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Плейлист Victory Radio

Не знаєте, яка пісня грала на радіо? Скористайтеся нашим сервісом, щоб знайти її! Наш плейлист містить розклад ефіру Victory Radio за останні 7 днів.

23:56 Bob McChesney - How Great Thou Art
23:51 Jadon Lavik - Be Still My Soul
23:50 HLM 1min FINAL 935
23:46 Chris Tomlin - Chris Tomlin - Grace Like Rain
23:43 John Bartmann - West in Africa
23:40 Steve Grace - Solid Rock
23:35 The Katinas - He Will Hold Me Fast
23:32 Mary Naman - Benediction
23:28 The Katinas - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (ft Nikki Leonti)
23:28 Thank you for listening
23:25 M4D - Ukraine (We Never Stop Believing)
23:21 Eli Barsi - Eli Barsi / A Real Partner
22:50 Shachah - Things Change
22:47 Morgan Greig - Bound to Join the Nazarene
22:43 Steve Grace - More Than Ever
22:40 John Bartmann - Balkan Gypsy Party
22:37 Randall Franks - Leaning On the Everlasting Arms
22:33 The Katinas - The Old Rugged Cross
22:29 Bob McChesney - How Great Thou Art
22:25 Jadon Lavik - Be Thou My Vision
22:25 Thank you for listening
22:20 John And Anne Barbour - The Family Tree
22:16 Wes McMillian - I'm Not That Way Anymore
22:11 Joe Henschel - Grace Falls
22:07 Moi - Emmanuel
22:03 Eli Barsi - Eli Barsi / I See You Everywhere
22:00 John Bartmann - West in Africa
21:58 M4D - Ukraine (We Never Stop Believing)
21:54 Chris Tomlin - Chris Tomlin - Grace Like Rain
21:50 Randall Franks - Beautiful Star of Bethlehem
21:47 John And Anne Barbour - This Might Be The Day
21:42 Hilary Watson - Worthy is the Lamb
21:11 The Katinas - He Will Hold Me Fast
21:06 Shachah - Plead Cause
21:02 John And Anne Barbour - Lay It Down
21:02 Thank you for listening
20:58 The Katinas - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (ft Nikki Leonti)
20:57 HLM 1min FINAL 2197
20:53 Jadon Lavik - Doxology
20:50 Rebecca Holden - Let the change begin
20:45 Bob McChesney - How Great Thou Art
20:42 The Katinas - The Old Rugged Cross
20:39 Eli Barsi - Victory in Jesus
20:34 EHM eleventhhourmessengers - Mercy Again
20:29 Mary Naman - Once Again
20:26 John Bartmann - Balkan Gypsy Party
20:22 Moi - Roses And Kisses
20:19 Jimmy Robeson - Mighty King
20:18 Thank you for listening
19:48 Morgan Greig - Bound to Join the Nazarene
19:45 Moi - Take Me There
19:44 HLM 1min FINAL 935
19:41 John Bartmann - West in Africa
19:41 Thank you for listening
19:38 M4D - Ukraine (We Never Stop Believing)
19:35 Beckah Shae - Turbo Style
19:35 Thank you for listening
19:30 The Katinas - He Will Hold Me Fast
19:26 The Katinas - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (ft Nikki Leonti)
19:23 Beckah Shae - Promise
19:20 Deborah Hightower - Hallelujah Praise His Name
19:16 Set free
19:13 Joe Henschel - Sweet Breath Of God
19:08 Shelia Moore- Piper - Let's Praise Him
19:03 Bob McChesney - How Great Thou Art
19:03 Thank you for listening
18:35 022725 Pamela Christian Exposing the United Nations Plan for 2025 mp3
18:34 HLM 1min FINAL 935
18:30 Beckah Shae - Incorruptible
18:26 Chris Tomlin - Chris Tomlin - Grace Like Rain
18:26 Thank you for listening
18:22 The Katinas - The Old Rugged Cross
18:19 Morgan Greig - Bound to Join the Nazarene
18:15 Rebecca Holden - If I were brave
18:11 John And Anne Barbour - It Will Be Alright
18:08 John Bartmann - West in Africa
18:04 M4D - Ukraine (We Never Stop Believing)
17:59 Beckah Shae - Incourruptible
17:58 HLM 1min FINAL 2197
17:54 The Katinas - He Will Hold Me Fast
17:51 Shelia Moore- Piper - Worship Song
17:48 John Bartmann - Balkan Gypsy Party
17:44 Chris Tomlin - Chris Tomlin - Grace Like Rain
17:39 The Katinas - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (ft Nikki Leonti)
17:37 Two Or More - Unto You (Pancho's Theme Song)
17:36 Thank you for listening
17:32 Bob McChesney - How Great Thou Art
17:27 Beckah Shae - Me & My God f/Eric Dawkins
17:24 Morgan Greig - Bound to Join the Nazarene
17:22 John Bartmann - West in Africa
17:19 M4D - Ukraine (We Never Stop Believing)
17:15 Grayson Kessenich - 01 Everlasting
17:10 Two Or More - Hope And Love
17:06 Steve Wiggins - Together for the Good
17:01 The Katinas - He Will Hold Me Fast
16:58 Jimmy Robeson - You Are There
16:54 The Katinas - The Old Rugged Cross
16:50 Eli Barsi - Farm Girl
16:48 John Bartmann - Balkan Gypsy Party
16:43 Jadon Lavik - Be Still My Soul
16:39 Chris Tomlin - Chris Tomlin - Grace Like Rain
16:34 The Katinas - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (ft Nikki Leonti)
16:29 Thank you for listening
15:59 Rebecca Holden - Beautiful Life
15:56 Shelia Moore- Piper - He Must Reign
15:52 Bob McChesney - How Great Thou Art
15:48 Beckah Shae - Me First
15:45 Morgan Greig - Bound to Join the Nazarene
15:43 M4D - Ukraine (We Never Stop Believing)
15:39 Jill Paquette - Change
15:34 John Bartmann - West in Africa
15:34 Thank you for listening
15:29 The Katinas - He Will Hold Me Fast
15:25 Jimmy Robeson - God Is On Our Side
15:22 Shachah - The Harvest
15:22 Thank you for listening
15:19 John Bartmann - Balkan Gypsy Party
15:16 The Katinas - The Old Rugged Cross
15:12 Chris Tomlin - Chris Tomlin - Grace Like Rain
15:08 Grayson Kessenich - 02 Untamable
15:05 Jimmy Robeson - I Will Trust In You
15:04 Thank you for listening
15:00 Bob McChesney - How Great Thou Art
14:57 Don't ned a tie
14:53 The Katinas - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (ft Nikki Leonti)
14:50 Eli Barsi - Morning has borken
14:45 Joe Henschel - Shine Their Bright
14:45 Thank you for listening
14:42 Morgan Greig - Bound to Join the Nazarene
14:41 Randall Franks - Old Time Religion
14:38 M4D - Ukraine (We Never Stop Believing)
14:34 The Katinas - He Will Hold Me Fast
14:32 Randall Franks - Will the Circle Be Broken
14:28 Beckah Shae - Legacy f/Crystal Lewis
14:25 The Katinas - The Old Rugged Cross
14:21 Chris Tomlin - Chris Tomlin - Grace Like Rain
14:18 John Bartmann - West in Africa
14:15 Eli Barsi - How can I keep from singing
14:12 John Bartmann - Balkan Gypsy Party
14:07 The Katinas - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (ft Nikki Leonti)
14:02 Jill Paquette - Tis So Sweet
14:02 Thank you for listening
13:57 Jill Paquette - Coming Home
13:55 M4D - Ukraine (We Never Stop Believing)
13:52 Morgan Greig - Bound to Join the Nazarene
13:45 Bob McChesney - How Great Thou Art
13:41 The Katinas - He Will Hold Me Fast
13:40 Thank you for listening
13:37 The Katinas - The Old Rugged Cross
13:34 John And Anne Barbour - Song For The Journey
13:31 Randall Franks - Leaning On the Everlasting Arms
13:28 John Bartmann - West in Africa
13:28 Thank you for listening
13:23 Shelia Moore- Piper - Get excited -
13:19 Chris Tomlin - Chris Tomlin - Grace Like Rain
13:15 Two Or More - Cuz You Love Me
13:11 The Katinas - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (ft Nikki Leonti)
13:08 John Bartmann - Balkan Gypsy Party
12:39 022725 Pamela Christian Exposing the United Nations Plan for 2025 mp3
12:34 Joe Henschel - You Never Let Go
12:34 Thank you for listening
12:31 Jadon Lavik - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
12:30 HLM 1min FINAL 931
12:21 The Katinas - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (ft Nikki Leonti)
12:16 Bob McChesney - How Great Thou Art
12:13 John Bartmann - Balkan Gypsy Party
12:10 M4D - Ukraine (We Never Stop Believing)
12:10 Thank you for listening
12:07 The Katinas - The Old Rugged Cross
12:02 The Katinas - He Will Hold Me Fast
12:02 Thank you for listening
11:59 Morgan Greig - Bound to Join the Nazarene
11:56 John Bartmann - West in Africa
11:52 Chris Tomlin - Chris Tomlin - Grace Like Rain
11:49 The Katinas - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (ft Nikki Leonti)
10:50 Bless Israel UKFE-26A 800 453 6262 NATIONAL
10:38 WWBAW 30b
10:27 WWBAW 30a
09:41 Pastor Nancy Dodson Bennett - How to Receive from God What You Are Asking For
08:15 Bless Israel UKFE-26A 800 453 6262 NATIONAL
07:17 030625 Pamela Christian Freedom from Bondage Part One mp3
07:00 Thank you for listening
06:57 The Katinas - The Old Rugged Cross
06:54 John Bartmann - West in Africa
06:50 Chris Tomlin - Chris Tomlin - Grace Like Rain
06:50 Thank you for listening
06:46 Steve Wiggins - Telling Everyone
06:42 The Katinas - He Will Hold Me Fast
06:37 The Katinas - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (ft Nikki Leonti)
06:36 HLM 1min FINAL 2198
06:31 Joe Henschel - Sing Your Song
06:30 Thank you for listening
06:28 Morgan Greig - Bound to Join the Nazarene
06:25 M4D - Ukraine (We Never Stop Believing)
06:22 John Bartmann - Balkan Gypsy Party
06:19 Mary Naman - Perfect Love
06:18 HLM 1min FINAL 935
06:13 John And Anne Barbour - Catch Me When I Fall
06:10 John Bartmann - West in Africa
06:06 Chris Tomlin - Chris Tomlin - Grace Like Rain
06:02 Jimmy Robeson - God Is On Our Side
05:58 Steve Grace - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
05:54 The Katinas - He Will Hold Me Fast
05:50 The Katinas - The Old Rugged Cross
05:50 Thank you for listening
05:47 Beckah Shae - Turbo Style
05:43 John And Anne Barbour - Exalta
05:39 The Katinas - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (ft Nikki Leonti)
05:36 Morgan Greig - Bound to Join the Nazarene
05:31 Bob McChesney - How Great Thou Art
04:56 The Katinas - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (ft Nikki Leonti)
04:53 M4D - Ukraine (We Never Stop Believing)
04:53 Thank you for listening
04:50 John And Anne Barbour - This Might Be The Day
04:46 Swinging Angels Big band - Joshua Fit the battle of Jericho
04:42 Hilary and Kate - City of God
04:42 Thank you for listening
04:38 Eli Barsi - Victory in Jesus
04:34 Chris Tomlin - Chris Tomlin - Grace Like Rain
04:31 John Bartmann - Balkan Gypsy Party
04:31 Thank you for listening
04:28 John Bartmann - West in Africa
04:24 The Katinas - He Will Hold Me Fast
04:21 The Katinas - The Old Rugged Cross
04:15 Swinging Angels Big band - The Solid Rock
04:12 M4D - Ukraine (We Never Stop Believing)
04:08 The Katinas - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (ft Nikki Leonti)
04:05 Morgan Greig - Bound to Join the Nazarene
04:00 Bob McChesney - How Great Thou Art
04:00 Thank you for listening
03:57 John Bartmann - Balkan Gypsy Party
03:53 Chris Tomlin - Chris Tomlin - Grace Like Rain
03:48 John Bartmann - West in Africa
03:47 HLM 1min FINAL 939
03:42 The Katinas - He Will Hold Me Fast
03:38 Grayson Kessenich - 01 Everlasting
03:34 Beckah Shae - Legacy f/Crystal Lewis
03:31 The Katinas - The Old Rugged Cross
03:28 M4D - Ukraine (We Never Stop Believing)
03:24 Swinging Angels Big band - The Old Rugged cross
03:19 The Katinas - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (ft Nikki Leonti)
03:16 Grayson Kessenich - 05 There Is A Love
03:13 Shachah - Let The Light In
03:12 HLM 1min FINAL 2198
03:09 Lawrence Welk - Love Lifted me (Henry Cuesta, Clarineta solo)
03:06 Morgan Greig - Bound to Join the Nazarene
03:02 Steve Grace - More Than Ever
01:57 Bob McChesney - How Great Thou Art
01:29 022725 Pamela Christian Exposing the United Nations Plan for 2025 mp3
01:25 Chris Tomlin - Chris Tomlin - Grace Like Rain
01:21 Shachah - Stand
01:18 Moi - Take Me There
01:17 HLM 1min FINAL 2198
01:13 The Katinas - He Will Hold Me Fast
01:10 John Bartmann - Balkan Gypsy Party
01:07 John Bartmann - West in Africa
01:02 Joe Henschel - Creation Cries Out
00:58 The Katinas - The Old Rugged Cross
00:58 Thank you for listening
00:55 Morgan Greig - Bound to Join the Nazarene
00:55 HLM 1min FINAL 939
00:54 HLM 1min FINAL 935
00:53 Thank you for listening
00:51 M4D - Ukraine (We Never Stop Believing)
00:46 The Katinas - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (ft Nikki Leonti)
00:43 Beckah Shae - Heartbeat
00:38 Chris Tomlin - Chris Tomlin - Grace Like Rain
00:34 Bob McChesney - How Great Thou Art
00:04 Eli Barsi - Just leave everything to Him
00:01 John Bartmann - Balkan Gypsy Party

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