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Sports Radio 107.5 & 1400 The Fan - WDUZ is a broadcast radio station in Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States, providing Sports News, Talk and Live coverage of sports events.
I started listening to Bill and Rookie a few months ago. I enjoy the show. I don't understand the nasty reviews. I'm a boomer, maybe young people want more Twitter wars.
Aaron Tyler06.01.2023
It's a good show. It's their show, not yours. You call in, you say what you want and there doesn't have to be a consensus. It's America. Besides, they offer better local thoughts not national rhetoric. The negative reviews are entitled to their thoughts but they do not represent the majority. I think this is evident in they are the only 3 ppl who are here whining when they could easily just tune in elsewhere.
Rod Gerlach30.08.2021
Rookie is so bad he will not listen to any callers opinion was he a janitor how did he get on the radio ??? BAD Bring back Bill Micheals instead of that Wendy’s show. Are you afraid cause Bill Michaels is sooo! Much better than Rookie
Ron Dent04.05.2021
Bill and Rookie are proof that it is possible for any two hacks to get a radio show, terrible waste of time listening to those morons!
doug ross03.11.2020
im loving the monday night ball up here in canada alberta im from 70 vdegrees today crazy normal temp 30 degrees so great day buit bucs are getting beat by giants wtf love FLA BABY
Wally Doszak11.09.2020
I dont know who came up with the plan to drop Tiki and Tierney and go with local sports. How many times do we need to hear about Packer practice and stupid polls and opinions about where the packers will finish. This isnt New York or Chicago we dont need 10hrs of local sports. Tiki and Tierney were one of the main reason I listened to your station along with Jim Rome. Thanks to your changes I'm going back to Siruis Radio.
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