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Плейлист West End Church of Christ

Не ведаеце, якая песьня гучала на радыё? Скарыстайцеся нашым сэрвісам, каб знайсці яе! Наш плейлист ўтрымлівае расклад эфіру West End Church of Christ за апошнія 7 дзён.

(Зараз у Нью-Ёрк 02:12)
23:57 Cornerstone - Swing Down Chariot
23:29 Floyd Johnson - A Search For Direction - Episode 328
22:59 Edmond Church of Christ - Footprints of Jesus
22:57 Singing - My Hope is Built on Nothing Less
22:54 Various Singers - Living By Faith
22:53 Various Singers - When The Roll Is Called
22:49 Robert Hatfield - Truth For Youth - Episode 039
22:00 Johnny Ramsey - Johnny Ramsey Sermons - 07199004
22:00 Cornerstone - In Christ Alone
21:30 Cliff Goodwin - Searching The Scriptures - Episode 248
21:00 Cliff Goodwin - Thy Word Is Truth - 017
20:59 Cornerstone - Holy, Holy, Holy
19:59 cornerstone - His Righteousness
18:59 Cornerstone - Life's Railway to Heaven
18:00 Phil Sanders; Mac Lyon - In Search Of The Lord's Way - Episode 378
17:58 Cornerstone - Awesome God
17:00 Eddy Craft, Roby Ellis, Clayton Winters - Biblical Viewpoints - Episode 323
16:58 Cornerstone - Let The Worshipers Arise
16:56 Edmond Church of Christ - Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah
16:54 Cornerstone - Jesus Knows
16:00 Ed Smithson - Ed Smithson - 2013-01-06 - GODS WORD
16:00 Singing - Purer in Heart, O God
15:58 Edmond Church of Christ - As the Deer Panteth for the Water
15:56 Various Singers - When The Roll Is Called
15:55 Edmond Church of Christ - Give Me the Bible
15:52 Cornerstone - Let The Worshipers Arise
15:49 Various Singers - Give Me The Bible
15:47 Cornerstone - From The Inside Out
15:45 Singing - Guide Me, Oh Thou Great Jehovah
15:43 Cornerstone 2003-2004 - There Is Coming a Great Day
15:41 Various Singers - God Is So Good
15:40 Edmond Church of Christ - Footprints of Jesus
15:37 Singing - Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet
15:34 Cornerstone - O Happy Day
15:32 Edmond Church of Christ - Each Step I Take
15:30 Singing - My Jesus, I Love Thee
15:27 Singing - Precious Memories
15:21 David B Smith - In A Word - Episode 115
15:17 Singing - It Is Well With My Soul
15:15 Various Singers - Till I've Gone The Last Mile Of The Way
15:07 Glenn Colley; Jeff Archey - Five Minutes For Faith - Episode 051
15:04 Cornerstone - Steppin on a Cloud
15:00 Singing - Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
14:45 Cornerstone - Just As I Am/For the Lost
14:42 Singing - Sweeter as the Years Go By
14:41 Singing - O Praise The Lord
14:28 Paul Sain - A Better Life - Episode 036
14:00 David Sain - The International Gospel Hour TV - Episode 004
13:59 Edmond Church of Christ
12:58 Various Singers - Give Me The Bible
12:30 Ben Bailey - Preach The Word - Episode 063
12:00 James Watkins & Cliff Goodwin - Preaching The Gospel - Episode 589
12:00 Various Singers - Fairest Lord Jesus
09:00 West End Church of Christ - Live Worship
08:58 Singing - I Gave My Life for Thee
08:29 Eddy Craft, Roby Ellis, Clayton Winters - Biblical Viewpoints - Episode 322
07:30 James Boyd - A Burning Fire 0789
06:59 Singing - Blessed Assurance
06:56 Cornerstone - I Love You, Lord
06:53 David Hayes Prophater - A Word Fitly Spoken - Episode 040
06:51 Singing - I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord01
06:49 Cornerstone - When I Wake Up
06:44 Cornerstone 2003-2004 - Above All
06:40 Cornerstone - Your Grace Still Amazes Me
06:38 Singing - No Not One
06:31 Singing - Nearer Still Nearer
06:29 Cornerstone - Touching Heaven, Changing Earth
04:58 Cornerstone - More
04:00 Roger Johnson - Perceptions - Episode 343
03:30 Eddy Craft, Roby Ellis, Clayton Winters - Biblical Viewpoints - Episode 321
03:00 Cornerstone - Holy Spirit Rain Down
02:56 cornerstone - Better Than Life
02:53 Cornerstone - Satisfied
02:51 Cornerstone 2003-2004 - My Rock
02:49 Various Singers - There's Pow'r In The Bood
02:46 Cornerstone - Through Mary's Eyes
02:44 Edmond Church of Christ - Each Step I Take
02:28 Gene Jester - Christ's Mind In You - Episode 046
01:59 Cornerstone - Rock-A-My Soul
01:57 Various Singers - Gospel Is For All
01:54 cornerstone - Covenant of Love
01:51 Michael Clarke - Just A Thought - Episode 005
01:45 Glenn Colley; Jeff Archey - Five Minutes For Faith - Episode 050
01:37 David B Smith - In A Word - Episode 114
01:00 Johnny Ramsey - Johnny Ramsey Sermons - 07199003
00:59 Cornerstone - No Tears In Heaven
00:00 Jim Dearman - Good News Today - Episode 676

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