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RadioU - Fusion: Hip Hop playlist

¿No sabe qué canción se jugó en la radio? Utilice nuestro servicio, para encontrarla. Nuestra lista de reproducción contiene la planificación de difusión RadioU - Fusion: Hip Hop en los últimos 7 días.

23:58 Faith Child - CARDIO
23:58 RadioU - Fusion
23:55 Derek Minor - Fresh Prince
23:52 Lecrae - Still Here
23:52 RadioU - Fusion
23:48 Beacon Light - Haters
23:46 PEABOD - Ten Feet
23:46 RadioU - Fusion
23:42 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
23:40 808 BEEZY - He Never Left
23:40 RadioU - Fusion
23:37 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
23:33 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
23:33 RadioU - Fusion
23:31 Free Daps - John Oliver
23:27 Canon - Grateful
23:27 RadioU - Fusion
23:24 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
23:22 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
23:22 RadioU - Fusion
23:17 Tony Tillman - Thankful
23:15 Miles Minnick - Squabble
23:15 RadioU - Fusion
23:12 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
23:08 Hulvey - All For You
23:08 RadioU - Fusion
23:06 GRAHAM - Back To You
23:04 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
23:04 RadioU - Fusion
23:01 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
22:57 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
22:57 RadioU - Fusion
22:54 Byron Juane - Proof
22:51 Caleb Gordon - War
22:47 Sho Baraka - Here
22:44 RadioU - Fusion
22:42 WHATUPRG - This Time Last Year
22:39 Torey D Shaun - Come Thru
22:39 RadioU - Fusion
22:36 Dee Black - I'm So Glad (Feat. GS)
22:34 Imperial - Know The Call
22:34 RadioU - Fusion
22:32 Zauntee - Wartime
22:28 B Cooper - What It Means
22:28 RadioU - Fusion
22:25 Anike - HAVE FUN
22:22 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
22:22 RadioU - Fusion
22:18 Eric Mason - Work It Out
22:16 DJ Standout - Your Love
22:16 RadioU - Fusion
22:13 The One Keon - The One Keon
22:09 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
22:09 RadioU - Fusion
22:05 Trip Lee - Standby
22:03 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
22:03 RadioU - Fusion
22:01 Steven Malcolm - Not To Us/Good Love
21:58 Sansone - Jump
21:58 RadioU - Fusion
21:55 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
21:52 Sivion - Blinders
21:52 RadioU - Fusion
21:49 Jay Manwell - Regrets
21:47 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
21:47 RadioU - Fusion
21:45 808 BEEZY - Claim It
21:41 Joshva - Dilemna
21:41 RadioU - Fusion
21:38 Sherrod White - Run It
21:36 GRAHAM - Back To You
21:36 RadioU - Fusion
21:33 Cash Hollistah - Jump
21:30 James Gardin - Trophies
21:30 RadioU - Fusion
21:27 Deraj - Bring It
21:24 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
21:24 RadioU - Fusion
21:21 Adrion Butler - On Time (Bryson Price Remix)
21:18 Die-Rek - Get Nervous
21:18 RadioU - Fusion
21:15 J Crum - No Way
21:11 Krum & Propaganda - Love Always (All Day)
21:11 RadioU - Fusion
21:07 Faith Child - CARDIO
21:04 Derek Minor - Fresh Prince
21:04 RadioU - Fusion
21:01 Lecrae - Still Here
20:57 Beacon Light - Haters
20:57 RadioU - Fusion
20:55 PEABOD - Ten Feet
20:52 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
20:51 RadioU - Fusion
20:49 808 BEEZY - He Never Left
20:46 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
20:46 RadioU - Fusion
20:42 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
20:40 Free Daps - John Oliver
20:40 RadioU - Fusion
20:36 Canon - Grateful
20:33 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
20:33 RadioU - Fusion
20:31 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
20:27 Tony Tillman - Thankful
20:26 RadioU - Fusion
20:24 Miles Minnick - Squabble
20:21 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
20:21 RadioU - Fusion
20:17 Hulvey - All For You
20:15 GRAHAM - Back To You
20:15 RadioU - Fusion
20:13 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
20:10 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
20:10 RadioU - Fusion
20:06 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
20:03 Byron Juane - Proof
20:03 RadioU - Fusion
20:00 Caleb Gordon - War
19:56 Sho Baraka - Here
19:51 WHATUPRG - This Time Last Year
19:51 RadioU - Fusion
19:48 Torey D Shaun - Come Thru
19:45 Dee Black - I'm So Glad (Feat. GS)
19:45 RadioU - Fusion
19:43 Imperial - Know The Call
19:41 Zauntee - Wartime
19:41 RadioU - Fusion
19:37 B Cooper - What It Means
19:34 Anike - HAVE FUN
19:34 RadioU - Fusion
19:31 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
19:27 Eric Mason - Work It Out
19:27 RadioU - Fusion
19:25 DJ Standout - Your Love
19:22 The One Keon - The One Keon
19:22 RadioU - Fusion
19:18 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
19:14 Trip Lee - Standby
19:14 RadioU - Fusion
19:12 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
19:10 Steven Malcolm - Not To Us/Good Love
19:10 RadioU - Fusion
19:07 Sansone - Jump
19:05 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
19:04 RadioU - Fusion
19:01 Sivion - Blinders
18:59 Jay Manwell - Regrets
18:58 RadioU - Fusion
18:56 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
18:54 808 BEEZY - Claim It
18:54 RadioU - Fusion
18:50 Joshva - Dilemna
18:47 Sherrod White - Run It
18:47 RadioU - Fusion
18:46 GRAHAM - Back To You
18:42 Cash Hollistah - Jump
18:42 RadioU - Fusion
18:39 James Gardin - Trophies
18:36 Deraj - Bring It
18:36 RadioU - Fusion
18:33 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
18:30 Adrion Butler - On Time (Bryson Price Remix)
18:30 RadioU - Fusion
18:27 Die-Rek - Get Nervous
18:24 J Crum - No Way
18:24 RadioU - Fusion
18:20 Krum & Propaganda - Love Always (All Day)
18:16 Faith Child - CARDIO
18:16 RadioU - Fusion
18:13 Derek Minor - Fresh Prince
18:10 Lecrae - Still Here
18:10 RadioU - Fusion
18:06 Beacon Light - Haters
18:04 PEABOD - Ten Feet
18:04 RadioU - Fusion
18:01 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
17:58 808 BEEZY - He Never Left
17:58 RadioU - Fusion
17:55 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
17:51 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
17:51 RadioU - Fusion
17:49 Free Daps - John Oliver
17:45 Canon - Grateful
17:45 RadioU - Fusion
17:42 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
17:40 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
17:40 RadioU - Fusion
17:36 Tony Tillman - Thankful
17:33 Miles Minnick - Squabble
17:33 RadioU - Fusion
17:30 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
17:26 Hulvey - All For You
17:26 RadioU - Fusion
17:24 GRAHAM - Back To You
17:22 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
17:22 RadioU - Fusion
17:19 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
17:15 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
17:15 RadioU - Fusion
17:12 Byron Juane - Proof
17:09 Caleb Gordon - War
17:05 Sho Baraka - Here
17:02 RadioU - Fusion
17:00 WHATUPRG - This Time Last Year
16:58 Torey D Shaun - Come Thru
16:57 RadioU - Fusion
16:54 Dee Black - I'm So Glad (Feat. GS)
16:52 Imperial - Know The Call
16:52 RadioU - Fusion
16:50 Zauntee - Wartime
16:46 B Cooper - What It Means
16:46 RadioU - Fusion
16:43 Anike - HAVE FUN
16:40 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
16:40 RadioU - Fusion
16:37 Eric Mason - Work It Out
16:34 DJ Standout - Your Love
16:34 RadioU - Fusion
16:31 The One Keon - The One Keon
16:27 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
16:27 RadioU - Fusion
16:24 Trip Lee - Standby
16:22 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
16:21 RadioU - Fusion
16:19 Steven Malcolm - Not To Us/Good Love
16:16 Sansone - Jump
16:16 RadioU - Fusion
16:14 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
16:10 Sivion - Blinders
16:10 RadioU - Fusion
16:08 Jay Manwell - Regrets
16:06 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
16:05 RadioU - Fusion
16:03 808 BEEZY - Claim It
15:59 Joshva - Dilemna
15:59 RadioU - Fusion
15:57 Sherrod White - Run It
15:55 GRAHAM - Back To You
15:55 RadioU - Fusion
15:51 Cash Hollistah - Jump
15:48 James Gardin - Trophies
15:48 RadioU - Fusion
15:45 Deraj - Bring It
15:42 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
15:42 RadioU - Fusion
15:39 Adrion Butler - On Time (Bryson Price Remix)
15:36 Die-Rek - Get Nervous
15:36 RadioU - Fusion
15:33 J Crum - No Way
15:29 Krum & Propaganda - Love Always (All Day)
15:29 RadioU - Fusion
15:25 Faith Child - CARDIO
15:22 Derek Minor - Fresh Prince
15:22 RadioU - Fusion
15:19 Lecrae - Still Here
15:15 Beacon Light - Haters
15:15 RadioU - Fusion
15:13 PEABOD - Ten Feet
15:10 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
15:10 RadioU - Fusion
15:07 808 BEEZY - He Never Left
15:04 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
15:04 RadioU - Fusion
15:00 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
14:58 Free Daps - John Oliver
14:58 RadioU - Fusion
14:54 Canon - Grateful
14:51 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
14:51 RadioU - Fusion
14:49 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
14:45 Tony Tillman - Thankful
14:45 RadioU - Fusion
14:42 Miles Minnick - Squabble
14:39 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
14:39 RadioU - Fusion
14:35 Hulvey - All For You
14:34 GRAHAM - Back To You
14:33 RadioU - Fusion
14:31 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
14:28 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
14:28 RadioU - Fusion
14:24 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
14:21 Byron Juane - Proof
14:21 RadioU - Fusion
14:18 Caleb Gordon - War
14:14 Sho Baraka - Here
14:09 WHATUPRG - This Time Last Year
14:09 RadioU - Fusion
14:07 Torey D Shaun - Come Thru
14:03 Dee Black - I'm So Glad (Feat. GS)
14:03 RadioU - Fusion
14:01 Imperial - Know The Call
13:59 Zauntee - Wartime
13:59 RadioU - Fusion
13:55 B Cooper - What It Means
13:52 Anike - HAVE FUN
13:52 RadioU - Fusion
13:49 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
13:46 Eric Mason - Work It Out
13:46 RadioU - Fusion
13:43 DJ Standout - Your Love
13:41 The One Keon - The One Keon
13:40 RadioU - Fusion
13:36 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
13:33 Trip Lee - Standby
13:33 RadioU - Fusion
13:31 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
13:28 Steven Malcolm - Not To Us/Good Love
13:28 RadioU - Fusion
13:25 Sansone - Jump
13:23 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
13:23 RadioU - Fusion
13:19 Sivion - Blinders
13:17 Jay Manwell - Regrets
13:17 RadioU - Fusion
13:15 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
13:12 808 BEEZY - Claim It
13:12 RadioU - Fusion
13:08 Joshva - Dilemna
13:06 Sherrod White - Run It
13:06 RadioU - Fusion
13:04 GRAHAM - Back To You
13:00 Cash Hollistah - Jump
13:00 RadioU - Fusion
12:57 James Gardin - Trophies
12:54 Deraj - Bring It
12:54 RadioU - Fusion
12:52 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
12:49 Adrion Butler - On Time (Bryson Price Remix)
12:48 RadioU - Fusion
12:45 Die-Rek - Get Nervous
12:42 J Crum - No Way
12:42 RadioU - Fusion
12:38 Krum & Propaganda - Love Always (All Day)
12:35 Faith Child - CARDIO
12:34 RadioU - Fusion
12:31 Derek Minor - Fresh Prince
12:28 Lecrae - Still Here
12:28 RadioU - Fusion
12:24 Beacon Light - Haters
12:22 PEABOD - Ten Feet
12:22 RadioU - Fusion
12:19 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
12:16 808 BEEZY - He Never Left
12:16 RadioU - Fusion
12:13 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
12:09 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
12:09 RadioU - Fusion
12:07 Free Daps - John Oliver
12:03 Canon - Grateful
12:03 RadioU - Fusion
12:01 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
11:58 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
11:58 RadioU - Fusion
11:54 Tony Tillman - Thankful
11:51 Miles Minnick - Squabble
11:51 RadioU - Fusion
11:48 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
11:45 Hulvey - All For You
11:45 RadioU - Fusion
11:43 GRAHAM - Back To You
11:41 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
11:40 RadioU - Fusion
11:37 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
11:33 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
11:33 RadioU - Fusion
11:30 Byron Juane - Proof
11:27 Caleb Gordon - War
11:23 Sho Baraka - Here
11:21 RadioU - Fusion
11:18 WHATUPRG - This Time Last Year
11:16 Torey D Shaun - Come Thru
11:16 RadioU - Fusion
11:13 Dee Black - I'm So Glad (Feat. GS)
11:10 Imperial - Know The Call
11:10 RadioU - Fusion
11:08 Zauntee - Wartime
11:04 B Cooper - What It Means
11:04 RadioU - Fusion
11:01 Anike - HAVE FUN
10:59 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
10:58 RadioU - Fusion
10:55 Eric Mason - Work It Out
10:52 DJ Standout - Your Love
10:52 RadioU - Fusion
10:50 The One Keon - The One Keon
10:45 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
10:45 RadioU - Fusion
10:42 Trip Lee - Standby
10:40 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
10:40 RadioU - Fusion
10:37 Steven Malcolm - Not To Us/Good Love
10:34 Sansone - Jump
10:34 RadioU - Fusion
10:32 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
10:29 Sivion - Blinders
10:29 RadioU - Fusion
10:26 Jay Manwell - Regrets
10:24 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
10:24 RadioU - Fusion
10:21 808 BEEZY - Claim It
10:17 Joshva - Dilemna
10:17 RadioU - Fusion
10:15 Sherrod White - Run It
10:13 GRAHAM - Back To You
10:13 RadioU - Fusion
10:09 Cash Hollistah - Jump
10:06 James Gardin - Trophies
10:06 RadioU - Fusion
10:03 Deraj - Bring It
10:01 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
10:01 RadioU - Fusion
09:58 Adrion Butler - On Time (Bryson Price Remix)
09:54 Die-Rek - Get Nervous
09:54 RadioU - Fusion
09:51 J Crum - No Way
09:47 Krum & Propaganda - Love Always (All Day)
09:47 RadioU - Fusion
09:44 Faith Child - CARDIO
09:40 Derek Minor - Fresh Prince
09:40 RadioU - Fusion
09:37 Lecrae - Still Here
09:33 Beacon Light - Haters
09:33 RadioU - Fusion
09:31 PEABOD - Ten Feet
09:28 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
09:28 RadioU - Fusion
09:25 808 BEEZY - He Never Left
09:22 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
09:22 RadioU - Fusion
09:18 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
09:16 Free Daps - John Oliver
09:16 RadioU - Fusion
09:12 Canon - Grateful
09:10 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
09:10 RadioU - Fusion
09:07 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
09:03 Tony Tillman - Thankful
09:03 RadioU - Fusion
09:00 Miles Minnick - Squabble
08:57 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
08:57 RadioU - Fusion
08:54 Hulvey - All For You
08:52 GRAHAM - Back To You
08:52 RadioU - Fusion
08:49 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
08:46 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
08:46 RadioU - Fusion
08:42 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
08:39 Byron Juane - Proof
08:39 RadioU - Fusion
08:36 Caleb Gordon - War
08:32 Sho Baraka - Here
08:27 WHATUPRG - This Time Last Year
08:27 RadioU - Fusion
08:25 Torey D Shaun - Come Thru
08:22 Dee Black - I'm So Glad (Feat. GS)
08:21 RadioU - Fusion
08:19 Imperial - Know The Call
08:17 Zauntee - Wartime
08:17 RadioU - Fusion
08:13 B Cooper - What It Means
08:10 Anike - HAVE FUN
08:10 RadioU - Fusion
08:07 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
08:04 Eric Mason - Work It Out
08:04 RadioU - Fusion
08:01 DJ Standout - Your Love
07:59 The One Keon - The One Keon
07:58 RadioU - Fusion
07:54 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
07:51 Trip Lee - Standby
07:51 RadioU - Fusion
07:49 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
07:46 Steven Malcolm - Not To Us/Good Love
07:46 RadioU - Fusion
07:43 Sansone - Jump
07:41 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
07:41 RadioU - Fusion
07:38 Sivion - Blinders
07:35 Jay Manwell - Regrets
07:35 RadioU - Fusion
07:33 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
07:30 808 BEEZY - Claim It
07:30 RadioU - Fusion
07:26 Joshva - Dilemna
07:24 Sherrod White - Run It
07:24 RadioU - Fusion
07:22 GRAHAM - Back To You
07:18 Cash Hollistah - Jump
07:18 RadioU - Fusion
07:15 James Gardin - Trophies
07:13 Deraj - Bring It
07:12 RadioU - Fusion
07:10 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
07:07 Adrion Butler - On Time (Bryson Price Remix)
07:07 RadioU - Fusion
07:03 Die-Rek - Get Nervous
07:00 J Crum - No Way
07:00 RadioU - Fusion
06:56 Krum & Propaganda - Love Always (All Day)
06:53 Faith Child - CARDIO
06:53 RadioU - Fusion
06:49 Derek Minor - Fresh Prince
06:46 Lecrae - Still Here
06:46 RadioU - Fusion
06:42 Beacon Light - Haters
06:40 PEABOD - Ten Feet
06:40 RadioU - Fusion
06:37 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
06:34 808 BEEZY - He Never Left
06:34 RadioU - Fusion
06:31 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
06:27 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
06:27 RadioU - Fusion
06:25 Free Daps - John Oliver
06:21 Canon - Grateful
06:21 RadioU - Fusion
06:19 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
06:16 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
06:16 RadioU - Fusion
06:12 Tony Tillman - Thankful
06:09 Miles Minnick - Squabble
06:09 RadioU - Fusion
06:06 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
06:03 Hulvey - All For You
06:03 RadioU - Fusion
06:01 GRAHAM - Back To You
05:59 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
05:58 RadioU - Fusion
05:55 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
05:51 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
05:51 RadioU - Fusion
05:48 Byron Juane - Proof
05:46 Caleb Gordon - War
05:41 Sho Baraka - Here
05:39 RadioU - Fusion
05:36 WHATUPRG - This Time Last Year
05:34 Torey D Shaun - Come Thru
05:34 RadioU - Fusion
05:31 Dee Black - I'm So Glad (Feat. GS)
05:28 Imperial - Know The Call
05:28 RadioU - Fusion
05:26 Zauntee - Wartime
05:22 B Cooper - What It Means
05:22 RadioU - Fusion
05:19 Anike - HAVE FUN
05:17 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
05:17 RadioU - Fusion
05:13 Eric Mason - Work It Out
05:10 DJ Standout - Your Love
05:10 RadioU - Fusion
05:08 The One Keon - The One Keon
05:04 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
05:03 RadioU - Fusion
05:00 Trip Lee - Standby
04:58 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
04:58 RadioU - Fusion
04:55 Steven Malcolm - Not To Us/Good Love
04:52 Sansone - Jump
04:52 RadioU - Fusion
04:50 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
04:47 Sivion - Blinders
04:47 RadioU - Fusion
04:44 Jay Manwell - Regrets
04:42 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
04:42 RadioU - Fusion
04:39 808 BEEZY - Claim It
04:35 Joshva - Dilemna
04:35 RadioU - Fusion
04:33 Sherrod White - Run It
04:31 GRAHAM - Back To You
04:31 RadioU - Fusion
04:27 Cash Hollistah - Jump
04:24 James Gardin - Trophies
04:24 RadioU - Fusion
04:22 Deraj - Bring It
04:19 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
04:19 RadioU - Fusion
04:16 Adrion Butler - On Time (Bryson Price Remix)
04:12 Die-Rek - Get Nervous
04:12 RadioU - Fusion
04:09 J Crum - No Way
04:05 Krum & Propaganda - Love Always (All Day)
04:05 RadioU - Fusion
04:02 Faith Child - CARDIO
03:58 Derek Minor - Fresh Prince
03:58 RadioU - Fusion
03:55 Lecrae - Still Here
03:51 Beacon Light - Haters
03:51 RadioU - Fusion
03:49 PEABOD - Ten Feet
03:46 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
03:46 RadioU - Fusion
03:43 808 BEEZY - He Never Left
03:40 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
03:40 RadioU - Fusion
03:36 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
03:34 Free Daps - John Oliver
03:34 RadioU - Fusion
03:30 Canon - Grateful
03:28 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
03:28 RadioU - Fusion
03:25 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
03:21 Tony Tillman - Thankful
03:21 RadioU - Fusion
03:18 Miles Minnick - Squabble
03:15 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
03:15 RadioU - Fusion
03:12 Hulvey - All For You
03:10 GRAHAM - Back To You
03:10 RadioU - Fusion
03:07 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
03:04 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
03:04 RadioU - Fusion
03:00 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
02:57 Byron Juane - Proof
02:57 RadioU - Fusion
02:54 Caleb Gordon - War
02:50 Sho Baraka - Here
02:46 WHATUPRG - This Time Last Year
02:45 RadioU - Fusion
02:43 Torey D Shaun - Come Thru
02:40 Dee Black - I'm So Glad (Feat. GS)
02:40 RadioU - Fusion
02:37 Imperial - Know The Call
02:35 Zauntee - Wartime
02:35 RadioU - Fusion
02:31 B Cooper - What It Means
02:28 Anike - HAVE FUN
02:28 RadioU - Fusion
02:26 Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless
02:22 Eric Mason - Work It Out
02:22 RadioU - Fusion
02:19 DJ Standout - Your Love
02:17 The One Keon - The One Keon
02:17 RadioU - Fusion
02:13 AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself
02:09 Trip Lee - Standby
02:09 RadioU - Fusion
02:07 Nomis - Doomsday Clock
02:04 Steven Malcolm - Not To Us/Good Love
02:04 RadioU - Fusion
02:01 Sansone - Jump
01:59 Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith)
01:59 RadioU - Fusion
01:56 Sivion - Blinders
01:53 Jay Manwell - Regrets
01:53 RadioU - Fusion
01:51 Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves)
01:49 808 BEEZY - Claim It
01:48 RadioU - Fusion
01:44 Joshva - Dilemna
01:42 Sherrod White - Run It
01:42 RadioU - Fusion
01:40 GRAHAM - Back To You
01:37 Cash Hollistah - Jump
01:36 RadioU - Fusion
01:33 James Gardin - Trophies
01:31 Deraj - Bring It
01:31 RadioU - Fusion
01:28 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee)
01:25 Adrion Butler - On Time (Bryson Price Remix)
01:25 RadioU - Fusion
01:21 Die-Rek - Get Nervous
01:18 J Crum - No Way
01:18 RadioU - Fusion
01:14 Krum & Propaganda - Love Always (All Day)
01:11 Faith Child - CARDIO
01:11 RadioU - Fusion
01:07 Derek Minor - Fresh Prince
01:04 Lecrae - Still Here
01:04 RadioU - Fusion
01:00 Beacon Light - Haters
00:58 PEABOD - Ten Feet
00:58 RadioU - Fusion
00:55 KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza
00:52 808 BEEZY - He Never Left
00:52 RadioU - Fusion
00:49 Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith)
00:45 Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time
00:45 RadioU - Fusion
00:43 Free Daps - John Oliver
00:39 Canon - Grateful
00:39 RadioU - Fusion
00:37 Village KNG - Kriss Cross
00:34 Forrest Frank - Never Get Used To This
00:34 RadioU - Fusion
00:30 Tony Tillman - Thankful
00:27 Miles Minnick - Squabble
00:27 RadioU - Fusion
00:24 S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon)
00:21 Hulvey - All For You
00:21 RadioU - Fusion
00:19 GRAHAM - Back To You
00:17 Sareem Poems - Work For It (Feat. James Gardin, Sivion, Sojourn, Tee-Wyla)
00:17 RadioU - Fusion
00:13 Nobigdyl - Renaissance
00:10 AC.jR & BradyJames - Taken Back
00:09 RadioU - Fusion
00:06 Byron Juane - Proof
00:04 Caleb Gordon - War

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