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Bay Islands Radio

Russell Island, 88.0 MHz FM
Рэйтынг: 4.8 Ацэнак: 8
Bay islands radio we transmit on 88fm from Russell island Queensland.... 70s 80s 90s remixes and mash up (from 70s-90s)... We have the best music mix!!! (we really do). We also transmit on 5.045 mhz at times as well. Больш
17 0

Зараз у эфіры Bay Islands Radio

Прамы эфір Moloko Sing It Back (Musical Mix)
11:05 42. David Bowie - Modern Love (Live at Live Aid, Wembley Stadium, 13th July 1985)
11:02 The Sports Who Listens to the Radio?
Плейлист Bay Islands Radio

ТОП трэкі на Bay Islands Radio

The Offspring - Self EsteemThe Offspring — Self Esteem
The Rolling Stones - It's Only Rock 'N' Roll (But I Like It)The Rolling Stones — It's Only Rock 'N' Roll (But I Like It)
Ricky Martin - Livin' la Vida LocaRicky Martin — Livin' la Vida Loca
Real McCoy - Come and Get Your LoveReal McCoy — Come and Get Your Love
Felix - Don't You Want MeFELIX — Don't You Want Me
34 Midnight Oil - Beds Are BurningMidnight Oil — Beds Are Burning
Metallica - Hero Of The DayMetallica — Hero of the Day
Pearl Jam - Even FlowPearl Jam — Even Flow
Roxy Music - More Than ThisRoxy Music — More Than This
Weezer - Buddy HollyWeezer — Buddy Holly

Водгукі аб Bay Islands Radio

  • 5
    Awesome station can be heard on shortwave as well
  • 5
    This station and Al's (4KZ on 5.055Mhz) are are shining beacons on 5Mhz Aussie SW
  • 5
    Music is your biggest strength. I don’t know any other station with so much music. Who likes ads, bad news or politics? Turning the radio on, I want to listen to music and you at 88 doing just that. Great collection of classic rock. If rap was less, I would welcome that, but realize you need to cater to many tastes.
  • 4
    10000% love it
  • 5
    Loving the Vibe! Loving the music...
  • 5
    Thank you for your shortwave broadcast on 5.045Mhz , one of the only "local" radio we can listen to in the bush ( beside Radio N.Z) Good work guys.
  • 5
    On holidays here now
  • 4
    Great Music

Інфармацыя пра радыё

Saturday 7am to 7pm Aussie time Bay islands radio pub rock weekends.
Friday/Saturday 7pm to 10pm Aussie time Dj Shannon in the mix old school house/trance/70-90s remixes. .

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @Bayislandsradiofm88

Час у горадзе Russell Island: 01:15, 03.17.2025

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