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Playlist SongCast Radio Rock & Metal

Non sai quale canzone stanno suonando in radio? Utilizza il nostro servizio per scoprirlo! La nostra playlist memorizza un elenco delle tracce su SongCast Radio Rock & Metal dei 7 giorni precedenti.

23:54 Viogression | 3rd Stage of Decay | From Dust | 1786636
23:48 Intuition | Turn It On | Don't Let Me Go | 147220
23:43 Redhorse | United We Stand | United We Stand | 1783848
23:41 U.S. Chaos | For Being Young | For Being Young | 2040786
23:37 | | SongCastRadio |
23:34 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076701
23:31 Negative Man | Nobody Cares | Nobody Cares | 1654372
23:31 | | SongCastRadio |
23:29 Teri Hart | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbon | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbons | 34609
23:25 Intuition | Turn It On | Hearts Of Fire | 147218
23:21 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076699
23:18 Kid Hustle | Bones | Bones | 1820349
23:11 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Not a Slave | 1732291
23:06 Meerkeime | A Grave for Your Grief | A Grave for Your Grief | 1746629
23:01 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | CUSoon | 288354
22:58 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | What Goes Around | 1732290
22:57 | | SongCastRadio |
22:52 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Take Hold | 288351
22:48 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Nights Calling Your Name | 1838677
22:48 | | SongCastRadio |
22:45 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Rockabilly Rebell | 861590
22:43 The Stun Gunz | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Lookin In The City (v. BBC 4 Mix) | 407663
22:41 Mercy Vibe | Peaceful Med | Peaceful Med | 1955887
22:34 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Chaos | 1732299
22:32 Ny Relx | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Living In The Third World | 407659
22:27 Intuition | Turn It On | Outta Love | 147221
22:23 Intuition | Turn It On | In Love Again | 147222
22:19 Intuition | Turn It On | Goin' Crazy | 147219
22:15 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Stained Glass | 1838678
22:11 Skoshe | Stained Glass | The Letter | 1838676
22:07 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Run Now | 1732294
22:07 | | SongCastRadio |
22:04 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | The Hunter | 426949
22:00 The Moths | Sunset Blues | Sunset Blues | 953672
21:56 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Babylon | 1981167
21:54 The Guilloteens | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Evil Morning Kills Me | 407662
21:51 Rodney Burgess | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | 1686092
21:49 Commas Save Lives | Oink | Oink | 2045058
21:49 | | SongCastRadio |
21:45 John Michael Karnatz | We Keep On Rollin' | We Keep On Rollin' | 2084930
21:40 Rust Age | Sins & Dreams | Ultimate Sin | 2062207
21:40 | | SongCastRadio |
21:35 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Another Place Another Time | 1981162
21:33 The Mishaps | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Scene And Heard | 407661
21:28 Cia Dm | Ou Va Le Monde? | Ou Va Le Monde? | 1764815
21:25 Southdogrock | The Street | The Street | 1646411
21:24 | | SongCastRadio |
21:19 Jacob Marshall | RedHot | RedHot | 2054216
21:15 Lucrecia | All I Want Is You | All I Want Is You | 579704
21:11 Intuition | Turn It On | Night By Night (Demo) | 147227
21:06 Tinalien | Running Away (What's the Reason) | Running Away (What's the Reason) | 1656408
21:05 | | SongCastRadio |
21:01 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Before Tomorrow | 2036999
20:57 Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | No One Gets Out Alive | 619935
20:53 Welcome To The Numb | Walls | Walls | 1540231
20:43 Gar Wicca | Tuff Stuff | Rebles | 2077777
20:39 Lucrecia | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | 534443
20:36 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Crazy | 2036998
20:33 Lucrecia | Insanity In The City | Insanity In The City | 537652
20:32 | | SongCastRadio |
20:28 Tin Alien | World's Apart | World's Apart | 1834696
20:25 Kid Zapper | Please Stop the War | Please Stop the War | 1868052
20:24 | | SongCastRadio |
20:18 Keyboard John | She's Leavin' | She's Leavin' | 1745650
20:13 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Ice & Fire | 2036995
20:10 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Heartbreaker | 2036996
20:05 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Go On | 2036997
20:03 Mike Gough | Ride Away | Ride Away | 2088040
19:59 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | The Devils Cross | 2037001
19:56 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | To All the Girls | 861581
19:56 | | SongCastRadio |
19:51 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | 426950
19:49 Pepsi Generation | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Trendy !@#$ Up | 407658
19:49 | | SongCastRadio |
19:45 Alex Brighenti & Bill Gillham | Mirthwood Forest | Mirthwood Forest | 1160416
19:41 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Marks Blow | 277346
19:37 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Its Only Make Believe | 861586
19:35 John Bordonaro | Ronda | Ronda | 2086465
19:35 | | SongCastRadio |
19:31 Against The Plagues | Calculated Treason | Calculated Treason | 2061817
19:28 Snake Venom Superman | Malleus Maleficarum | Malleus Maleficarum | 2042854
19:28 | | SongCastRadio |
19:22 Viogression | 3rd Stage of Decay | From Dust | 1786636
19:16 Intuition | Turn It On | Don't Let Me Go | 147220
19:12 Redhorse | United We Stand | United We Stand | 1783848
19:09 U.S. Chaos | For Being Young | For Being Young | 2040786
19:05 | | SongCastRadio |
19:02 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076701
18:59 Negative Man | Nobody Cares | Nobody Cares | 1654372
18:57 Teri Hart | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbon | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbons | 34609
18:53 Intuition | Turn It On | Hearts Of Fire | 147218
18:49 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076699
18:46 Kid Hustle | Bones | Bones | 1820349
18:46 | | SongCastRadio |
18:40 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Not a Slave | 1732291
18:35 Meerkeime | A Grave for Your Grief | A Grave for Your Grief | 1746629
18:34 | | SongCastRadio |
18:29 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | CUSoon | 288354
18:26 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | What Goes Around | 1732290
18:20 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Take Hold | 288351
18:16 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Nights Calling Your Name | 1838677
18:13 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Rockabilly Rebell | 861590
18:11 The Stun Gunz | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Lookin In The City (v. BBC 4 Mix) | 407663
18:09 Mercy Vibe | Peaceful Med | Peaceful Med | 1955887
18:06 | | SongCastRadio |
18:03 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Chaos | 1732299
18:00 Ny Relx | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Living In The Third World | 407659
18:00 | | SongCastRadio |
17:56 Intuition | Turn It On | Outta Love | 147221
17:51 Intuition | Turn It On | In Love Again | 147222
17:51 | | SongCastRadio |
17:47 Intuition | Turn It On | Goin' Crazy | 147219
17:43 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Stained Glass | 1838678
17:43 | | SongCastRadio |
17:39 Skoshe | Stained Glass | The Letter | 1838676
17:35 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Run Now | 1732294
17:32 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | The Hunter | 426949
17:29 The Moths | Sunset Blues | Sunset Blues | 953672
17:28 | | SongCastRadio |
17:25 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Babylon | 1981167
17:22 The Guilloteens | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Evil Morning Kills Me | 407662
17:22 | | SongCastRadio |
17:19 Rodney Burgess | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | 1686092
17:17 Commas Save Lives | Oink | Oink | 2045058
17:17 | | SongCastRadio |
17:13 John Michael Karnatz | We Keep On Rollin' | We Keep On Rollin' | 2084930
17:08 Rust Age | Sins & Dreams | Ultimate Sin | 2062207
17:03 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Another Place Another Time | 1981162
17:01 The Mishaps | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Scene And Heard | 407661
16:56 Cia Dm | Ou Va Le Monde? | Ou Va Le Monde? | 1764815
16:53 Southdogrock | The Street | The Street | 1646411
16:48 Jacob Marshall | RedHot | RedHot | 2054216
16:44 Lucrecia | All I Want Is You | All I Want Is You | 579704
16:43 | | SongCastRadio |
16:39 Intuition | Turn It On | Night By Night (Demo) | 147227
16:34 Tinalien | Running Away (What's the Reason) | Running Away (What's the Reason) | 1656408
16:29 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Before Tomorrow | 2036999
16:25 Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | No One Gets Out Alive | 619935
16:21 Welcome To The Numb | Walls | Walls | 1540231
16:17 | | SongCastRadio |
16:12 Gar Wicca | Tuff Stuff | Rebles | 2077777
16:08 Lucrecia | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | 534443
16:07 | | SongCastRadio |
16:04 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Crazy | 2036998
16:01 Lucrecia | Insanity In The City | Insanity In The City | 537652
16:01 | | SongCastRadio |
15:57 Tin Alien | World's Apart | World's Apart | 1834696
15:53 Kid Zapper | Please Stop the War | Please Stop the War | 1868052
15:46 Keyboard John | She's Leavin' | She's Leavin' | 1745650
15:46 | | SongCastRadio |
15:42 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Ice & Fire | 2036995
15:38 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Heartbreaker | 2036996
15:34 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Go On | 2036997
15:31 Mike Gough | Ride Away | Ride Away | 2088040
15:31 | | SongCastRadio |
15:27 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | The Devils Cross | 2037001
15:24 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | To All the Girls | 861581
15:20 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | 426950
15:18 Pepsi Generation | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Trendy !@#$ Up | 407658
15:17 | | SongCastRadio |
15:13 Alex Brighenti & Bill Gillham | Mirthwood Forest | Mirthwood Forest | 1160416
15:10 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Marks Blow | 277346
15:09 | | SongCastRadio |
15:05 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Its Only Make Believe | 861586
15:03 John Bordonaro | Ronda | Ronda | 2086465
15:00 Against The Plagues | Calculated Treason | Calculated Treason | 2061817
14:56 Snake Venom Superman | Malleus Maleficarum | Malleus Maleficarum | 2042854
14:50 Viogression | 3rd Stage of Decay | From Dust | 1786636
14:44 Intuition | Turn It On | Don't Let Me Go | 147220
14:40 Redhorse | United We Stand | United We Stand | 1783848
14:37 U.S. Chaos | For Being Young | For Being Young | 2040786
14:34 | | SongCastRadio |
14:30 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076701
14:28 Negative Man | Nobody Cares | Nobody Cares | 1654372
14:27 | | SongCastRadio |
14:25 Teri Hart | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbon | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbons | 34609
14:21 Intuition | Turn It On | Hearts Of Fire | 147218
14:21 | | SongCastRadio |
14:17 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076699
14:14 Kid Hustle | Bones | Bones | 1820349
14:08 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Not a Slave | 1732291
14:03 Meerkeime | A Grave for Your Grief | A Grave for Your Grief | 1746629
14:03 | | SongCastRadio |
13:58 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | CUSoon | 288354
13:54 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | What Goes Around | 1732290
13:54 | | SongCastRadio |
13:49 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Take Hold | 288351
13:44 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Nights Calling Your Name | 1838677
13:44 | | SongCastRadio |
13:42 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Rockabilly Rebell | 861590
13:39 The Stun Gunz | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Lookin In The City (v. BBC 4 Mix) | 407663
13:37 Mercy Vibe | Peaceful Med | Peaceful Med | 1955887
13:31 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Chaos | 1732299
13:28 Ny Relx | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Living In The Third World | 407659
13:28 | | SongCastRadio |
13:24 Intuition | Turn It On | Outta Love | 147221
13:19 Intuition | Turn It On | In Love Again | 147222
13:19 | | SongCastRadio |
13:16 Intuition | Turn It On | Goin' Crazy | 147219
13:11 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Stained Glass | 1838678
13:07 Skoshe | Stained Glass | The Letter | 1838676
13:04 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Run Now | 1732294
13:03 | | SongCastRadio |
13:00 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | The Hunter | 426949
12:57 The Moths | Sunset Blues | Sunset Blues | 953672
12:53 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Babylon | 1981167
12:50 The Guilloteens | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Evil Morning Kills Me | 407662
12:50 | | SongCastRadio |
12:48 Rodney Burgess | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | 1686092
12:45 Commas Save Lives | Oink | Oink | 2045058
12:45 | | SongCastRadio |
12:41 John Michael Karnatz | We Keep On Rollin' | We Keep On Rollin' | 2084930
12:37 Rust Age | Sins & Dreams | Ultimate Sin | 2062207
12:36 | | SongCastRadio |
12:31 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Another Place Another Time | 1981162
12:29 The Mishaps | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Scene And Heard | 407661
12:24 Cia Dm | Ou Va Le Monde? | Ou Va Le Monde? | 1764815
12:21 Southdogrock | The Street | The Street | 1646411
12:16 Jacob Marshall | RedHot | RedHot | 2054216
12:12 Lucrecia | All I Want Is You | All I Want Is You | 579704
12:12 | | SongCastRadio |
12:07 Intuition | Turn It On | Night By Night (Demo) | 147227
12:02 Tinalien | Running Away (What's the Reason) | Running Away (What's the Reason) | 1656408
12:02 | | SongCastRadio |
11:57 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Before Tomorrow | 2036999
11:53 Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | No One Gets Out Alive | 619935
11:49 Welcome To The Numb | Walls | Walls | 1540231
11:40 Gar Wicca | Tuff Stuff | Rebles | 2077777
11:36 Lucrecia | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | 534443
11:32 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Crazy | 2036998
11:29 Lucrecia | Insanity In The City | Insanity In The City | 537652
11:25 Tin Alien | World's Apart | World's Apart | 1834696
11:21 Kid Zapper | Please Stop the War | Please Stop the War | 1868052
11:21 | | SongCastRadio |
11:14 Keyboard John | She's Leavin' | She's Leavin' | 1745650
11:10 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Ice & Fire | 2036995
11:06 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Heartbreaker | 2036996
11:06 | | SongCastRadio |
11:02 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Go On | 2036997
10:59 Mike Gough | Ride Away | Ride Away | 2088040
10:55 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | The Devils Cross | 2037001
10:52 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | To All the Girls | 861581
10:52 | | SongCastRadio |
10:48 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | 426950
10:46 Pepsi Generation | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Trendy !@#$ Up | 407658
10:41 Alex Brighenti & Bill Gillham | Mirthwood Forest | Mirthwood Forest | 1160416
10:38 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Marks Blow | 277346
10:34 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Its Only Make Believe | 861586
10:32 John Bordonaro | Ronda | Ronda | 2086465
10:28 Against The Plagues | Calculated Treason | Calculated Treason | 2061817
10:24 Snake Venom Superman | Malleus Maleficarum | Malleus Maleficarum | 2042854
10:24 | | SongCastRadio |
10:19 Viogression | 3rd Stage of Decay | From Dust | 1786636
10:13 Intuition | Turn It On | Don't Let Me Go | 147220
10:08 Redhorse | United We Stand | United We Stand | 1783848
10:06 U.S. Chaos | For Being Young | For Being Young | 2040786
10:02 | | SongCastRadio |
09:58 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076701
09:56 Negative Man | Nobody Cares | Nobody Cares | 1654372
09:53 Teri Hart | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbon | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbons | 34609
09:49 Intuition | Turn It On | Hearts Of Fire | 147218
09:46 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076699
09:43 Kid Hustle | Bones | Bones | 1820349
09:36 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Not a Slave | 1732291
09:31 Meerkeime | A Grave for Your Grief | A Grave for Your Grief | 1746629
09:26 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | CUSoon | 288354
09:22 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | What Goes Around | 1732290
09:22 | | SongCastRadio |
09:17 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Take Hold | 288351
09:12 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Nights Calling Your Name | 1838677
09:10 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Rockabilly Rebell | 861590
09:08 The Stun Gunz | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Lookin In The City (v. BBC 4 Mix) | 407663
09:05 Mercy Vibe | Peaceful Med | Peaceful Med | 1955887
08:59 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Chaos | 1732299
08:56 Ny Relx | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Living In The Third World | 407659
08:52 Intuition | Turn It On | Outta Love | 147221
08:47 Intuition | Turn It On | In Love Again | 147222
08:44 Intuition | Turn It On | Goin' Crazy | 147219
08:39 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Stained Glass | 1838678
08:35 Skoshe | Stained Glass | The Letter | 1838676
08:32 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Run Now | 1732294
08:28 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | The Hunter | 426949
08:25 The Moths | Sunset Blues | Sunset Blues | 953672
08:21 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Babylon | 1981167
08:18 The Guilloteens | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Evil Morning Kills Me | 407662
08:16 Rodney Burgess | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | 1686092
08:13 Commas Save Lives | Oink | Oink | 2045058
08:09 John Michael Karnatz | We Keep On Rollin' | We Keep On Rollin' | 2084930
08:05 Rust Age | Sins & Dreams | Ultimate Sin | 2062207
08:00 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Another Place Another Time | 1981162
07:57 The Mishaps | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Scene And Heard | 407661
07:57 | | SongCastRadio |
07:53 Cia Dm | Ou Va Le Monde? | Ou Va Le Monde? | 1764815
07:49 Southdogrock | The Street | The Street | 1646411
07:49 | | SongCastRadio |
07:44 Jacob Marshall | RedHot | RedHot | 2054216
07:40 Lucrecia | All I Want Is You | All I Want Is You | 579704
07:35 Intuition | Turn It On | Night By Night (Demo) | 147227
07:30 Tinalien | Running Away (What's the Reason) | Running Away (What's the Reason) | 1656408
07:30 | | SongCastRadio |
07:26 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Before Tomorrow | 2036999
07:21 Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | No One Gets Out Alive | 619935
07:18 Welcome To The Numb | Walls | Walls | 1540231
07:08 Gar Wicca | Tuff Stuff | Rebles | 2077777
07:04 Lucrecia | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | 534443
07:01 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Crazy | 2036998
06:57 Lucrecia | Insanity In The City | Insanity In The City | 537652
06:57 | | SongCastRadio |
06:53 Tin Alien | World's Apart | World's Apart | 1834696
06:49 Kid Zapper | Please Stop the War | Please Stop the War | 1868052
06:42 Keyboard John | She's Leavin' | She's Leavin' | 1745650
06:42 | | SongCastRadio |
06:38 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Ice & Fire | 2036995
06:34 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Heartbreaker | 2036996
06:30 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Go On | 2036997
06:28 Mike Gough | Ride Away | Ride Away | 2088040
06:27 | | SongCastRadio |
06:23 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | The Devils Cross | 2037001
06:21 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | To All the Girls | 861581
06:20 | | SongCastRadio |
06:16 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | 426950
06:14 Pepsi Generation | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Trendy !@#$ Up | 407658
06:14 | | SongCastRadio |
06:10 Alex Brighenti & Bill Gillham | Mirthwood Forest | Mirthwood Forest | 1160416
06:06 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Marks Blow | 277346
06:06 | | SongCastRadio |
06:02 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Its Only Make Believe | 861586
06:00 John Bordonaro | Ronda | Ronda | 2086465
05:56 Against The Plagues | Calculated Treason | Calculated Treason | 2061817
05:52 Snake Venom Superman | Malleus Maleficarum | Malleus Maleficarum | 2042854
05:47 Viogression | 3rd Stage of Decay | From Dust | 1786636
05:41 Intuition | Turn It On | Don't Let Me Go | 147220
05:36 Redhorse | United We Stand | United We Stand | 1783848
05:34 U.S. Chaos | For Being Young | For Being Young | 2040786
05:30 | | SongCastRadio |
05:26 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076701
05:24 Negative Man | Nobody Cares | Nobody Cares | 1654372
05:21 Teri Hart | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbon | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbons | 34609
05:18 Intuition | Turn It On | Hearts Of Fire | 147218
05:17 | | SongCastRadio |
05:14 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076699
05:11 Kid Hustle | Bones | Bones | 1820349
05:11 | | SongCastRadio |
05:04 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Not a Slave | 1732291
04:59 Meerkeime | A Grave for Your Grief | A Grave for Your Grief | 1746629
04:59 | | SongCastRadio |
04:54 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | CUSoon | 288354
04:50 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | What Goes Around | 1732290
04:45 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Take Hold | 288351
04:41 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Nights Calling Your Name | 1838677
04:38 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Rockabilly Rebell | 861590
04:36 The Stun Gunz | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Lookin In The City (v. BBC 4 Mix) | 407663
04:34 Mercy Vibe | Peaceful Med | Peaceful Med | 1955887
04:31 | | SongCastRadio |
04:27 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Chaos | 1732299
04:25 Ny Relx | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Living In The Third World | 407659
04:24 | | SongCastRadio |
04:20 Intuition | Turn It On | Outta Love | 147221
04:16 Intuition | Turn It On | In Love Again | 147222
04:15 | | SongCastRadio |
04:12 Intuition | Turn It On | Goin' Crazy | 147219
04:08 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Stained Glass | 1838678
04:07 | | SongCastRadio |
04:04 Skoshe | Stained Glass | The Letter | 1838676
04:00 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Run Now | 1732294
03:57 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | The Hunter | 426949
03:53 The Moths | Sunset Blues | Sunset Blues | 953672
03:53 | | SongCastRadio |
03:49 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Babylon | 1981167
03:47 The Guilloteens | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Evil Morning Kills Me | 407662
03:46 | | SongCastRadio |
03:44 Rodney Burgess | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | 1686092
03:42 Commas Save Lives | Oink | Oink | 2045058
03:41 | | SongCastRadio |
03:37 John Michael Karnatz | We Keep On Rollin' | We Keep On Rollin' | 2084930
03:33 Rust Age | Sins & Dreams | Ultimate Sin | 2062207
03:28 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Another Place Another Time | 1981162
03:25 The Mishaps | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Scene And Heard | 407661
03:21 Cia Dm | Ou Va Le Monde? | Ou Va Le Monde? | 1764815
03:17 Southdogrock | The Street | The Street | 1646411
03:12 Jacob Marshall | RedHot | RedHot | 2054216
03:08 Lucrecia | All I Want Is You | All I Want Is You | 579704
03:08 | | SongCastRadio |
03:03 Intuition | Turn It On | Night By Night (Demo) | 147227
02:58 Tinalien | Running Away (What's the Reason) | Running Away (What's the Reason) | 1656408
02:58 | | SongCastRadio |
02:54 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Before Tomorrow | 2036999
02:50 Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | No One Gets Out Alive | 619935
02:46 Welcome To The Numb | Walls | Walls | 1540231
02:41 | | SongCastRadio |
02:36 Gar Wicca | Tuff Stuff | Rebles | 2077777
02:32 Lucrecia | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | 534443
02:32 | | SongCastRadio |
02:29 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Crazy | 2036998
02:26 Lucrecia | Insanity In The City | Insanity In The City | 537652
02:25 | | SongCastRadio |
02:21 Tin Alien | World's Apart | World's Apart | 1834696
02:17 Kid Zapper | Please Stop the War | Please Stop the War | 1868052
02:11 Keyboard John | She's Leavin' | She's Leavin' | 1745650
02:10 | | SongCastRadio |
02:06 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Ice & Fire | 2036995
02:03 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Heartbreaker | 2036996
01:58 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Go On | 2036997
01:56 Mike Gough | Ride Away | Ride Away | 2088040
01:52 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | The Devils Cross | 2037001
01:49 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | To All the Girls | 861581
01:44 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | 426950
01:42 Pepsi Generation | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Trendy !@#$ Up | 407658
01:42 | | SongCastRadio |
01:38 Alex Brighenti & Bill Gillham | Mirthwood Forest | Mirthwood Forest | 1160416
01:34 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Marks Blow | 277346
01:34 | | SongCastRadio |
01:30 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Its Only Make Believe | 861586
01:28 John Bordonaro | Ronda | Ronda | 2086465
01:24 Against The Plagues | Calculated Treason | Calculated Treason | 2061817
01:21 Snake Venom Superman | Malleus Maleficarum | Malleus Maleficarum | 2042854
01:15 Viogression | 3rd Stage of Decay | From Dust | 1786636
01:12 The Moths | Sunset Blues | Sunset Blues | 953672
01:11 | | SongCastRadio |
01:09 The Mishaps | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Scene And Heard | 407661
01:06 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | To All the Girls | 861581
01:01 Intuition | Turn It On | In Love Again | 147222
00:57 Skoshe | Stained Glass | The Letter | 1838676
00:55 Pepsi Generation | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Trendy !@#$ Up | 407658
00:50 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Take Hold | 288351
00:50 | | SongCastRadio |
00:46 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Chaos | 1732299
00:42 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | The Devils Cross | 2037001
00:42 | | SongCastRadio |
00:38 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Marks Blow | 277346
00:35 Keyboard John | She's Leavin' | She's Leavin' | 1745650
00:35 | | SongCastRadio |
00:31 Intuition | Turn It On | Outta Love | 147221
00:28 Lucrecia | Insanity In The City | Insanity In The City | 537652
00:24 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | What Goes Around | 1732290
00:19 Tinalien | Running Away (What's the Reason) | Running Away (What's the Reason) | 1656408
00:16 Ny Relx | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Living In The Third World | 407659
00:14 Mike Gough | Ride Away | Ride Away | 2088040
00:11 The Stun Gunz | A Marty Munsch Production - 20 Years Of Punk Rock Records | Lookin In The City (v. BBC 4 Mix) | 407663
00:08 | | SongCastRadio |
00:04 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076701
00:00 Rust Age | Sins & Dreams | Ultimate Sin | 2062207

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