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Рейтинг: 5.0 Оцінок: 1
Education is a collective effort, it needs the active involvement of all stakeholders. At the core of a successful system lies communication. The Minister, MECs, and HODs need to communicate on a constant basis the vision for the sector. Більше
13 0

Відгуки про CAPS

  • 5
    thee best. young and free drive!

Інформація про радіо

All stakeholders need to stay informed and updated about the progress as outlined in the Action Plan in order to play their part in ensuring the success of the education. CAPS MEDIA has been established to play the vital role of facilitating communication in the education sector. The company is a specialist in education and has dedicated all its programming towards education and the basic education sector is a priority.

Контакти радіостанції

Facebook: @CAPSRadioSA
Twitter: @CAPSRadioSA

Час в місті Йоганнесбург: 06:01, 03.15.2025

Встановіть безкоштовний додаток Online Radio Box на ваш смартфон та слухайте улюблені радіостанції онлайн, де б ви не були!