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Blaze Radio. The next generation of talk radio, featuring original content from hosts like Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere, Steve Deace and much more!
when The Blaze breaks away from programming I know im always in for approx 15 min of ads and chatter. When the old lady yells for help they've usually lost me.
H Boss10.03.2024
Where swaggonahunna?
Pete Fitzpatrick03.08.2023
Very good Station
Still Damian19.06.2023
Da Blaze got that fye fr 🔥
tom smith07.02.2022
Blaze radio is not as they state. I joined to get away from the crazy liberal on other broadcast sttion(hich are free) I was willing to pay to support the cause. But I found out they are broadcasting Handel on the news! Bill is the opposite of Glenn. Take Glens view and flip it on its end and that’s Bill Handel. I used to like him he was smart and conservative. I think his daughters views and lifestyles have changed him. He supports everything Blaze doesn’t. Ii left KFI because I got tired of Bill yelling at us that we are morons for not getting the shot. Stupid selfish people I believe he said. That’s one view point. But really what can’t be disputed is that he owns surrogacy facilities! Yet here he is on Blaze