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NewsTalk 580 AM

Рэйтынг: 1.8 Ацэнак: 16
WTCM is an AM radio station broadcasting in Traverse City, Michigan, operating on 580 kHz. WTCM has a news/talk format.
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Звязаныя радыёстанцыі

Водгукі аб NewsTalk 580 AM

  • 1
    Hey Ron & Collene, I heard your request this morning about a little less of our great President Trump. You need to keep your political opinion off the air. I could use a lot less of YOU! Bub Bye! Snowflakes.
  • 1
    Very disappointing your religious “show”. Completely and broadly evangelical. Each guest believes differently. No theology. Sad.
  • 1
    There is nothing entertaining on/about your 10AM to 12Noon weekly program.
  • 1
    I don't listen to them anymore since the stopped Clay and Buck
  • 3
    Love the station mostly, I'm glad that Clay and Buck are gone, I really like the perspective of Dan B. I wish you would get a clue and get rid of Sean Hanity too; he has nothing new to say and you hear the same Montra every day. I have been playing a when you hear game "bought and paid by Hillary Clinton" I turn off the station. It usually takes less than 10 minutes.
  • 2
    Your still boring but less so once you deep sixed the clay and buck idiots …the old joke revised .. what’s the difference between Rush and the clay/buck fiasco? Rush never thought he was god ..
  • 1
    I am disappointed that you no longer carry Clay and Buck. I had left a message with Collen asking where I could listen to them and never got the courtesy of a reply. Fortunately I found them on a New York station so after Crystal and Vick I tune into the Clay and Buck show there.
  • 1
    Just tuned to find out you replaced Buck Sexton and Clay Travis?!? I can’t stand Dan B.
  • 1
    You took Clay and Buck off the air for Dan B.? Really!? One of the dumbest radio moves ever!! Looks like you just lost another listener! Good Bye!
  • 1
    I am very (very, very VERY) disappointed you took the Clay and Buck show off the air. They were fantastic. They took over right where Rush left off. I would give you zero stars if I could....Sorry, you have now lost a listener. It is more complicated, but I can still get them in my car every day by streaming IheartRadio.

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: MIDWESTERN BROADCASTING 300 E. Front St. Suite 450 Traverse City, MI 49684
Тэлефон: +231-947-7675
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @WTCMnews

Fax: 231-947-0644

Час у горадзе Traverse City: 21:17, 03.13.2025

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Midwestern Broadcasting group

NewsTalk 580 AM NewsTalk 580 AM
KLT The Rock Station - WKLT KLT The Rock Station - WKLT
99.3 WATZ 99.3 WATZ
Z93 Z93
107.5 WCCW 107.5 WCCW