23:58 |
DaVinci's Notebook - Internet Porn
23:56 |
(The Muppets) Limey coconut - Put da Lime inda Coconut (Drin
23:53 |
They Might Be Giants - Working Undercover For The Man
23:50 |
Rob Balder - Quest for the Arkentools (Part 1)
23:47 |
Marc Gunn - The Last Chicken In Dublin
23:46 |
Worm Quartet - Mommy's Broken - Gilbert
23:42 |
Bonecage - Grandma's House
23:37 |
Schaffer the Darklord - Scorpio
23:31 |
Cledus T. Judd - did i shave my back for this
23:30 |
02 Hello Everybody
23:27 |
Jonathan Coulton - Mr. Fancy Pants (Live)
23:24 |
Steve Goodie & the Falling Standards - Whipped
23:23 |
They Might Be Giants - The Army's Tired Now
23:15 |
Marc Gunn - The Widow and the Devil
23:10 |
raymond and scum - Sweet Little Stripper
23:05 |
the great Luke Ski - Survivor The Animated Series - Hellaholio Tribe
23:02 |
cw128 thatguy
22:58 |
Arrogant Worms - The War of 1812
22:55 |
Tony Goldmark - Not Dead
22:45 |
Brobdingnagian Bards - If I Had A Million Smurfy Ducats
22:40 |
Tom Smith - Undead Happy Trees
22:36 |
Boogie Knights - The Seven
22:31 |
Tom Smith - For Us All
22:31 |
They Might Be Giants - WMOB ID - Robin
22:30 |
Bedlam Bards & Marc Gunn - Somnambulant
22:26 |
Consortium of Genius - Evil is Fun
22:22 |
Carla Ulbrich - Little Brown Jug
22:19 |
They Might Be Giants - Yeh Yeh
22:17 |
The Great LukeSki - Gilbert Explains It All, Part IV
22:14 |
Raymond & Scum - Imagine The Sequel
22:11 |
08 Psychic Voicemail Hotlane
22:07 |
Nuclear Bubble Wrap - creepy
22:05 |
They Might Be Giants - Lines Upon A Tranquil Brow
22:03 |
19 Have You Filked Any Other TV Shoes-
22:00 |
Cali Rose - Cranial Blues
21:57 |
Barnes & Barnes - Passively Vicious
21:48 |
Welcome to the Internet Help Desk
21:45 |
Barnes & Barnes - High School Gym
21:44 |
Arrogant Worms - The Assumption Song
21:43 |
The Nick Atoms - Episode I
21:39 |
Schaffer the Darklord - Bitter Musician
21:37 |
Arrogant Worms - I Am Cow
21:35 |
They Might Be Giants - Particle Man
20:06 |
They Might Be Giants - Fingertips 19
20:02 |
Devo Spice featuring Carrie Dahlby - Life In The Fleet
19:51 |
Frank Hayes - The Lincoln Park Pirates
19:49 |
Worm Quartet - you were wrong cabinet sanchez
19:47 |
Tom Smith - Cruisin' For Chicks On Google Maps
19:44 |
Consortium of Genius - Science Fight
19:37 |
Carla Ulbrich with Mark Johnson - What if your Butt was Gone? (Rock Version)
19:36 |
The Four Postmen - The Lemon Tree
19:33 |
Hot Waffles - Angus Beef Patties with Cheese and Bacon
19:30 |
16 This Ain't Over Yet
19:28 |
Rob Balder - The Elephants
19:23 |
Tom Smith - Weebles Wobble/We Are The Fandoms
19:20 |
Worm Quartet - Calculator In My Bum
19:18 |
Les Barker - An Admission
19:14 |
Caz And The Paradells - Gotta My Period
19:10 |
Insane Ian - Princess Of Hyrule
19:04 |
Camille West - Romance Languages
19:03 |
Dementia Radio Jingle Standard Full
19:00 |
Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq - Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life
18:59 |
ComplexFilms - Fol de rol 16 min
18:54 |
Adam Sandler - Lunch Lady Land
18:51 |
PSY - Gentleman
18:48 |
The Chainsmokers - Selfie
18:45 |
Joe's Apartment - Hold My Feeler
18:44 |
The Roaches - Garbage in the Moonlight
18:41 |
Paul De Laat - Het Tennisballen Lied
18:38 |
Animaniacs - All the Words in the English Language
18:35 |
Cheech and Chong - Pachuco
18:32 |
Evil Dead The Musical - Cabin In The Woods
18:25 |
DJ Arique - Get Lucky To The Limit
18:23 |
WWE Themes and More - Junkyard Dog - Grab Them Cakes (HD - HQ)
18:20 |
Leonard Nimoy - Highly Illogical
18:13 |
The B - 69s - Jellicle Songs For Jellicle Cats
18:11 |
02 - Muppet Beach Party
18:10 |
Dick Van Dyke and The Vantastix - Theme From Dick Van Dyke Show
18:08 |
Dick Van Dyke and The Vantastix - Bare Necessities
18:00 |
Gogol Bordello - Wonderlust King
17:58 |
Cast of Galavant - Let's Agree to Disagree
17:57 |
Kate Micucci - Gillian's Island
17:54 |
Jonathan Coulton - Curl
17:47 |
Stephen Lynch - Craig Christ
17:43 |
Spamilton - Lin-Manuel As Hamilton
17:40 |
Rob Cantor - Shia Labeouf
17:39 |
We Like The Moon
17:35 |
Weird Al Yankovic - UHF
17:33 |
Frank Zappa - St. Alfonzo's Pancake Breakfast
17:31 |
Scissor Sisters - I Can't Decide
17:27 |
The Wurzels - Chelsea Dagger
17:24 |
Alestorm - I Am A Cider Drinker (Bonus Track)
17:19 |
Ozzy Osbourne, Billy Morrison - Gods of Rock N Roll
17:16 |
Billy Idol - Still Dancing
17:13 |
Broken Peach - Get Ready
17:09 |
Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy
17:08 |
Human Nature - Upside Down
17:06 |
Superman March (Krypton Opening)
17:06 |
Dementia Radio - Parental Guidance Suggested
17:03 |
Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem - MAYHEM!
17:01 |
Hoodoo Gurus - Gene Hackman
16:58 |
Possible Oscar - Wolverine
16:54 |
Carla Ulbrich - What If Your Girlfriend Was Gone
16:54 |
Brobdingnagian Bards - Intro
16:47 |
Brobdingnagian Bards - Pachelbel's Canon/Old Dun Cow
16:42 |
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff - Our Meds Are Cheaper
16:36 |
The Four Postmen - Gentleman A
16:34 |
Boogie Knights - Act Like A Magician
16:30 |
DaVinci's Notebook - Heather Graham
16:26 |
Frank Hayes - When I Was A Boy
16:23 |
Barnes & Barnes - Spooky Lady on Death Avenue
16:18 |
Marc Gunn - Lusty Young Sith
16:14 |
Bob Ricci - Unhackable
16:12 |
DaVinci's Notebook - Hot Soup
16:10 |
Power Salad - Panic Broadcast
16:07 |
Boogie Knights - (Let's Get) Magical
16:02 |
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff - Pocket Man
16:00 |
Marc Gunn & The Dubliners' Tabby Cats - Jasper Tabby Kitty Cat-Y
15:57 |
Positive Attitude - Pull Pranks On 'Em
15:56 |
Consortium of Genius - Chapter 8
15:53 |
Spike Jones - Gesundheit Polka
15:47 |
Possible Oscar - You Pay, We Play
15:43 |
07 Ballad of Rupert
15:36 |
Seanan McGuire - Another Mad Science Love Song
15:34 |
The Four Postmen - Girl Take Me From Behind
15:29 |
The Four Postmen - A Gentleman's Heart
15:26 |
Worm Quartet - Broom Broom Broom
15:23 |
Kobi LaCroix - Orange Glo
15:21 |
Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie - An Opinion on Abortion
15:16 |
Throwing Toasters - Grandma's Song
15:11 |
DJ Particle - Goodbye Bill
15:03 |
Insane Ian - A Visit from the great Luke Ski
14:59 |
Tom Smith - On The PC
14:56 |
David W. Jacobsen - Thanksgiving in West Paterson
14:52 |
Apocalypse Now And Then - Tailfins
14:47 |
Seamonkey - Heavyflow
14:44 |
Dave Guhlow - The Dangerous Toy
14:44 |
Worm Quartet - Sorry, We're No Longer Buying Lizard Shit
14:30 |
Worm Quartet - It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Lib 2008
14:27 |
Tom Smith - iDon'tCare
14:25 |
Tom Smith - The Mechanicsburg Tourism Song
14:23 |
Robert Lund - Jail!
14:21 |
Raymond & Scum - Time With Your Wife
14:20 |
Power Salad - My Cat Is Afraid of the Vacuum Cleaner (Me First and the Gimme Gimmes style)
14:19 |
Throwing Toasters - Bad Impressions
14:17 |
Worm Quartet - My Apologies
14:13 |
Arrogant Worms - Vegetable Song
14:09 |
they might be giants - birdhouse in your soul
14:07 |
Tom Smith - Dave
14:04 |
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff - The Ose
14:01 |
Brobdingnagian Bards - Donald, Where's Your Drunken Scotsman?
13:59 |
Tom Lehrer - The Hunting Song
13:57 |
Carla Ulbrich - The Colon
13:55 |
Marc Gunn & The Dubliners' Tabby Cats - The Old Woman And Her Cat
13:51 |
bc128 loneliest-male-stripper
13:48 |
Les Barker - The Stealth Comma
13:35 |
Possible Oscar - Wolverine (Don't Stop Readin')
13:31 |
Lemon Demon - Two Trucks
13:27 |
Marc Gunn & The Dubliners' Tabby Cats - Molly Malone, The Cat's Perspective/Planxty Hewlett
13:22 |
03 Domino Death
13:21 |
Monty Python - Brave Sir Robin
13:17 |
Marc Gunn - Twa Corbies
13:14 |
The Nick Atoms - Escape From New York
13:11 |
The Life Of Dan - Ritalin
13:08 |
Cali Rose - All My "Mr. Rights" turn into "Mr. Wrong"
13:05 |
Rob Balder - Save Connecticon
13:00 |
Les Barker - Deja Vu
12:57 |
Cledus T. Judd - Mindy McCready
12:56 |
Tom Lehrer - She's My Girl
12:53 |
Robert Lund - I'm Everything
12:47 |
Track 02
12:43 |
Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie - Paul's Financial Report
12:40 |
Bob Lazzar-Atwood - We Were Only Having Sex
12:34 |
The Consortium Of Genius - Bow 2 Me (Dr. Z Version 2001)
12:29 |
Worm Quartet - J.R.O. (Intro)
12:25 |
C.O.G. - Tonight's the Night
12:21 |
David Labedz - Google 128k
12:16 |
Dino-Mike - Hymn For Sin 128
12:09 |
Everything Is Cancelled
12:06 |
Barnes & Barnes - Pinapple Princess
11:59 |
Bob Ricci - Obsessed
11:52 |
Matthew Ebel - Normal Is Not For Me
11:48 |
Sponge Awareness Foundation - Pseudo Substandard
11:42 |
Don't You Love Me
11:40 |
Mikey Mason - I Good Kitty (Dex-Star)
11:39 |
Kobi LaCroix - The Peddler: A Half-Assed Translation
11:28 |
Tom Lehrer - Clementine
11:23 |
The Great LukeSki - Stealing Like A Hobbit
11:19 |
Sudden Death - Hangnail
11:15 |
Worm Quartet - Getting Shot In The Face Sucks
11:11 |
Insane Ian - Love Bites Lo
11:08 |
They Might Be Giants - Lucky Ball & Chain
11:04 |
Power Salad - The Roach Coach (Industrial Catering) 2
11:00 |
Raymond & Scum - Text128
10:52 |
Worm Quartet - Things Shoebox Should Not Say On The Air
10:50 |
Max DeGroot - Don't Sing This Song
10:48 |
They Might Be Giants - Twisting
10:42 |
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff - Pharaohs Of Filk
10:37 |
Nuclear Bubble Wrap - Lizards in the Sky
10:32 |
The Great Luke Ski - Too Much Stuff
10:27 |
Tom Smith - The Feud, The Proud
10:24 |
Nuclear Bubble Wrap - Draining the Lizard on a Dead Gay Wizard
10:22 |
They Might Be Giants - Letterbox
10:18 |
Tom Smith - Wiki of Love
10:15 |
They Might Be Giants - The Bloodboat
10:10 |
Marc Gunn - Monkeys Over Mongolia
10:06 |
Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie - How to Buy a Computer!
10:03 |
Schaffer the Darklord - My Last Song
09:58 |
Mel & El - Tick Tock (128k)
09:48 |
Spike Jones - Spike Jones - Drip, Drip, Drip
09:46 |
The Boobles - Breasts Are Great!
09:44 |
Power Salad - Just Lucky I Guess
09:36 |
Frank Hayes - Filler
09:35 |
Worm Quartet - Why Do The Elderly Growl At Cucumbers?
09:29 |
The Four Postmen - Something to Squeeze
09:27 |
05 Dylan's Just Screwin' With You - Redo
09:22 |
Dino-Mike - Mountain Dew (Instrumental)
09:20 |
Carla Ulbrich - Dr. Pepper
09:18 |
Marc Gunn - Dear Worm Quartet
09:14 |
Carrie Dahlby featuring Devo Spice - Stupid As Charged
09:06 |
The Bedlam Bards - The Druken Virgin Jig Set
09:01 |
Barnes & Barnes - Feminine Parts
08:57 |
Devo Spice - Busted
08:52 |
Barry & The Bookbinders - Hairy Shari
08:44 |
They Might Be Giants - Fingertips 1
08:40 |
Nancy Pelosi (i Want To Be Your Frie
08:36 |
Barry & The Bookbinders - Right Hand
08:32 |
The Great LukeSki - The Pirate Song - a song by Tony Goldmark, featuring "the great Luke Ski"
08:24 |
Carrie Dahlby - The Last Half Birthday
08:23 |
Tom Lehrer - Hunting Song
08:15 |
Undercover Funtime - Douche in Flip Flops
08:11 |
Power Salad - Wasted Space Oddity (Drunken Astronauts)
08:08 |
The Consortium Of Genius - Science Party (1998)
08:05 |
they might be giants - lucky ball & chain
08:02 |
Logan Whitehurst - 69 TiniestDog
07:58 |
Seamonkey - I'm A Dick To You
07:56 |
Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie - What Joe saw on the Internet!
07:53 |
Consortium of Genius - Do The Creep
07:50 |
20 Time Plot Aborted
07:48 |
the great Luke Ski - The Simple Life with Harley Quinn and Daria - Featuring Rachel Thurston as Daria
07:46 |
Nuclear Bubble Wrap - Mr Me
07:42 |
Logan Whitehurst - 61 Villalpando
07:39 |
Tom Smith - EULA Dancing
07:36 |
Les Barker - Dachshunds with Erections
07:26 |
11 Falling Free
07:22 |
07:19 |
{Pinkard & Bowden I Lobster But Never Flounder}
07:15 |
Sudden Death - CGI
07:13 |
Worm Quartet - Shoebox vs. America
07:08 |
they might be giants - letterbox
07:05 |
Arrogant Worms - The Toronto Song
07:02 |
Pinkard & Bowden - Friends In Crawl Spaces
06:57 |
Brobdingnagian Bards - Stage Fright
06:56 |
Worm Quartet - Sweat
06:53 |
Tom Lehrer - Lobachevsky
06:49 |
Nuclear Bubble Wrap - Curiosity Killed the Mars Rover
06:44 |
Bonecage - Love Song (Huge Erection)
06:42 |
Frank Hayes - S-100
06:40 |
Insane Ian Bonds - Fast Asleep
06:37 |
sg128 before-he-speaks
06:27 |
Marc Gunn - Close Your Eyes
06:23 |
the great Luke Ski - No Sleep Till Babylon
06:21 |
Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie - Home Stereotype System
06:19 |
ms128 snortin-up-the-bath-salts
06:10 |
the great Luke Ski - Vader Boy - Featuring Carrie Dahlby and The Nick Atoms
06:07 |
Consortium of Genius - Leadout
06:04 |
06:00 |
Steve Goodie - Goodbye Sarah P
05:54 |
Power Salad - Grapes
05:48 |
Worm Quartet - Great Idea For A Song: Tesh-As-A-Mofo Version
05:41 |
Tom Smith - Dervish
05:37 |
Beth Kinderman - Hannibal Lecter
05:32 |
Oh Dear FSM... Not Another One! - The Dependable Woman's Song
05:28 |
Rob Balder - Come Out And Play (Federation Style)
05:25 |
Eric Coleman - Low Self Esteem Talking Blues
05:23 |
Actual Size - Travelin Hard
05:20 |
Boogie Knights - Irish Samurai
05:17 |
04 Pop Star
05:16 |
Worm Quartet - Less Random Outbreak Of Tuneless Muppetness
05:12 |
Tom Lehrer - Oedipus Rex
05:09 |
Possible Oscar - Dead Nintendo (live at MarsCon 2007)
05:06 |
Moneyshot Cosmonauts - Pr-Pr-Pr-Procreate
04:58 |
Carla Ulbrich - Patient 2946065
04:55 |
The Four Postmen - My Christian Love
04:52 |
Steve Goodie - The Cover Of The Rolling Stone (Boston Bombing Version)
04:52 |
DaVinci's Notebook - A New Car
04:47 |
Beth Kinderman - Valley
04:45 |
They Might Be Giants - Hovering Sombrero
04:43 |
Logan Whitehurst - 6 Toothpaste
04:35 |
10 Ho Is On The Rag
04:31 |
Seamonkey - Jane Doe
04:27 |
When the World Ends
04:25 |
Worm Quartet - Get A Real Dog (Gothsicles Remix)
04:22 |
Boogie Knights - Buccaneer Rap
04:14 |
Moneyshot Cosmonauts - I Feel Happy
04:05 |
Marc Gunn - Don't Go Drinking With Hobbits
04:03 |
Tom Lehrer - My Home Town
04:01 |
last night
03:58 |
Rob Balder - Teach Your Robots Well
03:54 |
Worm Quartet - I Want To Be Taken Seriously As An Artist (featuring Curt Allen)
03:43 |
Oh Dear FSM... Not Another One! - I Stole This Song
03:40 |
They Might Be Giants - Twistin'
03:37 |
Raymond & Scum - Love, What Is Love?
03:33 |
sg128 nobody-to-vote
03:30 |
Boogie Knights - Immaterial Girl
03:27 |
Brothers Marks - The Ballad of Salvage One Final!
03:23 |
INEVITABLE - Robocalls
03:21 |
Marc Gunn - If I Were A Horse
03:18 |
Tom Smith - Insert Geek Cliche Here
03:16 |
Power Salad - Corned Beef and Cabbage
03:11 |
The Four Postmen - Sleep
03:09 |
{Pinkard & Bowden The Universal Adjective Song}
03:00 |
23 Online Religion
02:57 |
dont care
02:55 |
Tom Smith - Hamster Brain
02:53 |
living @ home
02:46 |
Possible Oscar - Take Back The Music
02:43 |
Barnes & Barnes - Don't up the World
02:40 |
Insane Ian Bonds - Geekin' Out (Internet Song)
02:35 |
Schaffer the Darklord - H-mail (feat. Coolzey & Liisa2eyes)
02:31 |
Consortium of Genius - Chapter 4
02:28 |
The Four Postmen - It's All About Me
02:25 |
Raymond & Scum - Nothing's Gonna Tear Us Apart (Love Theme From 'Stupid Teenagers Must Die')
02:22 |
Barnes & Barnes - Three Drunk Newts
02:18 |
10 Down Thurr
02:15 |
Rand Bellavia - Tips Sampler 2
02:10 |
Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie - Dot Com 1999
02:06 |
05 King Of Kong
01:59 |
Cali Rose - The Doggie-Doo Blues
01:57 |
ii128 a-little-blue
01:54 |
Worm Quartet - Dear God (Live)
01:48 |
Henry Phillips - Fresh Out Of Blues
01:42 |
They Might Be Giants - Lazy Head And Sleepy Bones
01:41 |
Logan Whitehurst - 58 VCR
01:38 |
Schaffer the Darklord - A Very Bad Man
01:36 |
Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie - Safe Bank!
01:30 |
Possible Oscar - How We Recycle
01:25 |
the great Luke Ski featuring Wyngarde - What's Up With That?!
01:22 |
Marc Gunn - Jock Stuart, A Man Who Wears A Kilt Everyday
01:15 |
Carla Ulbrich - Candy and Gum
01:12 |
Cali Rose - If I Could Do It Over
01:07 |
Possible Oscar - Dead Again
01:04 |
Tom Smith - Two Guys Kissin' Ruined My Life
01:01 |
Barnes & Barnes - Pizza Face
00:59 |
The Great Luke Ski - UR
00:56 |
Worm Quartet - Spatula (Acoustic Live In The Studio)
00:53 |
Carla Ulbrich - The Teachers of Clempson
00:49 |
Raymond & Scum - 2 Years Too Late
00:46 |
Eric Coleman - Inner Voice
00:43 |
Power Salad - Fight Song
00:41 |
They Might Be Giants - John Lee Supertaster
00:38 |
Carla Ulbrich - Sittin' in the Waiting Room
00:33 |
Seanan McGuire - My Summer Vacation
00:30 |
The Four Postmen - A Piece Of Ass
00:25 |
14 On the PC
00:18 |
Boogie Knights - Hunchback
00:14 |
Les Barker - Mono
00:12 |
Barnes & Barnes - Homophobic Dream
00:07 |
They Might Be Giants - 1999 / Cowtown
00:04 |
MM128 mamas-goin-dancing