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iNkazimulo FM

Рэйтынг: 0.0 Ацэнак: 0
"Preaching the Word of GOD, and advancing the Gospel through Analog and Digital Radio Medium, Our mission is to be a Broadcaster aimed at delivering the Good News; and the Love of GOD to every Soul within Our reach. We pledge ourselves to the delivering of quality Radio FM/ Streaming, and the coverage to all levels of broadcasting, for our people. To be every Church's Broadcaster both locally and all the way to reaching international platforms". Больш
14 0

Зараз у эфіры iNkazimulo FM

Прамы эфір Ntokozo Mbambo Esiphambanweni (Live)
18:48 Ntokozo Mbambo Jehovah Is Your Name (Live)
18:35 El-Elyon - Chris Delvan
Плейлист iNkazimulo FM

ТОП трэкі на iNkazimulo FM

Monifah - Jesus is loveMonifah — Jesus Is Love
Benjamin Dube - I FEEL JESUSBenjamin Dube — Jesus
Hlengiwe Mhlaba - How I love JesusHlengiwe Mhlaba — How I Love Jesus
Benjamin Dube - When I Think About JesusBenjamin Dube — When I Think About Jesus
Various - Endless Love - Diana Ross Lionel RichieLionel Richie — Endless Love
Masibuyele KuJehovah - WE ALL KNOW JESUS IS COMINGMasibuyele KuJehova — We All Know Jesus Is Coming
jesus the son of god
Lord Comforters - I love jesusThe Comforters — Oh How I Love Jesus
Benjamin Dube - Benjamin Dube / Humble YourselfBenjamin Dube — Humble Yourself
Tasha Cobbs - Break Every ChainTasha Cobbs — Break Every Chain

Водгукі аб iNkazimulo FM

Інфармацыя пра радыё

To serve as a tool sharpened to the service of the Church
To Spread the Gospel, and Touch every Soul.
To be a Christian Broadcaster ready to go beyond the field of Broadcasting in advancing the Gospel
To advocate in building the Church of Christ, thus seeing to it`s completness
To be the Voice of every Church.

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @INkazimulo-FM-Official-102958914916092

Час у горадзе Nelspruit: 02:02, 03.18.2025

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