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sfSoundRadio playlist

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(now in Oakland 06:15)
23:59 JerryHunt Lattice Transphalba
23:06 AkosGarai Pilis
22:57 RicardoArias MusicaGlobal 36
22:29 RamonSender Ushas(1968)
22:25 TomDjll Smudge Covalents
22:21 Ligeti LeGrandMacabre Act2 Psssst!
22:17 MatthewSperry SoloBassVol.1 2
22:11 DeconstructingBeck SteevHise StuckTogetherFallingApart
22:08 LucFerrari LesAnecdotiques Merd'EzeFranceSeptembe
22:03 KellenShipley DeepBreaths StrangerInTheMirror
21:47 Porest IRememberSYRIA KazibCity
21:42 SpezzaRotto Escoltano!
21:41 KarlheinzStockhausen SamstagAusLicht LuzifersTanz Oberlippe Nase beide
21:30 ZeekSheck HotLinesForTheChildren SkyRider(r18)
21:21 PaulRudy ThemaOmaggioAfterBerio
21:17 MaximilianMarcoll Folgesatze 5
21:12 Spin17 KlangfarbenMelodie
21:09 TomSwafford Lazy
20:52 PeterBrotzmann MachineGun ThirdTake
20:48 TomDjll Live@ACME2004 Nibs
20:43 MarkApplebaum SockMonkey OnTheNatureOfTheModernAge
20:28 KyleBruckmann TechnologicalMusicVol2 IrreproducibleREslutD1
20:17 PascalDusapin Coda(1992)
20:10 CorFuhler Stengam 6
20:04 Miba - until something bigger stops you
19:56 LucianoBerio ThemaOmaggioAJoyce
19:46 GabrieleProy Schlachthof
19:42 TWANG&TWINE3 Live@Skronkathon2005
19:41 MatthewWelch HagAtTheChurn Indosax
19:36 HenryKuntz Infiiniity GrandfatherGrasshopper
19:30 GaryNoland PterodactylDit
19:18 JohnBischoff DecayTrace
19:10 BernardParmegiani DeNaturaSonorum PointsContreChamps
19:02 JasonBolte ChangeInTheSummation
19:01 VladimirUssachevsky SketchesForAComputerPiece 1(1971)
18:57 JamesTenney Dialogue(1963)
18:50 LeoSuarez DrumSet Ava
18:46 AndreaBelfi IgnazSchick Myth 02
18:45 CRES AudioArt KristinRoos ColourSeries YellowConstructionFence
18:40 Wobbly Live MyTurnToEatMe
18:33 Voicehandler EmptyAndWithoutPain
18:25 VladimirUssachevsky SonicContours
18:18 DenmanMaroney DoubleZeroPartVI
18:12 EvanParker FiveOfSix
18:02 ChayaCzernowin DieKreuzung(1995)
17:57 KarlheinzStockhausen SamstagAusLicht KathinkasGesang 8Stadium
17:52 MattDavignon bwoo Bwoo
17:43 LucFerrari CycleSouv 02
17:40 JamesCurnow UnderThreeFlags
17:34 LantskapLogic BehindTheLines
17:27 KeithRowe Untitled earbookCompilation
16:52 SubterraneanSky 5
16:48 Tellpussypitia DemonJukebox StringOfArtifacts
16:45 DanPlonsey IvoryBill SahaMeetsSabu
16:45 KarlheinzStockhausen SamstagAusLicht KathinkasGesang 5Stadium
16:42 OlgaNeuwirth LostHighway Scene3c
16:38 Known in Bakersfield - defense ground
16:36 GeordieHaley Sculptures Axion
16:35 ElliotSimpson LarryPolansky SongsAndToods No.1.Schneidertood
16:30 MarinaPeterson Athens.5
16:25 JamesColeman Theremin TheSingingSword
16:12 Polwechsel2 Hyogo
16:07 BernardParmegiani DeNaturaSonorum PleinsEtDelies
16:00 LucFerrari CycleSouv 05
15:36 KlangforumWien BeatFurrer Streichquartett1
15:28 RyojiIkeda PerSe Xenakis'PersepolisRemix
15:18 IChnites Egrenages&Pelage
15:16 KarlheinzStockhausen SamstagAusLicht LuzifersTanz Zungenspitzentanz
15:14 NathanHubbard ThreeSongs
15:04 MattDavignon SoftWetFishSolarFlare MagenticShell
14:54 Sixes pearlsBeforeWwine CursedBeast
14:49 EKG Electricals Field
14:42 LucFerrari CycleSouv 04
14:28 ThomBlum Squelch
14:16 LeoSmith WorldMusic AlvinCurran MaritimeRites
14:07 CRES AudioArt HeatherMcDermid Free Space
13:57 PascalDusapin Aks(1987)
13:51 LeoSuarez DrumSet Nopales
13:48 GyorgyLigeti AdagioMesto
13:48 MartineJoste JohnCage Haiku VII
13:40 MichalRataj IAmMoreVainThanWind
13:33 RaymondScott ManhattanResearch Auto-LiteSta-Ful 2
13:31 OlgaNeuwirth LostHighway Scene2a
13:20 JerryHunt Phalba(IlaMultiplex)
13:14 JoanaHolanda Instantanea
13:07 WillemDeRidder HaflerTrio Report Aerial#5
13:04 JeremiahCymerman Purification Dissolution CharnelGround
13:01 GinoRobair PlatesBlocksCups&Hair 13
12:57 BarryTruax TheWingsOfNike Coda
12:53 LarryPolansky Canon#5
12:42 KingUbuOrchestru Binaurality 04
12:39 PopularElectronics KainEnAbel ConflictCo
12:32 EnsembleRecherche SalvatoreSciarrino LoSpazioInverso
12:26 JohnGiorno GiveItToMeBaby(1967) 10 2AmericanTextSound
12:26 TomDissevelt PopularElectronics BassPattern
12:19 RichardBarrett Negatives 5.Entstellt
12:14 ChayaCzernowin ShiHai 1stOrchestralEntrance
12:06 IgnacioBacaLobera TempiIII
12:00 AngstHasePfefferNase Slugwater
11:35 CarlStone Unthaitled
11:29 DerekBailey Lace WhichBitWouldYouLikeAgain
11:17 CliffCaruthers Resist
11:14 GinoRobair SingularPleasures 11
11:06 ArteSonoroEnVenezuela MuuBlanco BerlinSoundscape
11:01 DanPlonsey FootballSeason ThirdQuarter
10:57 TomNunn BurningPalms FricticiousCritters
10:41 CliffCaruthers KillaloeMoon
10:34 TomDjll TimPerkis KINDA EducationOfASpeculator
10:23 Ligeti SanFranciscoPolyphony
10:13 ChristopherBurns HingeSpiral
10:09 PopularElectronics KainEnAbel ConflictRe
09:59 KingUbuOrchestru Binaurality 07
09:50 Beins Dorner Hayward Krebs Newumann Renkel Schick Phosphor 7
09:36 BulentArel StereoElectronicMusic No2(1970)
09:32 VladimirUssachevsky Linear Contrasts(1958)
09:25 NoahCreshevsky Hyperrealism CantoDiMalavita
09:20 MattNelson Starting Peace
09:12 DariusMilhaud LaRiviereEndormie(1954)
09:11 KarlheinzStockhausen SamstagAusLicht LuzifersTanz RechterBackentanz
09:04 LaurieSpiegel Hark Back mix
09:00 WilliamShatner KingHenryTheFifth
08:54 KrisTiner NoahPhillips SaraSchoenbeck BreatheInFeedOut Skujellifeddy
08:49 DoubleCelledOrganism SpaceToLet
08:44 Bran(...)Pos OceanFish
08:33 EdgardVarese Deserts bars83-224
08:13 MaggiPayne DavidBehrman Rl
08:10 StefanoScodanibbio ThollemMcDonas OnDebussysPianoAnd... WithTheWind
08:08 LucFerrari LesAnecdotiques SeaHoleL'EstaqueJuly2
08:00 AlistarMacDonald BoundForGlory
07:40 WendyCarlos SonicSeasonings MidnightSun
07:34 JohnOswald BellSpeeds
07:30 SergeModularUsers2009 HansGrusel Quarintimes
07:22 GrosseAbfahrt Vanity Kablamo
07:17 DajuinYao CinnebarRedDrizzle WordsWithoutASong
07:16 RaymondScott ManhattanResearch Gmgm1a
07:14 Porest IRememberSYRIA HaddadReprisal
07:10 MatthewSperryTrio 03
06:59 MatthewSperry JackWright Duets1998 1
06:53 GinoRobair PlatesBlocksCups&Hair 12
06:52 RaymondScott ManhattanResearch LadyGaylord
06:50 Xome KamiFuusen DeluxeIncinerator
06:50 KarlheinzStockhausen SamstagAusLicht LuzifersTanz BeideBacke beideAugen beideBrauen
06:47 StefanoScodanibbio ThollemMcDonas OnDebussysPianoAnd... AndOceansBetweenThem
06:45 JohnButcher GinoRobair NewOaklandBurr Snub
06:40 LouHarrison Labrynth FifthSymfony Brisk
06:32 AaronBennett Live@LuggageStore 8.19.99 05
06:25 PaulDemarinis Kokole
06:19 EnsembleSurPlus BrianFerneyhough Coloratura
06:14 CCM Interview2(1971)
06:04 HansGruselsKrankenkabinet BlaueBloodedTuren PulseWidthedDoors
05:47 RobertDow WhenAllIsSilent
05:45 Wobbly Live NotBreached
05:40 GregSinibaldi Cut
05:25 BarryTruax Temple
05:19 JohannaBreyer MusicOfTheSpheres
05:10 JohnCage FirstConstructionInMetal
05:07 PopularElectronics ColonelBogey
05:06 GeordieHaley Sculptures Ditaton
04:51 DeepListeningBand LookingBack Tremper
04:44 HadleyMcCarroll MorganGuberam PianoPiece3
04:42 KarlheinzStockhausen SamstagAusLicht KathinkasGesang Die11Posaunentone
04:21 EricLyon Butter
04:18 PlansInclines DeFormeSpirale 05
04:17 Porest PrudeJuice LifeSentences
04:00 Penderecki Fluorescenses
03:58 DouglasCourt Southwinds
03:46 BorisHaufSextet GregoryGrantMachine
03:35 MusicFromOberlin OlllyWilson PianoPiece(1969)
03:28 CurtisRoads Now(2003)
03:21 Wobbly Live StillupsampleBirds
02:58 KrystofPenderecki Partita
02:23 WarnerJepson Totentanz
02:16 LouHarrison Labrynth FifthSymfony SlowAndDramatic
02:12 PeiShanKao there... !
02:11 sfSoundGroup 8ImprovisationsOnLigeti 5
02:04 KrisTiner NoahPhillips SaraSchoenbeck BreatheInFeedOut ForceASmoothThing
01:49 PhillipSchulze CauseUnfoldProceed2
01:40 JonAppleton TenSquareTimesTen
01:34 TomDjll PopcornMusic
01:30 GinoRobair SingularPleasures RingingSystems
00:56 Efzeg Grain 03
00:52 IannisXenakis ConcretPH(1958)
00:40 Fred Frith - No Birds
00:20 FranklinCox ChrisBurns Warp
00:19 Nancarrow Septet Fragment(1940) III
00:13 SpezzaRotto GermogliDiGustoMagico
00:08 GailBrand TimPerkis GinoRobair JohnShiurba MatthewSperry SupermodelSupermodel NaomiNaomi
00:06 ThingNY MINI 001

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