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The Revolution Show

Рэйтынг: 5.0 Ацэнак: 1
The Revolution Show began in 2003 as the first ever Christian Rock/Alternative/Rap radio show in New Hampshire. We produce a weekly, local and live Christian Music Show. We also put on Concerts and Events and help promote other local Christian Events via our Promotions Team. Our Mission? We seek to bring positive Christian artists and events to NH, where they can minister to our audience through their music and testimonies. We host LIVE shows every Monday, Friday & Saturday night! We stream music according to our format schedule the rest of the time 24x7x365! We are the Show that Rocks to a Different Beat!
12 0

Зараз у эфіры The Revolution Show

Прамы эфір Sara Groves Honesty
09:46 Ana Laura Sometimes
09:43 LVDR - Hand of God
Плейлист The Revolution Show

ТОП трэкі на The Revolution Show

Cory Asbury - Counted the CostCory Asbury — Counted the Cost
Bethel Music & Jenn Johnson - Goodness Of GodJenn Johnson — Goodness of God
JORDAN FELIZ - SATISFIEDJordan Feliz — Satisfied
Seventh Day Slumber - StrongerSeventh Day Slumber — Stronger
For King & Country - Unsung Herofor KING & COUNTRY — Unsung Hero
Tauren Wells - Joy In The MorningTauren Wells — Joy In The Morning
HERE'S MY HEART-DAIGLE, LAURENLauren Daigle — Here's My Heart
Matt Maher - Flesh and BoneMatt Maher — Flesh and Bone
Francesca Battistelli- It's Your Life pTro.noFrancesca Battistelli — It's Your Life
Matt Maher - Christ Is RisenMatt Maher — Christ Is Risen

Водгукі аб The Revolution Show

  • 5
    Cool, Eclectic mix of Christian Music! Not that same old boring playlist the others play....

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @RevolutionShow
Twitter: @1RevolutionShow
Instagram: @realrevshow

Час у горадзе Manchester: 09:52, 03.02.2025

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