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The Roots FM

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TheRoots.fm was created by a group of aging rockers who were active participants in early FM broadcasting and the power of the 1960s and 70s music that changed the world. We called our format Progressive FM Rock, which later morphed into Album-oriented Rock. Later the big radio conglomerates, record companies and consultants took over, forcing out the original creators. We know because we were all there on the front lines. Більше
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Відгуки про The Roots FM

Інформація про радіо

The suits replaced the DJs with computers and the musicians with drum machines. Creativity was replaced by corporate profits, five hundred song playlists, and endless repetition. They call it Classic Rock.
The original creators are back in charge at Theroots.Fm. The original musicians, DJs, programmers, and engineers put the band back together. We may be a little older and grayer. But we brought our 37,000-copy album collection. And we plan to play every one of them. We call our format Free Form Album Rock. Listener-supported and 100% commercial-free. Welcome back to the music that changed the world.

Контакти радіостанції

Адреса: TheRoots.fm 3655 Olive Street St. Louis, MO 63108
Телефон: +1-314-279-9420
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @rootsalbumrock

Час в місті Сент-Луїс: 21:13, 03.16.2025

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