Online Radio Box upotrebljava kolačiće za pružanje najbolje usluge korisnicima. Obrada vaših osobnih podataka mogla bi biti potrebna za omiljene radio postaje i glazbene žanrove, favorite korisnika, recenzije postaja i mnoge druge usluge.
Kliknite "Prihvaćam" kako biste imali najbolje iskustvo u korištenju našeg web-mjesta. Isto tako možete odabrati koje kolačiće ili tehnologije želite omogućiti u "Postavkama".
Instalirajte besplatnu mobilnu aplikaciju Online Radio Box za vaš pametni telefon i slušajte vama omiljene stanice na internetu - gdje god se nalazili!
Joy FM is more than just radio, it’s a ministry of believers who believe in the power of you! We invite you to join us for positive music, meaningful conversations, amazing ministry, and more. Let’s journey down the path God has placed before us, together. Real Joy is found right here!
Constantly begging for money. Every few commercials it's something to do with donating money or giving money. I don't hear anything about serving in any other capacity. Just money.... Nothing joyous in this and leaves you feeling taxed that you don't give enough regardless.
Irisnaldo Coelho06.12.2021
Escuto diariamente essa estação de rádio, é simplesmente fantástica. Só falta colocar a legenda kkkk bricadeiranha kkkk.
Cindy Payton24.12.2020
I listen to you on the phone app. I downloaded it when living in Salisbury, NC and now listen everyday from the Big Island, Hawaii. Thank you for all the good southern gospel music. It is a blessing everyday and in everyway.
Wendy Britton05.07.2020
Please when reading scriptures, make sure you use King James version. You are changing Gods word. That is not nice leading Gods people astray
Rosa Russell06.12.2019
Love it
Debbie Hawks27.04.2017
You station got me thru some tough months when my husband was in the hospital and passed away. But I am so discouraged and heart broken by all the begging for money that I have heard for lst few weeks, and on the weekends, its recorded messages that you keep hearing over and over. Please play God's Music and stop the begging God will take care of everything. I thought goal was meet then you keep throwing out those challenges. What gives? I want to be encouraged by his music not discouraged by the begging.
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