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99.1 The Mix FM (WMYX-FM) - is a Hot Adult Contemporary radio station in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Home of Wes & Elizabeth in the morning and Milwaukee's Best Mix of music all day.
Hi, please add more songs to the daily track. A variety of other types of music, faster tempos that are fun, not just ballads. Some Bad Bunny, J Balvin, and other Reggaeton artists. Please add a mixture of different genres to make it fun.
Aubree Jankowski17.06.2023
I love listening to 99.1!! I was just wondering if you could play danger zone a little more often! I know you may not see this but I haven’t really heard it in a while and have really wanted to hear it again!! Love the songs tho!!
Aleasha Lynn14.06.2022
You guys need new songs in your rotation. Couple hours listening to this in the office and we have to shut it off.
Roberta Jones17.10.2020
I Love the mix, have been listening for years and will keep on.
Annie Lueck19.10.2019
I love The Mix and Kelly Clarkson is pretty okay, but she absolutely BUTCHERED Give Me One Reason 😭 Please play the original next time! I couldn't sing along to this at all.
Anne Costigan04.03.2019
Can you add Halsey's Bad at Love to your play list?
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