WMBZ (Buzz Country 92.5) is a country music-formatted radio station in West Bend, Wisconsin. They serve the greater Milwaukee area. Today's Best Country!
I enjoy this station. Good music, no drama…I have a question for Chelsea though. Since you know Reid doesn’t like tater tot casserole, why do you make tater tot casserole for the family?
Jason Y06.12.2022
I used to listen to this station constantly however since they started p playing Spanish speaking commercials I have deleted this channel. This is American and we are English-speaking. There's Spanish stations for that
Tim Crimmings23.05.2022
Reed and Chelse bl bl way to much don't listen when thier on.
Shelly Bliffert24.09.2021
I work out to your station every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For 30 Mts. Your are a great Station. 5:30 to 6
Monk Eyez07.05.2021
Best station ever
Becky Barnes21.03.2021
How do your DJ's source news information? March 20th they reported on COVID vaccine spoilage rates in Wisconsin and nearby states, and referenced a bar graph. Where can I see this?
Giorgio Roxas04.01.2021
You're all a bunch of damn bitches!
Stephan Franke08.09.2020
I am listening on a daily basis to your country station from Germany - thanks for making my days always brighter!
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