I was listening on one Saturday afternoon and heard John Denver, Glen Campbell, and Dion Warwick. A set such as this is not available on any other Cleveland radio stations. Thank You.
Rick Morse31.10.2020
Though I enjoy the oldies, I do not appreciate your ticker tape bashing the PRESIDENT of The United States.
Bobbi Slusser Jeric23.08.2020
So glad to see that you have finally started showing the name of the song and artist while the song is playing. I have listened to your station since it started broadcasting, and always hoped that some day you could get the technology that provided song title and artist, and that day has arrived. HALLELUJAH.
Kent Lee31.05.2020
wish you had a play list great song sunday 8;15 ???
Jerry Roy03.01.2020
Listen all day. Wish you could could get message. I hear songs that I remember but can't recall who sang. Me and friends play name that tune, but none of us can win unless we Google songs.
Diane Meighen05.12.2019
I keep 93.7 Gold on in my car at all times. Love hearing the storys and getting some education along with the great music.
My go to radio station. Listen all the time. They play the good stuff, 50s 60s and 70s. The best music ever made. And they have it all.
Ruby Claire31.08.2019
Just found this station today and I love it!! I've heard songs I haven't heard in years! Good job, I will be tuned in daily!
James Wilson28.07.2019
Haven't heard some of the songs played.on Gold 93.7 in years. Keep it up! Oldies radio in NE Ohio consists of one station that repeatedly plays Billy Joel, Journey, Aerosmith, and the Eagles and Fleetwood Mac every single hour, or another station that claims to "play anything," but never plays anything at all surprising.
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