Newsradio 620 WTMJ is a 50,000-watt news/talk/sports powerhouse, one of America's largest and most successful radio stations. In addition to its status as Milwaukee's radio news leader, Newsradio 620 WTMJ features compelling talk shows that provide meaning and context to the day's events.
I grew up in New London, Wi and have lived in New Berlin, Dyckesville (Door County) and currently in Madison.
William Stewart26.03.2022
No news on this station. All liberal socialist garbage especially on the "talk" radio channel. Biden is an idiot. He was elected so lazy morons could still get their checks. Everyone knows this. He has done nothing for the black community. Lawlessness is rampant everywhere. You broadcast things he says which mean absolutely nothing to the working class people. Bidenflation, open borders, high gas, food, and energy prices. Covidmania. People walking down the street alone with a mask on. Vaccinating 2 year olds. Putting our fighting troops thru 10 million hours of PC/woke race baiting sensitivity training instead of training them to fight for their country. All BS, and the troops know it. I am sure you will take this down promptly because you need to keep the propaganda going that everything is alright and it is not alright.
Jay Saghatchi18.03.2020
Jason Socha27.01.2020
This is my go to for news talk in West Allis,WI. The station is also my sports station as well. Don't get rid of this station.
Kenalan radio
301 W Wisconsin Avenue Suite 200 Milwaukee, WI 53203
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