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Jeff 92

Lafayette, 91.9 MHz FM
Рэйтынг: 5.0 Ацэнак: 1
JEFF 92 operates at 91.9 on the FM dial with a transmitting power of 250 watts. Monday through Friday during the school year, from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. you can hear "morning shows." These hour long programs vary from day to day and each bear the unique stamp of the student DJs who volunteer their time in the morning for these shows. The rest of the school day you'll hear students during their Radio-TV classes.
9 1

Зараз у эфіры Jeff 92

Прамы эфір The Hollies The Air That I Breathe
23:41 Adam Ant Goody Two Shoes
23:37 Billy Preston Outta-Space
Плейлист Jeff 92

ТОП трэкі на Jeff 92

Aiden - HonoredKxMilz — Honored
The Voice Of Cassandre - Adam Simon mix 2024The Voice — 2024
Ray Charles - What'd I SayRay Charles — What'd I Say
The Everly Brothers - Bye Bye LoveThe Everly Brothers — Bye Bye Love
Bill Doggett - Honky TonkBill Doggett — Honky Tonk
Brandon Lawson 2024 - 50s Through The 90sBreeStudioBeatsTV — The 90s Attack 2024
Buddy Holly and The Crickets - Not Fade AwayBuddy Holly — Not Fade Away
Dale Hawkins - Susie-QDale Hawkins — Susie-Q
Paul Bremen - The Great ElepitahdPaul — Great
Gary Spears - Jeff RTV Alum 74-2 IDGary Spears — Cloudshift

Водгукі аб Jeff 92

  • 5
    You guys rock in every sense. I’m a journalism major from the seventies. You have it going on and I’m impressed with your respect for the genres your station plays. Kudos to all of you.

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: Jefferson High School 1801 S.18th Street Lafayette, Indiana 47905
Тэлефон: +765.772.4700
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @jeff92radio

Час у горадзе Lafayette: 23:45, 03.13.2025

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