23:57 |
Steve Goodie featuring Megan Frechette - The Pat Benatar Hair-Loss Medley
23:54 |
Power Salad - With Sparklers All Around Her
23:51 |
Insane Ian - Superstitions
23:40 |
Lemon Demon - The Apparate! Suite
23:37 |
kicken tk 4
23:35 |
they might be giants - particle man
23:33 |
Marc Gunn & The Dubliners' Tabby Cats - Big Strong Cat (My Puddy Tat, Sylvester)
23:31 |
Joe J Thomas - He Put Cheese On
23:27 |
Cledus T Judd Gone-Funky
23:26 |
They Might Be Giants - It's Not My Birthday
23:20 |
Better THan I am good comp
23:18 |
02 Denver Does Elvis
23:14 |
Les Barker - Have You Got Any News of the Iceburg?
23:11 |
Hot Waffles - The Nerds Who Rule the World
23:07 |
The Bedlam Bards - Black Leather Band
23:03 |
Dino-Mike - Dork Whore
23:02 |
DaVinci's Notebook - Uncle Buford #1
22:53 |
Schaffer the Darklord - Supervillain
22:49 |
Power Salad - Dance Groove
22:48 |
Consortium of Genius - Chapter 10
22:44 |
The Consortium Of Genius - Black Plague ( 1994)
22:40 |
Insane Ian - Seeing Red (Live From Marscon 2009)
22:37 |
Camille West - I'm Dyslexic
22:32 |
Sudden Death - Spam
22:26 |
Seanan McGuire - Causes And Effects
22:23 |
Buckner & Garcia - 02 - Froggy's Lament
22:17 |
Insane Ian Bonds - There's Something About A Zombie- The Zombie Benefit Song
22:13 |
Ain't No Liberal
22:09 |
Oh Dear FSM... Not Another One! - SKS
22:00 |
05 The Illuminati Polka
21:55 |
DaVinci's Notebook - I Wish I Were
21:50 |
25 Rocket Ride
21:45 |
Raymond And Scum - Nobody Loves The Comedy Band
21:41 |
Logan Whitehurst - RosencrantzFinal
21:35 |
Les Barker - Administerium and the Science of Unclear Physics
21:33 |
UFO Phil - Bad Aliens
21:32 |
Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie - The Alberta Anthem - Part 1
21:24 |
Camille West - The Viennese Drinking Song
21:21 |
The Four Postmen - I'm Your Man
21:18 |
Buckner & Garcia - 05 - Hyperspace
21:14 |
Power Salad - Killer Resume
21:06 |
Robert Lund - My Men's Room Date's a Senator
21:03 |
Rob Balder - Never Say Never
21:00 |
Robert Lund and Spaff.com - The Awful Truth About Hannah Montana
20:58 |
Pinkard and Bowden - Trailer Park Woman
20:54 |
03 On -Line Religion
20:50 |
Nuclear Bubble Wrap - in space (demo)
20:47 |
Track 2
20:44 |
Marc Gunn & The Dubliners' Tabby Cats - Danny Boy
20:41 |
They Might Be Giants - My Man
20:39 |
Logan Whitehurst - What It's Like In Japan
20:36 |
Boogie Knights - The Anarchy/Monarchy Song
20:34 |
The Cockroach That Ate Cincinati
20:30 |
Barnes & Barnes - Clip Clop (Ode to Equis)
20:27 |
Marc Gunn & The Dubliners' Tabby Cats - Furagone's Wake
20:25 |
Project Sisyphus - The Emo Girl's Favorite Things
20:19 |
The Great LukeSki - Gilbert Explains It All, Part III
20:16 |
Les Barker - Detritus
20:09 |
Schaffer the Darklord - Club Destroyer (feat. Removal)
20:07 |
The Nick Atoms - End Of Elijah
20:03 |
Marc Gunn & The Dubliners' Tabby Cats - Kitty At The Door
20:01 |
Insane Ian - Everything I Know
20:00 |
Consortium of Genius - Freebird
19:57 |
They Might Be Giants - The Actual Size
19:56 |
Worm Quartet - Ode To Ziplock The African Albino Claw-Footed Water Frog
19:53 |
They Might Be Giants - Sleepwalkers
19:51 |
They Might Be Giants - I Palindrome I
19:46 |
The Four Postmen - Coffee Girl
19:42 |
Insane Ian - If I Had a Rocket Launcher (with Possible Oscar)
19:42 |
Logan Whitehurst - 56 ManWithNoName
19:36 |
Barnes & Barnes/Frenzer - Work the Meat
19:32 |
The Great Luke Ski - Everybody Get Lost
19:25 |
The Four Postmen - The Three Postmen
19:21 |
Marc Gunn - Call of the Bodice
19:20 |
06 Honey-Glazed Ham
19:17 |
Carrie Dahlby featuring Possible Oscar - Roadtripper
19:12 |
Australian Table Wines
19:09 |
Spike Jones - Nash Rambler
19:07 |
Monty Python-The Vagina Song
19:03 |
Ookla the Mok - OTM128 Math
19:03 |
The Four Postmen - I Asked You
18:58 |
The Four Postmen - Catbox
18:54 |
09 Vampires Suck
18:49 |
freak love
18:47 |
They Might Be Giants - Sally Boy Candy Bar
18:44 |
The Four Postmen - I Want My Money Back
18:40 |
Seamonkey feat. Sudden Death - Anorexiac
18:37 |
Dino-Mike - Unique (Unproduced Demo)
18:34 |
Power Salad - She Wants an American Girl
18:24 |
They Might Be Giants - Older
18:21 |
Seamonkey - Swine Flu!
18:16 |
Buckner & Garcia - 06 - The Defender
18:12 |
Arrogant Worms - Mounted Animal Nature Trail
18:09 |
Brobdingnagian Bards - In The Mood
17:59 |
Morning Sidekick - I Will Dismember You
17:56 |
Sudden Death featuring Worm Quartet - Pac-Man
17:52 |
Insane Ian/Ben Stahl - I've Never Played FF7
17:49 |
Lolly - Meat Cookies
17:46 |
Cledus T Judd Bipolar And Proud Paycheck Woman Cletus T Judd
17:43 |
Frank Hayes - Like A Lamb To The Slaughter
17:38 |
Schaffer the Darklord - Battlefont
17:36 |
The Nick Atoms - Aqua Teen Hunger Force
17:33 |
DaVinci's Notebook - Ally McBeal
17:29 |
Possible Oscar - Sundae Chocolate Sundae
17:26 |
Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie - British Saskatchalbertatoba
17:23 |
Marc Gunn - I've Saved The Planet Earth
17:19 |
Cledus T. Judd - Hillbilly Honeymoon
17:16 |
Steve Goodie & the Falling Standards - Found Out I Was Pregnant
17:13 |
Les Barker - Voicemail
17:10 |
Logan Whitehurst & The Junior Science Club - Robot Cat
17:07 |
Dino-Mike - Mirage
17:04 |
Spike Jones - Spike Jones - Laura
16:53 |
Power Salad - Barcelona
16:50 |
Carrie Dahlby - Pregnancy Is Strange
16:45 |
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff - The Night Kaga Brought the Lutefisk Down
16:45 |
Worm Quartet - Bill And The Pumpkin
16:42 |
Bedlam Bards & Marc Gunn - Monahan's Mudder's Milk
16:38 |
Sudden Death - New Jersey Lifestyle
16:35 |
Power Salad - The Fire At The Old Diploma Mill
16:33 |
They Might Be Giants - Anecdote
16:33 |
DaVinci's Notebook - Hiyeee
16:30 |
Tom Lehrer - An Evening Wasted With (Tom Lehrer)
16:26 |
They Might Be Giants - 25 O'Clock
16:24 |
They Might Be Giants - Indiana Wants Me
16:22 |
They Might Be Giants - It's Getting Late
16:18 |
Robert Lund - With Blinds Wide Open
16:15 |
They Might Be Giants - My Evil Twin
16:12 |
01 Get Your Asses In Here
16:07 |
They Might Be Giants - No!
16:03 |
Nuclear Bubble Wrap - Bare Facts
16:00 |
Marc Gunn - Monahan's Mudder's Milk
15:56 |
Tom Smith - Alternate Universe Lost & Found
15:52 |
Monty Python - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
15:48 |
Possible Oscar - Hayden Christensen
15:47 |
Logan Whitehurst - 5 KickIt
15:43 |
Marc Gunn - A Drop of Vulcan Blood
15:40 |
Spike Jones - Spike Jones - Riders In The Sk
15:38 |
cw128 penguins128
15:31 |
Tom Smith - True Love Waits
15:28 |
Roy Zimmerman - Punish the People
15:25 |
Les Barker - Weddell Waddle Penguins
15:23 |
Positive Attitude - This Oughta Cheer You Up
15:17 |
Camille West - Viennese Drinking Song
15:09 |
Nuclear Bubble Wrap - Sexy Silk
15:06 |
Carrie Dahlby - Everything's A Song
15:02 |
Power Salad - Points (They Might Be Sportscenter)
15:00 |
Barnes & Barnes - E's Epistle
14:55 |
They Might Be Giants - Clap Your Hands
14:52 |
Marc Gunn - A Rabbit for Halloween
14:49 |
Devo Spice - All In My Tights
14:49 |
Worm Quartet - Wookie Weeniee
14:45 |
Steve Goodie - Nashville
14:41 |
Insane Ian - Marry'd Life
14:39 |
The Nick Atoms - Land Of The Lost
14:34 |
Possible Oscar - Scrollin'
14:30 |
Insane Ian Bonds - Christina Ricci
14:29 |
The Nick Atoms - Firefly
14:27 |
Raymond & Scum - The Classiest Song In The World
14:26 |
Tom Lehrer - Subway Song (rare)
14:24 |
Tom Lehrer - When You Are Old and Gray
14:22 |
ms128 its-election-time
14:14 |
Carrie Dahlby featuring Possible Oscar - What's Wrong With This Song?
14:10 |
Robert Lund and Spaff.com - Noah (New International Version)
14:03 |
Marc Gunn & The Dubliners' Tabby Cats - A Cat Named Rover
13:58 |
Tom Smith - Hyperspace Cryogenic Insomnia Blues
13:53 |
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff - Baba McDonald's
13:51 |
Frank Hayes - Eban Post
13:49 |
Tom Smith - Love Thy Neighbor
13:46 |
Paul And Storm - The Captain's Wife's Lament
13:41 |
09 The Great Moonwolf Trap
13:41 |
They Might Be Giants - Fingertips 17
13:39 |
Throwing Toasters - Living @ Home
13:34 |
Brobdingnagian Bards - Oor Hamlet
13:25 |
Barry & The Bookbinders - Inner Thoughts
13:24 |
Barnes & Barnes - Link-Bonus Pain
13:21 |
Bob Ricci - Internet Love Song
13:19 |
they might be giants - twisting
13:18 |
Les Barker - Disaster at Sea
13:09 |
They Might Be Giants - Mosh Momken Abadan
12:59 |
the great Luke Ski - The Chainsaw Juggler
12:59 |
Worm Quartet - Long Story Short (Live)
12:56 |
Spike Jones - The Charleston
12:52 |
Insane Ian - Mary'd Lyfe
12:49 |
The Life Of Dan - The Life Of Dan
12:45 |
The Bedlam Bards - Oh, How The Money Rolls In
12:44 |
07 Tom Gives Bill and Atomic Wedgie
12:40 |
Seamonkey - Refried Beans
12:37 |
Tom Lehrer - Poisoning Pigeons in the Park
12:35 |
Oh Dear FSM... Not Another One! - Mary Sue
12:34 |
Dino-Mike - Second LP - Intro
12:31 |
02 Howie's Norvegian Blues
12:28 |
Cledus T. Judd - I'm Not In It For Love (Just Your Beer)
12:24 |
Seanan McGuire - Dear Gina
12:23 |
Monty Python - Penis Song
12:20 |
Les Barker - Heavy Plant Crossing
12:15 |
Zot Theater - Aqualung Intro / You Make The Call
12:09 |
Worm Quartet - (I Wanna Wipe) A Booger On Dan (Rather)
12:01 |
Robert Lund - Shakespearean Pie
11:57 |
They Might Be Giants - Monsters Of Mud
11:53 |
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff - Come to Mordor
11:51 |
The Boobles - My Baby Mama!
11:48 |
Brobdingnagian Bards - The Irishman Who Doesn't Drink
11:45 |
Killer Calamari - Spiderine
11:45 |
Worm Quartet - Lice And Rice
11:41 |
Power Salad - QR Head
11:39 |
they might be giants - we want a rock
11:34 |
Cali Rose - Here At The Gym
11:31 |
Project Sisyphus - 10,000 Friends on MySpace
11:26 |
Dino-Mike - Mountain Dew
11:24 |
Steve Goodie - My Dog Never Multi-Tasks
11:21 |
Cledus T. Judd - Cledus Went Down To Florida
11:20 |
Consortium of Genius - Chapter 2
11:17 |
Marc Gunn - Danny Boy (For Cat Parents)
11:14 |
Worm Quartet - Great Idea For A Song
11:11 |
Steve Goodie - Rowling Get Off Twitter
11:08 |
Carla Ulbrich - A Name is a Name (My Name is Carla)
11:04 |
Brobdingnagian Bards - Star Of The County Down
11:03 |
Steve Goodie - Steve's Harry Potter Medley
11:00 |
Tom Smith - Why I Won't Get You A Beer
10:53 |
Les Barker - The Author's Story
10:51 |
Steve Goodie - Itchy Song # 1,543
10:48 |
They Might Be Giants - Museum Of Idiots (5 Piece TMBG
10:44 |
Insane Ian - Turn It Off
10:41 |
Insane Ian - Ode To Ronald (Serve the World Fries)
10:36 |
Progressive Love Song - 1:2:23, 11.41 PM
10:35 |
Tom Smith - Pickled Gopher
10:29 |
They Might Be Giants - Boss Of Me
10:25 |
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff - Trills Just Want to Have Fun
10:23 |
Boogie Knights - People are Tasty
10:19 |
Cirque du So What? - How To Speak ShoEboX
10:14 |
They Might Be Giants - Man, It's So Loud In Here
10:13 |
03 Happy Conception Day
10:11 |
Tom Lehrer - Track01
10:08 |
The Four Postmen - The Dirty Show
10:05 |
the great Luke Ski - Jello Shots
10:00 |
Tom Smith - I Ain't Got Time For The Blues
09:55 |
Seanan McGuire - Courting Gifts
09:52 |
Les Barker - Blessed Are The Meek
09:46 |
Tom Lehrer - An Evening Wasted With (Tom Lehrer)
09:42 |
Carla Ulbrich - I got Tremors
09:37 |
Tom Smith - Garlic Is For Lovers
09:26 |
The Nick Atoms - Cinemapocalypse
09:22 |
Beth Kinderman - Princess
09:16 |
Spike Jones - Lassus Trombone
09:13 |
Boogie Knights - Under the Drawbridge
09:13 |
Worm Quartet - Rabbit Song (Live)
09:08 |
Oh Dear FSM... Not Another One! - Leela
09:05 |
Carla Ulbrich - Cascade (instr.)
09:02 |
Arrogant Worms Horizon
09:02 |
15 Mommy's Naked
08:54 |
bc128 amazon
08:52 |
Tom Lehrer - The Old Dope Peddler
08:49 |
bc128 dram
08:44 |
Power Salad - WarcraftWorld
08:41 |
Steve Goodie f/Jenny Casey - Mother Load
08:41 |
Carla Ulbrich - Kelson Says Hi
08:38 |
Marc Gunn - Beer, Beer, Beer
08:32 |
Dead Parot
08:31 |
Schaffer the Darklord - Message From A Former Employer
08:29 |
Power Salad - Kites Are Fun
08:24 |
Marc Gunn & The Dubliners' Tabby Cats - Lord Of The Pounce
08:19 |
Barnes & Barnes - The Boogie Man
08:10 |
Smashy Claw - EN
08:07 |
Power Salad - Disney Song
08:04 |
Boogie Knights - I'll Rock Your World
08:00 |
They Might Be Giants - Dead
07:54 |
Power Salad - Katie's Dream
07:51 |
Nuclear Bubble Wrap - Raichu a Song
07:47 |
09 Convalescence
07:44 |
They Might Be Giants - 02 - Snail Shell
07:38 |
Brobdingnagian Bards - Jedi Drinking Song
07:33 |
Tom Lehrer - Poisoning Pigeons in the Park
07:27 |
Consortium of Genius - BITE ME
07:17 |
Bob Ricci - My Darkest Secret
07:14 |
They Might Be Giants - Spy - Mr. Tambourine Man
07:13 |
Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie - The "Proximity To God Index"
07:05 |
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff - Six Feet Under
07:03 |
Power Salad - Little Hybrid
06:56 |
Rob Balder and Tom Smith - Rich Fantasy Lives
06:55 |
Dino-Mike - You Have 1 New VoiceMail
06:55 |
They Might Be Giants - Fingertips 10
06:51 |
Power Salad - Mantis from Atlantis
06:49 |
Joe J Thomas - Fly Trump To The Moon (Space Force One)
06:43 |
The Great LukeSki - Fangirls, Shake That Booty! - featuring "Hot Waffles"
06:40 |
They Might Be Giants - Hall of Heads
03:27 |
Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie - Keep Your Parents Off The Inte
03:24 |
Dino-Mike - Perfect Girl
03:19 |
The Consortium Of Genius - March Of THe Skaletons (2006)
03:15 |
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff - Landing Party
03:11 |
Apocalypse Now And Then - Relay Tower
03:06 |
The Consortium Of Genius - Android Woman (Live 2006)
03:03 |
Power Salad - The Favor
03:02 |
Logan Whitehurst - 43 PinkLemons
03:00 |
The Nick Atoms - The Trapper Song
02:57 |
Possible Oscar - Raking The Lawn (Featuring Worm Quartet)
02:53 |
Barry & The Bookbinders - Good Things Come In Small Packages
02:49 |
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff - Lust On The Bridge
02:45 |
Project Sisyphus - These Jeans
02:41 |
Worm Quartet - Frank's Not In The Band Anymore (Live with The great Luke Ski)
02:38 |
They Might Be Giants - Turn Around
02:37 |
Camille West - Disclaimer
02:33 |
Project Sisyphus - Are We Lawyer?
02:31 |
They Might Be Giants - If I Wasn't Shy
02:27 |
Sci-Fried - If I Only Had A Horse
02:26 |
what girls shouldn't say during sex
02:22 |
Baldbox - This Could Be The Day
02:20 |
The Nick Atoms - The Six Million Dollar Man
02:17 |
Worm Quartet - Eskimo Pie Is Not Pie And Contains Very Little Eskimo
02:13 |
Dino-Mike - Unattraction
02:10 |
Seamonkey - Sex With Randy
02:03 |
Logan Whitehurst - Villain Who Wears No Pants
01:59 |
The Nick Atoms - S.W.A.T
01:56 |
Dino-Mike - Monkey Shoe Blues
01:53 |
sg128 shallweslapaslut128k
01:48 |
the great Luke Ski - Everybody Get Weird! (an Art Paul Schlosser remix)
01:46 |
Les Barker - Gladys
01:44 |
Schaffer the Darklord - Goodbye, Cool World
01:43 |
Brobdingnagian Bards - Hee Haw
01:39 |
Power Salad - My Name Is Fudd
01:37 |
ii128 AntMan LO
01:31 |
Seanan McGuire - What A Woman's For
01:31 |
Zot Theater - Schoolhouse Avent-Garde Rock
01:25 |
Tom Smith - Spoiler Alert
01:22 |
Monty Python - I've Got A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts
01:19 |
Rob Balder - Narsil
01:14 |
Sudden Death featuring Possible Oscar - Take Back The Music
01:10 |
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff - Wil's Song
01:06 |
Dino-Mike - Friday @ Work (Deleted Song)
00:59 |
Steve Goodie & the Falling Standards - Sex With the Ex
00:57 |
Worm Quartet - J.R.O.
00:55 |
04 Trans Poly U Fight Song
00:53 |
Tom Smith - WikiPirates
00:50 |
Apocalypse Now And Then - Traffic
00:46 |
Arrogant Worms - We Are the Beaver
00:43 |
Spike Jones - Hawaiian War Chant
00:38 |
Bedlam Bards & Marc Gunn - A Drop Of Reever Blood
00:36 |
Carla Ulbrich - Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah
00:26 |
They Might Be Giants - Violin
00:25 |
the great Luke Ski - Dave Chapelle Sings Rowlf Harris
00:24 |
Dino-Mike - The Worst Disease
00:20 |
Schaffer the Darklord - Pixilated Vixen
00:15 |
Possible Oscar - All Out of Beer
00:10 |
Steve Goodie - Hey Fred Phelps
00:04 |
They Might Be Giants - They Might Be Giants
00:00 |
The Nick Atoms - Jet Jaguar