Talk Radio 1210 WPHT is a commercial AM radio station licensed to serve Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The station is owned by CBS Radio and broadcasts a talk radio format.
Would Katie and sticker stop ganging up on dawn!!! It just proves their incompetence !! I am already upset with the current political situation and we certainly don’t need to hear you bozos trying real hard to make fun of dawn when what she’s saying is soooo important!! You keep doing it today ! Stop it !! I’m turning nick n stocker off n waiting till the dawn show!! You guys are getting despicable!! Shame on you!!
Love your show. Informative and relaxing. Love all the radio perdonalties. Intelligent without being abrasive.
Rosanne Fazekas01.11.2022
Nick is a refreshing change from Rich!!!
Charlotte Minichiello09.07.2021
What happened to Joe Pags
Leo Farrell16.03.2020
Rich and Dawn....just saying ...lysol solution was used as remedy for feminine hygiene way back in the day. No corona back then eh? EA uno!
Vinchenzo C17.07.2019
Love the station. Long time listener. That being said, Hannity has put a big hole in the day. Make a change.
Marian Hite21.09.2018
Its 5 o'clock here friday, but it's only 2 o'clock in california where dr. Ford is they'll give her the benefit of the time difference.
Ron McCormack10.04.2018
Listen to you most of the day.Listening to Sean Hannity but you have almost 10 or more minutes of advertisement.I know that's how you make money but too much is too much.Couldn't take anymore.
Enuff Is 2 Much21.02.2018
Best Philly Radio Station! ★★★★★
Earl Rissel23.01.2018
Always a entertaining lineup.
Kenalan radio
400 Market Street 10th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106
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