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Playlist Spirit Network Radio

Quelle est la chanson qui vient de passer à la radio? Utilisez notre service pour la retrouver les titres. Notre playlist contient un calendrier d'éther Spirit Network Radio dans les 7 derniers jours.

(en ce moment à Fort Lauderdale 18:16)
23:57 Maranatha Orchestra - Track07 - Praise To The Lord, The Almighty
23:55 He Is Exalted - Dave Cleveland - Guitars in Worship CD - T. Paris - He Is Exalted
23:52 Mac Frampton - Track03 - When Morning Gilds The Skies
23:49 George Furlow - Track01 - Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee
23:47 God Of Our Fathers - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track31
23:43 James Rainwater - Track10 - When We All Get To Heaven
23:42 Steven Anderson - Track08 - Love Divine
23:39 Gary Meggs - Track02 - It Is Well With My Soul
23:35 Donald Frazier - Track07 - Calvary's All I See
23:31 Mark McClure - Track03 - The Power Of Your Love
23:31 Spirit Email Promo 002
23:26 Brian Longridge - Track01 - Did You Feel The Mountains Tremble
23:22 Jay Leach - Track02 - Holy, Holy, Holy
23:20 Crown Him With Many Crowns - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track24
23:17 Dino - Track11 - God And God Alone
23:13 Maranatha - Track09 - I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever
23:10 Come Let Us Worship and Bow Down - Greatest Praise Songs CD - D.Doherty (ASCAP) - Track13
23:04 Huntley Brown - Track01 - How Great Thou Art
23:02 Brentwood Musicians - Track15 - I Sing Praises To Your Name
23:01 Spirit Email Promo 001
22:57 Gary Prim - Track13 - Near The Cross
22:54 James Galway - Track15 - The Wind Beneath My Wings
22:50 I Worship You - Dave Cleveland - Guitars in Worship CD - S. Corbett - I Worship You, Almighty God
22:46 Maranatha Music - Track05 - You Are My Hiding Place
22:42 Bruce Greer - Track01 - I Will Celebrate
22:39 Change My Heart Oh God - Tom Howard - Breathe Piano CD - E.Espinosa - Track12
22:35 Jorge Mitjans - Moments
22:31 Clint Brown - Track04 - Your Will Be Done
22:29 Hallelujah, (Your Love's So Amazing) - Power Praise CD (Cool Springs Artists) - Track10
22:28 Spirit Email Promo 002
22:25 Linda McKechnie - Track12 - It Is Well With My Soul
22:21 Dwayne Kerr - Higher Calling
22:17 Homeland Records Musicians - Track09 - A Few Good Men
22:13 Cool Springs Praise Orchestra - Track13 - Agnus Dei
22:10 BMG Entertainment - Track 10 You've Got A Friend
22:07 Bruce & Lisa - Track02 - Amazing Grace
22:02 Greg Howlett - Track 4 - His Eye Is On the Sparrow
21:59 In The Shadow Of Your Wings - The John Tesh Project - Pure Hymns CD - Spur-McNeil - Track11
21:59 Spirit Email Promo 001
21:55 Maranatha Orchestra - Track09
21:51 Ben Tankard - Track10 - Jesus Is Love
21:47 Noel Lorica - Track03 - My Favorite Things
21:44 George Furlow - Track09 - Nearer My God To Thee
21:42 Holy God We Praise Thy Name - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track17
21:38 Ed Smith - Track02 - Mi Corazon Y Alma
21:34 James Rainwater - Track02 - There Is A River
21:33 God Be With You - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent. number - title) - Track23
21:32 Steven Anderson - Track25 - Guide Me Thou Great Jehovah
21:31 Spirit Email Promo 002
21:27 Bradley Sowash - Track15 - Let Us Break Bread Together
21:22 Mark McClure - Track07 - Lamb Of God
21:16 Jay Leach - Track01 - I Just Want To Celebrate
21:13 My Savior's Love - Bruce & Lisa - Lord of the Hymn CD - Gabriel - Track08
21:10 Dino - Track04 - Proclaim The Glory Of The Lord
21:07 It Is Well With My Soul - Juju Song - Jazz Meets Hymns CD - Spafford-Blissle) - Track05
21:04 All In Favor - Bruce Greer - To Know Your Heart CD - Mason-Douglas - Track02
21:01 Huntley Brown - Track08 - I'll Give Him My Heart
21:01 Spirit Email Promo 001
20:57 It Is Well With My Soul - Bruce Greer - To Know Your Heart CD - Spafford-Bliss - Track04
20:55 Brentwood Musicians - Track12 - Just As I Am
20:51 Gary Prim - Track06 - Nearer, My God to Thee
20:47 Donald Frazier - Track04 - Sitting At The Feet Of Jesus
20:45 Breathe In - Adam Dickens - Be The Centre CD - A.Dickens - Track03
20:42 Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Track01
20:39 More Precious Than Silver = Dave Cleveland - Guitars in Worship - Lynn DeShazo - More Precious Than Silver
20:35 James Galway - Track03 - From A Distance
20:32 Bruce Greer - Track09 - He Is Our Peace/It Is Well With My Soul
20:29 Faithful To Lead Us On - Joy & Purpose CD - P.Baloche (ASCAP) - Track07
20:28 Spirit Email Promo 002
20:24 Clint Brown - Track10 - You Are
20:21 He Is Able - Greatest Praise Songs CD - Noland-Ferguson (ASCAP) - Track14
20:16 Maranatha - Track10 - The Heart Of Worship
20:13 Linda McKechnie - Track06 - Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
20:09 How Great Thou Art - Jim Brickman - Grace CD - Trad.-Arr. by J. Brickman - ASCAP - Track06
20:05 Jorge Mitjans - Winds Of Love
20:03 Cool Springs Praise Orchestra - Track15 - I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever
19:59 Kirk Whalum - Track04 - The Name
19:58 Spirit Email Promo 001
19:56 Bruce & Lisa - Track06 - Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring
19:52 Jamie Reid - Track04 - How Great Thou Art
19:48 Greg Howlett - Track 9 - Jesus Is All the World To Me
19:44 Homeland Records Musicians - Track01 - He Who Began Good Work
19:41 Christopher Norton - Track06 - All My Life
19:37 George Furlow - Track08 - Come Thou Fount
19:35 Jim Brickman - Track02 - Israel
19:31 Kenny G - Track13 - Homeland
19:30 Steven Anderson - Track23 - How Firm A Foundation
19:29 Spirit Email Promo 002
19:24 Di Blasio - Track07 - Travessia
19:20 Brian Ulrich - Track09 - He Is Lord
19:16 Earl Klugh - Track10 - Christina
19:13 Diadem Music - Track05 - May Jesus Christ Be Praised
19:08 Jay Leach - Track03 - I Want To Be Where You Are
19:04 Dino - Track10 - I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked
19:01 I Was Glad - Rob Maletick - Hand In Hand CD - J.Wigington,Jr - Track13
19:01 Spirit Email Promo 001
18:56 Huntley Brown - Track07 - Oh The Glory/Glorify Thy Name
18:53 Change My Heart,O God - Dave Cleveland - Guitars in Worship CD - B. Crowe - Change My Heart, O God
18:51 Brentwood Musicians - Track02 - I Love You, Lord
18:47 Maranatha Orchestra - Track02 - He Has Made Me Glad
18:41 Jim Martinez - Track08 - Jesus Loves Me
18:38 Noel Lorica - Track01 - Back In 5
18:34 Gary Prim - Track12 - Swing Low Sweet Chariot/Go, Tell It On The Mountain
18:32 Children Of The Heavenly Father - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track12
18:32 Spirit Email Promo 002
18:27 Bruce Greer - Track04 - Breathe
18:23 David Arivett - Track02 - Gratitude Mood
18:20 Cristo la Roca - Edwin Sepulveda - Todo lo que respira CD - Track10
18:17 James Galway - Track10 - Basque
18:13 Clint Brown - Track03 - Walk With Me
18:10 David Diggs - Track12 - In The Garden
18:05 Linda McKechnie - Track01 - His Eye Is On The Sparrow
18:02 Maranatha - Track04 - Come, Now Is The Time To Worship
17:58 Dam Levine - Track11
17:58 Spirit Email Promo 001
17:54 Cool Springs Praise Orchestra - Track11 - Above All
17:50 Miracle of Grace - Dino - Miracles CD - Track09
17:47 Bruce & Lisa - Track02 - Amazing Grace
17:42 Greg Howlett - Track02 - The Savior Is Waiting
17:38 Adam Dickens - Track08 - Surrender
17:34 George Furlow - Track07 - My Jesus I Love Thee
17:31 Homeland Records Musicians - Track07 - Cancelled/Worthy
17:30 Lead On, O King - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track22
17:29 Spirit Email Promo 002
17:25 Jorge Mitjans - Dwelling Place
17:22 Floyd Cramer - Track01 - Oh Happy Day
17:19 Fairhope Musicians - Track07 - Faithful To Lead Us On
17:17 Steven Anderson - Track03 - Holy,Holy,Holy
17:15 Lord I Want To Be A Christian - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent. - Track24
17:11 Brian Longridge - Track08 - To You O Lord
17:08 Juju Song - Track08
17:07 Hail Thou Once Despised Jesus - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track15
17:04 Ed Smith - Track08 - Las Flores De Primavera
17:00 Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting - Linda McKechnie - Worship Collage - Pigott-Mountain - Track05
17:00 Spirit Email Promo 001
16:55 His Eye Is On The Sparrow - Stan Whitmire - God & Country CD - BMI - Track02
16:51 Dino - Track03 - Thodo Thauxa
16:48 Blessed Be Your Name - Power Praise CD (Cool Springs Artists) - M. Redman - Track04
16:45 Huntley Brown - Track15 - Shalom/Victory Song
16:42 Brentwood Musicians - Track04 - I Stand In Awe
16:39 Marvelous Grace - Linda McKechnie - Worship Collage CD - Johnston-Towner - Track03
16:36 Maranatha Orchestra - Track01
16:33 Noel Lorica - Track02 - Samba In A
16:31 All The Way My Savior - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track25
16:31 Spirit Email Promo 002
16:27 Gary Prim - Track17 - I Gave My Life For Thee
16:25 Lead Me Lord - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track07
16:22 Bruce Greer - Track02 - All In Favor
16:18 David Arivett - Track06 - Mucho Love - Mucho Laughter
16:13 Kirk Whalun - Track02 - In All The Earth
16:09 Mark McClure - Track01 - Be Thou My Vision
16:04 James Rainwater - Track06
16:03 Come Ye Thankful People Come - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track17
15:59 Linda McKechnie - Track04 - The Old Rugged Cross
15:58 Spirit Email Promo 001
15:56 Alleluia Sing To Jesus - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track30
15:52 Jay Leach - Track02 - We Lift Up Your Name
15:48 Cool Springs Praise Orchestra - Track08 - I Can Only Imagine
15:45 As The Deer - Dave Cleveland - Guitars in Worship CD - D. Jernigan - As The Deer
15:41 Bruce & Lisa - Track01 - All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name
15:37 Greg Howlett - Track08 - Ivory Palaces
15:34 Build My World Around You - Sam Levine - Play It Again CD -Cunningham-Huesmann-BMI - Track14
15:31 Mac Frampton - Track02 - Morning Has Broken
15:29 Maranatha - Track02 - Lord, I Lify Your Name On High
15:28 Spirit Email Promo 002
15:25 Jim Brickman - Track10 - O Sacred Head Now Wounded
15:21 Homeland Records Musicians - Track06 - Shepherd Boy
15:17 David Benoit - Track02 First Day Of School
15:14 Fairhope Musicians - Track10 - Righteosness Peace Joy
15:13 Steven Anderson - Track05 - Lift High The Cross
15:10 Come Thou Almighty King - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track27
15:06 Clint Brown - Track09 - Waiting On You
15:03 James Galway - Track09 - Perhaps Love
14:59 John Carlson - Track02 - He's Got The Whole World
14:59 Spirit Email Promo 001
14:56 Brian Ulrich - Track10 - Passing Through
14:53 God Is So Good - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track13
14:48 Brian Longridge - Track05 - There Is A Day
14:45 Dino - Track06 - Was It A Morning Like This
14:41 Give Thanks - Dave Cleveland - Guitars in Worship CD - Henry Smith - Give Thanks
14:38 Huntley Brown - Track10 - Jeasus Is My King
14:35 Brentwood Musicians - Track14 - My Jesus I Love Thee
14:31 Fletch Wiley - Track11 - Angelic Praise
14:30 Spirit Email Promo 002
14:25 George Furlow - Track07 - Faithful
14:21 Harold Rayford - Track04 - Say A Little Prayer
14:18 Gary Prim - Track16 - Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
14:13 Bruce Greer - Track10
14:10 Glory Medley - The John Tesh Project - Pure Hymns CD - Track12
14:05 Earl Klugh - Track07 - Angelina
14:01 Mark McClure - Track12 - Oh, I Want To Know You More
14:01 Spirit Email Promo 001
13:56 David Arivett - Track03 - All Is Well
13:53 Linda McKechnie - Track07 - I Love Thee With Love Again
13:49 Danny Boy - James Galway - James Galway Greatest Hits CD - Trad.-Arr;Galway & P. Maloney - Track11
13:44 Jay Leach - Track01 - Festejo
13:41 Cool Springs Praise Orchestra - Track11-In Christ Alone
13:38 Come,Let Us Worship & Bow Down - Maranatha - D.Doherty - Track09
13:34 Bruce & Lisa - Track07 - Be Thou My Vision
13:30 Greg Howlett - Track03 - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
13:30 Spirit Email Promo 002
13:25 Noel Lorica - Track06 - Midnight Dreams
13:22 Maranatha Music - Track06 - Draw Me Nearer
13:20 God Of Our Fathers - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track31
13:16 Homeland Records Musicians - Track04 - Symphony Of Praise
13:11 Fairhope Musicians - Track02 - Ancient Of Days
13:09 He Is Exalted - Dave Cleveland - Guitars in Worship CD - T. Paris - He Is Exalted
13:06 His Love - Juju Song - Jazz Meets Hymns CD - J. Song - Track08
13:05 Steven Anderson - Track32 - O Jesus, I Have Promised
13:02 Gary Meggs - Track07 - The Lily Of The Valley
12:58 More Love, More Power - Piano Chill CD - Del Hierro-Mercy Pub. - ASCAP - Track05
12:58 Spirit Email Promo 001
12:55 All Creatures Of Our God And King - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent. - Track15
12:53 Maranatha Orchestra - Track08 - I Will Celebrate
12:49 Draw Me Close - Cool Springs Artists - Gentle Worship CD - K. Carpenter - Track02
12:48 Crown Him With Many Crowns - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track24
12:44 I Love You,Lord - Greatest Praise Songs CD - L.Klein (ASCAP) - Track04
12:40 Brian Longridge - Track07 - May Our Homes Be Filled With Dancing
12:35 Like A River Glorious - Track03
12:32 I Will Celebrate - Bruce Greer - I Will Celebrate! CD - R.Baloche-Maranatha Praise - Track01
12:30 Huntley Brown - Track08 - Calypso Praise/Stand Up For Jesus
12:30 Spirit Email Promo 002
12:25 Dino - Track07 - I've Got Peace Like A River
12:22 Brentwood Musicians - Track02 - In Moments Like These
12:18 God Leads Us Along-He Hideth My Soul - Stan Whitmire - Piano Hymns CD - BMI - Track07
12:14 George Furlow - Track04 - Dance Children Dance
12:11 Gary Prim - Track18 - I Saw The Cross Of Jesus
12:07 Bob Barrett - Track13 - All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name
12:03 Bruce Greer - Track09 - The Reason We Sing
12:00 Celebrate Jesus-Jesus Is Alive - Stan Whitmire - Songs of the Resurrection CD - ASCAP - Track06
12:00 Spirit Email Promo 001
11:56 Mark McClure - Track11 - You Are My King
11:51 Maranatha - Track03 - Shout To The Lord
11:48 Dwayne Kerr - Higher Calling
11:44 Jim Brickman - Track04 - Joyful
11:41 Linda McKechnie - Track08 - He Leadeth Me
11:37 BMG Entertainment - Track 08 The Circle Of Life
11:33 Cool Springs Praise Orchestra - Track07 - God Of Wonders
11:29 Greg Howlett - Track04 - No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus
11:29 Spirit Email Promo 002
11:24 Ben Tankard - Track02 - Ribbon In The Sky
11:20 Ed Smith - Track01 - Vista Del Mar
11:16 Maranatha Music - Track03 - He Is Our Peace
11:12 James Rainwater - Track04 - I'd Rather Have Jesus
11:07 Jay Leach - Track06 - Viva Alegre
11:06 God Be With You - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent. number - title) - Track23
11:01 Jorge Mitjans - Freedom
11:00 Steven Anderson - Track25 - Immortal Invisible
11:00 Spirit Email Promo 001
10:56 Earl Klugh - Track02 - Amazon
10:54 Donald Frazier - Track15 - I'm Getting Ready
10:51 More Precious Than Silver = Dave Cleveland - Guitars in Worship - Lynn DeShazo - More Precious Than Silver
10:46 Maranatha Orchestra - Track05 - Holy Love, Holy Light
10:42 Clint Brown - Track06 - Restored
10:39 Come Let Us Worship and Bow Down - Greatest Praise Songs CD - D.Doherty (ASCAP) - Track13
10:35 Fairhope Musicians - Track06 - Grace And Mercy
10:32 Brian Longridge - Track10 - We Fall Down
10:31 Spirit Email Promo 002
10:27 David Arivett - Track04 - Prayerful Why?
10:24 Huntley Brown - Track 3 - Ancient Of Days
10:20 Kirk Whalum - Track04 - The Name
10:18 Brentwood Musicians - Track01 - Shine, Jesus, Shine
10:14 Dino - Track11 - Precious Memories
10:10 Jamie Reid - Track04 - How Great Thou Art
10:05 George Furlow - Track03 - Power Of Your Love
10:02 Gary Prim - Track10 - Abide With Me
09:58 Christopher Norton - Track06 - All My Life
09:58 Spirit Email Promo 001
09:55 Bruce Greer - Track04 - Lord, I Lift Your Name On High/All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name
09:51 It Is Well with My Soul - Linda McKechnie - Worship Collage CD - Spafford-Bliss - Track12
09:49 Mark McClure - Track06 - Praise To The Lord, The Almighty
09:44 Maranatha - Track05 - Breathe
09:42 He Is Lord - Stan Whitmire - Songs of the Resurrection CD - BMI - Track11
09:37 Kenny G - Track03 - In The Rain
09:34 Linda McKechnie - Track03 - Marvelous Grace
09:31 Jesus Is All The World To Me-What A friend We Have - Stan Whitmire - Piano Himns CD-BMI - Track09
09:28 Cool Springs Praise Orchestra - Track01 - Come, Now Is The Time
09:28 Spirit Email Promo 002
09:24 Love Crucified Arose-Christ Arose - Stan Whitmire - Songs of the Resurrection CD - Track10
09:21 Greg Howlett - Track01 - Heaven Came Down
09:18 Noel Lorica - Track07 - Forgiveness
09:13 Di Blasio - Track07 - Travessia
09:07 Diadem Music - Track04 - Jesus, Lover Of My Soul
09:03 Ed Smith - Track09 - En La Playa
09:01 He Leadeth Me - Linda McKechnie - Worship Collage CD - Gilmore-Bradbury - Track08
08:59 Steven Anderson - Track19 - For The Beauty Of The Earth
08:58 Spirit Email Promo 001
08:54 Be The Centre - Adam Dickens - Be The Centre CD - M.Frye - Track05
08:50 Jay Leach - Track06 - Walkin' The Walk
08:47 Flord Cramer - Track02
08:43 Change My Heart,O God - Dave Cleveland - Guitars in Worship CD - B. Crowe - Change My Heart, O God
08:40 Maranatha Orchestra - Track04
08:36 Donald Frazier - Track10 - I Love To Tell The Story
08:31 Lead Me To The Rock - Joy & Purpose CD - L.DeShazo (ASCAP) - Track03
08:31 Spirit Email Promo 002
08:27 Brian Longridge - Track03 - Jesus Is The Name We Honour
08:23 Blessed Assurance - Stan Whitmire - Piano Hymns CD - BMI - Track01
08:19 Huntley Brown - Track05 - Turn Your Eyes Upon The Lord
08:15 Jim Martinez - Track07 - Lord, Be Glorified
08:12 Majesty - Bruce Greer - To Know Your Heart - J. Hayford - Track07
08:10 Brentwood Musicians - Track14 - Whiter Than Snow
08:06 Dino - Track08 - Just As I Am
08:03 David Diggs - Track12 - In The Garden
07:59 Con mi Dios - Edwin Sepulveda - Todo lo que respira CD - Track06
07:59 Spirit Email Promo 001
07:55 Adam Dickens - Track08 - Surrender
07:51 Jim Brickman - Track07 - Heaven
07:48 Gary Prim - Track03 - In The Sweet By And By
07:47 Lead On, O King - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track22
07:44 Bruce Greer - Track07 - Behold, What Manner Of Love/O How I Love Jesus
07:41 James Galway - Track11 - The Ceremony
07:38 Floyd Cramer - Track01 - Oh Happy Day
07:33 Kenny G - Track12 - A Year Ago
07:30 George Furlow - Track06 - Lord I Lift Your Name On High
07:28 Lord I Want To Be A Christian - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent. - Track24
07:28 Spirit Email Promo 002
07:26 Cool Springs Praise Orchestra - Track03 - He Knows My Name
07:23 I Love You Lord - Dave Cleveland - Guitars in Worship CD - L. Klein - I Love You Lord
07:19 Earl Klugh - Track05 - Pretty World
07:14 Greg Howlett - Track06 - Blessed Assurance
07:12 Hail Thou Once Despised Jesus - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track15
07:08 James Rainwater - Track03 - It Is Well
07:05 Noel Lorica - Track04 - El Viento
07:04 All The Way My Savior - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track25
07:00 Brian Ulrich - Track08 - A Time Such As This
06:59 Spirit Email Promo 001
06:55 Kirk Whalun - Track02 - In All The Earth
06:52 Bruce & Lisa - Track11 - 'Tis So Sweet/The Solid Rock
06:50 Steven Anderson - Track15 - Let Us Break Bread Together
06:48 Come Ye Thankful People Come - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track17
06:46 Mac Frampton - Track10 - For The Beauty Of The Earth
06:43 Mark McClure - Track02 - Let It Rise
06:41 Alleluia Sing To Jesus - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track30
06:39 Diadem Music - Track10 - Glorious Things Of Thee
06:35 Homeland Records Musicians - Track08 - There's Something About That Name
06:32 I Was Glad - Rob Maletick - Hand In Hand CD - J.Wigington,Jr - Track13
06:32 Spirit Email Promo 002
06:27 Maranatha Orchestra - Track03 - Hear My Cry
06:24 Build My World Around You - Sam Levine - Play It Again CD -Cunningham-Huesmann-BMI - Track14
06:19 Maranatha - Track08 - You Are My King
06:14 Huntley Brown - Track12 - Holy, Holy Medley
06:10 As The Deer - Dave Cleveland - Guitars in Worship CD - D. Jernigan - As The Deer
06:07 Donald Frazier - Track08 - Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
06:05 Brentwood Musicians - Track11 - Great Is The Lord
06:03 Breathe On Me - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track26
06:00 Dino - Track07 - Wonderful Peace
06:00 Spirit Email Promo 001
05:55 Jim Martinez - Track05 - We Are God's People
05:51 Brian Longridge - Track09 - All The Way My Savior Leads Me
05:47 Gary Prim - Track08 - Be still, My Soul
05:43 Change My Heart Oh God - Tom Howard - Breathe Piano CD - E.Espinosa - Track12
05:41 Jim Brickman - Track03 - Crown Him With Many Crowns
05:40 Bruce Greer - Track11 - Interlude-People Need The Lord
05:36 Breath of Heaven - Sam Levine - Play It Again CD - Eaton-Grant-ASCAP - Track11
05:32 Clint Brown - Track01 - Dawning Of A New Day
05:29 Kenny G - Track14 - The Wedding Song
05:28 Spirit Email Promo 002
05:24 George Furlow - Track09 - I Worship You Oh God
05:20 Cool Springs Praise Orchestra - Track03 - Forever
05:18 Hallelujah, (Your Love's So Amazing) - Power Praise CD (Cool Springs Artists) - Track10
05:15 Linda McKechnie - Track09
05:11 Greg Howlett - Track07 - Take My Life and Let It Be
05:07 David Benoit - Track02 First Day Of School
05:03 Noel Lorica - Track11 - Warm Winds
05:00 James Rainwater - Track01 - Farther Along
04:58 Come Thou Almighty King - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track27
04:58 Spirit Email Promo 001
04:55 His Love - Juju Song - Jazz Meets Hymns CD - J. Song - Track08
04:51 John Carlson - Track02 - He's Got The Whole World
04:47 Lift up Your Hands - Rob Maletick - Hand In Hand CD - R.Maletick - Track05
04:45 Steven Anderson - Track18 - Blessed Feasts
04:42 Beautiful Savior - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track02
04:39 Mac Frampton - Track09 - Fairest Lord Jesus
04:36 Mark McClure - Track04
04:32 Give Thanks - Dave Cleveland - Guitars in Worship CD - Henry Smith - Give Thanks
04:29 Cry Of My Heart - Tom Howard - Breathe Piano CD - Butler - Track03
04:28 Spirit Email Promo 002
04:24 Fletch Wiley - Track11 - Angelic Praise
04:20 Bruce & Lisa - Track04 - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
04:18 Earl Klugh - Track08 - Triste
04:15 Awesome God - Piano Chill CD - Mullins-BMG Songs - ASCAP - Track01
04:11 Maranatha - Track06 - Trading My Sorrows
04:07 Huntley Brown - Track04 - I'm So Glad Jesus Lifted Me
04:04 I Love Thee With Love Again - Linda McKechnie - Worship Collage CD - McKechnie - Track07
04:01 Brentwood Musicians - Track14 - Jesus Is All The World To Me
04:01 Spirit Email Promo 001
03:57 Harold Rayford - Track04 - Say A Little Prayer
03:53 Draw Me Nearer - Maranatha - Jazz Worship CD - B.Probert - Track06
03:49 Dino - Track01 - 'Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus
03:48 God Of Our Fathers - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track31
03:46 Ben Tankard - Track05 - Allaboutluv
03:43 Gary Prim - Track15 - Precious Lord, Take My Hand
03:39 Jim Brickman - Track06 - How Great Thou Art
03:35 Fairhope Musicians - Track05 - Change My Heart O God
03:30 Bruce Greer - Track02 - That's Why We Praise Him
03:30 Spirit Email Promo 002
03:27 Clint Brown - Track05 - Alone
03:23 Kenny G - Track01 - The Joy Of Life
03:20 He Is Exalted - Dave Cleveland - Guitars in Worship CD - T. Paris - He Is Exalted
03:18 Cool Springs Praise Orchestra - Track10 - Hallelujah (Your Love's So Amazing)
03:13 Jay Leach - Track02 - Cleared For Takeoff
03:10 Gary Meggs - Track02 - It Is Well With My Soul
03:04 George Furlow - Track10 - More Of You
03:02 Greg Howlett - Track06 - Tis So Sweet
02:59 All Creatures Of Our God And King - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent. - Track15
02:59 Spirit Email Promo 001
02:55 James Rainwater - Track07 - What A Day That Will Be
02:53 Crown Him With Many Crowns - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track24
02:49 Brian Longridge - Track04 - This Is My Desire
02:45 Maranatha Orchestra - Track01 - It's Time to Praise The Lord
02:41 Bob Barrett - Track13 - All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name
02:39 Steven Anderson - Track11 - Be Still My Soul
02:35 Ed Smith - Track10 - Quemadura Del Sol
02:31 Dwayne Kerr - Higher Calling
02:31 Spirit Email Promo 002
02:27 Jorge Mitjans - New Life
02:24 God Is So Good - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track13
02:20 Noel Lorica - Track10 - Scent Of Cinnamon
02:16 Bruce & Lisa - Track12 - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
02:12 I Worship You - Dave Cleveland - Guitars in Worship CD - S. Corbett - I Worship You, Almighty God
02:07 Homeland Records Musicians - Track05 - Sinner Saved By Grace
02:02 Huntley Brown - Track03 - Agnus Dei
01:59 BMG Entertainment - Track 10 You've Got A Friend
01:58 Spirit Email Promo 001
01:54 Maranatha - Track12 - We Fall Down
01:53 Holy God We Praise Thy Name - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track17
01:51 Brentwood Musicians - Track09 - Something Beautiful
01:47 Dino - Track01 - Miracles Theme
01:43 Earl Klugh - Track11 - Wishful Thinking
01:39 David Arivett - Track08 - Rio
01:34 Gary Prim - Track11 - God So Loved The World
01:33 Children Of The Heavenly Father - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent - Track12
01:28 Bruce Greer - Track03 - Find Us Faithful
01:28 Spirit Email Promo 002
01:25 In The Shadow Of Your Wings - The John Tesh Project - Pure Hymns CD - Spur-McNeil - Track11
01:20 Kenny G - Track08 - Morning
01:17 Clint Brown - Track02 - At Sunrise
01:14 Cristo la Roca - Edwin Sepulveda - Todo lo que respira CD - Track10
01:11 Cool Springs Praise Orchestra - Track06 - Open The Eyes Of My Heart
01:07 Jay Leach - Track05 - More Than Happy
01:04 He Is Our Peace-It Is Well With My Soul - Bruce Greer - Track09
01:01 James Galway - Track05 - Come to My Garden
00:59 Diadem Music - Track09 - My Faith Has Found
00:59 Spirit Email Promo 001
00:55 Greg Howlett - Track11 - I'd Rather Have Jesus
00:50 George Furlow - Track05 - Knowing You
00:48 Hymn of Christian Joy - Christopher Parkening - Simple Gifts CD - G.Young - Track08
00:44 Mark McClure - Track10 - Take This Life
00:41 Maranatha Orchestra - Track06 - Glorify Thy Name
00:38 Easter Song - Bruce Greer - To Know Your Heart CD - A. Herring - Track05
00:36 Israel - Jim Brickman from the Grace CD - Jim Brickman SESAC - Track02
00:33 Steven Anderson - Track18 - And Can It Be
00:29 All Who Are Thirsty - Adam Dickens - Be The Centre CD - B.Brown-G.Robertson - Track04
00:29 Spirit Email Promo 002
00:24 Jorge Mitjans - Holy, Worthy
00:21 Forever - Power Praise CD (Cool Springs Artists) - C. Tomlin - Track03
00:18 Maranatha Music - Track09 - Come, Let Us Worship And Bow Down
00:14 Linda McKechnie - Track02 - Nearer, Still Nearer
00:13 God Be With You - Steven Anderson - Classic Piano Hymns - Madacy Ent. number - title) - Track23
00:09 He Lives-Because He Lives - Stan Whitmire - Songs of the Resurrection CD - ASCAP - Track01
00:06 Bruce & Lisa - Track10 - Holy, Holy, Holy
00:01 Breathe Again - Adam Dickens - Be The Centre CD - A.Dickens - Track07
00:00 Spirit Email Promo 001

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