23:54 |
The Consortium Of Genius - Die Barney Die (New Version 2006)
23:51 |
the great Luke Ski - It's Shoebox, Dammit! - Featuring Worm Quartet
23:48 |
Insane Ian - Talk to Mister Ed
23:48 |
Camille West - A Small Family Problem
23:43 |
Power Salad - Walk of Fame
23:40 |
Willie B Poppin - The Pimple Song
23:34 |
Monty Python - The Holy Grail - French Taunter
23:33 |
DaVinci's Notebook - Ben's Song
23:26 |
Seamonkey - Papa Left Mama
23:24 |
girl you can feed my hamster
23:20 |
Spike Jones - Black and Blue Danube Waltz
23:17 |
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff - One Smith Leads to Another
23:16 |
Logan Whitehurst - 14 English Club
23:14 |
Rob Paravonian - Don't Blow Up Your School
23:12 |
07 Domino Death
23:09 |
The Four Postmen - Joke Band
23:03 |
Boogie Knights - Jousting
23:03 |
They Might Be Giants - Lincoln, Washington And That J
22:59 |
Steve Goodie - Out In The Backyard
22:58 |
Consortium of Genius - Enter: The Archer
22:56 |
The Nick Atoms - Far Out Space Nuts
22:53 |
Insane Ian - DiG DuG
22:49 |
Les Barker - Chronology
22:44 |
Barnes & Barnes - Love Tap
22:41 |
bc128 makeshift-vagina
22:38 |
The Nick Atoms - Both Sides Of Star Wars Now
22:34 |
David W. Jacobsen - Guitar Guy
22:33 |
The Four Postmen - I'm Gonna Die
22:31 |
Barnes & Barnes - Boogie Woogie Amputee
22:27 |
cw128 funniestguy128
22:24 |
Tom Lehrer - We Will All Go Together When We Go
22:21 |
The Four Postmen - Where's My River
22:19 |
Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie - I am Canadian
22:13 |
Marc Gunn & The Dubliners' Tabby Cats - Wild Kitty
22:08 |
bc128 soupbeans
22:05 |
Barnes & Barnes - Say Hello
22:02 |
Possible Oscar - All Out Of Beer
21:58 |
The Right Reverend Jarvis T. Hornswoggle - My Little Country Gal
21:56 |
UFO Phil - Aliens Really Stink
21:51 |
Raymond & Scum - Blair Witch
21:46 |
08 Divine Irregularity
21:43 |
Insane Ian Bonds - The Gigawatt
21:39 |
Power Salad - Beethoven at the Ribfest
21:35 |
Tom Smith - Waking Up Jedi
21:32 |
Tom Smith - Blog Like It's The End Of The World
21:28 |
ds128 ultra-epic-vg-medley-iv
21:24 |
Barnes & Barnes - Learn to Kiss the Enemy
21:17 |
Schaffer the Darklord - Goddamnit
21:14 |
The Four Postmen - I Wanna Dance
21:10 |
Devo Spice - I Am The Doctor
21:04 |
Worm Quartet - C Is For Lettuce
21:02 |
Les Barker - Hard Cheese of Old England
20:56 |
Seanan McGuire - Some Girls
20:55 |
They Might Be Giants - Which Describes How You're Feeling
20:49 |
01 MandeLa
20:47 |
Arrogant Worms - Baby Poo
20:43 |
the great Luke Ski featuring MC Lars - Dementia Revolution
20:39 |
Tom Smith - Out Of Snark
20:36 |
Rob Balder - Hoist the Jolly Roget's
20:34 |
Saunt Yubear - Hardly Working
20:30 |
The Bedlam Bards - The Ball of Ballinor
20:29 |
They Might Be Giants - Save Your Life - Bog Standard
20:17 |
Snap vs Europe - The Final Countdown Power (A Mixit Mashup Edit)
20:12 |
Scream & Shout Remix ft. Pitbull, LMFAO, Will.I.Am, Britney Spears & PSY (HD)
20:01 |
X-Ecutioners - (Even)More Human than Human
20:01 |
Emotional Damage
20:01 |
No He's Not Retarded 02
20:00 |
Loki - Your Savior is Here
20:00 |
Steven He - I Will Send You To Jesus
20:00 |
Chris Mezzolesta - Chris Mezzolesta - dementiaradioadvisory
19:56 |
Matthew Ebel - Normal Is Not For Me
19:53 |
Devo Spice - CUPCAKES!
19:49 |
Flat 29 - Sneaking Snacks Into the Cinema (Feat. the great Luke Ski and Carrie Dahlby)
19:45 |
Luke Ski - Candybars
19:42 |
Devo Spice - Snack Bar
19:38 |
Larry Groce - Junk Food Junkie
19:34 |
Weird Al Yankovic - Taco Grande
19:32 |
Psychostick - Do You Want a Taco?
19:29 |
Bonecage - Satan Gave Me a Taco
19:26 |
Kirby Krackle - Taco Night
19:23 |
Das Racist - Combination Pizza Hut And Taco Bell
19:18 |
Max DeGroot & Dipper - Hey Cheese Pizza
19:15 |
DJ Particle - Pizza Is Pizza
19:12 |
Christine Lavin - Cold Pizza for Breakfast
19:08 |
The Aquabats - Pizza Day
19:06 |
Stevens & Grdnic - Fast Food
19:01 |
fast food rockers - fast food song (extended radio)
19:00 |
Boots Randolph - Yakety Sax (The Benny Hill T.V. Theme)
19:00 |
hour 2 of BWRRA - Tav's id
18:58 |
The 4 Postmen - Let Me Make You Smile In Bed
18:52 |
The 4 Postmen - The Chainsaw Juggler
18:48 |
The 4 Postmen - Rabbit Valley
18:46 |
Weird Al Yankovic - Perform This Way
18:43 |
'Weird Al' Yankovic - Sports Song
18:40 |
'Weird Al' Yankovic - Lame Claim to Fame
18:36 |
Bob & Tom - Candy Hearts Wisdom
18:34 |
The Brady Bunch - Candy (Sugar Shoppe)
18:28 |
Rob Paravonian - Pushin' Band Candy
18:26 |
Robert Lund - But You Get To Have Cake
18:23 |
Carrie Dahlby - Wreckin' By The Book (The Cake Wrecks Song)
18:21 |
Jim Gaffigan - The Power of Cake
18:19 |
Worm Quartet - Ice Cream Has No Bones
18:16 |
Steve Goodie - Ice Cream Man
18:12 |
Knuckleheadz - Ice Cream Girl
18:09 |
Kurplunk - I Will Poop Again (Laura Fabian parody) by Kurplunk
18:04 |
Steve Goodie - It's Poo From The Rear by Steve Goodie
18:00 |
Paul And Storm - Opening Band
17:59 |
Consortium of Genius - Fargangargle
17:58 |
The Four Postmen - Corn
17:54 |
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff - Infomercials
17:53 |
They Might Be Giants - To The Bubblecraft! - They Mig
17:48 |
Marc Gunn & The Dubliners' Tabby Cats - Catnipping Green
17:45 |
They Might Be Giants - Road Movie to Berlin
17:43 |
The Jon Schwartz Project Featuring David Miller - Mr Ghost Goes To Town (30th Anniversary Remix)
17:32 |
Sudden Death featuring Worm Quartet - My Atari
17:29 |
The Four Postmen - The Pied Piper
17:25 |
Dino-Mike - Baby Bump
17:25 |
DaVinci's Notebook - I Wrote This Song
17:22 |
they might be giants - they might be giants
17:18 |
Possible Oscar - Sundae Chocolate Sundae
17:14 |
Rob Balder - Always A Goth Chick
17:09 |
Consortium of Genius - ANDROID WOMAN
17:06 |
Insane Ian - Mad Scientist Hair
17:04 |
The Four Postmen - Four Years of High School Spanish
17:00 |
bc128 keep-going-stop
17:00 |
Barnes & Barnes - Link-Train Pain
16:52 |
Marc Gunn - The True History of NoPantsDay
16:47 |
Carla Ulbrich - (Happy to be) Stuck By You
16:39 |
Insane Ian - Guitar Hero (Live From Marscon 2009)
16:35 |
Insane Ian Bonds - Casey's Top 40- A Request
16:33 |
Bedlam Bards & Marc Gunn - Libertas Sumptus
16:25 |
The Great Luke Ski - You Might Be A Trekkie (Live At MarsCon 2006)
16:22 |
Dino-Mike - Canadian Immigrant
16:22 |
The Nick Atoms - Introduction
16:21 |
Dino-Mike - The New Me
16:18 |
Spike Jones and his City Slickers - Old Macdonald Had A Farm
16:17 |
10 Duties of the GoH
16:15 |
Barnes & Barnes - And Other Things Too (E's Epistle)
16:13 |
Power Salad - Retro Intro
16:10 |
sg128 yourichmotherfuckers128k
16:07 |
The Four Postmen - Get Off The Stage
16:03 |
Schaffer the Darklord - Cat People
15:59 |
The Life Of Dan - Millennium Song
15:58 |
Barnes & Barnes - Mook E Bare
15:54 |
Tom Smith - I Want My Flying Car
15:48 |
Cledus T. Judd - Cledus Don't Stop Eatin' For Nuthin'
15:45 |
Camille West - It's Hell to Be Psychic
15:42 |
Power Salad - The Waiter Dropped The Plates
15:41 |
Barnes & Barnes - Link-Pub Pain
15:37 |
Marc Gunn & The Dubliners' Tabby Cats - Kitty's Rambles/Dowd's 9 Lives/Jenny's Chickens
15:31 |
The Four Postmen - Now
15:26 |
Carla Ulbrich - Corny Schlocky Sappy Songs
15:20 |
Dave Guhlow - Roman Numerals
15:17 |
The Great LukeSki - Play That Filky Music - a song by "Power Salad", featuring "the great Luke Ski"
15:13 |
Flibbertigibbet - The Scrotum Frog of Lake Titicaca
15:09 |
Boogie Knights - Catapult Rock
15:04 |
Devo Spice - South Park Junkie (2012)
15:01 |
Bob Ricci - Beach Boy Soup
14:55 |
The Boobles - Hooters Up The Street!
14:48 |
Ookla the Mok - gotobed128
14:46 |
They Might Be Giants - Too Cool Girls w/ the Velcro H
14:44 |
Camille West - Your Family's Dysfunction
14:43 |
The Nick Atoms - Episode III
14:39 |
Marc Gunn - The Sailboat Armada
14:38 |
Tom Smith - Aluminum Dog
14:33 |
Oh Dear FSM... Not Another One! - Shut The Fuck Up & Go For It
14:30 |
They Might Be Giants - Chaos By Design - Colorwheel
14:26 |
11 Filk In the Blanks
14:22 |
Tom Smith - Destroyer of Worlds
14:18 |
Bedlam Bards & Marc Gunn - Freedom Costs
14:15 |
Sponge Awareness Foundation - Society Of Sponges
14:11 |
The Four Postmen - There Are Things
14:09 |
Phil Johnson - Dodged A Bullet
14:03 |
Worm Quartet - I Don't Give A Shit About Your Website (Live with The great Luke Ski)
14:00 |
Raymond & Scum - The Ancient One (LIVE)
13:57 |
Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie - The System Administrator Song
13:52 |
Cirque du So What? - Stupid Cowboy Thing (Reprise?)
13:50 |
16 Don't Request Ose 2
13:47 |
Rob Balder - Funeral For A Ham / Kirk Lies Bleeding
13:44 |
Possible Oscar - Rock Is FTW!
13:44 |
They Might Be Giants - Fingertips 3
13:44 |
ii128 drew-barrymores-clothes
13:40 |
Dino-Mike - Cereal Killer
13:36 |
Consortium of Genius - Lab Girl
13:32 |
Barnes & Barnes - Link-Blue Pain
13:26 |
Beth Kinderman - Zombies
13:25 |
Tom Lehrer - Track06
13:24 |
Tom Smith - Hung Out? Too Dry
13:22 |
19 Telly Taley Heart
13:22 |
DJ Particle - Mommy's Broken (Alien Abduction Mix)
13:17 |
Les Barker - King Harold was a Ventriloquist
13:14 |
Schaffer the Darklord - Craig's List
13:10 |
The Life Of Dan - Hey Ho
13:08 |
They Might Be Giants - Space Suit
13:04 |
Schaffer the Darklord - Thunder Thief (feat. Jane Silence)
12:59 |
Insane Ian - 24
12:52 |
03 Stupid As Charged
12:50 |
Tom Smith - Sidekick
12:42 |
Carrie Dahlby featuring Erin Jane Sherlock - Sleep Walking Zombies
12:40 |
Rob Balder - Side Effects
12:36 |
Seanan McGuire - Maybe It's Crazy
12:33 |
They Might Be Giants - Your Mom's Alright
12:29 |
Boogie Knights - I Walk The Road
12:26 |
Cledus T Judd Wives-Do-It-All-The-Time
12:23 |
Power Salad - Cookies
12:19 |
The Four Postmen - Drunk
12:16 |
raymond and scum - Does This Make Me Gay?
12:12 |
Robert Lund - Where I'm Keeping You
12:06 |
Drew jacobs and Swingbatter - Don't Take Me Out To The Ballgame-Drew Jacobs & Swingbatter
12:01 |
Les Barker - Cosmo, Prince of Denmark
11:59 |
Steven Banks - I Miss Paul
11:55 |
11 Disclaimer
11:51 |
Marc Gunn - The Nazgul Song
11:48 |
Carla Ulbrich - Therapy Works
11:45 |
The Consortium Of Genius - LoBoToMy
11:42 |
Brobdingnagian Bards - Finnegan's Wake
11:38 |
Seamonkey - Comin' Out Tha Closet
11:33 |
Insane Ian - Welcome to the Last Arcade
11:32 |
The Nick Atoms - Epsode V
11:26 |
Paul and Storm - The Captain's Wife's Lament
11:23 |
Nuclear Bubble Wrap - Know Your Power Chords
11:20 |
Barnes & Barnes - The Longest Dream
11:19 |
05 Honey Glased Ham
11:15 |
Tom Smith - iDon'tCare
11:10 |
Dino-Mike - Nuff Liquor (Live At MarsCon 2010)
11:02 |
Monty Python - I Like Chinese
11:00 |
Consortium of Genius - Zombie Apocalypse Barbeque
10:56 |
Schaffer the Darklord - Tour Song
10:55 |
Rob Balder - Beer Bud Immortal
10:51 |
Bedlam Bards & Marc Gunn - It's Good To Have Jayne On Your Side
10:51 |
Barnes & Barnes - Link-Otherwordly Pain
10:42 |
Raymond And Scum - Nobody Loves The Comedy Band
10:37 |
Bedlam Bards & Marc Gunn - O Susannah
10:34 |
Project Sisyphus - I've Got Garageband
10:29 |
Dino-Mike - Nuff Liquor
10:25 |
Seanan McGuire - You Get The Tickets
10:22 |
Robert Lund - Bangin' Paris Hilton
10:19 |
DJ Particle - Pizza is Pizza
10:17 |
Consortium of Genius - Great God in a Box
10:16 |
They Might Be Giants - Wake Up Call
10:14 |
The Nick Atoms - Diff'rent Strokes
10:13 |
they might be giants - sapphire bullets of pure love
10:09 |
DaVinci's Notebook - What A Wonderful World
10:05 |
Les Barker - I Don't Like My Boomerang
10:01 |
Worm Quartet - If Gregg Yeti Doesn't Rejoin The Flashing Astonishers I'm Going To Kill Myself
09:58 |
Tom Smith - The Coin-Flip Universe
09:51 |
Marc Gunn & The Dubliners' Tabby Cats - To Catch A Cat
09:46 |
Tom Smith - Dead Again
09:42 |
Project Sisyphus - Take My Job Away
09:40 |
They Might Be Giants - Mink Car (Demo)
09:38 |
Alfred E. Neuman - It's A Gas
09:33 |
Schaffer the Darklord - Nerd Lust
09:26 |
Worm Quartet - My Wife
09:22 |
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff - Tatooine
09:17 |
Tom Lehrer - Elements
09:14 |
Barnes & Barnes - If You Hurt No One
09:09 |
Carla Ulbrich - I Have To Kill You Now
09:07 |
The Arrogant Worms - Happy Happy Birthday Song
09:04 |
They Might Be Giants - Yeah! Yeah!
09:02 |
Marc Gunn - Waxies Dargle
08:57 |
Mikey Mason - Best Game Ever
08:54 |
The "She's Gone To California To Find Herself" Blues
08:51 |
The Nick Atoms - The Ballad Of Bilbo Baggins
08:49 |
Consortium of Genius - What A Friend We Have In Cthulhu
08:46 |
Marc Gunn - She Said Her Name Was Saffron
08:39 |
09 Extreme Mistakeover
08:36 |
03 Callisto
08:34 |
Worm Quartet - I've Got A Wife
08:32 |
Nuclear Bubble Wrap - I Never Go to Work
08:25 |
Frank Hayes - Grandfather Clock
08:22 |
08 Bullet Time
08:19 |
Hot Waffles - Sorry, My Brother's A Jerk
08:15 |
Barnes & Barnes - Where's the Water
08:11 |
Tom Smith - (Don't Gotta Be A) Big Star
08:09 |
They Might Be Giants - Letterbox
08:05 |
The Great LukeSki - Jon Archer
08:00 |
Consortium of Genius - Unoriginal Gangster
07:51 |
Power Salad - Lady of the House
07:49 |
They Might Be Giants - Concrete And Clay
07:46 |
Steve Goodie - Fancy The Pants
07:46 |
They Might Be Giants - Spider - The Guitar
07:43 |
Brad Tassell and Steve Goodie - Two-Step Christmas
07:39 |
The Consortium Of Genius - Lovekill (1987)
07:35 |
Les Barker - Cosmo Revisited
07:33 |
Steve Goodie - The Big Bang Theory Song
07:28 |
Steve Goodie - On Jupiter There's A Hurricane
07:25 |
128 nice-to-meet-you
07:22 |
Carla Ulbrich - The Wedgie
07:21 |
Logan Whitehurst - 36 Schweepies
07:18 |
Possible Oscar - Raking The Lawn
07:15 |
Tom Lehrer - Track04
07:14 |
Barnes & Barnes - Link-Plain Pain
07:12 |
Steve Goodie - If You Want To Say Fuck, Say Fuck
07:10 |
They Might Be Giants-Particle Man
07:07 |
DaVinci's Notebook - Road Rage
07:00 |
Tom Smith - Rorschach Love
06:55 |
Insane Ian - Yellow Snow LO
06:51 |
Marc Gunn - Foggy Dew
06:47 |
Worm Quartet - I'm Gonna Procreate (Live)
06:46 |
They Might Be Giants - Fingertips 15
06:37 |
Flat 29 - Teach Your Baby Bass Guitar
06:33 |
They Might Be Giants - Happy
06:29 |
They Might Be Giants - Mr. Xcitement w- Mike Doughty
06:27 |
Dino-Mike - Film School
06:21 |
They Might Be Giants - Fingertips
06:13 |
Frank Hayes - Cockroaches On Parade
06:10 |
Buzz & Friends - Aunt Peg
06:06 |
Les Barker - Nobody's as Old as Derek Brimstone
06:01 |
Robert Lund - Kiss This! (Hey IRS)
05:57 |
They Might Be Giants - She Thinks She's Edith Head
05:52 |
Tom Smith - And There Was Dancing
05:46 |
Possible Oscar - Never Gonna Beat This Boss (Featuring Carrie Dahlby)
05:43 |
Marc Gunn - Won't You Come With Me?
05:37 |
Camille West - Viagra (C) In The Waters
05:34 |
Lemon Demon - Really Cool Wig
05:30 |
Project Sisyphus - Take It To The Bank
05:27 |
Insane Ian - Amazing Spider-Man 2 Reviewsical
05:25 |
Boogie Knights - Xena
05:22 |
They Might Be Giants - I Palindrome I
05:20 |
raymond and scum - Surf Monster, U.S.A.
05:16 |
The Life Of Dan - Tofu Cowboy
05:10 |
the great Luke Ski - When You Wish Upon A Death Star
05:04 |
Seamonkey feat. Seamonkette - Love Shaft
05:04 |
They Might Be Giants - Fingertips 2
05:00 |
Throwing Toasters - She's Like
04:57 |
Robert Lund - Save Me, Obama
04:54 |
Steve Goodie - Sweat The Small Stuff
04:49 |
Cledus T Judd Motel-Californie
04:42 |
The Life Of Dan - Doesn't Play Well
04:39 |
they might be giants - dead
04:34 |
Rob Balder - Cylons On The Screen
04:26 |
raymond and scum - Her Heart Belongs To Goldblum
04:20 |
Boogie Knights - Where, O Where, Art Thou Tonight?
04:16 |
The Boobles - Double Ds!
04:12 |
Devo Spice - Snack Bar
04:05 |
Camille West - Mother Tongue
04:03 |
Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie - The Alberta Anthem - Part 2
03:57 |
They Might Be Giants - Istanbul / Kiss Me, Son Of God
03:54 |
Cledus T Judd Bipolar And Proud Is Funny Cletus T Judd
03:51 |
Power Salad - My Cat Is Afraid of the Cavuum Cleaner
03:43 |
Possible Oscar - Dead Again
03:36 |
Nuclear Bubble Wrap - bee of the bird
03:33 |
DJ Particle - Green Green Glass of Home
03:30 |
The Boobles - We Love Boobs!
03:24 |
Consortium of Genius - Chapter 13
03:22 |
Marc Gunn - I Saved the Planet Earth
03:18 |
Carrie Dahlby & the great Luke Ski - Luke, Are You Carrie?
03:15 |
18 Time Plot
02:54 |
The Great Luke Ski - Man From Dunder
02:51 |
Marc Gunn - I'll Drink From Dusk 'Til Dawn
02:46 |
Paul and Storm - Nugget Man
02:39 |
The Nick Atoms - Buck Rogers In The 25th Century
02:36 |
sg128 bettyrubble128k
02:22 |
The Great Luke Ski - MC Freberg
02:18 |
Steve Goodie - Frank's Garage
02:17 |
The Four Postmen - The Underwater Song
02:14 |
Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie - Vader's Employee Evaluation
02:12 |
They Might Be Giants - Dig My Grave
02:09 |
Barnes & Barnes - Gumby Jaws Lament
02:06 |
Steve Goodie - I Drink Well With Others
01:59 |
Barnes & Barnes - Cemetery Girls
01:57 |
They Might Be Giants - Minimum Wage
01:54 |
raymond and scum - Demi Moore
01:51 |
Flat 29 - Menfriends
01:46 |
Sudden Death - State of the Art
01:44 |
Les Barker - An Odd Kind of Ultimatum
01:44 |
They Might Be Giants - Fingertips 7
01:35 |
Barnes & Barnes - Touch Yourself
01:32 |
Power Salad - Laser Ablation
01:30 |
{Pinkard & Bowden Propane}
01:25 |
They Might Be Giants - Chopping Block Testimonial
01:20 |
Les Barker - The Blood Donor
01:17 |
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff - Ziggy Starbuck
01:10 |
They Might Be Giants - Cyclops Rock
01:05 |
Sudden Death - Down With the Ship
01:02 |
They Might Be Giants - North To Alaska (John Linnell
00:58 |
Insane Ian Bonds - Death Star
00:50 |
DJ Particle - Sadako Came To The Arcade
00:48 |
They Might Be Giants - Tigerella
00:45 |
bc128 nathan-the-predator
00:42 |
Devo Spice - Companion Application
00:38 |
raymond and scum - Carnival Girl
00:35 |
Marc Gunn - The Virgin Diet (How To Have Fun Loosing Weight)
00:30 |
The Great Luke Ski - The Dada Slide
00:27 |
Raymond & Scum - Merchandise Table 128
00:20 |
Frank Hayes - Cosmos
00:17 |
Barry & The Bookbinders - My Brother's a Butthead
00:14 |
Extra Actual Size
00:09 |
Consortium of Genius - I SCREAM
00:07 |
Marc Gunn - She Said Her Name Was Saffron
00:01 |
Dan Hough - Come to London
00:00 |
Consortium of Genius - Secret Forwards Message