Evangelistic Team - I Come to the Cross %
03:03 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Glory %
03:00 Ron Hamilton - Trust in the Lord %
02:56 Dr Al Smith - My Anchor Holds
02:52 Ed Russ - I Bowed On My knees And Cried Holy
02:48 Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - God So Loved the World, And Can It Be %
02:46 Sam Slobodian - The Banner Of The Cross
02:42 Gregg Nash - Welcome To Heaven My child
02:38 John Marshall Family - Blood Bought My Freedom %
02:34 Majesty Ladies - Love Still Flows %
02:31 Mac And Beth Lynch - The Steps Of A Good Man %
02:28 Melinda K Wickam - Hallelujah! What A Savior!
02:26 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - O That Will be Glory For Me
02:22 Erin Cross - Praise To The Lord
02:15 The London Philharmonic Choir - Lead On, O King Eternal
02:12 Frank Boggs - I Love To Tell The Story
02:08 Linda McKechnie - My Faith Looks Up to Thee %
02:05 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - O Could I Speak (Men's Chorus)
02:03 Hamilton Family - To Everything There Is a Season %
02:01 SMS Men's Quartet - Keep On the Firing Line
01:58 Larry Mayfield - Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting %
01:55 Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - My Life Is Yours To Control %
01:53 Anna Mieczkowski - Blessed Assurance
01:51 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - "Christ For The World" We Sing #
01:45 Nancy And Melody Lundmark - I Will Serve Thee Wth The Longer I Serve Him
01:39 Claire Ryan - God Leads Us Along
01:35 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - My Father Watches Over Me %
01:32 SMS Men's Choir - Keep the Race Before Us %
01:30 Carol And Sharon Myers - Master, The Tempest Is Raging
01:27 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 124 Old 124th
01:25 SMS Men's Chorus - Mary, Don't You Weep
01:22 The Hamilton Family - You Are My Refuge %
01:20 The Wilds - Your Living Word
01:17 Calvary Quartet - Be Thou My Vision
01:14 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - My Father's Love %
01:12 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Wonderful Words Of Life %
01:10 Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness
01:06 First Bible Baptist Church Men's Quartet (Rochester, NY) - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
01:04 George Beverly Shea - Ninety And Nine %
01:00 Herbster Trio - Jesus Paid It All
00:57 ALERT Chorale - Shall We Gather at the River
00:54 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Holding Forth The Word Of Life %
00:50 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Psalm 23
00:47 Simply Soundforth - Have You Any Room For Jesus
00:44 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Keep Your Heart %
00:40 The Neely Team - I'll Be With You
00:37 Sacred Music Services - Softly and Tendrerly Jesus is Calling
00:35 Shannon Knox - Everybody Ought To Know
00:31 Principle Music - Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
00:26 Ron and Shelly Hamilton - My Faith Has Found %
00:23 Ron Hamilton - I Am Your Creation %
00:20 Mac Lynch - The Cross
00:18 Back To The Bible Male Chorus - O For A Thousand Tongues %
00:14 Ed Russ - God Leads Us Along
00:10 Dr Al Smith - When We See Christ
00:06 Falls Baptist College Of Ministry Concert Chorale And Orchestra - Jesus Exalted
00:03 Sam Slobodian - I Asked The Lord
00:01 The Masters Chorale - Come Just as You Are %

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