WBAI is a non-commercial radio station in New York. It is licensed to New York and serves Metropolitan New York area. It is listener-supported radio and taking into account that it was launched in 1960 and the listeners still donate money to it, it is definitely worth listening to. WBAI is a part of Pacifica Radio Network (the world’s oldest listener-supported radio network owning six radios). Pacifica Radio Network was founded in 1946 by two pacifists and for most of its history it was known for the fact that they gave independence to each of its stations to control their programming.
Tunjukkan lebih banyak
I just love the station so very versatile in so many ways I am always learning keep on doing what you're doing
Keith Thorpe10.05.2022
I've always liked WBAI FM Radio. I've listened to this station since 1972 when I first arrived in the US.
Nasira Waters03.07.2021
Always listened when I lived in NY. Informative and enlightening.
Mike Quinonws04.11.2019
Great station
Pamela Gibson10.04.2019
I always get non-corporate news and helpful information on health and everyday events. WBAI is my favorite radio station. I've been a member for years.
Maklumat tentang radio
WBAI radio station was launched in 1960. It has the format of a community radio and broadcasts political news, interviews and music of various styles. The feature of this radio is that it has leftist/progressive orientation and this fact heavily affects their programming. It is also affiliated with WNR Broadcast and KFCF.
WBAI is available on 99.5 MHz FM frequencies as well as online. You can listen to WBAI online via the live stream of this radio station at this page of our website. Or you can download our free app and enjoy them on your mobile device.
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