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Плейлист West End Church of Christ

Не ведаеце, якая песьня гучала на радыё? Скарыстайцеся нашым сэрвісам, каб знайсці яе! Наш плейлист ўтрымлівае расклад эфіру West End Church of Christ за апошнія 7 дзён.

23:00 Johnny Ramsey - Johnny Ramsey Sermons - 07199702
22:59 Cornerstone - View That Holy City
22:30 Cliff Goodwin - Searching The Scriptures - Episode 258
22:00 Cliff Goodwin - Thy Word Is Truth - 027
21:59 Cornerstone - Soon Be Done
21:29 Michael White - Unity Of The Spirit - Episode 001
20:59 cornerstone - Heaven's Gonna Shine
19:00 Phil Sanders; Mac Lyon - In Search Of The Lord's Way - Episode 384
18:58 Various Singers - Fairest Lord Jesus
18:00 Eddy Craft, Roby Ellis, Clayton Winters - Biblical Viewpoints - Episode 343
17:59 Edmond Church of Christ - Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah
17:56 Cornerstone - Be Devoted
17:00 Ed Smithson - Ed Smithson - 2013-02-10 - JESUS OUR CENTER
16:50 Cornerstone - 10,000 Reasons
16:47 David Hayes Prophater - A Word Fitly Spoken - Episode 050
16:41 Glenn Colley; Jeff Archey - Five Minutes For Faith - Episode 061
15:59 Various Singers - Above The Bright Blue
15:57 Singing - Closer To Thee
15:53 Various Singers - Master The Tempest Is Raging
15:49 Cornerstone - He Was There All The Time
15:45 Cornerstone - I Looked Up
15:28 Paul Sain - A Better Life - Episode 021
15:00 David Sain - The International Gospel Hour TV - Episode 009
14:59 Cornerstone - Great Are You Lord
14:00 Edmond Church of Christ - Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (Zion)
13:57 Singing - Hark The Gentle Voice of Jesus Falleth
13:29 Ben Bailey - Preach The Word - Episode 068
13:00 James Watkins & Cliff Goodwin - Preaching The Gospel - Episode 594
12:59 Singing - Nearer Still Nearer
11:59 Singing - The Great Redeemer
11:00 Barry Gilreath Jr; Guests - Fabric of Family - Episode 271
10:30 Cliff Goodwin - Searching The Scriptures - Episode 257
10:00 Cliff Goodwin - Thy Word Is Truth - 026
09:57 Singing - Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet
09:29 Eddy Craft, Roby Ellis, Clayton Winters - Biblical Viewpoints - Episode 341
08:58 Cornerstone - Audience Of One
08:56 Cornerstone - I Feel Good
08:55 Edmond Church of Christ - He Lives
08:53 Cornerstone 2003-2004 - Roll That Stone Away
08:50 Cornerstone - Touching Heaven, Changing Earth
08:48 Various Singers - There's Pow'r In The Bood
08:46 Cornerstone - Lord Reign in Me
08:43 Various Singers - Till I've Gone The Last Mile Of The Way
08:29 James Boyd - A Burning Fire 0794
07:58 Singing - Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
07:55 Cornerstone - You Can Walk On The Water
07:52 Cornerstone - Swing Down Chariot
07:49 David Hayes Prophater - A Word Fitly Spoken - Episode 049
07:47 Cornerstone - Jesus Paid It All
07:44 Various Singers - There's Pow'r In The Bood
07:42 Edmond Church of Christ - At Calvary
07:38 Various Singers - I Stand Amazed
07:38 Edmond Church of Christ
07:33 Cornerstone - Covenant of Love
07:31 Various Singers - There Is A Habitation
07:29 Singing - Eternal Father, Strong to Save
07:00 Chris Clevenger; Michael Clarke - Text Message - Episode 044
06:59 cornerstone - Better Than Life
05:00 Roger Johnson - Perceptions - Episode 348
05:00 Cornerstone - I Looked Up
04:30 Eddy Craft, Roby Ellis, Clayton Winters - Biblical Viewpoints - Episode 340
03:57 Cornerstone - New Life/When I Wake Up
03:54 Cornerstone - Let The Worshipers Arise
03:51 Cornerstone - I Love You, Lord
03:48 Singing - To God Be the Glory01
03:44 Various Singers - Farther Along
03:28 Gene Jester - Christ's Mind In You - Episode 055
02:59 Singing - Trust and Obey
02:57 Cornerstone 2003-2004 - He Gave Her Water
02:52 Michael Clarke - Just A Thought - Episode 010
02:48 Glenn Colley; Jeff Archey - Five Minutes For Faith - Episode 060
02:46 Paul Sain - A Better Life - Episode 020
02:00 Johnny Ramsey - Johnny Ramsey Sermons - 07199701
01:59 Cornerstone - The Baptism of Jesse Taylor
01:00 Jim Dearman - Good News Today - Episode 682
00:58 Cornerstone - God Bless the USA
00:30 Floyd Johnson - A Search For Direction - Episode 332

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