Bay islands radio we transmit on 88fm from Russell island Queensland....
70s 80s 90s remixes and mash up (from 70s-90s)...
We have the best music mix!!! (we really do).
We also transmit on 5.045 mhz at times as well.
This station and Al's (4KZ on 5.055Mhz) are are shining beacons on 5Mhz Aussie SW
Imre Ordasi29.04.2023
Music is your biggest strength. I don’t know any other station with so much music. Who likes ads, bad news or politics? Turning the radio on, I want to listen to music and you at 88 doing just that. Great collection of classic rock. If rap was less, I would welcome that, but realize you need to cater to many tastes.
Shannon Shuttleworth11.09.2022
10000% love it
Trish Harris15.07.2022
Loving the Vibe! Loving the music...
Joseph Chevburg15.05.2022
Thank you for your shortwave broadcast on 5.045Mhz , one of the only "local" radio we can listen to in the bush ( beside Radio N.Z) Good work guys.
Sylvia Van Zutphen21.03.2022
On holidays here now
Brad Rehbein12.02.2022
Great Music
Інформація про радіо
Saturday 7am to 7pm Aussie time Bay islands radio pub rock weekends.
Friday/Saturday 7pm to 10pm Aussie time Dj Shannon in the mix old school house/trance/70-90s remixes. .