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Ne znate pjesmu koja svira na radiju? Upotrijebite naš servis da je pronađete! Naša playlista pohranjuje popis pjesama RadioU - Fusion: Hip Hop-a za posljednjih 7 dana.
23:58 | Caleb Gordon - War |
23:56 | GRAHAM - Back To You |
23:56 | RadioU - Fusion |
23:52 | Krum - Blue Eyed Devil |
23:50 | Nomis - Doomsday Clock |
23:50 | RadioU - Fusion |
23:46 | Kevi - Real No Fake |
23:44 | 808 BEEZY - Still Overcome |
23:44 | RadioU - Fusion |
23:41 | Sherrod White - Epic |
23:39 | Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith) |
23:39 | RadioU - Fusion |
23:35 | Sivion - Blinders |
23:32 | Die-Rek - Unpredictable |
23:32 | RadioU - Fusion |
23:30 | Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves) |
23:28 | 808 BEEZY - Claim It |
23:28 | RadioU - Fusion |
23:24 | Derek Minor - You Know It |
23:21 | Shonlock - Gnarly |
23:21 | RadioU - Fusion |
23:17 | Free Daps - Wild Card |
23:14 | Steven Malcolm - Hot Boy |
23:14 | RadioU - Fusion |
23:10 | James Gardin - Trophies |
23:08 | Deraj - Bring It |
23:08 | RadioU - Fusion |
23:04 | Faith Child - CARDIO |
23:01 | Canon - Nino Brown |
23:01 | RadioU - Fusion |
22:58 | Lecrae - Still Here |
22:56 | Torey D Shaun - Oowee |
22:55 | RadioU - Fusion |
22:53 | PEABOD - Ten Feet |
22:50 | Hulvey - All For You |
22:50 | RadioU - Fusion |
22:47 | Beacon Light - O Lord |
22:44 | KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza |
22:43 | RadioU - Fusion |
22:41 | GRAHAM - Just For the Moment |
22:38 | Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith) |
22:38 | RadioU - Fusion |
22:36 | Anike - Love For You |
22:33 | Aklesso WHATUPRG - Look |
22:33 | RadioU - Fusion |
22:30 | B Fade Miles Minnick - Kill It |
22:26 | Aaron Cole - YCHMB |
22:26 | RadioU - Fusion |
22:22 | Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time |
22:19 | Village KNG - Kriss Cross |
22:19 | RadioU - Fusion |
22:16 | 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee) |
22:13 | Sansone - With Me Now |
22:13 | RadioU - Fusion |
22:11 | Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless |
22:07 | AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself |
22:06 | RadioU - Fusion |
22:04 | The One Keon - The One Keon |
22:02 | Bryson Price x Jacob Castro - Icon (channel only) |
22:02 | RadioU - Fusion |
21:58 | Trip Lee - Standby |
21:56 | Jon Keith - LOOK |
21:55 | RadioU - Fusion |
21:52 | LoveMeJames - Forgiveness |
21:48 | Tedashii - Respect My Team (Feat. Trip Lee & Lecrae) |
21:48 | RadioU - Fusion |
21:44 | Joshva - Dilemna |
21:41 | Tony Tillman - Sell Out |
21:41 | RadioU - Fusion |
21:38 | Nobigdyl - Renaissance |
21:35 | S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon) |
21:35 | RadioU - Fusion |
21:31 | Kevmo - Star Killer Bass feat nobigdyl Ki Shon Furlow |
21:28 | Childlike CiCi - It s Time |
21:28 | RadioU - Fusion |
21:24 | J Vessel - My City |
21:21 | Mars ILL - When Win |
21:21 | RadioU - Fusion |
21:17 | Forrest Frank - DROP |
21:13 | J. Crum & Jarry Manna - Lost & Found |
21:13 | RadioU - Fusion |
21:11 | Zauntee - Wartime |
21:06 | Cephas - New Day |
21:06 | RadioU - Fusion |
21:03 | Jay Manwell - Regrets |
21:00 | Caleb Gordon - War |
21:00 | RadioU - Fusion |
20:58 | GRAHAM - Back To You |
20:54 | Krum - Blue Eyed Devil |
20:54 | RadioU - Fusion |
20:52 | Nomis - Doomsday Clock |
20:49 | Kevi - Real No Fake |
20:49 | RadioU - Fusion |
20:47 | 808 BEEZY - Still Overcome |
20:44 | Sherrod White - Epic |
20:44 | RadioU - Fusion |
20:41 | Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith) |
20:38 | Sivion - Blinders |
20:38 | RadioU - Fusion |
20:35 | Die-Rek - Unpredictable |
20:33 | Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves) |
20:32 | RadioU - Fusion |
20:30 | 808 BEEZY - Claim It |
20:26 | Derek Minor - You Know It |
20:26 | RadioU - Fusion |
20:24 | Shonlock - Gnarly |
20:20 | Free Daps - Wild Card |
20:20 | RadioU - Fusion |
20:16 | Steven Malcolm - Hot Boy |
20:13 | James Gardin - Trophies |
20:13 | RadioU - Fusion |
20:10 | Deraj - Bring It |
20:07 | Faith Child - CARDIO |
20:07 | RadioU - Fusion |
20:03 | Canon - Nino Brown |
20:01 | Lecrae - Still Here |
20:00 | RadioU - Fusion |
19:58 | Torey D Shaun - Oowee |
19:56 | PEABOD - Ten Feet |
19:56 | RadioU - Fusion |
19:52 | Hulvey - All For You |
19:50 | Beacon Light - O Lord |
19:49 | RadioU - Fusion |
19:46 | KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza |
19:44 | GRAHAM - Just For the Moment |
19:44 | RadioU - Fusion |
19:41 | Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith) |
19:38 | Anike - Love For You |
19:38 | RadioU - Fusion |
19:35 | Aklesso WHATUPRG - Look |
19:32 | B Fade Miles Minnick - Kill It |
19:32 | RadioU - Fusion |
19:28 | Aaron Cole - YCHMB |
19:24 | Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time |
19:24 | RadioU - Fusion |
19:22 | Village KNG - Kriss Cross |
19:19 | 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee) |
19:19 | RadioU - Fusion |
19:16 | Sansone - With Me Now |
19:13 | Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless |
19:13 | RadioU - Fusion |
19:09 | AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself |
19:07 | The One Keon - The One Keon |
19:07 | RadioU - Fusion |
19:04 | Bryson Price x Jacob Castro - Icon (channel only) |
19:01 | Trip Lee - Standby |
19:01 | RadioU - Fusion |
18:58 | Jon Keith - LOOK |
18:55 | LoveMeJames - Forgiveness |
18:54 | RadioU - Fusion |
18:51 | Tedashii - Respect My Team (Feat. Trip Lee & Lecrae) |
18:46 | Joshva - Dilemna |
18:46 | RadioU - Fusion |
18:43 | Tony Tillman - Sell Out |
18:40 | Nobigdyl - Renaissance |
18:40 | RadioU - Fusion |
18:37 | S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon) |
18:33 | Kevmo - Star Killer Bass feat nobigdyl Ki Shon Furlow |
18:33 | RadioU - Fusion |
18:31 | Childlike CiCi - It s Time |
18:27 | J Vessel - My City |
18:27 | RadioU - Fusion |
18:23 | Mars ILL - When Win |
18:19 | Forrest Frank - DROP |
18:19 | RadioU - Fusion |
18:16 | J. Crum & Jarry Manna - Lost & Found |
18:14 | Zauntee - Wartime |
18:14 | RadioU - Fusion |
18:08 | Cephas - New Day |
18:05 | Jay Manwell - Regrets |
18:05 | RadioU - Fusion |
18:02 | Caleb Gordon - War |
18:01 | GRAHAM - Back To You |
18:01 | RadioU - Fusion |
17:57 | Krum - Blue Eyed Devil |
17:54 | Nomis - Doomsday Clock |
17:54 | RadioU - Fusion |
17:51 | Kevi - Real No Fake |
17:49 | 808 BEEZY - Still Overcome |
17:49 | RadioU - Fusion |
17:46 | Sherrod White - Epic |
17:44 | Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith) |
17:44 | RadioU - Fusion |
17:40 | Sivion - Blinders |
17:37 | Die-Rek - Unpredictable |
17:37 | RadioU - Fusion |
17:35 | Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves) |
17:33 | 808 BEEZY - Claim It |
17:33 | RadioU - Fusion |
17:29 | Derek Minor - You Know It |
17:26 | Shonlock - Gnarly |
17:26 | RadioU - Fusion |
17:22 | Free Daps - Wild Card |
17:19 | Steven Malcolm - Hot Boy |
17:18 | RadioU - Fusion |
17:15 | James Gardin - Trophies |
17:13 | Deraj - Bring It |
17:13 | RadioU - Fusion |
17:09 | Faith Child - CARDIO |
17:06 | Canon - Nino Brown |
17:06 | RadioU - Fusion |
17:03 | Lecrae - Still Here |
17:00 | Torey D Shaun - Oowee |
17:00 | RadioU - Fusion |
16:58 | PEABOD - Ten Feet |
16:55 | Hulvey - All For You |
16:55 | RadioU - Fusion |
16:52 | Beacon Light - O Lord |
16:49 | KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza |
16:48 | RadioU - Fusion |
16:46 | GRAHAM - Just For the Moment |
16:43 | Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith) |
16:43 | RadioU - Fusion |
16:41 | Anike - Love For You |
16:38 | Aklesso WHATUPRG - Look |
16:38 | RadioU - Fusion |
16:35 | B Fade Miles Minnick - Kill It |
16:31 | Aaron Cole - YCHMB |
16:31 | RadioU - Fusion |
16:27 | Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time |
16:24 | Village KNG - Kriss Cross |
16:24 | RadioU - Fusion |
16:21 | 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee) |
16:19 | Sansone - With Me Now |
16:18 | RadioU - Fusion |
16:16 | Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless |
16:12 | AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself |
16:11 | RadioU - Fusion |
16:09 | The One Keon - The One Keon |
16:07 | Bryson Price x Jacob Castro - Icon (channel only) |
16:07 | RadioU - Fusion |
16:03 | Trip Lee - Standby |
16:01 | Jon Keith - LOOK |
16:00 | RadioU - Fusion |
15:57 | LoveMeJames - Forgiveness |
15:53 | Tedashii - Respect My Team (Feat. Trip Lee & Lecrae) |
15:53 | RadioU - Fusion |
15:49 | Joshva - Dilemna |
15:46 | Tony Tillman - Sell Out |
15:46 | RadioU - Fusion |
15:43 | Nobigdyl - Renaissance |
15:40 | S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon) |
15:40 | RadioU - Fusion |
15:36 | Kevmo - Star Killer Bass feat nobigdyl Ki Shon Furlow |
15:33 | Childlike CiCi - It s Time |
15:33 | RadioU - Fusion |
15:29 | J Vessel - My City |
15:26 | Mars ILL - When Win |
15:26 | RadioU - Fusion |
15:22 | Forrest Frank - DROP |
15:18 | J. Crum & Jarry Manna - Lost & Found |
15:18 | RadioU - Fusion |
15:16 | Zauntee - Wartime |
15:11 | Cephas - New Day |
15:11 | RadioU - Fusion |
15:08 | Jay Manwell - Regrets |
15:05 | Caleb Gordon - War |
15:05 | RadioU - Fusion |
15:03 | GRAHAM - Back To You |
14:59 | Krum - Blue Eyed Devil |
14:59 | RadioU - Fusion |
14:57 | Nomis - Doomsday Clock |
14:54 | Kevi - Real No Fake |
14:54 | RadioU - Fusion |
14:52 | 808 BEEZY - Still Overcome |
14:49 | Sherrod White - Epic |
14:49 | RadioU - Fusion |
14:46 | Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith) |
14:43 | Sivion - Blinders |
14:43 | RadioU - Fusion |
14:40 | Die-Rek - Unpredictable |
14:38 | Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves) |
14:38 | RadioU - Fusion |
14:35 | 808 BEEZY - Claim It |
14:31 | Derek Minor - You Know It |
14:31 | RadioU - Fusion |
14:29 | Shonlock - Gnarly |
14:25 | Free Daps - Wild Card |
14:25 | RadioU - Fusion |
14:21 | Steven Malcolm - Hot Boy |
14:18 | James Gardin - Trophies |
14:18 | RadioU - Fusion |
14:15 | Deraj - Bring It |
14:12 | Faith Child - CARDIO |
14:12 | RadioU - Fusion |
14:09 | Canon - Nino Brown |
14:06 | Lecrae - Still Here |
14:06 | RadioU - Fusion |
14:03 | Torey D Shaun - Oowee |
14:01 | PEABOD - Ten Feet |
14:01 | RadioU - Fusion |
13:57 | Hulvey - All For You |
13:55 | Beacon Light - O Lord |
13:55 | RadioU - Fusion |
13:51 | KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza |
13:49 | GRAHAM - Just For the Moment |
13:49 | RadioU - Fusion |
13:46 | Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith) |
13:43 | Anike - Love For You |
13:43 | RadioU - Fusion |
13:40 | Aklesso WHATUPRG - Look |
13:37 | B Fade Miles Minnick - Kill It |
13:37 | RadioU - Fusion |
13:33 | Aaron Cole - YCHMB |
13:29 | Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time |
13:29 | RadioU - Fusion |
13:27 | Village KNG - Kriss Cross |
13:24 | 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee) |
13:24 | RadioU - Fusion |
13:21 | Sansone - With Me Now |
13:18 | Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless |
13:18 | RadioU - Fusion |
13:14 | AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself |
13:12 | The One Keon - The One Keon |
13:12 | RadioU - Fusion |
13:10 | Bryson Price x Jacob Castro - Icon (channel only) |
13:06 | Trip Lee - Standby |
13:06 | RadioU - Fusion |
13:03 | Jon Keith - LOOK |
13:00 | LoveMeJames - Forgiveness |
13:00 | RadioU - Fusion |
12:56 | Tedashii - Respect My Team (Feat. Trip Lee & Lecrae) |
12:52 | Joshva - Dilemna |
12:52 | RadioU - Fusion |
12:49 | Tony Tillman - Sell Out |
12:45 | Nobigdyl - Renaissance |
12:45 | RadioU - Fusion |
12:42 | S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon) |
12:38 | Kevmo - Star Killer Bass feat nobigdyl Ki Shon Furlow |
12:38 | RadioU - Fusion |
12:36 | Childlike CiCi - It s Time |
12:32 | J Vessel - My City |
12:32 | RadioU - Fusion |
12:28 | Mars ILL - When Win |
12:25 | Forrest Frank - DROP |
12:24 | RadioU - Fusion |
12:21 | J. Crum & Jarry Manna - Lost & Found |
12:19 | Zauntee - Wartime |
12:19 | RadioU - Fusion |
12:13 | Cephas - New Day |
12:11 | Jay Manwell - Regrets |
12:11 | RadioU - Fusion |
12:08 | Caleb Gordon - War |
12:06 | GRAHAM - Back To You |
12:06 | RadioU - Fusion |
12:02 | Krum - Blue Eyed Devil |
12:00 | Nomis - Doomsday Clock |
12:00 | RadioU - Fusion |
11:56 | Kevi - Real No Fake |
11:54 | 808 BEEZY - Still Overcome |
11:54 | RadioU - Fusion |
11:51 | Sherrod White - Epic |
11:49 | Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith) |
11:49 | RadioU - Fusion |
11:46 | Sivion - Blinders |
11:42 | Die-Rek - Unpredictable |
11:42 | RadioU - Fusion |
11:40 | Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves) |
11:38 | 808 BEEZY - Claim It |
11:38 | RadioU - Fusion |
11:34 | Derek Minor - You Know It |
11:31 | Shonlock - Gnarly |
11:31 | RadioU - Fusion |
11:27 | Free Daps - Wild Card |
11:24 | Steven Malcolm - Hot Boy |
11:24 | RadioU - Fusion |
11:21 | James Gardin - Trophies |
11:18 | Deraj - Bring It |
11:18 | RadioU - Fusion |
11:15 | Faith Child - CARDIO |
11:11 | Canon - Nino Brown |
11:11 | RadioU - Fusion |
11:08 | Lecrae - Still Here |
11:06 | Torey D Shaun - Oowee |
11:06 | RadioU - Fusion |
11:04 | PEABOD - Ten Feet |
11:00 | Hulvey - All For You |
11:00 | RadioU - Fusion |
10:57 | Beacon Light - O Lord |
10:54 | KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza |
10:54 | RadioU - Fusion |
10:52 | GRAHAM - Just For the Moment |
10:49 | Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith) |
10:49 | RadioU - Fusion |
10:46 | Anike - Love For You |
10:43 | Aklesso WHATUPRG - Look |
10:43 | RadioU - Fusion |
10:40 | B Fade Miles Minnick - Kill It |
10:36 | Aaron Cole - YCHMB |
10:36 | RadioU - Fusion |
10:32 | Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time |
10:29 | Village KNG - Kriss Cross |
10:29 | RadioU - Fusion |
10:27 | 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee) |
10:24 | Sansone - With Me Now |
10:24 | RadioU - Fusion |
10:21 | Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless |
10:17 | AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself |
10:17 | RadioU - Fusion |
10:14 | The One Keon - The One Keon |
10:12 | Bryson Price x Jacob Castro - Icon (channel only) |
10:12 | RadioU - Fusion |
10:09 | Trip Lee - Standby |
10:06 | Jon Keith - LOOK |
10:06 | RadioU - Fusion |
10:02 | LoveMeJames - Forgiveness |
09:59 | Tedashii - Respect My Team (Feat. Trip Lee & Lecrae) |
09:59 | RadioU - Fusion |
09:54 | Joshva - Dilemna |
09:51 | Tony Tillman - Sell Out |
09:51 | RadioU - Fusion |
09:48 | Nobigdyl - Renaissance |
09:45 | S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon) |
09:45 | RadioU - Fusion |
09:41 | Kevmo - Star Killer Bass feat nobigdyl Ki Shon Furlow |
09:39 | Childlike CiCi - It s Time |
09:38 | RadioU - Fusion |
09:35 | J Vessel - My City |
09:31 | Mars ILL - When Win |
09:31 | RadioU - Fusion |
09:27 | Forrest Frank - DROP |
09:24 | J. Crum & Jarry Manna - Lost & Found |
09:24 | RadioU - Fusion |
09:22 | Zauntee - Wartime |
09:16 | Cephas - New Day |
09:16 | RadioU - Fusion |
09:13 | Jay Manwell - Regrets |
09:11 | Caleb Gordon - War |
09:10 | RadioU - Fusion |
09:08 | GRAHAM - Back To You |
09:05 | Krum - Blue Eyed Devil |
09:04 | RadioU - Fusion |
09:02 | Nomis - Doomsday Clock |
08:59 | Kevi - Real No Fake |
08:59 | RadioU - Fusion |
08:57 | 808 BEEZY - Still Overcome |
08:54 | Sherrod White - Epic |
08:54 | RadioU - Fusion |
08:52 | Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith) |
08:48 | Sivion - Blinders |
08:48 | RadioU - Fusion |
08:45 | Die-Rek - Unpredictable |
08:43 | Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves) |
08:43 | RadioU - Fusion |
08:41 | 808 BEEZY - Claim It |
08:37 | Derek Minor - You Know It |
08:37 | RadioU - Fusion |
08:34 | Shonlock - Gnarly |
08:30 | Free Daps - Wild Card |
08:30 | RadioU - Fusion |
08:26 | Steven Malcolm - Hot Boy |
08:23 | James Gardin - Trophies |
08:23 | RadioU - Fusion |
08:21 | Deraj - Bring It |
08:17 | Faith Child - CARDIO |
08:17 | RadioU - Fusion |
08:14 | Canon - Nino Brown |
08:11 | Lecrae - Still Here |
08:11 | RadioU - Fusion |
08:08 | Torey D Shaun - Oowee |
08:06 | PEABOD - Ten Feet |
08:06 | RadioU - Fusion |
08:03 | Hulvey - All For You |
08:00 | Beacon Light - O Lord |
08:00 | RadioU - Fusion |
07:56 | KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza |
07:54 | GRAHAM - Just For the Moment |
07:54 | RadioU - Fusion |
07:51 | Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith) |
07:49 | Anike - Love For You |
07:48 | RadioU - Fusion |
07:46 | Aklesso WHATUPRG - Look |
07:43 | B Fade Miles Minnick - Kill It |
07:43 | RadioU - Fusion |
07:39 | Aaron Cole - YCHMB |
07:35 | Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time |
07:35 | RadioU - Fusion |
07:32 | Village KNG - Kriss Cross |
07:29 | 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee) |
07:29 | RadioU - Fusion |
07:26 | Sansone - With Me Now |
07:24 | Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless |
07:24 | RadioU - Fusion |
07:20 | AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself |
07:17 | The One Keon - The One Keon |
07:17 | RadioU - Fusion |
07:15 | Bryson Price x Jacob Castro - Icon (channel only) |
07:11 | Trip Lee - Standby |
07:11 | RadioU - Fusion |
07:09 | Jon Keith - LOOK |
07:05 | LoveMeJames - Forgiveness |
07:05 | RadioU - Fusion |
07:01 | Tedashii - Respect My Team (Feat. Trip Lee & Lecrae) |
06:57 | Joshva - Dilemna |
06:57 | RadioU - Fusion |
06:54 | Tony Tillman - Sell Out |
06:51 | Nobigdyl - Renaissance |
06:51 | RadioU - Fusion |
06:48 | S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon) |
06:44 | Kevmo - Star Killer Bass feat nobigdyl Ki Shon Furlow |
06:44 | RadioU - Fusion |
06:41 | Childlike CiCi - It s Time |
06:37 | J Vessel - My City |
06:37 | RadioU - Fusion |
06:34 | Mars ILL - When Win |
06:30 | Forrest Frank - DROP |
06:30 | RadioU - Fusion |
06:26 | J. Crum & Jarry Manna - Lost & Found |
06:24 | Zauntee - Wartime |
06:24 | RadioU - Fusion |
06:19 | Cephas - New Day |
06:16 | Jay Manwell - Regrets |
06:16 | RadioU - Fusion |
06:13 | Caleb Gordon - War |
06:11 | GRAHAM - Back To You |
06:11 | RadioU - Fusion |
06:07 | Krum - Blue Eyed Devil |
06:05 | Nomis - Doomsday Clock |
06:05 | RadioU - Fusion |
06:02 | Kevi - Real No Fake |
06:00 | 808 BEEZY - Still Overcome |
06:00 | RadioU - Fusion |
05:57 | Sherrod White - Epic |
05:54 | Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith) |
05:54 | RadioU - Fusion |
05:51 | Sivion - Blinders |
05:48 | Die-Rek - Unpredictable |
05:48 | RadioU - Fusion |
05:46 | Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves) |
05:43 | 808 BEEZY - Claim It |
05:43 | RadioU - Fusion |
05:39 | Derek Minor - You Know It |
05:37 | Shonlock - Gnarly |
05:37 | RadioU - Fusion |
05:33 | Free Daps - Wild Card |
05:29 | Steven Malcolm - Hot Boy |
05:29 | RadioU - Fusion |
05:26 | James Gardin - Trophies |
05:23 | Deraj - Bring It |
05:23 | RadioU - Fusion |
05:20 | Faith Child - CARDIO |
05:17 | Canon - Nino Brown |
05:16 | RadioU - Fusion |
05:14 | Lecrae - Still Here |
05:11 | Torey D Shaun - Oowee |
05:11 | RadioU - Fusion |
05:09 | PEABOD - Ten Feet |
05:05 | Hulvey - All For You |
05:05 | RadioU - Fusion |
05:02 | Beacon Light - O Lord |
04:59 | KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza |
04:59 | RadioU - Fusion |
04:57 | GRAHAM - Just For the Moment |
04:54 | Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith) |
04:54 | RadioU - Fusion |
04:51 | Anike - Love For You |
04:48 | Aklesso WHATUPRG - Look |
04:48 | RadioU - Fusion |
04:45 | B Fade Miles Minnick - Kill It |
04:41 | Aaron Cole - YCHMB |
04:41 | RadioU - Fusion |
04:37 | Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time |
04:35 | Village KNG - Kriss Cross |
04:35 | RadioU - Fusion |
04:32 | 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee) |
04:29 | Sansone - With Me Now |
04:29 | RadioU - Fusion |
04:26 | Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless |
04:22 | AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself |
04:22 | RadioU - Fusion |
04:20 | The One Keon - The One Keon |
04:17 | Bryson Price x Jacob Castro - Icon (channel only) |
04:17 | RadioU - Fusion |
04:14 | Trip Lee - Standby |
04:11 | Jon Keith - LOOK |
04:11 | RadioU - Fusion |
04:08 | LoveMeJames - Forgiveness |
04:04 | Tedashii - Respect My Team (Feat. Trip Lee & Lecrae) |
04:04 | RadioU - Fusion |
04:00 | Joshva - Dilemna |
03:57 | Tony Tillman - Sell Out |
03:56 | RadioU - Fusion |
03:53 | Nobigdyl - Renaissance |
03:50 | S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon) |
03:50 | RadioU - Fusion |
03:46 | Kevmo - Star Killer Bass feat nobigdyl Ki Shon Furlow |
03:44 | Childlike CiCi - It s Time |
03:44 | RadioU - Fusion |
03:40 | J Vessel - My City |
03:36 | Mars ILL - When Win |
03:36 | RadioU - Fusion |
03:32 | Forrest Frank - DROP |
03:29 | J. Crum & Jarry Manna - Lost & Found |
03:29 | RadioU - Fusion |
03:27 | Zauntee - Wartime |
03:21 | Cephas - New Day |
03:21 | RadioU - Fusion |
03:18 | Jay Manwell - Regrets |
03:16 | Caleb Gordon - War |
03:16 | RadioU - Fusion |
03:14 | GRAHAM - Back To You |
03:10 | Krum - Blue Eyed Devil |
03:10 | RadioU - Fusion |
03:08 | Nomis - Doomsday Clock |
03:04 | Kevi - Real No Fake |
03:04 | RadioU - Fusion |
03:02 | 808 BEEZY - Still Overcome |
02:59 | Sherrod White - Epic |
02:59 | RadioU - Fusion |
02:57 | Indie Tribe - CECE (Feat. nobigdyl & Jon Keith) |
02:54 | Sivion - Blinders |
02:53 | RadioU - Fusion |
02:50 | Die-Rek - Unpredictable |
02:48 | Trant - Dust (Feat. 1K Phew & Yaves) |
02:48 | RadioU - Fusion |
02:46 | 808 BEEZY - Claim It |
02:42 | Derek Minor - You Know It |
02:42 | RadioU - Fusion |
02:39 | Shonlock - Gnarly |
02:35 | Free Daps - Wild Card |
02:35 | RadioU - Fusion |
02:32 | Steven Malcolm - Hot Boy |
02:29 | James Gardin - Trophies |
02:28 | RadioU - Fusion |
02:26 | Deraj - Bring It |
02:22 | Faith Child - CARDIO |
02:22 | RadioU - Fusion |
02:19 | Canon - Nino Brown |
02:16 | Lecrae - Still Here |
02:16 | RadioU - Fusion |
02:14 | Torey D Shaun - Oowee |
02:11 | PEABOD - Ten Feet |
02:11 | RadioU - Fusion |
02:08 | Hulvey - All For You |
02:05 | Beacon Light - O Lord |
02:05 | RadioU - Fusion |
02:02 | KB, Niko Eme & Cardec Drums - Danza |
02:00 | GRAHAM - Just For the Moment |
01:59 | RadioU - Fusion |
01:56 | Social Club Misfits - Again (feat. Jon Keith) |
01:54 | Anike - Love For You |
01:54 | RadioU - Fusion |
01:51 | Aklesso WHATUPRG - Look |
01:48 | B Fade Miles Minnick - Kill It |
01:48 | RadioU - Fusion |
01:44 | Aaron Cole - YCHMB |
01:40 | Eshon Burgundy - Can't Tell Time |
01:40 | RadioU - Fusion |
01:37 | Village KNG - Kriss Cross |
01:34 | 116, Anike & GAWVI - Represent II (feat. 1K Phew & Trip Lee) |
01:34 | RadioU - Fusion |
01:31 | Sansone - With Me Now |
01:29 | Jay-Way & Moe the Natural - Restless |
01:29 | RadioU - Fusion |
01:25 | AC.jR & BradyJames - If I Lose Myself |
01:22 | The One Keon - The One Keon |
01:22 | RadioU - Fusion |
01:20 | Bryson Price x Jacob Castro - Icon (channel only) |
01:16 | Trip Lee - Standby |
01:16 | RadioU - Fusion |
01:13 | Jon Keith - LOOK |
01:10 | LoveMeJames - Forgiveness |
01:10 | RadioU - Fusion |
01:06 | Tedashii - Respect My Team (Feat. Trip Lee & Lecrae) |
01:02 | Joshva - Dilemna |
01:02 | RadioU - Fusion |
00:59 | Tony Tillman - Sell Out |
00:56 | Nobigdyl - Renaissance |
00:56 | RadioU - Fusion |
00:53 | S.O. - New Wave (Feat Canon) |
00:49 | Kevmo - Star Killer Bass feat nobigdyl Ki Shon Furlow |
00:49 | RadioU - Fusion |
00:46 | Childlike CiCi - It s Time |
00:42 | J Vessel - My City |
00:42 | RadioU - Fusion |
00:39 | Mars ILL - When Win |
00:35 | Forrest Frank - DROP |
00:35 | RadioU - Fusion |
00:31 | J. Crum & Jarry Manna - Lost & Found |
00:29 | Zauntee - Wartime |
00:29 | RadioU - Fusion |
00:24 | Cephas - New Day |
00:21 | Jay Manwell - Regrets |
00:21 | RadioU - Fusion |
00:18 | Caleb Gordon - War |
00:16 | GRAHAM - Back To You |
00:16 | RadioU - Fusion |
00:12 | Krum - Blue Eyed Devil |
00:10 | Nomis - Doomsday Clock |
00:10 | RadioU - Fusion |
00:07 | Kevi - Real No Fake |
00:05 | 808 BEEZY - Still Overcome |
00:05 | RadioU - Fusion |
00:02 | Sherrod White - Epic |
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