salut! j aimerais avoir les titres dans chansons possible? Merci
Jumpin Johnny B16.12.2023
Better Than most Oldies Stations. Always enjoy Mike Carr and Skipper on Saturday night. Would like to hear more late 50's and early 60's
Brett Cinder14.02.2023
I stand with freedom. Just like 92.1🇺🇸⚖️🦅🗽
Rosemary Eng17.11.2022
Love this station! Didn't get till I moved from north Jersey to Delaware
john h mazzoli13.10.2022
the best I heard Lou 15 years ago and still listen. Thank you online radio.
JoAnn Soha03.11.2021
This morning Lou Costello made another veiled political reference. It’s an inappropriate venue to mention political parties or preferences. If I wanted hear them, I’d listen to talk radio instead. I will not be listening to him anymore. I’ll put Jerry on at 5 only
Kevin Kenna27.06.2021
Just discovered this station . I like the obscure songs you never hear anymore. Sometimes it's like going back into the past for a brief moment
Nancy Cugini22.06.2021
Love the station and all the DJ's especially Lou Costello!! Thanks Lou for my request and shout out today:4/13/21. Dee Clark: "Hey Little Girl"
Pj Patterson16.04.2021
I N-Joy this stations music and the jocks and I listen everyday