Hey Allen here, and I've been with you guys for a while and as an African American male a lot others would think that I'm an R& B Guy. Nope, I like Rock music and have seen ages of them live in Concert in Maryland and Hartford or Vegas or Fresno California. I've met Santana George Benson and more others. But WRCH is my station that I want, and I got them. Thank you guys and I'm in East Hartford for a while. Love you Guys, Allen Richie
This station sucks. If your workplace has this on and you’re forced to listen to it all effing day, I feel your pain. It’s literal torture. The same songs over and over every single day without fail. You’d think every lame ass artist they play only ever recorded one song. Just one. And you’ll hear it endlessly. Forever. It makes your workday last an extra 9 hours. You SUCK.
Anda boleh meninggalkan e-mel anda dan kami akan beritahu anda bila siaran stesen akan kembali di atas talian:
Atau dengar Stesen-stesen Amerika Syarikat lain