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Nie wiesz co było grane w radiu? Skorzystaj z naszego serwisu żeby znaleźć nazwę. Nasza playlista zawiera harmonogram eteru WTBI FM w ciągu ostatnich 7 dni.
23:59 | Southern Gospel Hi-Lites (CLOSE) |
23:55 | It's Almost Over (CATHEDRALS) |
23:51 | Jesus Has Risen (CATHEDRALS) |
23:48 | Echoes from the Burning Bush (CATHEDRAL) |
23:45 | Mansion Over the Hilltop (live) (CATHEDRALS) |
23:45 | Gospel Lighthouse (FM & INTERNET) |
23:41 | Land of the Living (CATHEDRALS) |
23:39 | Ride That Glory Train (CATHEDRALS) |
23:35 | Heaven's Joy Awaits (CATHEDRALS) |
23:33 | In the Garden (PIANO/RUDY ATWOOD) |
23:32 | Southern Gospel Hi-Lites (INTRO) |
23:32 | Hales Roadside Service (86)271-9003 (PROMO (JHW)) |
23:30 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
23:30 | Tell a Friend About Us (WTBI BREAK) |
23:26 | The Family Of God (CATHEDRALS) |
23:24 | Can He, Could He, Would He? (CATHEDRALS) |
23:21 | Yesterday (CATHEDRALS) |
23:18 | Heaven-Gathering Medley (CATHEDRALS) |
23:15 | Thanks For Loving Me (CATHEDRALS) |
23:15 | Radio Voice (WTBI BREAK) |
23:13 | Saved! Saved! Saved! (CATHEDRALS) |
23:09 | He Saw What I Could Be (CATHEDRALS) |
23:06 | If Seeing Is Believing (CATHEDRALS) |
23:05 | When I Got Saved (PIANO/DWYNELL DILL) |
23:04 | Southern Gospel Hi-Lites (INTRO) |
23:04 | Sermon and Song (WTBI BREAK) |
23:00 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
23:00 | Gospel Lighthouse (FM & INTERNET) |
22:30 | March 8, 2025 (UNSHACKLED!) |
22:29 | Tabernacle Ministries (WTBI BREAK) |
22:26 | He Left It All (BURNS BROS.) |
22:24 | Glory to His Name (TRUE HARMONY) |
22:20 | What Kind of Man (WEST COAST BAPTIST COLLEGE) |
22:18 | Climate Control (864)269-5576 (PROMO (JB)) |
22:15 | Walking On (ANDREW & MARY BETH JONES) |
22:15 | Music and Preaching (WTBI BREAK) |
22:11 | Borrowed and Barely Used Tomb (HEARTSOUND) |
22:09 | Roll On Jordan (PALMETTO STATE QT) |
22:06 | The Spelling Song (BLUE SKY BOYS (1936)) |
22:04 | Power of the Cross (Instrumental) (WEST COAST BAPTIST COLLEGE) |
22:04 | Sermon and Song (WTBI BREAK) |
22:00 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
22:00 | Preaching How Good God Is (FM & INTERNET) |
21:58 | The Lovely Name of Jesus (TBC CHOIR) |
21:55 | Go to Jesus (JUDY NALLEY) |
21:52 | The King and I (TBC CHOIR) |
21:51 | Old Time Preaching Hour (CLOSE) |
21:00 | Just One Prophecy to be Fulfilled (MAZE JACKSON) |
21:00 | Old Time Preaching Hour (INTRO) |
21:00 | Best Sound Around (FM & INTERNET) |
20:57 | Take My Hand (AIKEN TRIO) |
20:53 | Who Am I? (VESTAL GOODMAN) |
20:51 | Hasten That Day (CHUCK WAGON GANG) |
20:48 | Go Tell John (KING JAMES 1611 BOYS) |
20:45 | All Things are Wokring Together For Me (SPEERS) |
20:44 | Listening for the Sound of His Voice (WTBI BREAK) |
20:41 | Living Left to Do (JOE MULLINS & THE RADIO RAMBLERS) |
20:40 | Greene Law B (GREENE LAW FIRM/(AT)) |
20:37 | My Heart Can See (THE SHELTONS) |
20:34 | I Don't Want to Stay Here Anyway (HEAVEN'S ECHOES) |
20:32 | Elijahs Prayer (LIVE) (SIMPLE FAITH QT.) |
20:30 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
20:30 | Gospel Lighthouse (WTBI BREAK) |
20:25 | Because He Lives (GOSPEL PLOWBOYS) |
20:22 | The Dearest Friend (FAMILY HARMON) |
20:22 | Mason and Sons Enterprises (864)235-0444 (PROMO (WM)) |
20:18 | Promises (ELLIS FAMILY) |
20:15 | I'm Living for Him (EASTER BROS.) |
20:15 | Upstate and Around the World (WTBI BREAK) |
20:12 | Come Back Home (PRIMITIVE QT.) |
20:10 | I Will Follow Him (CARROLL ROBERSO) |
20:07 | Hold Me, Lord (PIANO/JACKY CAMPBELL) |
20:04 | Wonderful Peace (JIM BURNS) |
20:00 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
19:59 | Best Sound Around (FM & INTERNET) |
19:30 | March 8, 2025 (LEADING THE WAY) |
19:30 | Pointing Men (WTBI BREAK) |
19:28 | There's Gonna Be a Coronation (CHRIS SMITH QT.) |
19:24 | At the Crossing medley (BURNS BROS.) |
19:21 | Still (GREATER VISION) |
19:18 | There's A Brighter Day (OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR QT.) |
19:15 | He's On The Throne (ARCHIE WATKIN) |
19:15 | Pointing Men (WTBI BREAK) |
19:12 | Waving This World Good-bye (OLD TIME PREACHERS QT.) |
19:10 | Walkin' A New Road (INSPIRATIONS) |
19:08 | I'm Feelin' Fine (BLACKWOOD'S) |
19:06 | 000/Unclouded Day (000/LEDBETTER'S) |
19:04 | Grace (PERRY'S) |
19:00 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
19:00 | Best Sound Around (FM & INTERNET) |
18:57 | Go Tell John (KING JAMES 1611 BOYS) |
18:54 | Almost Home (NEW TRADITION) |
18:52 | The Sweeter Victory (PERRYS) |
18:49 | Consider The Lillies (MCGLOTHLINS) |
18:47 | The Finish Line (McKAMEY) |
18:45 | March 8 (WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS) |
18:45 | Pointing Men (WTBI BREAK) |
18:30 | March 8, 2025 (BALM OF GILEAD) |
18:29 | Best Sound Around (WTBI BREAK) |
18:27 | I Want To See Heaven (THE SHELTONS) |
18:25 | Now I Know (INSPIRATIONS) |
18:23 | I Have Decided (VICTORIOUS VALLEY) |
18:19 | This Old World Is Full of Trouble (GOOD SHEPHERD QT.) |
18:16 | I Went Down a Beggar (BARRY SPEARS FAM.) |
18:16 | Hales Roadside Service (86)271-9003 (PROMO (JHW)) |
18:15 | Bargains Food Store (864)947-1937 (PROMO (JHW)) |
18:15 | Christian Broadcasting (WTBI BREAK) |
18:13 | Blood Medley (BUSH FAM.) |
18:10 | Watching The Clouds (INSPIRATIONS) |
18:08 | Jesus Is Coming Soon (GETHSEMANE QT) |
18:06 | 000/Unclouded Day (000/LEDBETTER'S) |
18:03 | Where Could I Go (CARROLL ROBERSO) |
18:00 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
17:59 | This is WTBI (FM LEGAL ID) |
17:30 | March 8, 2025 (NOTHING BETTER THAN JESUS) |
17:30 | Best Sound Around (WTBI BREAK) |
17:27 | Jesus Is Mine (STAMPS QT.) |
17:23 | Staring at the Sparrow (ROWLANDS) |
17:21 | Heaven Is My Home (SWORDSMEN) |
17:18 | He is Good to Me (A-MEN QT.) |
17:16 | In the Sweet By & By (BISHOP') |
17:15 | Climate Control (864)269-5576 (PROMO (JB)) |
17:15 | Making Much of Calvary (WTBI BREAK) |
17:12 | I'm Free Again (GOLD CITY) |
17:10 | Jesus Is Coming Soon (SMOKY MTN. REUNION1) |
17:08 | Walkin' A New Road (INSPIRATIONS) |
17:06 | 000/Unclouded Day (000/LEDBETTER'S) |
17:04 | The Love Of God is Amazing (REDEEMED) |
17:00 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
17:00 | Best Sound Around!! (FM & INTERNET) |
16:59 | I'll Fly Away (PIANO/MADELINE PHIPPS) |
16:30 | March 8, 2025 (THE GOSPEL HOUR) |
16:30 | Radio Voice (WTBI BREAK) |
16:29 | I'll Fly Away (PIANO/JACKY CAMPBELL) |
16:04 | March 8, 2025 (TABERNACLE PULPIT DAILY TPD-183) |
16:04 | Listening for the Sound of His Voice (WTBI BREAK) |
16:00 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
15:59 | This is WTBI (FM & INTERNET) |
15:57 | I Have Decided to Follow Jesus (JUSTICE FAM) |
15:55 | Jesus Is Mine (PINE RIDGE BOYS) |
15:52 | He Lives In Me (INSPIRATIONS) |
15:49 | It Satisfies Me (MCKAMEYS) |
15:47 | Power In Prayer (REDEEMED) |
15:45 | March 8 (WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS) |
15:44 | Pointing Men (WTBI BREAK) |
15:42 | Forbidden to Pass Through (GOOD SHEPHERD QT.) |
15:39 | Lord Lead Me On (KEVIN SPENCER FAM.) |
15:36 | Jesus Is Mine (SADDLER FAM.) |
15:33 | I'll Meet You in the Morning (BILLY KELLY) |
15:32 | Magnum Dumpsters (864)704-2173 (PROMO (JHW)) |
15:30 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
15:30 | Making Much of Calvary (WTBI BREAK) |
15:00 | March 8, 2025 (BIBLE BAPTIST BRDCST.) |
14:59 | Gospel Lighthouse (FM & INTERNET) |
14:57 | I've Won (MCKAMEYS) |
14:54 | House of the King (BARRY SPEARS FAM.) |
14:50 | I've Come too Far to Look Back (BARRY SPEARS FAM.) |
14:44 | Music and Preaching (WTBI BREAK) |
14:42 | I Dreamed About Heaven Last Night (INSPIRATIONS) |
14:40 | Since I Put My Feet on Solid Ground (GOOD SHEPHERD QT.) |
14:36 | Neath the Old Olive Trees (MARKSMEN) |
14:34 | This Don't Feel Like Home (KING JAMES 1611 BOYS) |
14:32 | One Step (BILLY KELLY) |
14:30 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
14:29 | Music and Preaching (WTBI BREAK) |
14:25 | He Already Sees (COLLINGSWORTH FAM.) |
14:23 | Grace Found a Pardon for Me (FIELDS OF GRACE) |
14:20 | Then We Shall Sing (GOLD CITY) |
14:16 | I Have The Lord (HEARTSOUND) |
14:15 | Pointing Men (WTBI BREAK) |
14:13 | The Highest Hill (BILLY KELLY) |
14:11 | Power In The Blood (MARKSMEN) |
14:09 | Jesus Is Calling (McKAMEY) |
14:07 | 000/Unclouded Day (000/LEDBETTER'S) |
14:04 | Old Crossroads (KING JAMES 1611 BOYS) |
14:00 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
14:00 | Local Church (FM & INTERNET) |
13:54 | March 8, 2025 (GOSPEL IN A NUTSHELL) |
13:54 | The Best Sound Around (WTBI BREAK) |
13:49 | He Does (GREATER VISION) |
13:44 | You're Still The Greatest Thing (SPARKS FAM.) |
13:44 | Pointing Men (WTBI BREAK) |
13:29 | March 8, 2025 (ROSS HILL BRDCST.) |
13:29 | Best Sound Around (WTBI BREAK) |
13:14 | February 22, 2025 (WELL OF GRACE) |
13:14 | Tell a Friend About Us (WTBI BREAK) |
13:12 | It Won't Do Without Jesus (ROBBIE MULLINAX) |
13:09 | What a Change In My Life (JIMMY JUSTICE FAM.) |
13:07 | 000/Thank You for Your Blessings (000/MAPLE RIDGE) |
13:03 | More Like You (SPARKS FAM.) |
12:59 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
12:59 | Best Sound Around (FM & INTERNET) |
12:57 | Only One Life (Narr.) (CALEB GARRAWAY) |
12:54 | Sweet Hour of Prayer (INSTR./RAYNES FAM) |
12:50 | He Hideth My Soul (INSTR./RAYNES FAM) |
12:47 | Come Thou Fount (INSTR./RAYNES FAM) |
12:44 | All the Way My Saviour Leads Me (INSTR./RAYNES FAM) |
12:44 | King James Bible (WTBI BREAK) |
12:42 | I'm Glad I'm Saved (ROGERS FAM.) |
12:37 | I'll Meet You In the Morning (STACY PEARCY) |
12:35 | When You Find The Lord (CARROLL ROBERSON) |
12:29 | Best Sound Around (WTBI BREAK) |
12:24 | Redeemer (MANARAZE FAM.) |
12:22 | When He Sees Me (MCKAMEYS) |
12:19 | I Know (AGEE FAMILY) |
12:17 | Heaven Is (LEGACY FIVE) |
12:13 | Never Changing God (KINGDOM HEIRS) |
12:10 | Since Jesus Moved In (KINGDOM HEIRS) |
12:09 | Climate Control (864)269-5576 (PROMO (JB)) |
12:04 | Where Is The Lamb (SPARKS FAM.) |
12:00 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
12:00 | Gospel Lighthouse (FM & INTERNET) |
11:54 | I Can Trust Jesus (Live) (COLLINGSWORTH FAM.) |
11:48 | I Can Go In (THE POWELLS) |
11:42 | My Favorite Place (GREATER VISION) |
11:36 | The Great I AM (INMAN FAM.) |
11:30 | I Know Who Holds Tomorrow (JIM CRUTCHFIELD (LIVE) |
11:29 | Doing What I Can (GRACE BAPT. TEENS) |
11:04 | March 8, 2025 (TABERNACLE PULPIT DAILY TPD-183) |
11:00 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
11:00 | Gospel Lighthouse (FM & INTERNET) |
10:30 | March 8, 2025 (BLESSED HOPE FROM NEW HOPE) |
10:30 | Upstate and Around the World (WTBI BREAK) |
10:15 | March 8, 2025 (YOUNG PREACHERS BRDCST.) |
10:15 | Music and Preaching (WTBI BREAK) |
10:00 | March 8, 2024 (REACHING AMERICA (TBMI)) |
09:59 | J. H. Watts (Upstate & Around the World) (FM & INTERNET) |
09:58 | How Great Thou Art (SEMINOLE STRING BAND) |
09:56 | Just Over In the Glory Land (INSTR./SHIELDS FAM.) |
09:43 | He Still Sees (RILEY FAMILY) |
09:43 | Masterpiece of Mercy (STATEMENT OF FAITH) |
09:43 | Master of the Sea (SQUIRE PARSONS) |
09:43 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
09:43 | Echoes from the Burning Bush (CATHEDRAL) |
09:42 | Midnight Cry (GOLD CITY) |
09:42 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
09:41 | Gospel Lighthouse (FM & INTERNET) |
09:35 | When The Home Gates Swing Open (GREATER VISION) |
09:35 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
09:00 | March 8, 2025 (CONCORD HOUR) |
08:59 | This is WTBI (FM & INTERNET) |
08:33 | March 8, 2025 (PRESSING ON BRDCST.) |
08:33 | Setting Our Feet (WTBI BREAK) |
08:19 | March 8, 2025 (CHILDREN'S BIBLE CLUB) |
08:19 | Upstate And Around The World (WTBI BREAK) |
08:17 | Happy All the Time (CEDARMONT KIDS) |
08:15 | Joyful, We Adore Thee (CEDARMONT KIDS) |
08:13 | I Will Sing Unto the Lord (BIBLE TRUTH KID) |
08:12 | What A Savior Is Jesus (BRADY ROCHESTER FAM) |
08:09 | Jesus Loves Even Me (SONGS FOR KIDS) |
08:00 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
07:59 | Stay Tuned (FM & INTERNET) |
07:29 | March 8, 2025 (CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR) |
07:29 | The Best Sound Around (WTBI BREAK) |
07:25 | The Past is a Promise (WHISNANTS) |
07:25 | Sightler Savings Time (March 8, 2025) (HAROLD B. SIGHTLER) |
07:22 | What a Savior (THE OSBORNE FAM.) |
07:19 | The Three Nails (Narr.) (JIMMIE DAVIS) |
07:18 | Bargains Food Store (864)947-1937 (PROMO (JHW)) |
07:13 | Somebody Go Get God (TOLBERT FAM.) |
07:09 | Drinking From My Saucer (SPARKS FAM.) |
07:07 | Heaven is Waiting for Me (Accap.) (PRIMITIVE ROAD) |
07:03 | A Wonderful Counselor (HOPPER FAM.) |
06:59 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
06:59 | Dr. Charles Garret (This is WTBI) (FM LEGAL ID) |
06:56 | Goodbye World, Goodbye (MARK AGAN) |
06:52 | What The Preacher Said (SPARKS FAM.) |
06:44 | My Saviour's Love (TOLBERT FAM.) |
06:40 | No More Condemnation (RAYNES FAM) |
06:35 | The Answer (ELLIS FAMILY) |
06:32 | The Reason He Died (Isaacs) |
06:32 | Climate Control (864)269-5576 (PROMO (JB)) |
06:30 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
06:29 | Soon Coming Savior (WTBI BREAK) |
06:26 | More To It Than Meets The Eye (STEELE'S) |
06:25 | Greene Law B (GREENE LAW FIRM/(AT)) |
06:25 | Magnum Dumpsters (864)704-2173 (PROMO (JHW)) |
06:21 | Promise of Tomorrow (STEELE'S) |
06:17 | I Must Tell Somebody (STEELE'S) |
06:10 | Home Sweet Home (MELODYAIRES) |
06:07 | There Will Be A Rainbow (MELODYAIRES) |
06:04 | Take A Heartlook (MELODYAIRES) |
06:00 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
06:00 | Best Sound Around (FM & INTERNET) |
05:56 | Keep on the Firing Line (HARMONICA-DICK CARON) |
05:56 | Hales Roadside Service (86)271-9003 (PROMO (JHW)) |
05:54 | The God of the Impossible (THE EPLEYS) |
05:51 | What Love (DOWN EAST BOYS) |
05:46 | Jesus Have Mercy On Me (DOWN EAST BOYS) |
05:44 | March 8 (WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS) |
05:42 | This World Is A Movin' (SINGING ECHOES) |
05:40 | Will There Be Any Stars? (INST/BOBBY ALL) |
05:36 | This Same Jesus (DAUGHERTY SISTERS) |
05:32 | The Gospel to the World (DAUGHERTY SISTERS) |
05:31 | Mason and Sons Enterprises (864)235-0444 (PROMO (WM)) |
05:30 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
05:29 | Making a Difference (WTBI BREAK) |
05:27 | We'll Be Together Again (PRIMITIVES) |
05:25 | Climate Control (864)269-5576 (PROMO (JB)) |
05:23 | Occupy 'Till I Come (DAUGHERTY SISTERS) |
05:19 | How Deep the Father's Love (LBG/ANDY LEFTWICH) |
05:16 | Pearly White City (BLACKWOOD'S) |
05:08 | The Old Country Church (live) (BLACKWOOD'S) |
05:04 | Lead Me To Calvary (BLACKWOOD'S) |
05:00 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
04:59 | Gospel Lighthouse (FM & INTERNET) |
04:56 | Wedding Music (MELODYAIRES) |
04:55 | When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder (SEMINOLE STRING BAND) |
04:53 | The Family Of God (NORTH VALLEY BAPTIST CHURCH) |
04:53 | Howze Mortuary (864)834-8051 (PGM. GRANT (JHW)) |
04:49 | Friends (HAYES FAMILY) |
04:45 | God of Second Chances (HIGHROAD) |
04:45 | Hales Roadside Service (86)271-9003 (PROMO (JHW)) |
04:42 | While The Ages Roll (REDEEMED (LIVE)) |
04:36 | Love Went Deeper (GOLD CITY) |
04:32 | Shine Through Me (DUMPLIN VALLEY TRIO) |
04:29 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
04:29 | Music and Preaching (WTBI BREAK) |
04:28 | Glad Day (DAYBREAK QT.) |
04:25 | Green Pastures (GOODMAN FAM) |
04:22 | Give the World a Smile (STAMPS QT.) |
04:21 | Magnum Dumpsters (864)704-2173 (PROMO (JHW)) |
04:21 | Mason and Sons Enterprises (864)235-0444 (PROMO (WM)) |
04:17 | Almost Morning (VICTORIOUS VALLEY) |
04:13 | Revival Medley (GOLD CITY) |
04:07 | Wall of Prayer (WHITTEMORE FAM.) |
04:04 | Crumbs from the Table (SKYLANDERS) |
04:00 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
04:00 | Dr. Charles Garret (This is WTBI) (FM LEGAL ID) |
03:57 | Before The Throne Of God Above (GALKIN EVANGELISTIC TEAM) |
03:55 | The Pearly Gates (DUET/KEN & JUDY) |
03:53 | This Could Be The Day (MARSHALL FAMILY) |
03:52 | Old Time Preaching Hour (CLOSE) |
03:01 | Just One Prophecy to be Fulfilled (MAZE JACKSON) |
03:00 | Old Time Preaching Hour (INTRO) |
03:00 | Best Sound Around (FM & INTERNET) |
02:58 | I'm Gonna Tell it (INSPIRATIONS) |
02:56 | When Jesus Brings Glory (Acap.) (GOOD SHEPHERD QT.) |
02:54 | Close to The Cross (JUSTICE FAM) |
02:54 | Gospel Lighthouse (WTBI BREAK) |
02:49 | Nearer, Still Nearer (GALKIN EVANGELISTIC TEAM) |
02:45 | The Power Of The Cross (GALKIN EVANGELISTIC TEAM) |
02:41 | The Precious Blood (GALKIN EVANGELISTIC TEAM) |
02:41 | Tell a Friend About Us (WTBI BREAK) |
02:37 | What About His Grace? (MOORE FAM. (JONESVILLE, NC)) |
02:36 | Sing All the Time (THE GEORGIANS) |
02:32 | Nothing But The Blood (TRAVIS ALLTOP SINGERS) |
02:32 | Driving in the Rain (SC HIGHWAY PATROL JOE HOVIS) |
02:30 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
02:30 | Music and Preaching (WTBI BREAK) |
02:28 | King Jesus (ACCAP.) (SISTERS OF FAITH) |
02:26 | Meeting In the Sky (PRIMITIVES) |
02:22 | What a God (PERRYS) |
02:19 | Peace Like a River / Do Lord (TRUE HARMONY) |
02:16 | Little Mountain Church House (VICTORY STRINGS) |
02:14 | I Know Whom I Have Believed (TRUE HARMONY) |
02:09 | He Broke the Chains (VICTORY STRINGS) |
02:06 | When I Make My Last Move (THE GEORGIANS) |
02:04 | Earth's Greatest Loss (UNWORTHY) |
02:00 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
02:00 | Alaina Mullinax (FM LEGAL ID.) |
01:57 | We Shall See Heaven Someday (GOLD CITY) |
01:53 | That's How Much You Loved Me (VAUGHN FAM.) |
01:52 | Climate Control (864)269-5576 (PROMO (JB)) |
01:51 | He Means The World To Me (VICTORIOUS VALLEY) |
01:48 | Jesus Can Save (THE GEORGIANS) |
01:44 | My Friend (OAK GROVE BOYS) |
01:41 | His Hand In Mine (HIGHER GROUND CHOIR) |
01:36 | Serenaded By Angels (HEARTSOUND) |
01:32 | I'm Not on my Own (DOUG HOPPER) |
01:29 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
01:29 | Listening for the Sound of His Voice (WTBI BREAK) |
01:26 | The Winning Side (LIVE) (SIMPLE FAITH QT.) |
01:25 | UKRAIN RELIEF-PROMO (Jack Clinard-(864)905-4923) |
01:21 | Soon and Very Soon (JEFF STICE (PIANO)) |
01:18 | When I Thank Him (SHANE FARRELL) |
01:12 | Walk On (REGGIE PAYTE) |
01:07 | Born to Serve The Lord (BILLY KELLY) |
01:04 | I'm Saved I Know I Am (STACY PEARCY) |
01:00 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
01:00 | Alaina Mullinax (FM LEGAL ID.) |
00:58 | This Land (CUMBERLAND QT.) |
00:57 | Bargains Food Store (864)947-1937 (PROMO (JHW)) |
00:53 | So That You Might Live (GETHSEMANE QT) |
00:50 | The Great I AM (INSPIRATIONS) |
00:46 | Suppertime (VILLAGE SINGERS) |
00:44 | The Happy Jubilee (JUBILEE ENSEMBLE) |
00:44 | Mason and Sons Enterprises (864)235-0444 (PROMO (WM)) |
00:43 | Hales Roadside Service (86)271-9003 (PROMO (JHW)) |
00:40 | He Still Sees (RILEY FAMILY) |
00:36 | Masterpiece of Mercy (STATEMENT OF FAITH) |
00:32 | Master of the Sea (SQUIRE PARSONS) |
00:29 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
00:29 | Gospel Lighthouse (WTBI BREAK) |
00:25 | Written In Red (DARLENE WAKEFIELD) |
00:24 | Sightler Savings Time (March 8, 2025) (HAROLD B. SIGHTLER) |
00:22 | That I May Know Him (MOORE FAM. (JONESVILLE, NC)) |
00:18 | Free (GOSPEL PLOWBOYS) |
00:15 | Neath the Old Olive Trees (MARKSMEN) |
00:08 | Echoes from the Burning Bush (CATHEDRAL) |
00:04 | Midnight Cry (GOLD CITY) |
00:00 | Christian Radio (WTBI) |
00:00 | Gospel Lighthouse (FM & INTERNET) |
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