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Yesteryears are here to stay 😘 love to listen to it from Hamburg North Germany keep on doing it🕊
Eli Cavazos03.07.2022
Outstanding! Nobody is doing this but Souldies, I love and it keep it real!
Debbie Painter15.04.2022
I can’t believe I came across such a wonderful station. The lectures and positive vibes from your morning DJ is incredible. As a Native myself, I’m more proud than ever hearing his motivational talks regarding our indigenous people and how the Chicano community is no different. We’re are loud and proud, viva Souldies Radio!! ❤️❤️
Trevor Hare17.12.2021
Listening from the North of the UK. Great tunes, keep up the good work. A lot of 60s Souldies cross over to the UK Northern Soul scene. We have much in common!
Roberta Gonzalez13.10.2021
Awesome station keep that music rolling 💃🏼🕺🎶
Theresa Navarro18.09.2021
Wow best radio station for oldies and rembering old times. Thank you so much to DJ La Raza for the music and informative information regarding La Raza. Also shout out to DJ Eli awesome Friday nights❤❤❤
Chicali Nerey27.08.2021
Enjoying them firme rolitas! You guys get down like Charlie Brown! Q Vo! ❤️❤️❤️
Nita Kingsland23.07.2021
Love this all😁💜
Myriam Famania20.05.2021
Brooklyn NY in the house Love the MUSIC, Y'all really throw down!! it takes me back to those good old days and some...My older brother loves it too....Wepaaaaaaa! ya tu it