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WFAN Sports Radio

Рэйтынг: 2.9 Ацэнак: 81
All the sports talk, interviews, game coverage and podcasts from the top personalities in sports.
379 17

Водгукі аб WFAN Sports Radio

  • 3
    Defense was a big factor that we may have forgotten ... both teams made gems that kept the game close for both sides so don't be surprised if a key error or fantastic play takes us to the ultimate win for either club.
  • 2
    just carrying handbags or bags the way they walk like carrying sth on the other hand. seen this many times at one time noticed they were carryingsth then heard children crying and kicking sound. At the same time body smells like drain smell. teeth and mouth have problem. Eyes moving towards their direction. Body is moving too. Now give back what you took out frm me. Please help. Years back wrk in one restaurant latest I was giving one document to one person.
  • 5
    I'm just an ordinary middle class white guy. Al Cintron needs to be prime time. His overwhelming enthusiasm is compelling to listen to and he needs to be rewarded. Sal and Steve were my favorites but this guy is damn good!
  • 1
    Tell that idiot Benigno and Boomer....more Tom ligauervand Morash and Licata...love them! NO ONE CARES ABOUT WOMEN'S BASKETBALL! STOP PLEASE STOP...HE IS DESTROYING AN ALREADY AWFUL STATION....updated review: Sal Licata and Chris Mohr are great!!!!!!! They actually talk sports! Evan would if Carton would stop with the shtick...... Steve Somers are the best always! Gio is rude to callers and he is a bit much but tolerable. I do love it when he impersonates Francesca, Mad dog, and Somers, etc. I love when they do the 40's music with Wayne Randazzo's Mets call! Enough with the stupid commercials for CBS TV dramas-shows--they all suck and no one cares..stop being so left of center---we want sports, not leftist BS. No more Maggie, please. Malusis is great,,,, Chris Mohr-minus the politics is great too...always luv the Schmoozer Steve Somers....To go from "Mike and the mad dog" to Tiki and Roberts with Morash I like now...luv bad Tiki!.. Stop being so PC....its all BS. We come here for sports talk, not CNN. All these "tough women" doing men's jobs on a TV drama or sports is stupid! I'm a woman and I'm bored with this popular culture bias. 5 minutes of sports talk 55 minutes of commercials. Sucks! boy, you guys sold out. Jerry and Al are fun too....Like Jerry a lot. AND I love Karen Stewart---i love her traffic reports--she is radio GOLD! Also, Luv Richard Neer on the weekends! Benigno is a moron and we are so bored with his Fandom idiocy and his stupid golf stories. Stay retired and no one cares about women's sports...this station sux...morning show is not funny...talk sports please!..Licata, Tierney, Tiki and Evan , Lugi and Morash are great..they talk sports.
  • 4
    Love Evan and TiKi but please we don't need to hear from Sean Morash!!!
  • 1
    I find this station almost unlistenable now. Gio is talented, but his personal life stories drag the morning show down. Boomer has always been lame, but he's even more so now. And that afternoon show .... ay, caramba! Can barely hear Tiki talking over Even and that buffoon Morash. Sal and Brandon are the only saving grace. They stick to sports, argue in a civil way, and bring some solid insights to their discussions, unlike the shows before and after.
  • 4
    Love Boomer and Gio! Love Tiki and Evan but Morash has got to go. The screaming with Evan is awful. I had to turn them off. BT is such a homer with Yankees, Jets (Aaron) and even St Johns. I know your passionate but chill dude. Your rants are not entertaining.
  • 1
    So what happened to this station? It has turned into a dumpster fire. We get it greg, you grew up poor and now you’re rich, great! Now change the narrative. I will say it’s good to see teke barber finally get a job, he deserves one after all the personal wreckage that has gone on in his life, brutal divorce, fired from NBC for misogynistic statements, beating up his new girlfriend in a casino elevator, etc. Good for you!
  • 3
    Get rid of the third guy in the afternoon . It's horrible. Spike ur a fool
  • 2
    I have been listening to the FAN since day one. Most, not all, of the hosts talk about everything but sports. Tiki and Tearny sic had a great show but now Tiki is on with Evan where he will be forced to talk about his wife’s cooking. I switched to ESPN radio. They talk sports.

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: 1271 Avenue of Americas, 44th FL New York, NY 10020
Тэлефон: +1 877-337-6666
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @wfan660
Twitter: @WFAN660
Instagram: @wfansportsradio
Youtube: @UCSZ8QL2xzTHzW4ucCy1cjog

Час у горадзе Нью-Ёрк: 07:34, 03.14.2025

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Schoolmate arrested in Hawaii girl's 1977 murder released from jail


Gideon Castro was arrested in Utah on a fugitive warrant for suspicion of second-degree murder in the death of 16-year-old Dawn Momohara.

5 dead, 11 injured after 17 vehicle pileup in Austin


Two adults were taken to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries, officials said.

Russia, China seek end to U.S. sanctions on Iran, resumption of nuclear talks


Representatives of China, Russia and Iran called Friday for an end to U.S. sanctions on Iran over its rapidly advancing nuclear program and a restart to multinational talks on the issue.

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