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Giant FM

Rochester, 92.1 MHz FM
Рэйтынг: 5.0 Ацэнак: 1
WROI 92.1 FM is a radio station broadcasting an hot adult contemporary format.
14 0

Зараз у эфіры Giant FM

Прамы эфір R.E.M. It's the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
06:13 Phillip Phillips Home
Плейлист Giant FM

ТОП трэкі на Giant FM

Lola Young - MessyLola Young — Messy
Almost Monday - Can't Slow Down (2024)almost monday — can't slow down
Koe Wetzel & Jessie Murph - High RoadJessie Murph — High Road
Benson Boone - Beautiful ThingsBenson Boone — Beautiful Things
Post Malone u0026 Morgan Wallen I Had Some HelpVox Freaks — I Had Some Help (Originally Performed by Post Malone and Morgan Wallen) [Instrumental]
Teddy Swims - Lose ControlTeddy Swims — Lose Control
Generic Splitter - K1037 2022 K103Generic — .
Hozier - Too SweetHozier — Too Sweet
Myles Smith - Stargazing (Robin Knaak & bassqreq Remix)Myles Smith — Stargazing
The Civil Wars - Birds of a Feather - Barton HollowThe Civil Wars — Barton Hollow

Водгукі аб Giant FM

  • 5
    Caught this station on my 1980s Jeep driving to work (Bunker Hill to Kokomo) a few weeks back. Such a relief to not hear another country station or a lot of the modern garbage. I like the Christian stations but sometimes that's gotta take a break too. I definetly like the mix and I'm tuning in every day on my commute to and from work. Glad I happened to run across this station just messin' around on my good old radio.

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: 110 E 8th Street Rochester,IN 46975
Тэлефон: +1 574-223-6059
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @wroifm
Twitter: @WROI921GIANTfm
Youtube: @wroigiantfm921

Час у горадзе Rochester: 07:18, 03.15.2025

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